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Anyone remember when we had outhouses behind the house?
CheinMemberWho says your husbands style is not better than your fathers style? Perhaps he is correct.
CheinMembergavra: I don’t intend to be caustic, but I think often your brief comments are open to misinterpretation.
CheinMemberyic: Maybe Chochom can see if the Satmar Yeshiva is more his thing.
CheinMemberAlso, since a shadchan does not pay for a shidduch which does not end in marriage (or engagement, depending on the community), the compensation for a successful one may be higher than for other services with a different system (e.g. a defense lawyer who gets paid even if his client is convicted) or success rate (e.g. a plumber who is able to properly fix the problem 99% of the time).
Using that criteria it would seem a better comparison to a shadchan would be a real estate broker or life insurance salesman, who also can put in a lot of work and gets no compensation if the potential customers doesn’t buy.
CheinMemberquark2, Stop trying to drey a kup here. People here want to serve Hashem to the best of their ability. No, that doesn’t mean they are Satmar or Chasidish or “super frum”, it just means they are Ovdei Hashem be it Litvak, Sefardic, or Chasidic.
And if you find it “repulsive” that someone will not go to movies and expresses why movies are not in line with the Torah, then you are in the wrong place quark.
CheinMemberHow do the non-frum abuse the concept of ohr lagoyim? What do they try to fly under this banner?
CheinMemberHow do the reform/conservatives abuse the concept of tikun haolam? What are they claiming it as?
CheinMemberIn simple words, anyone who ridicules a Talmid Chochom is an apikorus and will burn for it.
CheinMemberSo clearly whee there is no custom to pay the Rama rules it is not obligatory to pay and a present is sufficient.
I believe that in New York non-professional (i.e. family/friends/etc) is not customary to pay and a gift is common instead.
CheinMembergavra: How about turning on a fluorescent light bulb?
CheinMemberDH: What is the context of those two pesukim?
CheinMemberIn our circles I also believe we give an expensive gift (rather than money) to the shadchan.
CheinMemberMichaelC: Isn’t that the case whichever way? The minhagim go according to the husband, and halachicly the wife adopts her husbands minhagim.
CheinMemberIf the normal people had their own coffee room it would be popular but the super lenient/borderline frum wouldn’t have too many people to talk to in their separate room.
CheinMemberWhich takanos from the rabbonim are based on tikun haolam?
CheinMemberThanks You observanteen. I’m going to take your advice.
CheinMemberWe didn’t give any shadchanus gelt to anyone when I became engaged.
Why not?
CheinMemberIn my opinion, yes.
CheinMemberWhat does frowned upon mean? If an employee quits without giving 2 weeks notice it is not right but the company doesn’t have any legal recourse. The same is true in the reverse if the company stiffs the employee from severance pay.
CheinMemberI went through the Litvish Yeshiva system through and through. And in the frum Litvish Yeshivas movies are one of the biggest no-nos. I know the less frum schools don’t care too much if you watch a movie, but I am discussing the frum schools.
CheinMemberDon’t try to kasher pork quark2.
CheinMemberJust like you are expected to give the company 2 weeks notice before leaving, they are similarly expected to give the employee 2 weeks minimum notice before firing or the equivalent severance pay. It extends both ways.
CheinMemberI agree. If we did it with a younger frum crowd it would probably be much higher rate of having never watched, compared to the older crowd who have in the past watched – even though they’ve since stopped.
CheinMemberquark2: There is absolutely positively no “need” to see a movie. There is a no excuse. You know it has pritzus. It is prohibited.
CheinMemberSimply be a good Jew and you’ll be an ohr lagoyim. Nothing more than being a good Jew faithfully following the Torah is needed.
CheinMemberquark2: See “WIY”‘s comment. It already answered your point. You should look down when walking in Wal-Mart on on the street (in NY or anywhere) to avoid seeing pritzus/non-tznius. You go to a movie knowing, or should knowing, there will be non-tznius (unless it is a totally animated film as was pointed out.) There simply is no excuse. You won’t be able to tell the beis din shel maila any excuses.
CheinMemberHow can anyone determine “the customary rate” when bpt says it is $500 maximum (per side) and AZ says it is $1,000 minimum (per side)? Clearly there is a disagreement over what even is the “customary rate”!
July 28, 2011 2:25 pm at 2:25 pm in reply to: need for mental health facilities in our community #893572CheinMemberTop Manhattan psychiatrists cost $750.00 per 45 minute session. (At least the last I check about 4 years ago.)
CheinMemberCan children go in the pool during the 9 days?
CheinMemberSome people dress the part but don’t act the part. Some people act the part but don’t dress the part.
I’ll stand up for the latter anytime.
CheinMemberSpeak to a Rov. Not a Rabbi; a choshuve Rov that is known to help with Shalom Bayis.
CheinMemberThe only way out is i just stop giving my wife the paycheck but this will likely not end up good. so i am stuck.
It sounds like the problem is an expensive wife. Are you saying she wants to continue living her expensive lifestyle?
July 27, 2011 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm in reply to: Some want to prohibit use of Facebook? Older Singles occupy themselves with it! #790506CheinMemberOfcourse: And these older singles you refer to in the OP are at risk of engaging in these far worse ills?
July 27, 2011 11:28 pm at 11:28 pm in reply to: Some want to prohibit use of Facebook? Older Singles occupy themselves with it! #790504CheinMemberWhy is Facebook a lesser ill than the other ills of society?
CheinMemberBe defended from someone who is from a country where you can get citizenship
What does that mean?
CheinMembertracht & adorable: How are you Canadian citizens? Were you born there or did you get it through your parents?
July 27, 2011 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm in reply to: PLEASE HELP, ONLY RESPOND IF YOU ARE A MATURE HOMEOWNER> #790907CheinMemberYes, it’s mesira. Take her to Beis Din. IF she refuses to come, THEN the Beis Din can authorize further action IF the Dayanim determine it is halachicly permissible. Otherwise mesira.
CheinMemberWhy would he be exempt from Swiss taxes?
Also, I doubt Switzerland is a good representation of taxes generally in Europe.
Which Facebook user here never saw a non-tzniusdik/prtizusdik picture on FB?
(If anyone is embarrassed to answer ’tis okay; we’ll count all non-responders as a nay.)
CheinMemberI sure hope you don’t plan on beating the mods with that metal!
July 27, 2011 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909498CheinMemberI’m talking about girls going for more than a bachelors. They’re going for a Ph.D. or a masters, and they put shidduchim on the ice so they can focus on the education. This causes them to age and by time they are ready to look for a shidduch it is so much tougher for them.
(It could be some of them aren’t even consciously making a decision to delay shidduchim, and they are in fact nominally looking for a shidduch while trying to become a doctor or lawyer or whatever. Nevertheless, that pursuit often takes their focus away and does delay their shidduch. When they finally are finished with their schooling, the quality men are married and even the raw numbers itself is insufficient if we accept the age gap problem.)
Another related point is that very often the highly educated girls think so highly of themselves that they feel all the men they are dating are beneath them, causing them to simply reject everyone.
July 27, 2011 5:01 pm at 5:01 pm in reply to: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up #909496CheinMemberThe pursuit of a higher education is often the reason she delays her shidduchim.
CheinMemberThat new law it is referring to applies to non-citizens wishing to naturalize as a Hungarian citizen. In 2011 they liberalized it to allow anyone who descends from pre-1920 areas that used to be in Hungary (i.e. “ethinic Hungarians”) even if they do not live in the modern borders of Hungary to apply for citizenship.
Nevertheless, my previous comment on those who descend from someone who was a Hungarian citizen any time from 1920 on (when its modern day borders came into existence after the first world war) are citizens automatically (and therefore need not naturalize) still stands.
Many other countries (especially in Europe) have similar “jus sanguinis” citizenship laws.
CheinMemberA negative of dual citizenship is that you can be subject to obligations such as military service and jury duty in either country.
You may actually be a dual citizen already without you having done anything or even knowing about it. Many countries automatically consider the children of citizens to automatically be a citizen at birth, regardless where they are born. So if your great-grandfather was (say) a Hungarian citizen but moved to the U.S. in the 1920’s, and your grandfather, father and yourself were all born in the U.S. (and never even visited Hungary), you, your father and grandfather would still all be citizens of Hungary.
What, if any, obligations that technically entails you to as a Hungarian citizen (i.e. military) I don’t know. But I don’t believe they have a military draft currently in any event. (Although, like anything, that may change in the future.)
CheinMemberapushatayid is right. I’m going to now try to save Jackie Mason’s neshama before it is too late.
Anyone have his number?
CheinMemberI and the other posters am interested in the truths Ben Levi is pointing out, even if the truth hurts. We need to insure no further false accusations against innocent people accused of abuse destroys any more lives or families.
CheinMemberAsk Grandpa. 🙂
I’m sure some of the Grandpa’s or Grandma’s in the CR would be happy to fill you in.
You never saw those big tall clocks that tick and when it strikes midnight it chimes ding-ding-ding-ding?
CheinMemberI just flip my laptop over to read these posts. No biggie.
CheinMemberDoes it feel less Shabbosdik to see an electric frame changing pictures than to see an electric clock changing digits? Why?