Happy new year

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  • in reply to: Summer and Winter #2108141
    Happy new year

    You guys are all a bunch of amaratzim.
    The sun is actually CLOSER to us during the NORTHERN WINTER. How come NOBODY thought about the Southern half which is ALWAYS opposite of the north?? no one even mentioned it!!
    Summer and Winter comes from the 23.5 degree tilt of Earth. When south is tilted toward the sun = southern summer and northern winter, and vice versa.
    basic science, come on guys and gals.

    in reply to: I got a tesla (model Y) #2106793
    Happy new year

    do they have minivans?

    in reply to: I got a tesla (model Y) #2106792
    Happy new year

    How much does it cost?

    in reply to: Ywn is it really “yeshiva” world news #2106791
    Happy new year

    REAL yeshiva ppl, are NOT on the internet!
    GET OFF!

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105903
    Happy new year

    @Menachem Shmei
    You are suffering from wishful thinking.
    When Moshiach comes – they will be the LAST to accept him because they will say he is the Anti-xist who will be killed by their messiah.
    in fact, i believe, they will NEVER accept the One G-D or Moshiach and will have to executed according to Halacha.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105894
    Happy new year

    @Reb Eliezer
    with all due respect – that is not right to say.
    you are also only doing it as a custom of your fathers.
    and its not true at all. at least not today (maybe then).
    most of them came to this AZ themselves – they have a tayva for it – just like in the old days –
    IT WAS NEVER BATEL a total lie! dont tell me chazal say it was batel.
    with all due respect, it was never batel. AZ is just as much alive today as ever (obviously excluding the appx 35% of the world who is Muslim; [atheists 100% believe in AZ, they just dont worship it – they overpowered the gods of nature]).
    i dont know what chazal meant – but definitely not the simple explanation.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105720
    Happy new year

    @Menachem Shmei
    Christanity is NOT a shituf – their guy is the ONLY god for them! he is the creator; meaning they dont believe in God at all. just because they use shem shamayim for their god – remeber “az huchal likro bshem havaya”.
    They claim to only believe in one god – not a shituf. meaning, that person is their ONLY god!

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2105611
    Happy new year

    @Menachem Shmei
    first of all, most rishonim and the gemara holds it IS avoda zara for all – bferush. (any svara to be mchalek????????)
    Second, if the overwhelming shitas hold the world is flat – does that make it flat?

    the fact is that shituf is denying God ENTIRELY and is the SAME as ANY ancient avoda zara who viewed the god (sun, rain etc….) as manifestations of the supreme power.
    if god is a creation, then how do you know he exists – who created him? He must be the creator of all creation. if you think he is a creation – you are ENTIRLY DENYING the creator – exactly as ALL ancient avoda zaras.

    in reply to: Have the Evangelicals Gone too Far? #2104667
    Happy new year

    Evangelicals are the Devil’s soldiers

    in reply to: שנאת חינם #2104458
    Happy new year

    @cofee addict:
    The sinas chinam of 2nd temple was NOT between Rabbis and tzadoqin.
    We are SUPPOSED to hate the Reshaim – and even put them to death if that is according to the law of G-D.
    rather, the sinas chinam of 2nd temple was BETWEEN Torah observant jews and each other.
    kamtza and bar kamtza and the bal habayis were all frum jews

    in reply to: Neo Orthodoxy #2103379
    Happy new year

    i was silent until i saw @Yabia Omer’s comment.
    Study some Jewish history and poskim. Almost ALL Ashkenazim paskened ONLY like Rabenu Tam (in Shkiya – which im assuming you are referring to; correct if wrong plz). Maran Bet Yosef, and Rema, as well as most rishonim and achronim pasken BFERUSH like rabenu Tam – orach chaim 261 – Lkula ulchumra. And R’ Moshe who said 50 minutes wad aliba d’Rabenu Tam (otherwise its like 15-20 minutes at most). The Bach, who was against it, laments that in Krakow – the LARGEST jewish city in the world; 400 years ago! – ALL ppl there lit candles after shkiya on friday like Rabenu Tam – that was the ONLY shita. There is practically NO rishon that disagrees with him, except Mahram Alshaqar, whose only real svara is that its not the sphardi minhag – which is also the only svara of chacham ovadia to go against maran BET YOSEF orach chaim 261

    in reply to: Cell phone service Upstate #2099013
    Happy new year

    lets first get cell phone and internet service in Ocean County, NJ – then we could about upstate boondocks

    in reply to: We must stop the hostile takeover of YWNCR #2099012
    Happy new year

    I am EXTREMELY insulted!

    in reply to: Visiting the Har Habayis #2098680
    Happy new year

    They had the ashes of the Parah for 300 years after the churban – it was only after the cursed Christians expelled us from the land that we lost the ashes – and MUCH more etc…

    my Q is: when it’s the right time to build – how will we? the mishna in Parah says that by 2nd Temple they had ashes from that had been brought to Bavel and back (big sugya).
    If we need to build in order to have parah, then we have no choice but to go up btuma. and if we DONT need Miqdash for Parah – then why cant we do it now?

    in reply to: Visiting the Har Habayis #2098678
    Happy new year

    The fact that the religion of Islam (which just copied the jews) does not offer sacrifices is a shtikel proof (as well as many proofs from the Amoroim and the Gemara) that the jews of post-churban did not offer sacrifices on Bamos. This kinda disproves Raavads shita, as NO ONE – including Raavad himself – brought korbonos after the churban.
    remeber, if there is no kares or going on Har Habayis, there is no kares for Shita or Ha’alo Chutz – Bamos today would be permitted.
    Halacha, only goyim are allowed to bring korbanos today.

    in reply to: RECESSION 2022 #2098677
    Happy new year

    I hope it happens quick – so we can start the recovery already. The next 10 15 years should as amazing the last.

    in reply to: כח דהתירה עדיף #2096515
    Happy new year

    why do you think using the internet is putting ppl on the right side of history?
    maybe it’s the opposite

    in reply to: Kesuba vs Kollel #2096223
    Happy new year

    Alot of ppl focus on the husband not following halacha – but few focus on the wife (if supported) not being allowed to spend ANYTHING on her own EVEN IF SHE EARNED it, without his permission.
    Nowadays, when many women CAN work – THEY WANT to! so that they can spend their money as they please

    Happy new year

    my grandfather used to play with him and run around in shul together with him – they were best friends.
    My great grandfather was the Chazzan in the (father) Mattesdorfer’s shul. The “Matesdofa Roof” only allowed one person to daven there Yomim Noraim – my great grandfather – cuz he was the only one in America that knew the right ‘Nisuch’

    in reply to: Every Yids a safek mamzer #2091362
    Happy new year

    your internet works in the bathroom? lucky you!

    in reply to: Every Yids a safek mamzer #2091255
    Happy new year

    big sugya.
    look at yerushalmi yevamos 48, end of perek 8:3.

    in reply to: DANGEROUS LITVOCK ON THE LOOSE!!!!!! #2090762
    Happy new year

    in lakewood, the chassidim say tachnun even if it’s an hour after the first shkiyah.

    Happy new year

    Time is very relative. It is a creation – just like space and matter.
    Just like we can manipulate space and matter, we should be able to manipulate time as well.
    All of creation is contained in the first particle of light, Time, space and matter.
    There are parts of the universe today that are from a bygone past – and there are parts of the universe today that are part of a future era.
    Time and space go together. As time goes on, we enter a different space.
    To time travel, all we have to do is travel to that space.
    Easier said than done.

    in reply to: Cotton Tzitzis #2088604
    Happy new year

    @sensibleyid: we dont pasken like rebbi that tchelis is me’acev.

    The askenazi rishonim pasken like Rava that all minim are d’raysa, but the Sphardi rishonim pasken like R Nachman and Tana Dbei R Yshmael that only Wool and Linen are D’oraysa.
    (FYI, the Gaon wore Linen – not cotton, big difference! because his other undergarments were linen and he didnt want shaatnez – but linen is also d’oraysa for sure;
    but Rabenu Tam held wearing linen is Assur mdrabanan because might wear tchelis (wool) on it on a nighttime garment – which wont be doche the lav of shaatnez)

    in reply to: eretz yisreal #2085280
    Happy new year

    The Davidic dynasty has as much connection to modern Zionism as it did to the Byzantine Empire.

    in reply to: Unusual occupations for frum people. #2082391
    Happy new year

    Software Engineer for Google, Yahoo, Colgate, Microsoft and many others

    in reply to: The Russia-Ukraine War Hoax #2077784
    Happy new year

    Doing your best is doing his best to compare this Corona which really was a hoax, as we found out years later – but we knew all along.

    big difference, though, a war cant be staged – an invisible spiritual fictional virus – who can know if it’s real????

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2076917
    Happy new year

    and the truth is that ALL MAN MADE religions started as cults 100%

    The ONLY difference between one and the other is that G-D HAS a true WILL –
    once you find that TRUE WILL – you will know the difference between man made CULTS which became respected religions over time – and the true WILL of G-D will can AND will have major consequences for those who don’t follow it (if they are supposed to…..)

    And while there SHOULD be discussion about the what the TRUE will is, there should NOT be discussion about if it matters or not, once it is proven to be true.

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2076916
    Happy new year

    @Yserbius123 and Reb Eliezer,
    to say that religion doesn’t have consequences is LITTERALLY the dumbest thing you could say:
    throughout history ALL religions, including Judaism had – and WILL have soon – MAJOR consequences for dissenters – something a lot of ppl here might not be so happy about

    in reply to: Is there any difference between a religion and a cult? #2076117
    Happy new year

    ATHIESTS are just as religious as anyone else – they are polytheists %100.
    They worship the gods of Creation – and their belief system is just as religious as everyone else.
    just as radical as everyone else.

    Dont try to make it sound like they arent religious – that is PROPAGANDA!!

    in reply to: BACK PEYOS OR FRONT PEYOS? #2073091
    Happy new year

    @inquisitive girl :
    the jews in eastern europe spoke a Germanic language – not a slavic one (like the ppl in eastern europe)!
    be MORE inquisitive and actually study history and language.

    no they wore long coats cuz that is what everyone wore back then – a robe and turban became a long coat and fur hat. (im doing good btw)

    in reply to: BACK PEYOS OR FRONT PEYOS? #2072359
    Happy new year

    btw, many jews had long peyos way before chasidim – just like jews wore long coats and spoke yiddish way before them. in fact, most of what we “call” chasidish today, is actually what mot jews had all along. (so “chasidish” is actually reffering to something else entirely)

    The yeminite jews have had peyos for a long time, and the LITVAKS and graniks (cant get any less chasidish than that) had peyos and STILL have peyos. it was the modern yeshivas in the 1800′ that took it all off.
    Thank You for the history lesson!

    in reply to: taanit notzrim #2041217
    Happy new year

    All goyim had holidays on Sunday which is for the god Sun (the Shamash of the heavens and Son of all powers). Gm avoda zara first perek. the Christians moved sabath to sunday to appease the goyim.

    The original girsa was like maharsha, “gelilim”, but later ppl changed to notzrim cuz they thought the censors changed, but didnt. thats why we have it.

    in reply to: Keeping my last name when married #2036711
    Happy new year

    @Shimon Nodel:
    it seems you are suffering from severe PTSD

    in reply to: Nishmas Seminary #2026936
    Happy new year

    The principle reb jacobowitz is amazing. There’s being open houses in 3 places too

    in reply to: Kayin builds a city #2012417
    Happy new year

    Obviously, we all know that lemech killed kayin, if you look in Koheleth Rabbah 6:3 it only says that the mabul washed away his body so he didnt have kvurah

    in reply to: Kayin builds a city #2012220
    Happy new year

    You guys are all forgetting that Kayin lived hundreds of years and he probably built this city hundreds of years later, at a point that they were thousands of people around. Remember, each person “Vyoled banim ubanos” there were TONZ of people by then.

    in reply to: Kayin builds a city #2012222
    Happy new year

    this was HUNDREDS of years later and by then there were TONZ of people around for cities.

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