Forum Replies Created
January 2, 2025 3:45 pm at 3:45 pm in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348254Happy new yearParticipant
What we are saying is that we are not counting the years from the start of their religion, but rather from the Common Era, the accepted year of counting in modern times.
It is used by secularism as well, so it is just a socially accepted year, hence “Common Era”, of the commonly accepted time.
Not connected to religion anymore.
Agav, the years were arbitrarily chosen in 523 CE for one reason: because it was 70 years before the Churban Bes Hamikdash.
That’s accurate.The birth of their god was not then anyway.
They said that because it was 70 years before the Churban.So, it’s actually a Jewish calendar, based on the Churban.
But I get your point, nonetheless.December 16, 2024 10:50 am at 10:50 am in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2341726Happy new yearParticipantI was gonna respond with an anti zionist attack, but when I saw that your 2 sons are involved, I realized it’s better to refrain.
Shomer Yisrael should protect them.
Happy new yearParticipantIt’s hilarious when the same people who are against protests of smartphones, are the same ones who wouldn’t let a kid, or teacher, come to school without vaccines and immunizations.
Happy new yearParticipantWorking people don’t NEED birchas Kohanim or any Tefillah at all.
They are Yotze with the Tzibbur, while they are at work.But we do need to keep Shabbos.
And since the Minhag among non-chassidim is to keep Shabbos from when the Sun goes under the horizon (an opinion that has NO basis in Torah or Chazal, and is actually quite laughable when seeing how Chazal argued intensely about when Bein haShmashos starts, clearly NOT as simple as when the sun goes under the horizon – the official Ashkenazi minhag has always been a later shkiyah, and even Bet Yosef, the leading sfardi posek, held that way as well. But the Sfardi minhag is to follow the first shkiyah),
And most frum people live in places when sundown is at 430 nowadays.
This is a BIG problem. And there are not many options to resolve it OTHER than abolishing standard time.THE AGUDAH, AND ASKANIM, SHOULD BE PROMOTING THE ABOLISHMENT OF STANDARD TIME.
UNTIL THEN, THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE ONE PENNY FROM ME!!Happy new yearParticipantWhat about men?
Should be about the same….If anything, the question should be the opposite….
Happy new yearParticipantAs jews, we’re supposed to follow the Torah. Nothing more, nothing less.
All this other stuff is a new religion. Like other new religions.
Happy new yearParticipantThe whole purpose of the stripes is to remind us of the Tcheles (see Trumas Hadeshen)
So it should be blue. Why it was historically black is the better question. Perhaps it was easier in olden times
October 29, 2024 11:14 pm at 11:14 pm in reply to: Jews must recognize the mysterious world #2327924Happy new yearParticipantKabalah is Lhepech from Torah. Granted, it’s old. Very old. But also very dangerous, as can be seen from looking around the world. Most of the enemies of the Jews, over the last 2000 years (Christianiaty and Islam), come from Kabalah.
Having said that, it’s also important to remember that we need Kabalah, Ruach haKodesh, Tchias haMesim etc… (otherwise known as Prishus and Chasidus – see braisa of R Pinchas ben Yair), to survive the long and confusing Galus.
But always remember: the Torah is the #1 priority!
Don’t fall into the trap of Ruchnius!
The Bris is the Torah. Studying the Law (mishna and gemarah) and keeping it (lishmor vlaasos) .
And that is our Tzidkus.Happy new yearParticipantאין בן דוד בא עד שיכלו כל הנשמות שבגוף שנאמר: רוח מלפני יעטוף ונשמות אני עשיתי
This directly contradicts the later concept of gilgulim, if understood literally.
Chazal clearly held (according to this pasuk) that each person is a new Neshama that needs to come before Ben David.
One of the purposes of having so many children, is to bring down all the remaining Neshamos.
Any gilgulim at all, if understood literally, would be against Chazal (besides for having no basis in Torah or Chazal)Some people try to reconcile this by interpreting gilgulim as being a “bechina”, some connection, but not literal. (like a candle being lit by another flame)
Happy new yearParticipantWhere can I find the picture please
Happy new yearParticipantSo the zionists who scream and yell at those who disagree or dont support zionism, thrive on conflict (the holocaust and Oct 7), and curse NK, we are supposed to not hate them,
@smerel ?Happy new yearParticipantWhat about NK?
Do they deserve “Ahavat Chinam”?Only secular Israelis deserve that, right?
We can all hate and curse (an actual issur doraysa) NK, because Ahavat Chinam doesn’t apply to them, right?
Happy new yearParticipantNK is not a chillul hashem.
If anything, they are defending the Torah, and making a kiddush hashem.The Torah says if we don’t follow the Law, we will be exiled and not redeemed. Yet we see the secular state of Israel flourishing and prospering, like never before.
אין חילול ה’ יותר מהצלחת מדינת ישראל
This should NOT be considered controversial.
ALL Rabbis were anti Israel originally and the Torah curses the state of Israel and threatens destruction.“The land will SPIT you out”
People think the holocaust was a chilul hashem .
Maybe. That’s debatable.That the state of Israel is so successful is one of the biggest chillulei hashem in history, should not be debatable
September 29, 2024 1:24 pm at 1:24 pm in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319842Happy new yearParticipantWhat I’m saying is that the Torah is the #1 priority and therefore, Nach, Agadah etc need to interpreted in a way that fits in to it.
That’s basic Torah Judaism.
Really not a big deal and definitely not controversial.Torah means Halacha.
הברכה והקללה, החיים והמות, נתתי לפניך.
The Bris is the Law. The Bracha and Chaim is if we follow the Mitzvos, the klala and Maves is if we don’t.
ובבחרת בחייםWhat I said was that 80% of Gemorah is a discussion about Halacha אשר אנכי מצוך היום
September 29, 2024 11:41 am at 11:41 am in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319792Happy new yearParticipantIt’s very concerning that not one person here properly understood anything I said.
September 28, 2024 10:07 pm at 10:07 pm in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319355Happy new yearParticipantMenachem,
I was not kofer in Torah shebaal peh. That is pure manipulation.
If anything, I would be a kofer in “shebiKsav”
The whole Torah is Al peh. Both Torah, and Limud.
Talmud Torah, means “studying the Law”.
The Law is the Bris. 80% of Gemorah is Torah. Period. No games.
That is the Torah. Not Nach, Agadah, Kabalah etc….
ושננתם לבניך is Mishna. ולמדתם אותם את בניכם is Talmud.
The posuk does NOT say, read this book.
It says, study the Law, בפיך ובלבבך לעשותוI understand that Chazal held Moshiach needs to be from David, but the Chashmonaim disagreed. Yochanan Kohen Gadol, was Moshiach. HaKohen haMoshiach.
That’s why he conquered Edom and destroyed Har Grizim, to unite Israel, in Yerushalayim. He looked at himself as Moshiach.Anyway, (ignoring that part), my point remains the same.
The identity of the pizza delivery man is not important.
As long as the pizza is delivered.
If someone brings chopped liver, and claims he’s the pizza guy, he’s not, until he brings the pizza. Period.I’m not specifically attacking Chabad.
If Chazal meant that a Chazer would be Mutar as is; they are wrong. And we MUST interpret it that the SCIENCE would change, not the Law.
(that it would raise cud, “chazer” means “return”, like “Maaleh Gera”, thats why it’s specifically the Pig)Just like Chananya Ben Chizkiya Ben Garon, RE – INTERPRETED Yechezkel 44 to not contradict Toras Kohanim (sefer Vayikra).
Because, otherwise, that book would have been removed from Kisvay haQodesh.Same with Koheles, Shir haShirim and others.
Many Shitos took these books out (last perek in Yadayim).Only by interpreting it in a way that doesn’t contradict the Torah, can we accept it.
Same with Rus (yibum to a cousin??)Some books were removed entirely, because they couldn’t be interpreted in line with Torah at all (like Shoshana, Chanoch, Yovlos etc….)
September 27, 2024 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2319249Happy new yearParticipantWhy dont you ask that question about the Arabs?
It’s the same thing!The reason Charedim don’t join the army has NOTHING to do with learning. Even those who are NOT learning do NOT join the IDF.
It is because they do NOT support the state of Israel. Period. Just like the Arabs.
The learning is an excuse. Everyone knows that.Not everyone jewish (even those who live in israel!), need to support the zionist military.
They believe the jews would be better off without zionist harassment and antagonism.
Having said that, I do feel pain for your zionist family members who are suffering. It really breaks my heart that so many people in that region are suffering so much.
September 27, 2024 10:02 am at 10:02 am in reply to: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? #2319145Happy new yearParticipantSaying Chazer will be mutar is against the Torah. Period. I don’t CARE who said that. Including Chazal. Chazal, like the Neviim and Ksuvim, have NO right to contradict the Torah.
This is why Ruchniyus is so evil and why the Torah WARNS us against the SEDUCTION of Ruchniyus, and how we should only focus on Gashmiyus.To defend the Rabbi who claimed that Chazer will be mutar, the ONLY explanation could be that it will “Rise up” its cud,
מעלה גרה
, מלשון חזרה,Ruchniyus was invented during Bayis Sheni to PROTECT the Torah, even when the government isn’t enforcing it, like a wrapper protects food, until the time to eat it. Not to replace the food!
Using Ruchniyus (Nach, Agada, kabalah etc…) to REPLACE or CONTRADICT the Torah, defeats the WHOLE purpose of why it was adapted to begin with.
Call me an Apikorus. I’m proud to defend כבוד התורה
Oh. And by the way. The whole PURPOSE of Mashiach is to RESTORE the Torah (דברים פרק ל)
Who cares who Mashiach is, or even if there is a specific person??
It’s like arguing who will be the President of the USA in 2032. As long as he / she upholds freedoms / American values, right?
Who cares who / if Mashiach is? As long as he / she RESTORES the Torah and Israel כדת וכדין.
הנסתרות לה’ אלוקינו והנגלות לנו ולבנינו עד עולם לעשות את כל דברי התורה הזאת
Happy new yearParticipantThe Yankees will be up 3 games to none, but the Red Sox will win the rest and go on to win the World Series as well.
But in 10 or 15 years from now, no one will care about the MLB, only the NFL.
Ever since the George Floyd riots, which will happen in 12 years from now, when a virus spreads across the world.
Mark my words!!
September 15, 2024 7:57 am at 7:57 am in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2314798Happy new yearParticipant2 points.
First, Misah matirs even in this life, certainly after Tchias haMesim. The ONLY question would possibly be by Yibum, if the first brother has tchiya before she and 2nd brother dies. Nothing was matir her, so perhaps you could ask by yibum.But your whole question is based on the wrong assumption that there will be marriage at that time.
The entire purpose of marriage is to have children, and the entire purpose of having children is for continuity of life. In the time of Tchias haMesim, and Bila haMaves laNetzach, there will be no death, and therefore no continuity of life.
(Really, if there is no death, there is no life, as life is defined by death, but that’s a separate point).A proof to this is that which chazal say, bo’u vnachzik tovah la’avosenu, we should appreciate our ancestors who sinned by the Golden Calf, because if not for that, they never would have died, and we would never be born.
No death, no children. No children, no marriage.
September 11, 2024 10:25 am at 10:25 am in reply to: Who Keeps the Wife Who Was Married Twice? #2313902Happy new yearParticipantThis whole discussion mixes Torah with Ruchniyus.
They are mutually exclusive and NOT compatible.And this discussion is 100% perfect proof.
We, Yisrael, follow the Torah. Not Ruchniyus.
The Tedokim were right about this one.
Happy new yearParticipantThe answer to anti jewism in the west, is to publicly campaign against Israel and zionism.
Like NK. They are our saviors. I dont like them or their opinions about a lot of things, but we need them now more than ever. Making “Aliya”, and supporting zionism (the SOURCE of the problem), is not the proper way.
Neturay Karta is the proper way.Jews have the right to NOT support Israel. Period!
Happy new yearParticipantVery scary.
It’s all in the playbookHappy new yearParticipantBy the way, Yemenis pronounce the hard ג wrong. Like Arabs.
ג is supposed to be from the palate, G (like the soft ג which they do get right, indeed, GH), not the teethAnd nobody pronounces the ר correctly, which should be a J and soft ר should be ZH.
The English RR is the best substitute, and the best pronunciation of ר that exists today, because at least it comes from teeth, like supposed to.
But, ya, should be J and ZH. They are 3 Reshs, you know that, right?
Happy new yearParticipantWhats “yiddish”?
You mean “lashon Ashkenaz”?
Or “Teitch”?Ok. But I never heard of yiddish…… The anti religious and anti “Semitic” jews, made that up.
Agav, the ת being pronounced as a S goes back to Aramaic times, where they pronounced ת like ש S, hence they used ת and ש interchangeably.
Also the Greco Roman “S”, which makes plurality, comes from the Hebrew ת, even though they could pronounce “th”, they still said “S” for plurality, because that’s they way it was pronounced back then.
I used to think it was German mis- pronunciation, but the ת and ש being swapped in Aramaic is a very strong proof.
Happy new yearParticipantAll camps under the age of high school SHOULD BE BANNED!!!!!!
Kids in elementary school are too immature to go to camp. They suffer far more than any fun they might have.
High school camp is fun and enjoyable, but younger than that is horrible. Any parent who sends their kids to elementary age camp is evil and hates their kids. Or simply doesn‘t care about them.
Your kids will hate you when they get more mature, for not protecting them from elementary age sleepaway camp.Happy new yearParticipantOn a computer, check the elements tab amd copy the src of the video tag.
The paste it in any browser. Now back to square one.Just joking, you can right click and “save as”.
June 30, 2024 1:12 am at 1:12 am in reply to: Why do we mainly ignore the Lakewood tragedy? #2293733Happy new yearParticipant@Sam Klein
Where does it say “bishvil yisrael”אין פורענות בא לעולם אלא בשביל עמי הארץ
(בבא בתרא ט)Happy new yearParticipantMoshe greeted Yisro who NOT his father in law currently.
Read the pasuk.
אחר שילוחיהHappy new yearParticipant“Since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, I doubt that Jews have had as much freedom as we have here to practice our religion, to have as many yeshivos as we have now, etc”.
More like:
“Since the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, I doubt that Jews have assimilated more and abandoned the Torah more, than in US of A”The survivors are “One from a town, and 2 from an extended family”
There, I fixed it for you.
May 18, 2024 10:35 pm at 10:35 pm in reply to: The Four Contemporary Sovereign States That Contain Portions of Eretz Yisroel #2284103Happy new yearParticipantYou forgot to add parts of Syria
Happy new yearParticipantIf not for NK, all jews would get blamed for everything Israel does that the world disapproves of.
Happy new yearParticipantThe Holocaust and global / historic” jew hatred” is actually a positive.
You are looking at it in a negative way, but for me, as a historian, all the things you mentioned are very positive ideas.It’s these ideas that keep me jewish, and give me a burning desire / pride to give my ancestors lineage to my descendants.
All the things mentioned (and more…) are positive ideas. Things to be proud about.
Happy new yearParticipantAs an American Jew who cares about Am Yisrael, I am very happy that at least a dozen individuals are dressed as Hasidic Jews and publicly protest the existence of the zionist state. Some people say they are legitamizing anti semitism. And they are.
But, at the same time, they are literally, single handedly, protecting all jews globally, including those who HATE them.
The anti semites, who hate us all anyway, now have to think twice before killing us, or attacking us.
I know many anti semites, personally, who have expressed support for anti zionist jews because of NK.
Even if we disagree with them, and / or their actions, we still should be happy that they exist and are doing what they’re doing.April 19, 2024 1:03 am at 1:03 am in reply to: Will Israel attack on Iran bring the Russian anti aircraft #2279016Happy new yearParticipantBen shapiro????????
Is he your figurehead????
He’s the image of American jewry.
When did this happen?Am I still living in 2015?
Happy new yearParticipantHe’s a nice guy and we should respect him. Can’t hurt.
But just remember that during the beginning of the 2nd Midash there were many people whose mothers were goyim and Ezra and Nechemiah sent them all away. They ripped the mens’ hair out until they agreed to expell their wives and kids.
Happy new yearParticipantIs anybody interested in a “lighthearted” convo?
January 2, 2024 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm in reply to: Is it assur to wish a goy a “Happy New Year”? #2250844Happy new yearParticipant2024 years was NOT the birth of anyone famous.
Total made up stupidity. From their own literature, it can be proven the he was born appx 30 before.The REAL HOSTORIC reason this year is 2024 is because 2024 years ago was 70 years before the Churban Beis Hamikdash.
Around the year 532, they DECIDED to make it year 532, because it was 70 years before the Churban, so it sounded good.
Fact. Unbiased Truth.January 1, 2024 8:47 pm at 8:47 pm in reply to: Is it assur to wish a goy a “Happy New Year”? #2250535Happy new yearParticipantI have a secret for you.
January 1 has NOTHING to do with any modern religion.
It is from Roman times.
Ancient Roman calendar, representing the winter solstice. (Before Gregory, 450 years ago, jan 1 was the winter solstice).
Just like midnight starts the new day for them, so too, the winter solstice, comparable to the yearly midnight, is the when the year starts.
By the way, December 25, or January 6, has nothing to do with any modern religion either, but that us a whole ‘nother story.It was actually a day of death destruction of jews in ‘honor’ of the god january is named after. See Rabbi L. Keleman’s lecture on TorahAnytime
On the topic of January, the Yerushalmi in AZ, first Mishna, says a possible story about why they named it January.
Happy new yearParticipantJust now, they gave me half a refund of $3000
But not full. So I still lost $3000 (!!)
I have the option of joining them again in a year when my credit is better. I don’t know if it’s worth the stress and trauma.
I just got a call from the owner saying he feels bad about what I went through. Let’s see if he gives the full refund. I’m not holding my breath….Happy new yearParticipantAnyone else heard of them?
Happy new yearParticipantThe scariest part is that they advertise on jewish websites like kol haolam and jewish content network.
They target frum people. The owner has long peyos and long beard. Israeli style.
They live in Orlando, FL.
If anyone knows them, please reach out and tell them to return stolen goods, please!!Happy new yearParticipant@ujm
Explain yourself, pleaseHappy new yearParticipantI can’t access the console on my phone.
And anyway, any live Javascript would get stopped when page reloads .Happy new yearParticipantHow do i appply?
November 8, 2023 2:56 pm at 2:56 pm in reply to: VP Harris’s Stepdaughter Raising Money For Gaza’s Children, #2238034Happy new yearParticipantTaking advantage of a sad situation to make some good $$$$$
Happy new yearParticipantExit, выход Vikhod. Same word.
October 6, 2023 7:11 am at 7:11 am in reply to: Validity of Jewish Marriage where it’s for other reasons #2229674Happy new yearParticipant@kuvult
If the Converso marriage was not kosher, then everything is fine. Her kids from the Spanish Converso are NOT mamzerim.BTW, there is a lot of “lack of education/understanding” of the Law on the CR, not surprisingly.
September 26, 2023 12:56 pm at 12:56 pm in reply to: Simchas Torah Minyan for Bnei Eretz Yisroel in Brooklyn #2227804Happy new yearParticipantA chul resident keeping Simcha Torah in Israel is fine, because, you’re not being mevaze Yom Tov.
For an Israeli to be mevaze Yom to in chul could be a major issur of mevaze es hamoadim.
The same issur for bnei chul in chul, applies EQUALLY for Israelis in chulHappy new yearParticipantThe truth is that from a purely secular perspective: The majority of material taught in school will do NOTHING for 95% (probably closer to 99%) of students.
Secular Studies SHOULD consist of FINANCIAL EDUCATION which is sorely lacking in ALL communities.
The Government does not want the average person to have this knowledge, so they teach all sorts of STUPIDITY instead.Take this lesson from someone who has learnt the hard way!!
I wish i opened 5 credit card accounts when i was 18. All the hard inquiries would be gone by now and i would AWESOME credit now.
I would be able to leverage high credit limits, and i would a millionaire by now.
And there is A LOT more FINANCIAL EDUCATION that ACTUALLY will help people in Life!
Like, how to be successful in life!!
The current system will do NOTHING for your future life at all!!So, continue studying Trig and Algebra and chemistry and biology and literature, because who knows?
Maybe one out of million of you will actually need it in their job, LOL. -