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ומן הניסים הגדולים המפורסמים אדם מודה בניסים הנסתרים שהם שיסוד התורה כולה…עד שנאמין שכל דברינו ומקרינו כולם ניסים
רמב”ן פרשת באChaverParticipantEveryone’s opinion is based on things they heard, read and saw throughout their life. Therefore, any comment can have an effect on someones take on a situation.
ChaverParticipantLucy, great question!
Maybe because girls traditionally spent their time at home they didn’t have a group of friends therefore there is no Minhag to give girlfriends anything.ChaverParticipantI have an acquaintance who works as a mashgiach for the regular Rabbanut and Rabbanut Mehadrin.
He said that he would not eat from the regular Rabbanut. Rabbanut mehadrin he told me he would eat only after speaking to the Mashgiach and making sure that the particular product that he wants to eat in this particular establishment is up to par.October 22, 2018 6:44 am at 6:44 am in reply to: Is There A Lack Of Interesting News On YWN? #1608295ChaverParticipantI think that sometimes the news is very depressing. Is there a way to post happier news? and if there is no happy news that YWN knows of then post random topics that are not so sad.
Anyway,I understand that Galus is bitter but maybe, just maybe we can brighten it up a bit.
Hoping to see Moshiach soon!ChaverParticipantTo get closer to Hashem!
ChaverParticipantLearning Torah
ChaverParticipantThere are places to learn Torah. Places to study secular studies. You can tour the country all day and night. There are camps that need and hire counselors. Plenty of Chessed organizations also need volunteers.
If you are a bit more specific and tell people here what kind of things your son would like to do, or you would like him to do, then we can give more specific ideas.ChaverParticipantאני יכול ללמד אותך
ChaverParticipantDear apushetayid,
Which Yeshivos besides Mir and Bmg are bigger than Brisk?ChaverParticipantDuvidf do you have a copy of such a letter? I don’t recall seeing a letter signed by the Gedolim to kick kids out of school.
ChaverParticipantWhere do you like to hear the quality, arrangements, singing, or real instruments? What makes the music “high quality” to you?
May 8, 2018 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm in reply to: Neurotypicals who don’t like loud noises and bright lights #1517961ChaverParticipantI’m definitely raising my hand here.
ChaverParticipantAs far as I know their are no Chadorim like that in Yerushalayim. The schools that Winnethepooh is referring to are out of Yerushalayim. Yerushalmim usually stick to Chareidi standards. You can see that also in the statistics of the boys from Yerushalayim that are in the big yeshivt tichonot: Yishuv, Maarava and Nehora. Also there is no mainstream Yeshiva tichonit in Yerushalayim, they are all at least a half hour drive away.
ChaverParticipantDidn’t Leibelle Haschel sing Vehviosim first?
May 8, 2018 1:46 pm at 1:46 pm in reply to: Complaining about poor people not being poor enough #1517777ChaverParticipantJust because someone has a nice suit that his local Chessed organization purchased for him, doesn’t mean that he has money for food. Furthermore, possibly he bought the nice clothing when he did have money.
ChaverParticipantI got the title when signing up for YWN.😊
ChaverParticipantWhat about the Katointi/קטנתי jews from Parshas Vayishlach?
ChaverParticipantMatzah is baked from a bit before Chanukah, that is why they don’t print a date so people won’t get scared that their Matzah is old.
ChaverParticipantZahavasdad, By the coming elections the Chareidi vote will probably decide who is mayor as the frum population is reaching the half point of Yerushalayim’s citizens.
ChaverParticipantThe social skills that children pick up in school surpass most disadvantages that might be in the system. Giving up on something so important can be extremely detrimental and can leave negative effects for life.
January 17, 2018 9:45 am at 9:45 am in reply to: 10 Year Anniversary of the YWN Coffee Room! #1451395ChaverParticipantMazal Tov!!
ChaverParticipantBar Mitzvah Cost? Isn’t it free to turn thirteen? The only thing you have to purchase is Tefillin.
December 22, 2017 8:10 am at 8:10 am in reply to: MINYANIM AND KOSHER FOOD IN JORDAN AND LEBANON #1433544ChaverParticipantPetra is not part of Eretz Yisroel.
December 20, 2017 11:08 am at 11:08 am in reply to: MINYANIM AND KOSHER FOOD IN JORDAN AND LEBANON #1430683ChaverParticipantGoogle maps says that there is a shul in Beirut called “Maghen Abraham”. In the reviews only one person actually writes something about the shul and he says that:”Tried to get to see it so many check points blocking the road I could not reach it ”
Enjoy your trip anyway!December 20, 2017 11:08 am at 11:08 am in reply to: MINYANIM AND KOSHER FOOD IN JORDAN AND LEBANON #1430699ChaverParticipantThere are snacks sold in Jordan that are produced by Israeli companies. They might be kosher .
November 13, 2017 10:40 am at 10:40 am in reply to: Why don’t men wear white on Shabbos too? #1402082ChaverParticipantMen wear white shirts [at least a lot of them]. There are places were men wear white pants too.
October 9, 2017 3:38 pm at 3:38 pm in reply to: Driving in the left lane at the speed limit #1379498ChaverParticipantDriving at the speed limit in the left line is what you are supposed to be doing. There is no reason to pass someone going speed limit, except for emergencies but the left lane is not for emergencies. In all lanes people must make room for emergency vehicles.
ChaverParticipantGrind fresh kosher meat, season, bake or fry and enjoy!
September 11, 2017 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm in reply to: The Casualties of Yiddish in Litvishe Chadorim #1361352ChaverParticipant“Does speaking some Arabic (as do a larger percentage of students in EY) make them Islamic Terrorists?”
Gadolhador Do you know of a Jewish school that teaches Arabic?ChaverParticipantRebYidd that is really cool!! How did you do that?
ChaverParticipantDaddysgirl did you ever hear someone get up and sing and do a bad job again and again. If the people that tell you to sing are friends [not family] then probably you do a beautiful job. Especially if you are asked by random people to sing on their recordings.🎵🎤
ChaverParticipantA carrot category, its time to start one especially after SyagLchochma comment.
ChaverParticipantJoseph why is this categorized as Inspiration/mussar?
The Rambam says that to change a Midda you have to go to the opposite extreme. So maybe for people that don’t eat enough carrots this is the way to go. And we can all learn from this to the things we need to change. Very appropriate for Elul.
September 10, 2017 6:02 pm at 6:02 pm in reply to: RebYidd23 started a new topic, and you’ll never believe his original post! #1359886ChaverParticipantWhat flavor fruit punch? Is that why fruit punch is cheap cause they just take it from the ocean?
ChaverParticipantWelcome!! Hope you enjoy.
Please save me food!September 10, 2017 6:00 pm at 6:00 pm in reply to: If You don’t Like Terrorism, Don’t Be A Terrorist. #1359873ChaverParticipantIt gives it flavor and style!!
September 10, 2017 5:59 pm at 5:59 pm in reply to: If You don’t Like Terrorism, Don’t Be A Terrorist. #1359872ChaverParticipantThe title looks fine.
ChaverParticipantYou are probably not normal like most people.
If you tell us where we can hear you singing then everyone in the CR will probably be glad to give you honest feedback.ChaverParticipantDidn’t Rus ask Boaz to marry her?
ChaverParticipantParents who baptize their kids.
ChaverParticipantMaybe you could fly instead a banner that says DON’T MARRRY HIM HE’S JEWISH.
ChaverParticipantI agree RebYidd grape is the last flavor on my list too.
ChaverParticipantI didn’t see any stores with costumes.
ChaverParticipantIt is definitely a Mitzvah Deoraysa of Viohavta Lreacha Comocha.
ChaverParticipantAll issues. Torah is a way of life so asking Rabbis is the way to go for every step!
ChaverParticipantMazal Tov!
They should be zoche to build a bayis neeman byisrael!ChaverParticipantIsn’t the minhag to sing Mi Adir?
ChaverParticipantMazal Tov!!
ChaverParticipantAt the Kinneret there is a beach/shore that has separate sides for men and women so you can have a family trip and both genders can enjoy the water at the same time.