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  • in reply to: nechamah for girls? #998977

    Shidduchim for both girls and boys is a TREMENDOUS nisayon, learning and growing experience. I think the key to getting through it is holding onto the fact that we’re not in control of finding our bashert or of anything at all…only He is. One must daven and trust that Hashem is going to give him/her the very best at the right time. Shidduch crisis or not, it all comes from Him!!

    in reply to: Commuting/Parking: Columbia Medical Center #997520

    Thank you aishes chover and everyone for your input, you’ve really been a help!!!

    in reply to: Shadchanim in Our Society #1009154

    and another thing that I always wonder: why has it become such a normal practice that girls have to send a picture of themselves to the mother before she can even think about looking at her “resume” for her son? Are girls required to sell themselves or something like one does at a job interview?

    And what if the girl asked for a picture back once they got a green light…wow that would be completely ludicrous, the shidduch would have to be dropped immediately…

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