Chasid Ben Torah

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  • in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2188163
    Chasid Ben Torah

    R. Mirvis clearly said that he received a psak from the London Bais Din. The dayanim on the bais din are well known and they are lead by Harav Gelley. Furthermore, Rabbi Brodie Z”L attended the coronation of Queen Elizabeth and at that time Harav Hagaon R. Yechezkiel Abramsky ztz”l (mechaber of the Chazon Yechezkiel on the Tosefta) was the Rosh Bais Din.
    The reason a Teshuva is not written or publicized should be obvious.

    in reply to: Lev Tahor and other frum cults- and don’t misunderstand me #1628602
    Chasid Ben Torah

    Chabad bochurim learn all the same Achronim that everyone else does. Only yesterday I saw on a desk in a Chabad Yeshiva – Shiurei R’ Asher Arieli on Pesachim, and the owner a Chabad yungerman had gone through it and written notes on it. (As an aside Chayei Odom and Chosmas Adam is quoted many times by the Tzemach Tzedek .) The Likutei Sichos of the Rebbe ZY”A quotes from a very large range of Achronim including contemporary poskim .
    Now when it comes to chassidus/hashkofo the typical Chabadnik simply has such a huge body of Chabad chassidus that it is natural for him to stick to that exclusively. The broader Chabadniks will have also looked at other sefrei chassidus , R’ Tzadok, Sefas Emes, etc. They usually have not looked at the seforim of the baalei mussar because they simply do not like their style.
    In fact, as someone who has learned many years in Litvishe Yeshivos, I found that most of the bochurim or avreichim were much narrower than the typical Chabad bochur. This was especially so when it came to Hashkafa but even in regular learning only the Yeshivishe acharonim were used.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465597
    Chasid Ben Torah

    I have just been shown this thread by someone and I have 2 comments. a) When one does not understand a strange expression of a renowned Tzadik/Rebbe/Gadol one would not expect to find the the correct explanation on a web site. One would do far better getting in touch with the Mashpiim of Chabad in their Yeshivos.
    b) Here are two loshonos which are equal if not stronger than what the Rebbe ZY”A said.
    כי רועה ישראל חשוב כאלוקים ממש כי יושב על כסא ”
    השם בארץ … והיינו כיון שהגון חשוב כאלוקות

    ההשפעה הבאה מרוח קדשו של צדיק הדור אשר השכינה שורה בתוכו וממנו יומשך קדושה ”
    “לכל דורו והוא מעונו של הקב”ה ששוכן בקרבו

    Both of these quotes are from the Heilige Chasam Sofer (al Hatorah). The first is from Parshas Matos on the Posuk VaYimosru MeAlfei Yisroel the second is from Parshas Ki Tovo on the Posuk Hashkifah MiMeon Kodshecha. (Whis as he says there refers to the Tzadik Hador who is the Maon Kodhso of HKB”H)

    There is a modern sefer which discusses this topic at length I think it is called Al HaTzadikim by Rabbi Pevzner. He does not quote the above from the Chasam Sofer but he has collected similar statements. I heard that actually the Rebbe ZY”A himself was not happy this was printed because he realized that it would be misunderstood.

    I am over 60 Baruch Hashem, and I have had the zechus to deal with both as a mechanech and a Rav many, many Chabad talmidim and talmidos. I have yet to meet anyone who davenns ch”v to the Rebbe as in Brochos, Shmoneh Esrei, etc. I personally advise all going to the Ohel (or any kivrei Tzadikim for that matter) to use the traditional Maaneh Loshon to avoid any possibility of the wrong intention.

    I realize that this does not actually explain either the Rebbe ZY”A or the Chasam Sofer, but that is not a topic to be discussed on the “al regel Achas” of a web site. Please understand that just because this type of expression is not familiar to you from your MESORAH it does not mean it is not valid.

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