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  • in reply to: What is Pokemon go? #1160903

    Sounds like bitul Torah.

    in reply to: What was Cruz thinking #1160456

    “Your hero Trump is a miserable human being”

    He is indeed a miserable human being, whose personal life is antithetical to all the things we are supposed to value as Jews.


    He cheated on two wives.

    He cheats his business partners and suppliers.

    He abuses bankruptcy and eminent domain laws.

    He illegally created a fraudulent university and bribed two state Attorneys-General to shut down their investigations of it.

    His most prominent business ventures in recent deals have been beauty pageants and gambling casinos.

    He repeatedly spouts the most slanderous lies about his political opponents (see the claim about Cruz’ father being involved in the Kennedy assassination).

    And his policies are even worse. His attempt to round up illegal immigrants will result in a police state the comparable to that of Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union. Don’t think you won’t get caught up in it. His tax plan, designed to benefit himself, will tank the economy and destroy the US dollar as a major world currency. His protectionist trade plans will create a trade war and likely a worldwide depression, just as similar policies did in the 1930s. He has already announced that the US will not be bound by its agreements to its allies — and he did not exclude Israel in that statement. He has pretty much announced that he wants to give Putin a free hand in Eastern Europe and the Middle East — and that means Assad and Assad’s terrorist buddies Hezbollah. His promotion of junk science regarding vaccines leaves us open to a major infectious disease catastrophe.

    Wake up!

    in reply to: What was Cruz thinking #1160455

    “someone who should be in jail for recklessly compromising national security”

    Sorry, but the meme was disproven. The number of properly marked classified documents that Clinton sent out via email was zero.

    “is responsible for deaths of Americans in Libya”

    Wrong again. Multiple investigations run by Republicans have concluded that she was not responsible for those deaths. You might want to read them.

    “was found to have committed a crime”

    No, she wasn’t.

    “is not at all clear if anyone else having done the same thing in ref. to the server would be indicted. Sanctioned, yes”

    Nope. Not even sanctioned.

    Once during the seven years I worked for defense contractors I left a document out on my desk that was marked Secret. The next morning I realized what had happened and immediately reported myself. There were no sanctions. And that was worse than what Clinton did.

    “she was thrown out of the commission for unethical behavior”

    That is also false.

    “She should have left her husband when he started his extra – marital affairs”

    Political wives have often stayed with their husbands when they were having affairs. Think Florence Harding, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mamie Eisenhower, Jackie Kennedy, Lady Bird Johnson — just to name five! (To be fair, Eisenhower’s love affair with Kay Summersby was before he entered politics — he was a mere General in charge of the war against Hitler.)

    And what about Trump’s multiple extramarital affairs?

    “they hate blacks more than Jews. They will accept a Jew in their group, but not a black!”

    You have obviously never checked out the rabidly pro-Trump stormfront web site.

    in reply to: HEAT WAVE!! #1160339

    And praise HaShem for creating Willis Carrier, who invented air conditioning.

    in reply to: What was Cruz thinking #1160439

    “Would you endorse someone who implied that your father was connected to the murder of jfk?”

    I wouldn’t endorse ANYONE who claimed that someone other than Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.

    The real question is why so many people are willing to endorse Trump given his unbelievable history of absolutely outrageous lies.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159685

    “Surely you don’t believe that opposing vaccines is the worst of Trump’s beliefs, and that favoring small government over cigarette industry regulation is the worst of Pence’s beliefs?”

    Actually one can argue that they ARE the worst. Millions of people around the world die from cigarettes every year, and in the past century millions have dies from infectious diseases that are now vaccine-preventable.

    But both Trump and his surrogate Gingrich just yesterday made foreign policy statements that should terrify even people who don’t have a problem with mass deaths from smoking and infections: They basically announced that under a Trump administration, the US will no longer be obligated to defend its allies under all circumstances. They specifically mentioned Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia and were I a citizen of any of those countries I would be trying to get another passport as it is clear that Putin is in an expansionist move. A similar statement by Dean Acheson in 1950 directly triggered the Korean War. And think for a minute about what this means for Israel — if Trump is willing to all Putin to dominate other US allies, why wouldn’t he allow one of Putin’s allies like Assad wants to dominate — or even take over — Israel?

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159684

    The leading proponent of The Sinas Chinum is Donald Trump.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159676

    “It was liberal policies, at the beginning of the AIDs epidemic”

    Uh, the President for the first 7 1/2 years of the AIDS epidemic was Ronald Reagan.

    This shows how much right wing extremists like you have gone off the deep end. Ronald Reagan is now a liberal.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159648

    “Liberals are the enemy of all humankind, and are responsible for many more deaths than smoking. “

    Smoking kills about 480,000 people a year in the US, and about six million worldwide.

    So liberals kill more than six million people around the world every year?

    You are worse than Trump or Pence.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159646

    “No one, absolutely no one, is as bad as Crooked Hillary Rotten Clinton. “

    Now we have the ultimate in immorality.

    Abu BakrG al-Baghdadi is not as bad as Hillary Clinton.

    Bashir Assad is not as bad as Hillary Clinton.

    Hassan Nasrallah is not as bad as Hillary Clinton.

    Khaled Mashaal is not as bad as Hillary Clinton.

    Kim Jong Un is not as bad as Hillary Clinton.

    I want to throw up. This is the typical alternate reality in which Trump and his supporters live.

    in reply to: Pence may be worse than Trump #1159644

    “You clearly misrepresented what he said”

    No, I didn’t, and you lie just like Trump when you claim that I did.

    Or do you not understand English?

    ” smoking doesn’t kill”

    Smoking kills hundreds of thousands every year just in the US.

    “9 out of ten smokers do not contract lung cancer”

    This is an example of stupidity. Yes, 9 of 10 smokers don’t contract lung cancer. But about 8 of 10 cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking. It is like claiming that most Canadians play in the National Hockey League because most hockey players in the National Hockey League are Canadian. Furthermore, about 2/3 of the deaths from smoking aren’t from lung cancer at all.

    Shame on you for defending this junk science.

    in reply to: Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious #1160957

    The United States had over 200 million people as of 1973.

    Israel today has fewer than five million non-Charedi Jews.

    The idea that Israel can survive with a purely voluntary army is fantasy.

    “And it did so with an all-volunteer army.”

    That isn’t true. There was a draft throughout the 1950s after Korea and prior to Vietnam. This despite a population of 180 million as of 1960. It was only the population growth (with the baby boomers becoming old enough to volunteer for military service), the end of the Vietnam War, and the massive cuts in defense spending that accompanied the end of the Vietnam War that allowed the US to drop the draft in 1973.

    By comparison, Israel today has fewer than five million non-Charedi Jews. The combined active duty armed forces of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and Iran constitute two million people, and I would trust none of those countries! The idea that Israel can survive with a purely voluntary army is fantasy.

    in reply to: Pok�mon in BMG #1161174

    I still have no idea what Pokemon is. Should I put aside my learning to find out?


    Torah Academy of Bergen County. Amazing school. I spoke there a number of years ago about science and Torah. Boys only.

    For girls there is Ma’ayanot Yeshiva High School.

    Both are in Teaneck.

    There is also the Frisch school which is co-ed. It is in Paramus.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: I don’t like vanilla ice cream. #1159626

    You have legs to stand on. Both vanilla and chocolate are native to the New World and therefore there is no ancient Mesorah for Jews to eat either.

    in reply to: Police Brutality and Possible Racism #1159235

    In case there are still people who are in denial about police racism, listen to what Sen. Tim Scott had to say today. And you can’t dismiss him as any kind of liberal.

    in reply to: Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious #1160941

    “If we take g-d out of the picture”

    Of course HaShem is in charge of everything. But it is also asur to rely on miracles. The Arab Rashaim would drive us into the sea and we are obligated to protect ourselves militarily. Datim participate in this but for the most part Charedim don’t.

    in reply to: Depression&torahs perspective&helpful ideas #1169943

    The Torah perspective, as elucidated by Rav Sherirah Gaon a thousand years ago and agreed to by all halachic authorities since, is that medical conditions such as depression should be treated by people trained in medicine.

    Good luck to you in your recovery!

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159388

    SAR High School offers four foreign language options: French, Spanish, Latin, and Arabic. (Hebrew and Aramaic are not optional but mandatory. 😉 )

    in reply to: Natural and artificial flavors #1159031

    Arsenic is natural. I would not recommend eating it, even with a hechsher.

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159387


    Don’t know where you got your info, but something looked funny. I used to live in the E. O. Smith school district. Its foreign language options are Spanish, French, German, and Latin. No Greek. I confirmed that on its internet site.

    So I went to Belchertown HS’s site and its foreign language options are Spanish, French, and Latin.

    Winchester Public Schools’ site states that the foreign language options are John Handley High School are Spanish, French, German, and Latin.

    Finally I did confirm that Boston Latin School, the oldest public school in America, does offer two years of classical Greek. Thank you for proving me wrong but you might want to let the folks who gave you that info that they should check things out.

    in reply to: Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious #1160926

    If most Israelis become religious be had better hope that they are Dati and not Charedi because if the latter the IDF will dwindle down to nothing and the Arab rashaim will overrun us all.

    in reply to: Within the next 10 years, Israel Will be mostly religious #1160925

    I’m a statistician, not a demographer, but it appears that there must be a huge amount of going OTD among charedim in Israel. In 2015, United Torah Judaism received 5.0% of the vote in the Knesset election. Sixty years earlier, the Religious Torah Front had received 4.7%. With the much higher birthrate among charedim, there should have been a huge increase but there wasn’t any.

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159385

    “If frum jews donated to UJA”

    Almost all the frum Jews I know who have children are spending essentially all their disposable income on yeshiva tuition.

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159384

    ” this is all happening when the UJA spends 300 MILLION dollars a year and only 1 million on yeshivas”

    Rabbi Greenberg was right. And when have charedi rabbis done anything like this?

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159383

    “It would let the goverment some control over yeshivas and curriculum.”

    Nothing wrong with teaching the standard government secular curriculum. This is done in religious schools in much of Europe, Canada, and Israel.

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159382

    “do you pasken that a yeshiva can serve treif so they can pay their staff?”

    I don’t pasken anything. I am not a rabbi. But personally, I would not serve any food at all rather than serve treif, and I would shut down my school rather than not pay my staff (which is illegal under both halachah and secular law).

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159381

    “The typical high school graduate could read several languages, was familiar with the arts and culture of western civilization, and was familiar with the classical literature of his culture, typically in the original language (Latin, Greek and Hebrew).”

    With the possible exception of Greek Orthodox Christian parochial schools, I have never heard of any high school in the past century teaching Greek. Latin is still often taught but Spanish and French are the most common languages in high schools in America today.

    in reply to: Coincidence at the bullfight? #1159076

    Apparently the Spanish tradition is that the MOTHER of the bull that kills a matador is put to death.

    in reply to: Coincidence at the bullfight? #1159075

    Bullfighting is one of many brutal goyish traditions that Jews shouldn’t follow.

    in reply to: Yeshiva tuition for large families #1159350

    “The yeshiva where my chavrusa teaches recently went four months without a paycheck.”

    How can such a yeshiva be considered to be orthodox? It is a chiyuv from the Torah to pay workers on time.

    And don’t reply by claiming that they didn’t have the money. I bet they didn’t substitute non-kosher food, which is cheaper than kosher food.

    This is inexcusable.

    in reply to: NYC Area Yeshivos for Beginners #1158815

    Yeshiva University accepts students with no Jewish background at all. But it is not inexpensive.

    Good luck!

    in reply to: Recent shootings/protests #1166202

    I will repeat what I have said before, only with more detail.

    Had Eric Garner been Jewish we would have been out on the streets protesting *en masse* the death of a person whose crime was to sell untaxed cigarettes. I would have locked up Garner for a long time — cigarettes kill far more people than Americans — but tax evasion is not a death penalty offense.

    Ditto every other police shooting of an African American. Like Philando Castile whose crime was to have a busted taillight — and a legal concealed weapon for which he had a permit. (The National Rifle Association has been conspicuously silent regarding Castile’s death, raising justified outrage at its silence. Apparently it believes that only white people have a right to bear arms.)

    When we refuse to be outraged at the violations of the rights of others, we pretend that we don’t have to worry about our own rights. And when they come for us, there will be nobody left to stand up with us.

    in reply to: Recent shootings/protests #1166200

    ‘I’m waiting for the libs here to say that the FBI are “Racist Pigs”!’

    You won’t hear that from me.

    in reply to: Recent shootings/protests #1166199

    “Killing people is wrong in general, regardless of the color of the people being killed or the people doing the killing.”

    The Dallas police were absolutely right to take out the shooter who had already shot 11 people, five fatally. Until a shooter puts down his gun and surrenders, the faster you can stop him the better — and if lethal force is necessary, so be it.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158998

    ” I also note that many of the founders held more liberal views”

    To be honest I think most of the Founders did not see a major problem with slavery. The number who became abolitionists was clearly a minority. It was a major blind spot that would lead to a horrible Civil War two generations later.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158997

    “when I have both Joseph and CharlieHall disagreeing with me.”

    The question was a yes or no question. You have to agree with Joseph or you have to agree with me. Or withdraw from the debate.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158996

    “This was not intended as a lesson in American history.”

    An argument was made from history. I was simply debunking it.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158995

    “Horse feathers. All of it.”

    I know that I have won the argument when the response is namecalling. What I said is truth and you know it.

    “any of the actions of Avi Weiss”

    This has nothing to do with Rabbi Weiss. Because he supports women voting I presume you oppose it?

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158994

    “New Jersey allowed women to vote from the beginning, or at least since 1797.”

    Women could not vote in New Jersey after 1807. Wyoming Territory would allow women to vote starting in 1869 followed by Utah in 1870.

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160369

    “Trump is not great, but he is not nearly as fraudulent as Hillary.”

    Only someone who (1) has been living in a cave for the past year, (2) is not sufficiently connected to reality to know fact from fiction, or (3) is a deceitful liar would call Trump less fraudulent than Hillary.

    There was fraud in all of Trump’s bankruptcies.

    There was fraud in Trump’s illegal fake university.

    And Trump appears to have bribed two state Attorneys-General to stop investigations into his fraudulent fake university.

    Trump’s public statements are so full of falsehoods that fact checkers can’t publish the debunkings fast enough to keep up. Just to give you an example, has examined the truthfulness of 158 statements by Trump, 95 were rated “false”, or “pants on fire”. For Clinton, the number was 16 out of 120.

    I guess Trump figures that if you lie often enough it won’t be possible to get countered. And you have drunk the Kool-Aid.

    And that isn’t even the worst thing about him — A crook would be better than someone who incites nativism, racism, and anti-Semitism, which is the way Trump is building his campaign.

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160366

    Nobody has ever come up with a decent definition of “Jewish Music”.

    Practically all the major Broadway composers of the mid 20th century were Jewish. (Cole Porter was a notable exception.) Does that count as “Jewish music”?

    How about Giacomo Meyerbeer, Fromental Halevy or Arnold Schoenberg?

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160365

    “I have no idea why anyone in their right mind, Jewish or not, would appear on a reality show.”

    Nor do I.

    Yet another reason to vote against Trump.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158988

    “Without it we wouldn’t be this close to electing a volcanic tempered witch!”

    We can thank the women of America for it is likely that they will be the ones to save us from having Donald Trump as President. That alone proves that it wasn’t a mistake. White male voters are all set to elect someone who lies so often he is a full employment program for fact checkers, who promotes junk science, whose tax plan would give the country ten trillion dollars more debt, who slavingly follows Vladimir Putin in every foreign policy matter, who has a history of doing business with organized crime, who ran an illegal fradulent university, and who incites anti-Semitic hatred as no major party candidate in history has ever done.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158987

    “There’s no question that post-WWII Jewry required this shift to “yeshivos where masses (of married men with families) learn every day”

    There certainly IS such a question. The Modern Orthodox and Dati Leumi worlds never adopted the Kollel for Everyone system and are doing fine. They also aren’t requiring massive government subsidies for their survival.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158986

    “ideally a wife should be home with the children and the husband be the breadwinner”

    Obviously inconsistent with the Kollel system.

    “having a husband/father in full-time Limud Torah HaKedosha is surely one of the exceptions”

    Well at least you admit that the Kollel lifestyle is an exception and not ideal.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158985

    “except America’s founding fathers, who also were slave holders”

    Many were not slaveowners. And some became abolitionists.

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158984

    “do you disagree that a woman’s place is in the home and that civilization for thousands of years, until roughly 100 years ago, always recognized and acted as such”

    Factually inaccurate. There were plenty of women who worked outside their homes, at least in European and American society. For example, in Europe, huge numbers of Christian women became nuns and some had significant influence. And in rural America, labor shortages meant that women had to participate very actively in farm work. An interesting example: Lyndon Johnson’s grandmother was a cowgirl! Women also worked in factories from the early days of the industrial revolution.

    in reply to: The government's role #1158545

    “Jewish communities run schools and libraries, and provide welfare services including emergency health service – all more effectively and cheaply than the government”

    That is not true. What Jewish libraries are there? Jewish welfare agencies get their funding from the government. And yeshivot with good special education cost a lot more than the per pupil expenditures at good public high schools.

    in reply to: The Murder of Hallel Yaffa Ariel #1158510

    “I surmise that Obama, then a young teenager, was next door in Kenya, during the Entebbe Raid.”

    You surmise wrong. He was in Hawaii. The younger Barack Obama never visited Kenya until he was an adult.

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