charlie brown

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  • in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920109

    Yehudah Tzvi,

    B”H you were able to fast without complications. I hope things keep moving up hill from here. I davened for you on Yom Kippur as I’m sure most of your CR friends did.

    It’s about 2 weeks since you were prescribed an additional 2 weeks of IV antibiotics. Please keep us posted with any updates on that.

    Refuah Shleima!

    in reply to: The name and number of… #815896


    did you see am yisrael chai’s post above with his number? Its 718 677-3712.

    He was indeed talking about eating on yom kippur itself but he didn’t say that only someone under 90 lb should eat. That sounds like just an example. Try calling him and please post whether you get thru to him.

    in reply to: Eating on Erev YK #898690


    In general I think it is a mitzva even for someone who isnt fasting. But based on your other thread, its probably only a mitzva for you personally if it doesn’t have any negative effects on you. If it does, your health comes first.

    in reply to: The name and number of… #815889

    I’ve heard that Rav Dovid Goldwasser is an expert on that. Unfortunately I don’t have his number. Anyone have it?

    I have no clue what Rav Katz knows about ED but its probably worthwhile to try him again in a little while if you don’t get thru to another rov soon.

    Hatzlacha Rabba and I wish you a year of good health and that you should be able to fully overcome this disease.

    in reply to: The name and number of… #815886


    I remember you discussing this around Tisha B’av. Can you ask the same posek you had asked then or did you not ask that time? Is there a rov you’ve dealt with before who knows you personally that you can ask?

    if not, here is the number of one of the lakewood poskim:

    Rav Shmuel Meir Katz (732) 367-3069

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818722

    bump. (erev Y”K 12:35 PM – 31,447!)

    If you didn’t sign yet, don’t wait!

    Gumball – one signature per person.

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920104


    I have been and BL”N will continue davening for you. I wish you and your family a gmar chasima tova, with gezunt, bracha parnassa. May you have a refuah sheleima B’Karov and never again know from the infections, pain and tzaros you’ve had until now, till 120.

    in reply to: In honor of Yom Kippur; By Popa #974689


    on yom kippur we have a din of malachim which is why we say boruch shem loud. If a malach pretends to eat, as the malachim who visited Avraham Avinu did, it probably doesn’t have a din of achila. Better eat it up today.

    btw, why didn’t you reveal this custom of yours on the Chicago thread? It would have been much easier for them to look out for a guy who shechts a todah during pesukei d’zimra than to look for someone hanging out at Starbucks.

    in reply to: Easiest Succah to Build #838233

    commonsense – they’re not quite as easy as they look.

    in reply to: The Beauty of Artscroll #814823


    I would disagree about the biographies. If Gedolim are presented as people who were born as gedolim – they never got into a fight with their sister at age 5, never did anything wrong since age 1, never had to work hard to become who they became – then young people who read that will feel that their own shortcomings make it impossible to become a gadol.

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818717

    10/6/11 1:49 PM 30,000!!

    I find it sweet that PETA, a big instigator against Rubashkin, put up a petition about animal homelessness the same day the Rubashkin petition went up – but they only have about 1/3 the signatures we have. They make a lot of noise for such a small group.

    in reply to: BMG bans cellphones with texting #815659


    I know that – that’s why I wrote just kidding. I didn’t want to be perceived as one of those people who have never set foot in a BMG bais medrash and yet have the chutzpah to claim that everyone in lakewood sits in the coffee room all day instead of learning.


    of course its bitul zman but we’re talking about an addiction here. 🙂

    in reply to: Easiest Succah to Build #838224

    it seems amused is not amused at all. (sorry, just had to say that).

    in reply to: Will Obama win Re-elections?? #814689

    600 kilo,

    IF Obama is CH”V reelected, by 2016 the banana republic formerly known as the USA will be beyond repair by any reincarnation of Ronald Reagan.

    Oh, and Obama wouldn’t leave as a broken man. He would leave with his head up high, proud of having destroyed the evil USA single handedly.

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818712

    10/5/11 4:55 PM 27,537 signatures and we are now the #2 petition on the site!

    we just hit 25,000 yesterday, so we got 2,500 new signatures in just one day! Keep it going!

    in reply to: BMG bans cellphones with texting #815654


    so you were itching to get back here the whole time but controlled yourself till hataras nedarim? Very impressive. That shtickel mussar is takeh worthy of monetization.

    speaking of which, where’s bombmaniac? Haven’t seen him here lately.

    in reply to: BMG bans cellphones with texting #815651

    you’re the guy who was araingetuhn in Beis Aharon? Aha!

    (just kidding)

    in reply to: BMG bans cellphones with texting #815646


    they didn’t bother printing signs. To save costs, they texted the ban to all bochrim instead.

    in reply to: BMG bans cellphones with texting #815645

    {this post is being monetized} LOL!!!

    Welcome back Jothar!

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818711

    only about 200 more needed to catch up to the student loan socialists.

    Anyone think we can catch up to the only other petition ahead of us – the one from the legalize marijuana sociopaths? They’re only about 24,000 ahead of us. 🙂

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818709


    did u try downloading a newer version of your browser?

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818696


    if the captcha is not appearing at all, it could be because you are using an old outdated browser. Try downloading a new version of IE, firefox or Chrome and try again.

    in reply to: Look At the power of Tefilah!!! #814164

    old man,

    on that I agree. However if one did do the wrong thing and davened instead of studying and then got a great mark would you not agree that its certainly possible that the tefillah was the cause of the good mark? From your previous post it seems not.

    (I’m not saying its certainly the cause – it could be that she just remembered more from class than she thought she did and therefore had a gut feeling of which answer is correct)

    in reply to: looking for a loophole #814133

    The definition of a loophole is taking advantage of an abiguity in the wording of a law to get around complying with the law.

    This is only applicable to man made laws which will always have some abiguity.

    Hashem’s Torah is perfect – there is no ambiguity. The Torah itself says (either Torah Shebiksav or Torah Shebaal Peh) that in certain cases one may do a melacha – for example in the case of pikuach nefesh one MUST do melacha to save a life. Its not a loohole, its what Hashem wants us to do. Another example that probably bothers you is that one may move certain types of muktza (a pen for example) if you need the place where its located. This again is not a loophole – its not that someone forgot to include that case in the law – instead its the will of the Torah that it be allowed.

    Similarly, the Torah includes rules of chinuch. At age 2 when a child doesn’t understand the concept of shabbos and melacha there is no obligation to stop him from doing a melacha. (You can’t tell him outright to do it). Putting a chair there for him to turn on the light? hmmm… I suggest asking a qualified posek on that one.

    The bottom line is that shabbos is not about blindly not doing melacha – its about doing the will of Hashem which includes all the rules of when a melacha can and cannot be done.

    in reply to: Look At the power of Tefilah!!! #814159

    old man,

    what makes you think it wasn’t a case of cause and effect? Do you not believe that tefillah can be the cause of good things happening? If so, I really hope your tefillos should be answered soon in a way that will give you no choice but to see the emes.

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818684

    tuesday 10/4/11 12:07 PM 24,753!

    we just got back to being the 3rd most signed petition on the white house website! Only 2,100 signatures behind second place. Spread the word and lets get back to 2nd place!!

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920059

    Yehudah Tzvi,

    I am so glad you are starting to feel human again. From your posts you also sound much more upbeat, B”H. I hope you continue gaining strength, getting back to yourself and having a complete refuah real quick.

    I will continue davening for you, and wish you a gut gebencht year with excellent health, parnassa, shalom, nachas and all the brachos.

    in reply to: For those non-trillionaires out there #813175

    thanks ayc.

    wow, am I slow today. ouch! sorry squeak for letting you down, especially since I was also thinking about ames’ old CR espionage thread from a few years back when I posted that.

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818661


    (19,639 as of tues 2:40 pm)

    in reply to: For those non-trillionaires out there #813173


    I feel dumb admitting this but that went waaaay above my head. what in the world is spo nage? Care to ‘splain?

    in reply to: For those non-trillionaires out there #813170

    wow, the CR is waaay ahead of the curve. The OP’s transformation of the national debt to a family budget (which he no doubt copied from some other website) is now on the top of the homepage of Fox News!

    You saw it in the CR a week before!

    in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165153

    I respect ICOT for always being among the first to wish any poster mazel tov on the mazel tov thread, for remembering about other people’s challenges and inquiring about them, for overall being a really nice person (I don’t know who he is but it comes thru on his posts) and, last but not least, for bumping up this thread.

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832857

    I am not authorized to speak for any other Charlies. Sorry.

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818657


    (17,805 as of 12 noon on Monday)

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832854


    your confusion is completely normal. Its been decided already that everyone has some Joseph and some Poppa in them. You don’t need to figure out who you are, just how much Poppa you have in you.

    I hope this helps.

    in reply to: Kapusta-this is for you #814448

    gefen, it seems like some new yorkers are following the chicago thread better than some Chicagonians. 🙂

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832852

    Poppa, as a reward for the bracha can I also be let in on the secret of who in the world is popa bar abba?

    and you didn’t respond about the spelling of your name…

    in reply to: Kapusta-this is for you #814445


    (PS I’m not from Chicago either)

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832850

    charlie brown


    methinks poppa hasn’t set foot in Chicago recently but still got all the chicagonians to run around town looking for him and reveal their identities here in the CR. Pretty cool. Joseph would be jealous. 🙂



    Now that he is safely on the road again, I can say to the previous posters that questioned the truth of the entire story, that Popa WAS indeed in Chicago, and we did end up meeting. Fine and interesting gentleman he is. We have shared email addresses, and I was actually able to make a connection for him!

    hmm, so we now have 2 choices: either that Poppa (who btw misspells his name as Popa) is actually a sock puppet for midwesterner (or vs versa) or that I was choshed bikshairim and owe Poppa a bracha. Being that its 3 days before the Yom Hadin I don’t want to take the risk of assuming the former so I’ll wish Poppa much hatzlacha in his parnassa (and everything else) and that he should never have to sit in Starbucks selling MLMs.

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920037

    Yehuda Tzvi,

    I hope that potential blockage issue was resolved and that your condition and spirits are heading north. Refuah Shleima and a gut gebencht yur with refuos, yeshuos, nachas, parnassa, and only brachos.

    in reply to: What does a shofar sound like? #832830

    methinks poppa hasn’t set foot in Chicago recently but still got all the chicagonians to run around town looking for him and reveal their identities here in the CR. Pretty cool. Joseph would be jealous. 🙂

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818650

    the website is up now. click refresh/reload.

    15,412 so far. Keep spreading the word!

    it should also be noted that despite not many signatures on shabbos, its still the 3rd most signed petition on the white house website

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818644

    squeak, LOL!

    This petition has the second highest number of signatures of all the petitions on the White House website!

    Keep spreading the word!

    On a lighter note, there is a petition for the government to come clean about extraterrestrial visits to earth. I saw on some website (I forget where) a funny suggestion that 5,000 GOP people should sign that one and then enjoy the sight of the Obama admin responding to that nonsense. 🙂

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920021

    Yehudah Tzvi,

    I’m sorry your friend couldn’t come, I hope he’ll be able to make it soon. Do you have any other local friends you may be able to invite? I’m glad you’re attempting a shower. The fact that you’re attempting to do something difficult shows that you are not in a depressed giving-up mode of thinking. Good for you! And if you do manage the shower, I’m sure that feeling fresh will further lift your spirits. If you can’t do it in the end, try again tomorrow!

    Refuah Shleima and we will continue davening for you.

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920013

    Yehudah Tzvi ben Elisheva,

    I wish you a complete refuas hanefesh and refuas haguf, b’karov. I can only echo the sentiments of am yisrael chai which he expressed better than I can.

    Hashem knows your situation and He knows that you cannot prepare for the Yom Hadin as you otherwise would. He will not hold it against you that you can’t focus on teshuva and that you are unable to wear tefillin. Machshava K’maaseh – He knows you want to do it, and would do it if you were able to, so He will certainly count it on the Yom Hadin as if you had done it. And IY”H the terrible yissurim you are going thru will wipe your slate clean and you will have an incredible year ahead with good health, happiness and parnassa and whatever else He knows you need. Tichle shana v’kileloseha v’sochil shana u’birchoseha (The past year should depart with its tzaros and the new year should begin with bracha)

    Do you live in a large frum area? If so I urge you to call a friend for even a 5 minute chat or to call the local Bikur Cholim (if there is one) and request visitors. Even if you are only up to it for a short time daily, I think it will do wonders for your spirits which in turn can make the healing process run faster. Do you have family with you or are you completely alone?

    I wish you all the best and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Mordechai Schmutter #894412

    not sure what you mean to ask. do you mean that the squeaky lines were a result of having a fan club rather than the cause? In that case can you teach us little folks how to get a fan club from thin air?

    in reply to: Mordechai Schmutter #894409

    He didn’t mention anything to me about it in shul this Shabbos.

    Methinks the old squeaky lines are finally makin’ a come back! Now we just need to reconvene the squeak fan club.

    areivim and ames, where are ya?

    in reply to: I just had a major yeshua #810890


    in reply to: Relationship advice! #1049296


    once he changes his name to Kotler he can no longer claim to be chassidish.

    btw, this thread is hysterical! thanks for the laughs!

    in reply to: New And Returning Members! #856353

    yossi z.

    😀 yossi 😀

    Charlie brown?! Baruch mechayeh meisim! Whereve you been buddy? Great to have the old guys back! Wow, this is awesome!

    😀 Zuberman! 😀

    Thanks for the welcome back but I’m not here full time like in the old days, just floating in and out.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 1,273 total)