charlie brown

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  • in reply to: Att: Everybody who "knows" amyisraelchai here #829088


    The entire CR is actually a figment of your imagination!

    I must say, you have a very vivid imagination to come up with all the various characters and personalities here and all the different threads and discussions…

    in reply to: Att: Everybody who "knows" amyisraelchai here #829085

    Did anyone else notice that his/her profile page is emty???!!!

    his/her profile is not empty:

    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990429
    in reply to: who uses CR? #820903

    i’m an 8 year old unmarried male.

    (source: –>wikipedia<–)

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821392

    mod 72 and Dr. Pepper also made appearances over the last couple of days.

    where’s squeak?

    in reply to: Favorite Cigarette Brand #821877

    yeah, why would anyone keep their cat in a bag in the first place? Not sure what I was thinking.

    when the 2 of you discuss things, do you talk loud enough so that other people who don’t know better think you’re talking to yourself or do you use mental telepathy?

    in reply to: Favorite Cigarette Brand #821871

    umm, Mr. 80, if at first you deleted it how did Popa know about it to suggest you keep it? Did the cat just get out of the bag?

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821919


    are you saying that Popa is really Joe Biden?

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821916

    i’m glad you were able to fit into that spot even after the yontiff babka! Mazel Tov on finding that stupid spot. May you be zoche to only find smart spots in the future.

    in reply to: Whatever Happened to {Posted Last 3 Days Ago} #822988

    I’m surprised Bar Shattya hasn’t started a thread like this:

    ATT:{enter your name here}

    You’re a dolt!

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821386

    lol, but you mean 4 to the 6th power, right?

    mods, please change title of this thread to “General Shmooze 4096”.

    in reply to: att onegoal #820283

    let’s make sure this thread doesn’t turn into the same thing as the “Where do you come in your family” thread.

    why, you didn’t enjoy that thread? just kidding. Don’t worry I won’t kill this thread the way I murdered that one.

    And happy first birthday doc!

    in reply to: My personal advertisement :) #820366

    I am VERY happy you are able to enjoy a heavenly ice cream/frozen yogurt. Great to hear that!

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821384


    if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try, try, try, try again!

    in reply to: anyone here who thinks they know me…. #820457

    It had been MindOverChatter. Now its actually MindsOverChatter.

    SenderAv – you don’t mind not having a mind anymore or did you purchase someone else’s?

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821383

    you think you came after what?

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821380

    LOL, glad to have guessed right!

    yes, blinky, the good old gs days … when I just lurked and listened in to all the interesting conversations here. 🙂

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821377

    And trying to see if one person in particular is still out there

    let me guess: Blinquie?

    (Guess #2: Sacrilege)

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821168


    I agree with you in principal and that’s why I originally just said its dangerous. However when AYC kept arguing that its the same as looking up names in a phone book and insisting that revealing personal info on this site is completely safe, I felt its important to show in detailed terms why thats not true – I didn’t want teens who are already here to believe that its safe and not be on guard.

    Also, I don’t think any creeps need my instructions.

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821160

    BTW, if you think the above is far-fetched, then maybe someone can explain to me why someone a few weeks ago tried to get gumball to reveal who her teacher is and which school she goes to? That thread was B”H deleted by an astute mod before it got too far. It was done with the same fake-friend tactic described above – pretending they may know her teacher and then saying something like “OMG what are your teacher’s initials” or something like that.

    Parents of teens: Think 100 times before letting your teens onto a chat site – even a kosher one like this.

    Gumball and all other teens here – remember that your CR friends are NOT real friends and if you get a text, email or phone call from someone who claims to be someone from this site DO NOT respond, and preferably let your parents know.

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821159


    Since YWN has modding, there’s no possibility of a teen being lured c”v.

    See Syag’s post above. If a creep finds a teen’s name, he can then possibly find her email address or cell number – maybe he has a niece or something in her neighborhood and gets her to get it for him etc. In the small yiddishe world everyone knows someone who knows you or a classmate/family member of yours. Step 2 – creep sets up a phony YWN screen name claiming to be another teen and shmoozes with target about skool and tests and camps etc, thus gaining target’s friendship and causing her to lower her guard. He then emails or text’s target and says hey wanna go for pizza? Target, thinking she’s talking to a friend her age and not a male middle aged creep says sure, why not?

    Tell me how the creep could have done that by looking for names in a phone book.

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821113

    Syag Lchochma – that’s exactly what I meant when I wrote above when it comes to teenagers online blowing their identity though, it could be dangerous. Thanks for being clearer about it than I was.

    mod72 – great to hear from you and thanks! Can I get you some coffee with 1% sugar and no milk?

    midwesterner – thanks for backing me up!

    gumball – you’re very welcome!

    supergirl and AYC – Syag said it more clearly than me. Do you agree now?

    zeeskite LOL, and welcome back

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821099


    if you need to do it, keep it vague.

    “my sister got engaged recently” is much better than “yay, I’m going to Flatbush tonight for my sister’s vort”.

    “Someone I know went to yeshiva xyz” is better than “my oldest brother went”.

    With school, if you say that you’re nervous about midterms, no big deal – all schools have midterms. But if you say your school was just evacuated by the bomb squad, then you’ve just announced which school you go to – it will be in the news. This example actually happened here once a few years back. (I don’t remember if it was a bomb squad or whatever, but something about a school was in the news soon after someone posted that it just happened in their school. And yes, their identity was uncovered based on that together with other bits and pieces of personal info).

    I’m not a posek but I would think that bending the truth a bit is ok, to throw someone off. If you don’t really have any aunts but talk about how much you enjoyed your aunt’s wedding, it could throw someone off you trail. Popa can probably give lessons on that. 🙂

    in reply to: Drinking Away a Bad Date #973380

    why would a rasha gamur care if something is mutar or not?

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821097


    its the bits and pieces. In one thread its that you’re the X child in the family. In another its that my third sister got engaged last night … in another its your age…that your brother went to yeshiva xyz …. your sister is going to seminary xyz this year… you went to camp xyz for the past 4 summers….

    Add it all up and an identity can be blown. It has happened here.

    Also, remember that kids are more trusting and give info easier. You know how on your birthday thread you kept refusing to give your age? I bet most teens would have given in and revealed their age to someone who was so persistent.

    You have said that your kids post here – just be aware that there are creepy people even on a site like this one and watch their backs.

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821095

    btw gumball, I just meant this for your safety but I apologize if I came across too much like a bossy adult. you probably come online to get away from those. 🙂

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821094

    yitayning and 2scents,

    thanks for agreeing and reinforcing what I said.


    ask your parents if its ok with them if you let people online figure out your name, address and which school you go to etc. They probably won’t be – even if you don’t post anything that you dont want anyone to know about. As friendly as you may get with other posters here, we are all actually strangers (like the people next to you on the subway in 2scents example). there are bad people out there and you gotta be careful.

    in reply to: ???? ????? ??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??? #898391

    he posts while driving down the highway at 65-70. How else do u think he ended up hitting the guardrail?

    but does anyone have any real answers to popa’s valid question, which as usual was cloaked in his own unique (and funny) humor?

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821089

    2scents – it says “2scents” on your door and in the phone book?

    seriously though, if you are an adult and don’t care about your anonymity, thats fine.

    when it comes to teenagers online blowing their identity though, it could be dangerous. Also, if ppl say things online that they wouldn’t want people in real life to know about, it can cause issues.

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818728

    WOW!!! I just checked and there are 46,977 signatures!!!! (as of hoshana rabba 1:40 PM)

    in reply to: Gog vs. uMagog = Modern orthodoxy vs. Charaidism #819389

    akuperma – EXCELLENT post!

    I agree with Jothar also that despite the differences among us being a molehill, the fact that someone points out something wrong in another group’s hashkafa is not equal to sinas chinam.

    in reply to: where do you come in in ur family? #821085

    i’m the oldest. Or the youngest. Or somewhere in between.

    seriously folks, this type of thread shouldn’t exist. There are people here who are either bored or creepy but they track all these personal details – a bit on this thread and another bit on that thread – and try to piece it all together to figure out who you are.

    Ask any of the old timers if I’m exaggerating or not.

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823186

    i’m not sure exactly what boro park is. Anything outside of BP is like a foreign country but bp itself is not a country. if it was, why would we all shlep up the 17 every summer to the country instead of just staying put? Maybe its a city?

    popa, please come here and drink some of my beer before I finish it myself! I drank waaaay too much already!

    in reply to: neices and aunts #818577


    you seem to have resentment to some of your aunts and uncles. Maybe a phone call here and there could patch things up?

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823183

    oooh. I’ll check brooklyn. Any volunteers for the other 3 boroughs? (btw, boro park is NOT a borough).

    in case we find you, will the bobka supply be replenished today?

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823181

    adorable – glad I was able to help you say what you meant.

    yitayning – glad you enjoyed the monetized content above.

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920125


    Thanks for the updates. I’m happy the infection is gone. I hope the bone will start healing soon and you’ll be able to feel completely back to normal.

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823177

    adorable – you mean until yontiff, right?

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823175

    he doesn’t mind if its gone. He’ll just tell his wife to make more. No big deal (for him).

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823171

    you’re actually probably across the street from said Starbucks waiting to see how many “losers” from the internet basement area (known as the CR) will come into Starbucks looking for you.

    in reply to: i really need your opinion… #1032989

    great job! You definitely have kiruv talent and should pursue it. Seriously.

    (Next time, maybe tell him that being that you enjoyed the conversation with him and he enjoyed it too – he said he likes your logic – he should join you for a shabbos meal. Not because he should believe in shabbos but just because it will be enjoyable, and he will make your day by coming, just as he made the kid’s day by shaking the lulav).

    in reply to: Missed my flight, Stuck in the airport!!!! #818827

    Spend the time in the CR. Duh!

    in reply to: Please vote. Who is correct? #818243


    it seems that poppa’s wife (if she exists) is your grandmother.

    will you call him uncle poppa?

    (if poppa’s wife doesn’t exist then you grandmother doesn’t exist either which would mean that you too don’t exist. I hope your chosson will be able to deal with that).

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920112

    Yehuda Tzvi,

    I really hope you’re ok. Please post an update.

    in reply to: Information about Popa! #818113


    you don’t need to pay jothar. (Sorry jothar for killing your one opportunity to monetize your post yourself). PBA himself said –>here<– that he wont give his wife any of his sausage from Romanian (sic)

    and if you believe that post from pba, he has a whole lot more lies to monetize.

    in reply to: Information about Popa! #818111

    Some retard built a sukkah in our usual spot. Let’s move to our unusual spot.

    you’re sure it was a retard and not a dolt?

    in reply to: Please vote. Who is correct? #818222

    you finished eating your korban todah and you’re still hungry?!?

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920110


    we haven’t heard any updates from you in a couple of days. I hope you’re ok…

    in reply to: Yeshiva Tuition #817883


    do you except his apology?

    ain od,

    is there another yeshiva where you can learn as well which charges less tuition? $18,000 sounds rather steep. Do all Israeli yeshivos charge that much?

    in reply to: Sign the Rubashkin Petition #818724

    bump (10/10/11 4:30 PM 33,000!!!)

    Spread the word to anyone who has not yet signed!

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