charlie brown

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  • in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823748

    Dr. Pepper,


    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823746

    I don’t remember Volvie.

    With Areivim, I phrased it wrong – she never said she was a he, I and I think most CR people somehow assumed it because of the yeshivishe shprach she used. It came as quite a shock that she was indeed a she not a he.

    Speaking of which – if you’re lurking, areivim, please stop in and say hi!

    in reply to: AYC: AYeCo? #829130

    always here,

    I posted a bunch of posts on that thread. Are you referring to me? I don’t remember strongly admonishing him, and/or embarrasssing him, but if I did I do apologize.

    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823744

    you think people would believe it if I said I was a girl?

    areivim pulled that off…

    btw, he must lead a very interesting life if transforming a TI89 into an MP3 player and burning his hand in the process is just another boring day and not worthy of being remembered.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227538

    englishman, lol.

    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823741

    Dr. Pepper,

    I have to admit, the story sounded familiar but I couldn’t remember what it was that you converted. I cheated and used Dr. Google. Once I found the story I couldn’t stop reading, it was hysterical – even though I had read it before when it was originally posted.

    I probably should have responded to your post by claiming that I was the guy who burned his left hand…. Oh well.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227536

    Dr. Pepper,

    So all those stories where really true? Wow!!!

    Oh well, they were great while they lasted and thanks for sharing them here.

    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823703

    Where did Dr. Pepper’s post disappear to? Was I hallucinating or was it really there a minute ago?

    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823702

    when I posted that, Dr. Pepper’s post was NOT up yet.

    And I know the story better than you do, doc! It didn’t mess up your chavrusa’a shidduch because it was his left hand so his date didn’t see it while he was driving. And your shidduch was messed up before that – I don’t know why, maybe it’s a kohain thing.

    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823701

    popa – the TI89 conversion didn’t mess up anyone’s shidduch.

    in reply to: What makes someone a dolt? #1021617

    ouch! I made the same mistake here .

    Ok, I can handle being a dolt.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821945

    you cleaned your slate with teshuva so that one is as if it never happened. I therefore stand by what I said that this was the first in history.

    oops, there was a typo in my previous post. I said Yom Tov but meant yontiff.

    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954993

    nothing about you, dont worry.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821943


    someone tried that on popa and he won that argument(although he didn’t declare a yom tov for that victory)

    Had he said he always lies then you’d be right but he said he usually lies – if that statement is true its not a contradiction because he said he usually lies but occasionally tells the truth.

    in reply to: What makes someone a dolt? #1021615

    adorable why are you asking if he’s a dolt? No prying personal info here! 🙂

    in reply to: My $21000 sacrifice to get my daughter out of her misery #822132

    adorable, Sorry for not being clear – I was being completely sarcastic! Of course that is just a false bubbe maiseh!

    To avoid giving personal info, I either have daughter(s) who went to an american sem or I will IYH send my daughter(s) to an american sem (if I have any daughters). I am totally against sem girls going to israel.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821941

    yes, charliebrown is correct. I will try to stop the silly games.

    wow, the first serious post by popa in history! But please don’t make a habit of it.

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827351



    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821940

    80, being that you and popa are one and the same, you are not impartial to this.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821937

    as I think about it, maybe mod80 is right though to question this. If adults do this type of stuff, kids may not understand the distinction and copy. hmmm…

    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954990

    you are absolutely correct!

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821935

    Popa is different! Everyone knows that at least 90% of what he writes is not true – he has admitted this himself. Jothar, do you agree that he can be an exception?

    in reply to: Thank You Mods & Editor #954988


    Thanks for shutting down that thread and more importantly for editing the parts of my post which I was stupid enough to write. 🙂

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821933

    which starbucks are you in today? The “where in the worls is Popa” game continues…

    in reply to: personal gematria magic FREE!!! #1037801

    they make others win lotteries or they make it as if you won the lottery after you steal their identities? 🙂

    in reply to: How old are you? #821846

    what’s there to think about? Shut it down!

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827343

    he can’t show you his badge because it has his name and serial number on it. It would be kinda hypocritical if he were to post that personal info here.

    but seriously, it doesn’t take much scrutinizing to see personal info being pried out of unsuspecting people, or to see people splilling the beans on their own.

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827341

    shkoyach Jothar for this thread, I’d like to join the CR shomrim.

    For those that don’t understand the dangers, please read the following thread:

    And as was correctly pointed out by mod72 in that thread and by yentingyenta above, its not just posters that can use this personal info but lurkers as well.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821931

    minyan gal,

    because you haven’t been charged yet doesn’t mean you should push your luck. Be careful!


    was it a smart one or a stupid one like the first day. Also, I hope you made a chazaka by getting a spot today again for the third straight day.

    in reply to: My $21000 sacrifice to get my daughter out of her misery #822112

    And when they have 1 or 2 backouts in mid year, they can’t survive on 1.79 million instead? (All this while preaching to the girls all year long they they must be mistapek b’muat for the sake of Torah!)



    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990451
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    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990450
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    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821928

    btw popa, did you get a parking spot today or did your enemies celebrate their victory day today? If the latter, can one skip tachanun on both days or is it tartei d’sasrei?

    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990448
    in reply to: Am I A Conversation Stopper #824688

    coffee – hey look at the other half!

    in reply to: "Do You Talk To Yourself?" #822377

    lol, 80. that was a popa type of post. I’m starting to believe you may actually be one and the same. 🙂

    in reply to: "Do You Talk To Yourself?" #822373

    I don’t talk to myself.

    Oh yes I do!

    No I don’t!

    Yes, I do!

    Keep quite, don’t argue with me in front of everyone in the CR!

    Don’t lie to them and then I won’t have to argue with you errr me!

    in reply to: My $21000 sacrifice to get my daughter out of her misery #822106

    adorable – please tell us you’re kidding! Everyone know one cannot get engaged without going to seminary in Eretz Yisroel!

    in reply to: Am I A Conversation Stopper #824685

    I didn’t read this whole thread, only the OP. I just had to mention that there are now 57 posts on this thread – not bad for a thread started by a conversation stopper.

    in reply to: My $21000 sacrifice to get my daughter out of her misery #822104


    after all the serious discussions and therapist visits (never knew one must go to a tharapist before making a weighty decision) have taken place, there will still be some kids who really honestly thought they can handle it but then find out while they are there that they just can’t. That doesn’t mean they didn’t take the decision seriously, it just means they are not nevi’im.

    Would you also say that every couple who gets divorced did not take their engagement and wedding seriously?

    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990442

    ????? ????? ???? ?? ?????!!

    in reply to: My $21000 sacrifice to get my daughter out of her misery #822095

    and many others continue to hate it for the duration of the year and are traumatized by all the homesickness etc. But for shidduch purposes they pretend they loved it and that they grew so much from the experience.

    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990438
    in reply to: sdn? ???p #990437

    ?o? – ?nb?q

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821397


    don’t feel left out – nobody knows what the wagons are besides for squeak and the good Dr. It would logically follow then that they should feel left out, not us, being that they are a tiny minority.

    in reply to: General Shmooze 4096 #821396

    uh oh. here we go again.

    The last time the wagons were mentioned, Dr. Pepper vanished for 6 months and when he returned, squeak thought the Russians had launched a nuclear attack.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821927

    If the kiddush is here, how will we drink

    Dunno. I thought the great Popa can make anything happen, including sharing drinks thru the CR.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227532

    ’twasn’t the 4096th GS. It was the 6th attempt at a 4th GS, hence 4 to the 6th power which is 4096. Its all there b’feirush in the thread.

    but good to have you back anyway, Dr. Pepper. Please tell me you have more funny shidduch stories to share! You either had the wildest things happen to you on dates or you have an amazing imagination – either way, your stories are awesome and very much missed!

    in reply to: My $21000 sacrifice to get my daughter out of her misery #822088


    you are a wonderful parent for putting your daughter’s good ahead of a financial loss and I hope Hashem will replace the money you lost.

    Not as a criticism for the past, but I don’t understand why parents feel a need to give in to the pressure to go to eretz yisroel. There are already a bunch of options in the US – Cleveland, Baltimore, Montreal, 2 sems in Lakewood etc.

    in reply to: October 26th- VP Day! #821924

    Goq, I have to agree on that one. Funnier too.

    popa, the VP Day kiddush needs to be here in the CR, not in your shul.

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