charlie brown

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  • in reply to: My daughter- the next Rosh HaYeshiva #825130

    if she’s 12 this is just the beginning … just wait for high school and seminary! just pointing out a fact … not saying I disagree that its crazy!

    in reply to: Error Message #824495

    tryinghard – the odd thing is that they had just hired four suitable nodes last week.

    I think Mod Slotlimit wanted to get one of those node jobs and when they instead hired outsiders he took revenge. 🙂

    in reply to: Seeking Help From Motivated Posters #869885

    We believe in you!! You can do it!!!

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992421

    kapusta, you were there and had a wee bit too much fermented plum juice. thats why the memories are vague. 🙂

    in reply to: Y cnt u jus spl it out? #824566

    this is s/t that bothers me 2 no nd its craz that ppl cant b botherd 2 rite w normal gramer like thay lern in skool some1 i no seems like he 4got how 2 spel and makes mistakes at work al the time!

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018809


    I’d get carpal tunnel syndrome if I tried to type all his handles. 🙂

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992403

    hey… don’t forget the fermented plum juice.

    ahhh, them good ‘ol days!

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827430

    zeeskite, mommy said its you!

    in reply to: Being Brief #823508

    adorable, you should have left out the “lol”. Then your post would have fit onto 2 lines. 🙂

    in reply to: Scoop…. #842963

    thx for being open minded, onegoal.

    in reply to: I came to a conclusion…. #823653

    adorable – who are you talking to?

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018807


    you forgot to include yourself!”

    which name the mod name or my original posting name?

    I guess your original posting name wasn’t on my list. hmmmm, I’ll have to try to figure that out.


    what about





    prince charming

    yup, I forgot to include them and if they are lurking I do apologize. There were a few more too:








    in reply to: Mazel Tov! #1223859

    brisker – I agree completely.

    syag, lol. I actually also know someone who was unemployed who BH found a job recently. I wonder if its the same person! 🙂

    in reply to: I came to a conclusion…. #823651

    but seriously, you wrote that you respect the principal. Can you talk to her about the situation? Any one teacher you can open up to?

    in reply to: I came to a conclusion…. #823650

    Any advice other than to kill them?!?! 🙁

    if you kill your teachers don’t post that here in the CR – it will blow your identity.

    (yes, I am kidding this time).

    in reply to: Be aware of stalkers/info stealers #827427

    wow, I missed that too the first time. I assume that any doubters will come around after reading that thread!

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992399

    ames, if you don’t drink coffee anymore you can drink bourbon here instead.

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992398

    kapusta, I included ICOT on my list near the top of this page.

    in reply to: Inglish – as She is spoken around the world #823323
    in reply to: Scoop…. #842961

    syag and onegoal,

    I don’t have more info than you and I agree that if the only info someone gave out online was that they live in monsey it would be pretty harmless because there are thousands of people in monsey.

    however if its one of several innocent pieces of info that get revealed then a creep can put all the pieces together to figure out who you are. (and there are people who actually take the time to track all these little details. It has happened here in the CR).

    Supposing I write that I live in monsey. In another thread I write that I grew up in LA. In another thread that I’m on hatzalah, in another that I’m the 3rd child in my family. Each of these facts alone would not blow my identity – but when taken together – how many people can there be on monsey hatzalah who grew up in LA and are the 3rd in their family?

    And believe it or not, even if these “revelations” were months apart in totally unrelated threads they can still be pieced together by a dedicated info seeker.

    disclaimer: If there is anyone who fits the description above it is purely coincidental.

    in reply to: No Fun Tonight? #823605

    Come out all you! No shooting today!! (only fake anti-earth-to-mars missiles)

    so YOU’re the guy who was shooting those fake anti-earth-to-mars missiles? Aha!

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920134

    sorry about the pain, I hope you’ll be able to get it under control very soon. Keep us posted about your doctor visit. Is the PIC line gone? Are you up and about again?

    in reply to: Scoop…. #842955

    wunuvmeny, thx and you are correct.

    onegoal just curious why u think ots getting out of hand? did u think we were trying to shut the thread? I just wanted any monsey ppl to be careful what they write – they shouldn’t write something like yeah, we monsey people deserve a site too or something like that.

    in reply to: Being Brief #823496

    I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best. I agree, brief posts are best.

    in reply to: Scoop…. #842951


    I wasn’t kidding at all. Sorry to disapoint you.

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018792


    you forgot to include yourself!

    Some more names:






    The mod who got stuck in the donut shop for months after chanuka (was it mod-86?)








    dont have internet

    asdfghjkl who if I remember correctly became jax? Not sure if he later got another name or disappeared.


    who else did I miss?

    in reply to: I am very sick. Please daven for me. #920132


    I’ve seen your posts on other threads. Just curious how you’re feeling.

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992385


    Jothar is a guy who’s doing a lot to help posters maintain their anonymity here.

    See –> this thread <–

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992384

    Wow, welcome back ames!!! BH, doing great, how about you? when is the old timers reunion?

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018788

    AMES!!! IS THAT YOU?!?!?!?!

    in reply to: Scoop…. #842947

    Shomrim Alert:

    Those who live in Monsey should beware of revealing that fact in their responses to this thread.

    Jothar, any comment?

    in reply to: Procrastinating #824626

    flowers, that sounds like great advice, seriously. I think I’ll try it one of these days…

    in reply to: Whatever Happened to {Posted Last 3 Days Ago} #822992

    I think Abba_Bar_Aristotle has claimed to be the father of popa and Bar_Shatya.

    But then again Abba_Bar_Aristotle could be mod42…

    in reply to: In Starbucks again #823190

    are you having babka with your coffee?

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992380

    Feif, I 2nd that!

    Brisker – thx!

    in reply to: What time do you daven? #823110

    btw, I didn’t comment on your first paragraph of that post because I have no idea what chicken little behavior and ebullience are. If I did, I may have had something positive to say about that part too. 🙂

    I hope I’m not the only one who doesn’t know what these terms mean. If I am, I’ve just blown my identity. Oy.

    in reply to: What time do you daven? #823109


    Jothar, this is progressing from a difference of outlook and opinion into something else, and I dont want to do that. You are my brother. You are a good person. You learn more than I do and I am grateful you are supporting the world spiritually, and I have love for you. I am off the internet security topic.

    I’ve been criticizing posts of yours which I disagree with so I have to compliment for this great post! I am impressed.

    in reply to: The Coffee Oscars! #992376

    squeak, ICOT, SJSinNYC, areivim, ames and DaasYochid for most missed posters.

    Jothar for the sticking his neck out award.

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018783

    oh, I’m:

    ch as in charlie brown

    arl as in arley brown

    ey as in ey brown

    br as in brown

    ow as in own

    n as in n

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018782

    mods don’t have names, only serial numbers.

    in reply to: What time do you daven? #823108


    It should not be a public interruption to an otherwise pleasant coffee room setting.

    If kids are accidentally giving their identities away, its not a pleasant setting. If someone’s house is burning down do you quietly call the fire department in a whisper so as not to disturb the neighbors?

    I have read countless interruptive posts from them and have not seen one suspicion have any merit.

    I have seen many with merit. And apparently many other posters have also. You are in the minority here.

    Let those who truly work for this site and the internet provides truly protect us professionally.

    Mods, do you want help from Jothar et al or is BTGuy correct that you’d prefer he leave you alone?

    Its not worth creating arguments over. That is not my goal at all. I pretty much said all I have to say on this topic. Everyone does have a right to post their sincere thoughts. I took my position when I saw some people had their toes stepped on.

    I agree that everyone has a right to express their opinion and did not in any way mean this as an attack against you personally. Its just a friendly disagreement.

    but dont want to give out our SS numbers here

    hey, I didn’t go that far! I said name, address and phone number! 🙂

    Enough.. I am bored with it.

    Let’s see if you can hold yourself back from responding! 🙂

    in reply to: What time do you daven? #823101

    I hope you are not mining for information with such a “phishy” question, because I would be the guy with the black pants, white shirt, black shoes, and velvet kippa. Should I worry??? lol

    I just thought of something BTguy. If you are truly so unconcerned about personal info being leaked here, why don’t you prove how unharmful it is by posting not just the black pants and white shirt bit, but your real name, address and phone number here. What harm can come of it? 🙂

    in reply to: Attn Mods: Please delete/block my account. #822865

    he said he was buying an upgraded mind on ebay. That new mind is probably too smart to waste time with all us losers in the CR.

    hmmm, maybe I’ll check on ebay if they have more of those upgrades.

    in reply to: hair problems #1001517

    is a very natural looking shaitel an option?

    in reply to: No Fun Tonight? #823597

    sounds like BtGuy is about to launch the CR Shemira 🙂

    in which case the answer to OP is that yes there will be fun 🙂

    in reply to: Match the subtitle to name #823750

    yup, the good old days – when zaidy was still young.

    in reply to: do you confront someone when they hurt you? #822720

    i am shocked that popa didnt comment lol 🙂

    since Popa didn’t take the bait, I’ll respond for him.

    If she’s married or a kalla, ask her husband/chosson to buy her a $500 appliance. If he agrees, tell him you can save him the hassle of shopping for one – you happen to have one for sale right now.

    If she’s single, you now have some great reasons to find her a shidduch fast – to be able to unload your appliance, get revenge and, if she’s older, get some big $$ from NASI.

    in reply to: No Fun Tonight? #823595

    How old are you, may I ask?

    BTguy, why are you asking for personal info?!?

    but seriously, I don’t understand why you don’t get it – Jothar is not reporting anyone to law enforcement or taking out a contract on anyone’s life. He is just alerting the mods to threads which contain obvious and sometimes not so obvious fishing attempts that I’ve see here too.

    in reply to: AYC: AYeCo? #829132


    no problem. thx for letting me know it wasnt me though

    in reply to: how long do you have to be in the CR to be "one of the guys"? #822994

    14 years.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 1,273 total)