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  • in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643903

    I think some will. Sometimes tfilas alone won’t do the trick. We must do ‘Bepoel’.

    Most Mitzvas are ‘bepoel’. Why can’t we just give a dollar in shul and be yotzah mitzvahs of lulav and esrog? Because to do the mitzvah, we need to do ‘Bepoel’.

    Then it can also become a ‘hidur’ mitzvah.

    in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643901

    Chaverim. I’ve heard of several demonstrations for the release of the Iranian journalist imrisoned in Iran. By strangers.

    But none for the 3 bochurim in Japan,our brothers. Shame, Shame and Shame.

    in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643897

    To: Pashuteh Yid

    Your allegation that “the boys knew what they were doing” shows your a phony and a jew hater masquerading under a pious name; definately not a ‘pashuteh yid’. Also your Ahavas Yisroel stinks. If the Japanese thought the boys “knew what they were doing”, they would be sentenced to very long terms.

    The facts have proven otherwise and it’s accepted they were tricked. We’re talking about pikuach nefesh here (life threatening)…they don’t deserve being locked up in a torture chamber that is Japanese Prison. Only Nazis do that to Jews. Get it? Maybe if you sat in any Jail for a while (even to try it out for a year), you wouldn’t have the chutzpah or be so quick and easy with your words, to judge and condemn other Jews.

    in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643894

    Surely the gedolim will ok demonstrations when they realize that the boys lives are in mortal danger every minute. Certainly, a local Rov would give such a psak which people can be soimeach (i.e. rely) on, considering the situation. To live under such barbaric, cruel, inhumane and psychologically debilitating conditions is a saconos nefoshos (i.e. a constant mortal threat to life). Japan is in clear violation of International Prisoner and Humane Laws. They are rotzchim, achzorim, true ovdei elilim and shocnei ofor. They boys have been shown to have been ‘set up’ by criminal elements. There are many groups and organizations who protest and have protested against the Japanese, that can help our cause.

    The lives of the other 2 bochurim sentenced to 12 years imprisonment, and of the bochur newely sentenced to 5 years, are in grave danger. They could be in the state of a ‘shoitah’ i.e. a ‘basket’ case mentally or lose their mind, or their lives (chas v’cholila). It won’t make much difference in the long run (may be too late), but in the intemediate term, freeing them will give them back their lives.

    Demonstrations from our point are painless, a chance to do a fabulous mitzvah, help our brothers and show achdus with klal yisroel. It also shows great ahavas yisroel, emunas chachomim, ahavas torah and yiras shomayim and is a great kiddush hashem. You can also get plenty of fresh air. Bring a sefer along by all means and you won’t have to lose any time from learning torah!

    Because of the bad economic situation worldwide and more so in Japan, any boycott of Japan will yield quick results and they will free or transfer the boys.

    in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643892

    No demonstrations have yet been organized to my knowledge. While it makes sense to wait

    till after the trial, Klal Yisroel should be prepared to hold sustained demonstrations

    if the bochurim are not released. I ask each and every one to form groups and commitees to organize the demonstrations. Make sure to get any needed permits to demonstrate and put together some big signs. Once people get involved, it will grow and become very effective and organized. Keep in mind that the Japanese prison systems has been the subject of general demonstrations by many non-Jewish groups who strongly protested their terrible cruelty. But if need be, for the bochurim, the Japanese current prison system as well as their barbaric cruelty in World War II will be exposed to the world and possible boycotts of their goods and services, as needed.

    Hatzlochah Rabbah and Yeshiois Gedoilois.

    in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643888

    The Japanese are very sensitive to world opinion. Due to demonstrations, Russia became a free nation and the Berlin wall was torn down. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were freed from bondage and emigrated to the West. Russia then split up into other, smaller countries. Many of those countries are now part of NATO and are democratic. The Japanese are very sensitive to world opinion. Through demonstrations in front of their embassy or consulate, it’s possible to get the Yeshiva Bochurim released or transfered to Israel. Only a coward woud refuse to help their fellow Jew, ‘acheinu bais yisroel ho’oimdim batzoroh u’bashivyo’, rachmono litzlan. Hope to see you at the demonstrations!

    in reply to: Trial for Three Boys in Japan on Friday! #643879

    Chaverim. The time has come for klal yisroel to organize SUSTAINED, worldwide demonstrations against the Japanese. Our tefilas are important, but we must do avodah be’poel ie. actual physical work, to accomplish the goal of freeing the yeshiva bochurim. The Japanese judge accused people by military tribunal, not by trial-by-jury (so prisoners do not get a fair trial). Their prison system evolved from the Japanese prisoner camps in World War II. It’s historical fact that while the Nazis were horrible, the Japanese were 100 times more barbaric and cruel to their prisoners. They consider themselves superior to the rest of the world, but are a barbaric nation.. ‘Shoichnei Ofor’. By worldwide demonstrations and protests, and if necessary exposing the world to the cruel, true face of Japan; boycott of Japanese products etc., they WILL LET THE bochurim go. NU?? ‘Im loy achshov, amoysai’- i.e. If not now, then when? When the boys chas v’cholila; become like ‘vegetables’ and are permanently damaged, from their treatment in Japan?

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