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  • in reply to: Capitulation #2353805

    @Neville Chaimberlin Lo Mes,

    Israel needed to fight this war for the past year so that it can destroy its infrastructure, tunnels, weapons, senior leaders and any capabilities to rearm. This was accomplished and we won that part. There was a dream that Hamas would completely disintegrate but that was a dream. It doesn’t feel like a win but lmasa there is no way Hamas can commit another Oct 7 attack anytime soon. Thus yes we won. Now whats the future plan? Hard to know. But the focus at this point needs to shift to hostages once we accomplished what we can and there is very little more we can do.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2353011

    as I noted I am simplifying the math. I agree that it’s not explicit that I pay to cover the one who pays less. And yes some of that shortfall is raised via other campaigns. But at the end of the day, it’s all one pot. If he pays less I pay more. That’s how any system works.

    Re my argument that chasedi lev food and vacations shouldn’t be income because what’s the point? Well trust me those programs are worth alot more than the impact this would have on tuition.

    And leaving aside chasedi lev or free tuition’s I think we can all agree on here that govt programs are income and that ought to be a cheshbon. That’s for sure very simple

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2352718

    @Dr. Pepper
    You can’t capture every scenario but at least my argument adds fairness. Take for example your case where the mother won’t work because she will loose handouts. I think by handouts you refer to govt programs. Well such a family would be charged more for tuition under my formula. Granted it won’t capture the “not working” but it will produce the same result because it captures the net income and your argument would get captured there as well. I think some forms do ask things like do you get support do you get thus capturing housing. Does it capture the going to mechnaic vs fixing things on your own scenario? No. ia gree its not perfect but I think once you are looking at income and making a decsion based on that its silly not to call govt prgarms or free tution in another school as income.

    , & Always_Ask_Questions,. I don’t mean to say lets look at every one of your expenses. I get there is a point of nitty gritty that makes it impossible. But if the certain basic staples are covered that very big. If you don’t like to call it net inflows, another way to label it is just income. But income includes any money you get whether its from the govt or from tips or from chasedi lev or support from others. Thats all income. (the only area that this would differ is free tuttion in another school wouldn’t be counted via just looking at income) Why isn’t receiving govt programs income? It can eqaute to $50K post tax annually to someone who is savvy.

    : That’s not fair for a tuition committee to accommodate one person over the other. That isn’t their job to do. You ask how i affects me? Simple math if you give someone who gets all these freebies a discount because their “income” is low, while really my “net income” is lower I have to pay for that. It really costs say $10K to educate a child. But someone who is a rebbe only pays lets say $7K. Then I need to pay $13K to cover that gap. (I am oversimplifying it but that’s the idea), Now what about hakars Hatov to the rebbe? Thats very nice we can start a chaesdi lev who offers scholarships to a rebbe because of their hard dedicated work just like they offer free groceries. It shouldn’t be part of a the tuition committee cheshbon. And I don’t just mean a rebbe but anyone who gets programs.

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2352321

    We are getting caught up in technicalities vs the crux of my point. The key point is that tuition committee should be looking at the net of inflows and outflows per family as it pertains to the core expenses that a family has. The core expenses are housing, health care, food, tuition and daycare costs. So that even if person A brings in $60K while Person B brings in $100K. (Brings in meaning after taxi and tips). f Person A has zero of those expenses and while Person B has all of those expenses, Person B is in a tighter spot and should receive a greater scholarship. I think this context keeps it as simple as i can make my point. There are always nuances and special considerations but you need to start with a basic formula.

    in reply to: Trump – Unconditional Discharge #2352126

    well said and I’d think it should bother any frum yid that stands for moral values. The convictions are gotcha moments and its “crime” doesn’t bother me. But the moral aspect of what he did and that he our president is a concern. However, he seems to be better for EY and getting our hostage’s homes. That “Trumps” everything else for a frum jew

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351515

    Thank you @flyer as I noted I refer to parsonage as a loose term. Bottom line is give it whatever label you want . Schools are allowed to give other schools money and deduct that from a staff member paycheck. It’s legal and I know countless school staff members who do it. This is a fact that it’s done

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351219

    I apologize if a “rebbe” seemed to be the natural easiest illustration . I no means want to call them out vs anyone else. My key point is that I want committees to look at fringe benefits and not just “salary” based on income like a goy would. In other words govt programs are worth alot of money. And so are free tutions. Recveing free perks (even if its well deserved) like free chol hamoed trips is money. I want to make sure school committees realize that and look at the whole picture. This applies to anyone receiving these benefits

    You seem to say that yes schools do look at things like of a family receives snap , chs or medicad or free community support. if so then yes thanks for claryfing and I hope all schools do that.

    Re Parsonage: Don’t google it. I am telling you what its called in “heimisha” circles. maybe the legal jargon is different but the idea is simple. A school pays another schools tuition and deducts from salaries pre tax. Call it what you like.

    : why shouldn’t things be strictly math? I think thats the crux of my question. Why not? assuming your formula is accurate and accounts for income and expenses? Please provide rational why it shouldn’t be all math. That’s the most fair to me

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2351192

    @Dr. Pepper,

    I just proposed a very fair formula. Net cashflows where its inflows minus outflows. Now obviously one still has to take people into account on an indvidual basis. Nebach someone can have a sick child where it cost alot to take care of him/her etc. But there is a certain avreage standard that people live on that’s what you go with. There is defintley no reason that you can’t say that one who is earning 60K but receiving 40K in programs’ is equal to the one earning 100K. Thats simple math. Its also easy to say that one who gets free tuitons really earns $8K more in salary. These aren’t so complicated.

    Parsonage is, say one is a bais yakov school teacher and earns 50K. The bais yakov can donate say $8K to a yeshiva where the teachers son goes to and now the teachers salary is only $42K. So she doesn’t have withholdings on that $8K. Its fully legal and of course I hope everyone does that.

    The tax dedcution thing is interesting that the school didn’t let

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2350974

    Ill start by saying we are discussing strictly math first. I am suggesting that a tuition committee should be equal to all with set mathematical guidelines that take into account two things, They need to take into account Net Income with net being the key and they need to take into account net expenses. Or you can boil that down to one equation (Income- expenses) and say look at “net revenue”. Now I’ll delve into your pointers
    1) If a school only offers reduced tuition to its staff or rebbe then yes of course the math is different and his net revenue is lower. of course he deserves a greater discount. Its whatever the math says.
    2) I could be wrong, but my understanding is that if in kollel or kli kodesh, its presumed that you receive a scholarship and don’t need to apply for one. I could be 100% wrong . But I still argue that the math formula assigned to calculate “Net Revenue” is flawed as I will explain in #3-5 below.

    Let me just clear the air re parsonage. Its 100% legal and CVS am I saying its wrong. Its also true that I may not get every nuance in how it works. But its surely some tax saving or it wouldn’t be used. So thats a fringe benefit that makes a rebbe’s life less costly.

    3-5) My illustration of 90K is poor example that I used for simplification but I confess that its too oversimplified. A better Illustration but a bit mathy is the following. A rebbe is earning $60K gross plus tips and private tutor gigs at $100 for 45 minutes. Lets say that amounts to 60K net after taxes too because of the add ons. Now an accountant earns $130K. After taxes and social security lets say thats $100K. So yes he earns more.

    This where I think most tuition committees stop. But its flawed Here is why. Lets look at the expense side aka the outflows of each. An accountant needs to pay for
    -food (lets say $500 a week on the low side on average including YT and todays $6 a dozen egg prices) so that’s 25K a year ( really 26 but keeping things even).
    -Health care costs: Premiums plus deductibles for employee sponsored plans including dental Roughly 12K but its mostly tax deductible so $10K.
    – Yeshiva Tuition for say 3 boys $25K
    – Babysitter/ playgroup say 1 child ($550 a month) $6K.
    – Chol Hamoed Trips – $1K (probably more but lets say that for now)
    Leaving our housing for now.

    Now a rebbe receives SNAP, WIC, Free or reduced food before YT via Chasedi Lev, Medicaid, CHS and free tuition for his boys, free sponsored chol hamoed and reduced summer vacations. So his expenses are astronomically lower. He doesn’t have food and health care and tuition expenses. If you sum up my list above it nearly $70K lower. This isn’t counting if he is on HUD too. Now maybe the rebbe doesn’t receive every one of the benefits listed above (maybe he doesn’t have 3 boys in yeshiva) and he only receives 40K worth of my list. That’s still alot lower expenses than the accountant.

    6) I am not advocating that a rebbe g-d forbid be poor. A rebbe works hard and in todays days its skill set. I know I can’t be a rebbe and connect with children like they can. Many work hard at night prepping and speaking to parents. Its more than a 9-2 job and its 6 days a week! I am not deaf to their hard work nor hkaras hatov to them. However, this is a math question I believe tuition committees should be purely mathematical calculating inflows minus outflows to see who can afford things.

    Does the tuition committee apply this formula and if no why not? Isn’t it fair?

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2350493

    I don’t need torah sources. You made up that goal post. ACTIONS by gedolim are my source.
    (I also did provide sources but you just don’t like them and they don’t fit into your narrow minded gaol post of vaild sources)

    You admit that R isser Zalman was a gadol . Well he was extremely close to R Kook, fully supported him and his son became leader of Hesder yeshiva with his backing. These are kinowbn facts. That’s as torah as it gets. Is he know a Kofer?

    Just to repeat again I don’t need sources. You made that up. (As I noted the anti zionist camp had to write sefarim as a means of protest. The pro zionsit didn’t need to answer to them and actions alone showed it. Stop making up your own rules. Thats not the way this works.)

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2350492

    1) If its the yeshiva he teachs it’s usually free and not of his salary. So when a rebbe then goes to his daughters school and says his income is only $60K while the accountant is say $90K, one of the the many factors left out is yes your “gross” income is lower but so are your expenses. The accoutnat maybe also has 3 boys in yeshiva on top of sending to the grils school. His yeshiva costs are $25K while you the rebbes yeshiva cost are $0. So now the girls school should take that into account.
    2) Even the tuition paid to the grils school lets say the rebbes is $7K and accountant $8K. The rebbe’s 7K is paid via parsonage. Now thats not free and it means his salary is now $53K gross vs 60K gross. But the $7K is pre tax dollars compared to the accoutant where its post tax. That alone is a 25% benefit to the rebbe right there.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2350314

    r elyshav worked for Zionists as did R Yosef . You said yes . So we have a gadol that worked for Zionists. If Zionism is really sick kefira equal to the conservative movement you can’t be a gadol if you work for them. It’s impossible.

    Now R shloma zalman and R elyshav learned by R kook zl . Again if you learn by a kofer and consider him your rebbe to the point of him being mesadat kiddushin then R kook couldn’t have been a kofer. Look at his talmudim

    R isser zalman zl well he was also very close to R kook and he himself held of mizrachi. He fully supported his son who became the head of hesder yeshiva . Thanks for letting us know a gadol held of Zionism.

    We can debate the others some other time. Both R shraga fievel and R Wolfson were close to Satmar Reba and well versed in all sides . But ok let’s leave them aside

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2350304

    That’s your best cheap shot ? You make up your own religion and goal posts and everyone else is following another religion?

    Bottom line answer the question. Was R eliyasviv a gadol in whatever twisted term you call a gadol. That would be yes or no. And if the answer is no then you are full of it . You make things up and lie and everyone else is empty. I will not stand for it and continue to call you out for this evilness of putting others down .

    Your definition of a gadol is made up by you so that you could box in only Satmar Reba and that’s all that counts. It’s comical and sad.

    Let the readers know Zionism has a strong makor in our Torah and frum religion . Many subject matter experts held of Zionism

    in reply to: Tuition Pricing #2350302

    To be clear I get that school faculty such as a rebbe in that school should receive free or reduced tuition. But what about a rebbe who sends to “another” school such as a girls school, mesifta or even a different yeshiva than what he teaches in? And he already pays via parsonage

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2349999

    “If somebody does something that is against any part of the Torah, especially kefira like explained in Vayoel Moshe, the kasha is on that person not on the Torah.”
    Wrong, just because they go against vayoel moshe doesn’t make it kefira. If they are a tzadik and they do it then its not kefira. the Satmar reba was one person (who can make mistakes or at least have his shita) and they as a gadol can do differently. Vyoel moshe isn’t a halacha misinai.

    Your whole silly goal post that one must write a teshuva or sefer to counter the other side is nonsense. You made that up. In fact the only reason that the Satmar reba has to write a sefer about this is simple. Because, its easy to do an ACTION that’s pro Zionism and that alone is proof that its correct. But you can’t really do an action thats “anti zionism” unless you protest like the crazies NK out there. By enlarge the only way to protest zionsim is to write a sefer. So just because he wrote a sefer while yenim did actions proves nothing.

    To your defintion of a gadol. R Elyashav R Yosef and R Shloma Zalman ZL were experts in the subject of zionsim too. This mishigas that they have tow rite a sefer to prove that is your own made up lies. Their ACTIONS are authoritive and binding. Had their actions like working for the zionists are well known by other gedolim and yet they were accepted. That’s enough to say that zionsim isn’t kefira. They were “well known” as wroking for zionsists and it was no secret. Again they need not publish seforim. Thats shtusim that you made up. They were also weel versed on the topic of zionism vs not.

    Now lets go the Punvitcha rav, His action of rasing the flag and having zionists speak at the ground breaking ceremony again were well known and indeed challenged by other gedolim in yerushlaim who hung up patchkervillen. And it was indeed very much “peer reviewed”. Yet the chazon ish and others atteneded. Did you “write” a sefer? No but he sure did strong actions.

    I am also not sure why the sefarim I quoted from don’t count. They were torah experts on this subject And yes “other gedolim ” who were expertes did quote their writings. Just not the ones you hold of.

    Overall you make things up as you go along. There is no such defintion for a gadol as you say. its baloney and your own purim torah to answer yourself. A gadol firstly certainly can’t be a mistaken “massies umtiach” or a “mistaken Kofer”. Thats just ridiculous. And someone who is an expert in all of torah teachings like R Elishyav is a gadol whether he hocked up zionism per say or not. And unless other leaders say don’t follow the action that he took, its enough to assume that he took the torah way. You make up your won narrow baised goalposts after you make your decision. That’s just hot air and lies.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2349620

    Another way to say it is someone who displays an extraordinary closeness to hashem thats not found with a regular jew. Sometimes that’s in torah both hasmada and knoweldge like R Elishyav zl and R shloma zalman zl. Sometimes its in avoda and chasdius like certain rebas (skulen and ribnitza) sometimes it’s both.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2349604

    @somejewiknow, Let me rephrase. Its someone who was so wise in torah, close to hashem and holy enough (by bring close to hashem) that we view his actions that he did in his lifetime to be the right actions with whom we follow. Someone much holier than a regular jew. Now every leader including the holy stamar reba commited an action occasionly that was perhaps not what we should follow because noone is perfect but in general we follow them. Maybe you enlighten us what makes someone a gadol big talker smart alic .

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2348817

    Fair enough and that includes the Satmar Reba zya too.
    Still a Gadol is someone who you know was close to hashem and who generally is correct. We definitely don’t look at thier actions as kefira or borderline kefira. And so where they Gedolim?

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2348616

    Someone with whom we emulate to do what they do and believe they made no mistakes in their actions. And/or leading poskim. We consider them to have the purest hashkafa. That will be a yes or no to my list.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2348197

    Let’s go back to basics please just answer yes or no to the below:
    Was R Elishav zl a gadol?
    Was R Yosef zl a gadol ?
    Was R shloma zalman Orbach zl a gadol?

    Was R isser zalman meltzer zl a gadol?
    Was R tzvi pesach frank zl a gadol?
    Was the punvitcha rav zl a gadol?
    Were the rizyhna rebas like the Aver Yaakov, Shtefenesht (the skullner and ribntza Reba Reba ), Bohush zl a gadol?
    Was R shraga fievel mendelovitch who helped so many yeshivas in the USA a gadol?
    Was R Moshe Wolfson zl a gadol?

    Yes or no will suffice . No torahs please

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2346760

    Correction so many “gedolim “ not kofrim did ACTIONS that clearly without a question support Zionism. To call all of those holy people kofrim makes you the odd one and a kofer. You can deny that one person was a gadol but not when it’s a long list. So you have veyol Moshe and Rabbi Yedid yippy! When so many Torah gedolim do Actions in support of Zionism that makes it part of the Torah . Who are you to decide what’s correct Torah. You only know that by looking at the gedolim. Sometimes one gadol can error but not tons.
    Furthermore, you look at a person Talmudim and that tells you if that person was a kofer. Let’s look at R kook talmidim who were gedoli olam.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2345833


    If we were talking about just one perosn then you can say navi sheker. But there is a huge list of gedolim who both the chazon ish, satmar reba and others were close to who did ACTIONS that were pro zionsit. So many navi shekers? Its you who decided its sheker based on your narrow view. If you start with an open mind and see what they did before you decide then you’d relaize hey we have great people that did like this, it must not be sheker.

    Why do people have to PUBLISH sefarim to answer to the Satmar Reba ZYA? Firstly many of these gedolim were older and they certainly don’t have to “publish” sefarim. here again you just make up stuff. You made up that unless its in a sefer it doesn’t count. That’s your own false purim torah. Stop making stuff up. And the few that did print sefarim like we pointed to don’t count.

    If someone raises an Israeli flag then you doesn’t need to “explain ” himself. you decided this nonsense that a person must “explain” themselves. As they say ACTIONs speak louder than words. He has no need to expalin himself. Its obvious from his actions. In the case of R sharga fievel who made a bracha on the state he did explain himself loud and clear. I heard the explanation from his talmidim. And he held a statehood is a good thing. No he didn’t write a “sefer” But so what.

    I’ll just repeat again, typically by a navi sheker like Shabsi tzvi, the reform or conservative movement etc. the next generation doesn’t stay frum. Neither does the students of the funder. Here you have R Kook ZL who established Hesder yeshiva which is sold frum, he had talmidm that were from the biggest poskim like R Elyshaiv amd R shloma zalman.

    When you have so many ACTIONS that did things to support the medina that was Intentional” because they are very specific actions. I don’t buy that torah of “unintentional either

    And again R elishav and R Yosef worked for the state of israel. if thats against our torah how did they do it? Can i go work for JTS or in a reform temple?

    Bottom line stop making up your own goal posts . No such thing that one has to write a “sefer” . Or that one needs to answer to the Satmar reba.. They are just as holy and don’t need to answer.


    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2345802

    Sorry for the typos
    None of the yingerlit receiving kollel checks get that from pel grants. Thats fully fundraised via Scheiner at $80m a year. via the aderi torah campaign.
    $1K per student is a start. Just like it cost about $90-$100K to marry off a daughter and we have big bali Chasidim who built affordable wedding halls that save $5K. Its only 5% but it helps.

    To your last point, fair point. I don’t know that your math is correct and if all 400K children’s live in areas with no govt vouchers etc. And the chasdim already have such a system so we need not include them. If $1000 is too much then even $500 helps. And yes someone as established is torah umesora should be able to raise $100M with alot of work

    To your last point, I don’t think that’s a fair argument. I am not a fundraiser nor in that business. Torah umesora is here for that purpose. its purpose is to help the yeshivas. Its our “educational” go to center. They have their pulse on the frum yeshivas and bais yaakov system. What else should be their purpose if not this? I understand that this would be a huge undertaking. But so was opening up yeshivas in far out places in the 50’s. A mossad is their to sweat and do hard work.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2345685

    Because it isn’t torah only. Its your biased narrow view. As we noted, ACTIONS by many leading gedolim that are crystal clear arethe clear torah proof. You don’t need seforim published to establish facts. If a gadol raises an Israeli= flag or says halell, or ferrs tisch, or makes a bracha,in front of many mnay people those aren’t “questionable acts” where maybe they meant something else. Those are clear statements that they meant to support zionsim and that its a torah view as well.
    Furthermore, when a gadol like R Kook ZL has holy tamidim like R Elyashiv and R Shloma zalman who never renounced him and were holy jews. you can’t call him a heretic. Again these are like ACTIONS.

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2345677

    Quite the opposite. those on Govt programs earn enough and should indeed be charged a higher tuition. After SNAP, HUD, Medicad, HEAP, CHS they come out ahead. The issue is for middle class earners who work and try to earn enough yet its impossible to afford tution even on a 200K salary. Thats where its time to create a scholarship fund for them

    None of the yingerlit receiving kollel checks get that from pel grants. Thats fully fundraised via Scheiner at $80m a year. via the aderi torah campaign.
    $1K per student is a start. Just like it cost about $90-$100K to marry off a daughter and we have big bali Chasidim who built affordable wedding halls that save $5K. Its only 5% but it helps.

    To your last point, fair point. I don’t know that your math is correct and if all 400K children’s live in aeras with no govt vouchers etc. And lthe cahsdim already have such a system so we need not include them. If its 1000 then even 500 helps. And ues someone as established is torah umesora should be able to rasie $100M with alot of work

    To your last point, I don’t think that’s a fair argument. I am not a fundraiser nor in that business. Torah umesora is here for that purpose. its purpose is to help the yeshivas. Its our “educational” go to center. They have their pulse on the frum yeshivas and bais yaakov system. What else should be their purpose if not this? I understand that this would be a huge undertaking. But so was opening up yeshivas in far out places in the 50’s. A mossad is ther to sweat and do hard work.

    in reply to: The Good Biden Has Done #2345180

    From a secular standpoint I am an anti trumper, In other words I am only pro trump because of Israel and the muslims. I think his domestic ideas are all crazy and nuts. And I do believe he is guilty of the crimes that he was indicted for in all 4 places. I also believed Biden was a decaent upstanding man. This commutation dissappoints me, Moreover, I think it talks to the broader point about Israel.. We see how Biden has pity even on the lowest of the lowest criminals. Make no mistake, this is also how he views the Palestinian terrorists too. Yes they are evil but we can’t kill them or cause them to die. This kind of naive bleeding liberal religious view is dangerous

    in reply to: Torah Umesorah #2344971

    This is a very good question. In other words why doesn’t it create a fund to solve the tuition crisis. Any parent who earns below x times the poverty level for his family size should be able to get say 1k per child. (So maybe anyone earning less than 400% of poverty level or 450% and not receiving support). They’d also have to apply the value of govt programs. So let’s say you only earn income wise 200% but after programs you are receiving 500% of poverty level you wouldn’t get this grant.

    I know this would be very expensive but if BMG can raise $80M per year why can’t they raise $100M? And use it to help struggling middle class ?

    in reply to: The Good Biden Has Done #2344711

    The good Biden has done. Commute the death penality for creepy child murderers and rapists. Yup very good

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2344652

    I showed you torah reponses and pointed you to it. But you dismss it because you are a close minded naive jew who thinks only your way is right.
    Furthermore, you make it sound like oh you need a “torah response” like in a sefer written down. Thats baloney and your own made up lies to push yourself ion this box you create.. The Torah reponse is the way other gedolim responsed with ACTIONS. Its not just what they write in a sfer. You make up your own rules as they go along. Now how did other big leaders REACT. Well lets see, some made a barcha when the israel was founded, some said hallel and some ferred tish. Another r Action is the talmidim R Kook ZL: had. Many many huge gedlom. That’s the proof and unless you deny those proofs you are lying. Your goalposts are your own made up lies.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2344356


    That was R Yedid postion. But if you look letters from the Imeri emes even we speaking sharp he only has the biggest kovod for him and does not call him a masis i’madiach . I told you already that the chafetz cahim held the same. In additon are you telling me that R Elshyav & R Shloma zalman learned by a masis i’madiach ? All R Kook’s supporters like R Isser Zalman meltzer, the titz elizer ,, R tzvi pesach frank, the nazir etc all supported a masis i’madiach ?

    Your porbelm is you have one narrow shita and you’ll find that one gadol that says like you and that become toras moshe . meanhwile everyone else doesn’t count. Good so you have R Yedid and Satmar Reba. Big deal. Who are you to open your fat trap and decide because of those few. Shame on you. Wash your mouth out. R Kook was holy jew.

    Zionsim has a place in judiasm accodring to many views. And the overhleming majorty held R Kook was a GADOL. (Albiet some held he was mistaken) Enough of your lies and nonsense.

    in reply to: Polio Making a Comeback? #2344086

    Unfortunately blame for the growth of the anti vaxer movement is the Govt under Fauci during covid.
    Mandated Vaccine requirements push masses to distrust the govt. Especially when the vaccines aren’t needed for those who had covid. Nor do the vaccines protect from getting sick. It only protects against dying. I recall Dr Brix saying its your choice and we won’t force it and then she forced it.
    Govt Shutdowns: Sure it helps but to close things for 6 -12 months is insane. Humans are functions of social interactions. Shutdowns are draconian measures. It should only be used to get grip on things like for a month.
    And of course masks.
    All this caused a major erosion of mistrust. Then you want to know why people aren’t taking Vaxines? Next time when you think about health policies, think about the effects it can have physcologiiclly .

    in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2344084

    1) That most gedolim per war rejected “secular Zionism”. Note I call that “secular ziosnim vs pure zionsim. I disagree and don’t think thats true. There were plenty gedolim who did hold of zionism. And in fact mizrachi was part of agudah till the machloks between R chaim ozer Zl and r Rubenstein Z”l. Even after that dispute many still held of zioinsim while other opposed it for secular reasons. We know for exmaple that the riyzna rebas all held strongly of zionism.
    2) That separating and buidling a wall around the secular forces is the approach that we must take. This was the shita of Harav Hirsch But even he still held to mingle somewhat. The yekkis were very into obtaining degrees at secular colleges and working with non jews por non frum jews. And so the idea that the kehila can’t be separate but you leave the walls to go to work or college is simply not true. Now yes there is the R Lichetnstien aka R Hillel Kamiya’s group who enacted a “tieling” . But even the ksav sofer never fully signed up on that. Moreover, the litfisha velt never ascribed to that ideology at all.
    3) Mizrachi today is stronger and frummer than ever. No People are not going off. Yes the MO in America is loosing alot but not mizrachi. In fact its producing more and more talmedi chachomim. Look at all the miazrchi in Gaza. See the mesiras nefesh they have to daven and learn in such harsh conditions. Listen to R Asher Weiss cry about the shalias he receives from crippled IDF soldiers about putting on teflin or other things they think of. The fact that they are so strong and are only getting stronger is a testament to the fact that there a place in torah Judaism for that.

    in reply to: The Good Biden Has Done #2343337

    I’d beg to differ. I think Polio is an issue now because of the Biden administration and Fauci. I blame the proliferation of the growing anti vax movement as a pushback against to much govt interference into our private lives. People are frustrated at forced covid vaccine mandates. People are mad about govt shutdowns for months on end. People are mad about masks. Now I don’t disagree with the idea of any of those. But here is the thing.
    Covid vaccines: When it first came out I remember Dr Birx saying we understand vaccines are a tough choice but we encourage you to take them. That should of been the message vs a forced mandate.
    Shutdowns: This is a draconian measure. Humans need to socially interact. Its good for when we can’t handle things like during the first onset of the outbreak. But at a certain point after a month or two that should have reopened.. Its not intended as a cue for 6 months straight.
    When the govt overdoes it, it erodes our system. They never thought about the damage and psychological pushbacks that would occur. Its their fault more than Trump or RFK

    in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2343286

    I don’t fully buy your story. And then there is Hesder. Some of those solders are so ehrlich. I don’t see shmad. As R Asher Weiss the kind of shailas he gets from so many of these solders that make him cry. Like these holy jews who lost hands and need to know which one should he put on teflin. Look at the torah and davening done in Gaza. These aren’t “shmad”. And yes there are isolated stories of the IDF forcing things on nachal chardei but its mostly isolated incidents. Its not the normal day to day. Your stories are more fear mongering than reality.

    ; Most gedolim pre war who were against Zionism were against being secular vs zionsim. Like the imeri emes etc. And so when you look at the dynamics today there are differneces. Firstly, the state is here already and its not just should a secular state exist but how to deal with it. Second, there is no movement any more that encourages wild scale shmad like the “isms” pre war Europe. Mostly the frum stay frum. The govt also is no longer out to shamd the frum like Ben Gurion did. They do want them to leave kollel and integrate more but they aren’t saying don’t keep shabbos or mirzvas. Yes I hear of these isolated stories where they force frum people to hear Kol Ishah. But its isolated with a few bad actors. Even the biggest anti frum like Lapid aren’t looking to make you irrelgious. They just want them to intergrate, be like the rest of the country just religous.. More like a classsic flatbush or 5 towns working dad is fine with them. (I agree that it is still anti chasdish but one can debate about the chasdish lifestyle yet still be frum)

    in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2342898

    1) Re Lebanon:
    A) Of course the ground invasion did it. And yes the ceasefire was what allowed people to move back. But what do you think pressured Hezbollah into a ceasefire? The combination of the air attacks and that the entire south Lebanon was wiped out by the ground invasion. That included all their strategic locations. Addiotnally, the IDF was its on way to Beruit. They didn’t want a “ground invasion” of Beruit. Like what else do you think forced Hezbollah into a ceasefire? The air alone would have never done that. Get real.
    B) Is the North safe now? yes 100%. And thats because of the ground invasion. The biggest risk was that hezbollah was building up in prep for an Oct 7 like attack on its border. The whole south is wiped out and Hezbollah has nothing there. They are completely obliterated in the south Lebnaon. They had tunnels and weapons and miliatry bases/ bunkers all over. Thats all gone. So yes the north is very safe now. I’d have no issue living there. And the ground invasion was needed.
    c) Hezbollah is a little nothing now. It will take years to rebuild it and without Syria help. This is a clear win. Of course many low level terrorists still remain but they are a nothing. No power and no way to pose a threat now for a long time.
    2) Gaza: Of course those hostages were freed because of the IDF attacks. What forced that first round of negotiations? The fact that Hamas was hopping the IDF won’t invade Gaza city like it did to North Gaza. The invasion sacred them. Now is Hamas defeated? Thats not as clear as Hezbollah. But they are extremely weak. They have no infrastructure and their land is in such disarray. Israel is not leaving so quikcly and they know it. They can want to attack again with a vengance but they will have a very very hard time attacking now. israel is on top of thwem and in Gaza. They will continue to ack them and watch over them like a hawk. Many of their tunnels are gone. Its at least a ten year set back.

    Your logic that war doesnt do this but ceasefires do is so flawed. What pushes them into a ceasefire in the first place? The ground invasion’s and war. of course this is necessary. Now is it a “mitzva” I don’t know. But its not “bibi’s war”

    in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2342263

    @ Haimy,
    The leaders of the last generation strongly discouraged yeshiva boys from fighting . In the early days there were many not in yeshiva yet still charedi who fought. Look at pictures from the six day war. I should say leaders from two generations ago vs last generation

    in reply to: YWN Chutzpah! Ignoring Levaya of HaRav Asher Deutch #2342130

    Ask the Gorelicks

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2342051

    Here is the place for your open conversation. Lets not create goal posts that zionism is “halacha” and you need seforim and poskim. Its hashkafa and we look at how gedolim acted. We have chasdisha reba who fered tsih yom hatzmut, holy jews who made brochos and declared they’d fight for EY if they can like R shrage feivel., holy jews who raised Israeli flags, holy talmidum of r kook zl..

    Zionism is a hashkafa question in which many rabbonim supported it as the torah way.

    in reply to: Milchemet Mitzvah article by Rabbi Dr. Ari Z. Zivotofsky #2341990

    We need to work our way backwards on your comment.

    The war in the north was a “watse of time”? Umm Hezbollah is basiclly completely destroyed and cannot lobby missiles at israel any more. Syria which is their route fell apart as a result of the war and Iran is weakened. I think anyone with an honest side will tell you israel fully won that part of the war unlike 1982 , 2000 & 2006 when we lost these wars. I don’t know how you can logically call that a waste of time.

    Now lets turn to Gaza: Firstly over 100 hostages were set free early on due to military pressure. IYH soon the other 50 or so remaining will be freed as well. Things look promising and we continue to daven. But the war with Gaza wasn’t just to free the hostages. if it was then you could argue that it was a mixed scuesss. Nebach unfortunately it looks like we may lose 50-75 heilga nefoshos of those hostages. We already know of about 15-20 killed in captivity nebach directly because of the IDF operations on top of those from other causes.. However the goal is to make Hamas incapable of comfiting Oct 7 again. That goal has been acheived. For a very long time they won’t be able to march in and do this again. So no it isn’t a waste of time and very worthy war.

    That bring me to me the next point of syaing oh its the “secular Israeli’s ” looking to shamd us who decided on this war. No thats false. This was an obivously needed war to stop missiles from the north and to stop Hamas & Hezbollah from comtting Oct 7. Its not a war that the secular zioinsits decided to wage. Its a war that was forced upon us and now its fight or we will die again. Now is that a “milchmas miztva”? I have no clue. But its a necessary war.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2341697


    A few mistakes
    1) The issue of Zionism isn’t a “psak”. Its not based on daled chelcki shlachan aruch. Its hashkafa.
    2) Actions of holy people count as being supportive of that hashkafa and they don’t all need to “write” sefarim.
    3) many sefarim are around and were peer reviewed by others that are pro zionism.
    4) Talmidum of R Kook who also supported him while continuing to be marbatz torah count.
    5) Kofrim don’t have a kyuim hadoros. Noone form shbasi tzvi or the reform movements grandchildren stayed frum. Same thing with the conservative movement. Hesder yeshiva is extremely frum and torahdik. That proves its emeskit.
    6) Oppostion to secular zionsim (like the imeri emes was) isn’t oppistion to zionsim

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2341221

    There isn’t a “psak” about Zionism. You made that up from bodeim. It’s an ideology where people were against it . You make things up. Baloney.
    Now if you want to call it a “counter psak “, I quoted many and yes we do have many more counter pasaks. I told a few above on top of R Kook who in his own right can hold it.

    I don’t get your point re conservatives. My point is, those that joined it were ex communicated from our community even if religious. Are you going to belittle R elysshav and R Yosef? It’s Clear that it’s not kefira or they would not have worked for them. It sounds like you are belittling them a little. That talks to your hot head close minded nonsense . That everyone is a kofer but you. Who do you think you are to belittle these great people ?

    Furthermore, it’s been proven in history that movements who are kefira become not religious and don’t observe mitzvas after 1-2 generations. Look at shabasi tzvi and the reform movement. Now go take a look at hesder the mizrachi movement founded by R kook 100 years ago. It’s even more religious and frummer now . Look at how ehrlich its soilders are. Kefirs doesn’t stick. R kook stuck

    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2341133

    How long ago? This is a failry new shift. (10-15 years ago)

    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2340969

    Just pointing out, this sounds like its a boys school with a female thrid grade teacher.. I can’t imagine that school rules are so rigid then. In a real “yshivish or chasdish boys school 3rd grade teachers aren’t females.

    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2340968

    What wrong with using filtered smartphone? Its here to stay. Its a nice chumra that you don’t use it but its time to get real. Judiasm isn’t about being Amish

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2340967


    You are a stubborn hot head who refuses to creep out of the bubble you live in. I make no bizyun hatorah. I speak the emes and don’t just fall for how I was barinwashed.

    You continue to ask me who are these people? And then you keep on moving thse goal posts and making up new corooked “boch sveros” on who has an opinion in this. But lest talk about your “peer review” shallow argument. So lets see who “peer reviewed”?

    R Kook had many who “peer reviwed” him and stood on his side. R Isser Zalman Meltzer, R Tzvi pesach Frank, the titz elizer , the nazir, and many many more. These were big gaonim. Furthermore, he had talmidum who were huge. Sometimes you can see from ones talmidim. Notice how Shabis Tzvi didn’t leave over lasting talmdim who were our gedolim. But R kook did. They range from R Shloma Zalman, R Elyshav and many others that were older.

    Re Rabbi Freidman who peer reviewed? Well the entire rizyna dynasty did. They include the shtefenstha reba, (Talimdim , Skulner reba and ribntza), Sadygur, Bohaush, Chortkov, Boyan etc. Rizyahn was huge pre war. They all agreed with him and in fcat followed in his ways. he wrote a sefer and the sadigura fered tsih yom hatzmut. Thats peer review.

    Let move to Punvitcha rav, At that ground breaking cermeony, secular left wing leaders from the knesset spoke. The chazon ish was there with him. Take a look at the agudah syuim hashas where they are scared to put up H Hersechel Shachter who is barely even MO, because they will get in trouble. If its mamesh kefira would he have done that woth the chazon ish? (I mean yes the badatz held it was kefira and they posted patchkivillan against the punivtcha rav for that. But obvioulsy it wasn’t widely accepted). He also raised the flag on yom hatzmut. Imgaine if I raised a Hamas flag. would I get away with it?

    Now lets move to R Elyashiv and R Yosef, both worked for the govt with R Yosef as chief rabbi for the state. If the state is all kefira how can they do that?is it OK to be a rebbe in JTS? I think we all agree that Sol Liberman who was gaon and aside for maybe R Moshe knew more torah than anyone else in the USA. Yet being a rebbe for the conservative movement completely passuled him. He himself was frum but we ex-comminincated him becasue his work was defactor endorsmenet of the movement. This is all as you say a “peer review” to the idea that zionsim is not clearl;y against our torah.

    Now lets turn to Rabbi JB who was the head of mizrachi. R Aron speak harshley against him. But at the same time, they both ran chinuch atzmui. Theyw ere very close. I heard from an eyewitness that R Aron walked into YU to ask Rabbi JB to give a talmid a job there. He came to his levaya. R Aron did not agree with his hshkofoes. That’s clear. But a kofer?? Is it OK to run an organziation that teaches torah with a “kofer”?

    Oh and yes 75% of frum jews who were pro the state of Israel were all kofrim. Oh I am sorry there aren’t as many sefarim quoting these people so they must be a kofer. Actions don’t matter only whats in a narrow sefer.

    I could go on and on. And I have no doubt that you’ll drei akup. This is what liars like you do. You are so stuck in your own kool-aid. The evidence smacks you in the face that there are two sides. You’ll never see the truth. But I refuse to ever let you get the alst word on this. I won’t stand for bullies like you. You could contin ue to write and I wil always repeat the following.

    The Issue of zionism is a debate among our holy sages. Some held its against our torah while others held its very much within our torah and whats wanted from us. Almost all agreed that seculrism is trief although there is a debate how much to tolerate that. The majorty of oppostion to the state of israel was because they are secular but not because ideally we can’t have a state.

    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2340981

    @Avram in MD
    I am not here to debate whether having a smartphone is suggested or not. I hear your point about addiction but I think its just so the normal and regular. You just can’t live the Amish. Its going to be the new norm like a car. There are teshivas against taking atrain because people will go to the city and become frei. Guess what the arucah hahluchan was spot on. Thats what happened. But when it becomes so widespread and so the new norm fighting it isn’t the answer. Soon you will need that phone for every daily usage like swipping it for credit cards , going on the city bus, signing forms etc.

    But I repeat this isn’t what I am looking to debate. lets focus on Tag charging money for filters.
    The compasion to hashgachas is a weak one at best. I’d compare it to shul membership maybe. Most shuls don’t “require” membership. They strongly encourage and nudge people. People realize on their own to pay. But noone throws people out if they don’t pay. In our shul we consider them as equal members. This is how I think TAG should work too, Strnomgly encourage paying but don’t offically charge. Its not like a hashgacha that’s a minimum cost and where people are sold to the cause.

    Re the non for profit aspect. I get that legally and probably halchalcly they can charge. I just say its not in the spirit of how most frum people view mossod who generally does not charge for services. When they make a TAG shabbos the rav is saying its “tzaedka”. Whats the “tzedka” if they charge? Because they offer “awareness” for free? (don’t get me started on “awareness”. Tag shita is that its all trief to start and only with alot of convincing bdieved is anything kosher. the 24-6 commotion is a prime example. Its the best invention and BH I got my kids off you tube because of that. But mo its all trief)

    Let me make my key point though: TAG can do whatever they want. But realize that you or they are leaving behind a whole proportion of klal yisroel by charging. Not everyone is sold on the necessity and/or technology is both a big pull and the way forward. They have the most powerful mike and its up to them to bring those people in too. Or they can be like the tznuis asfias that only those with short shitels attend already while the rest of kall yisroel just ignores the issue. We need to start waking up to the reality that there is whole segment of charedi jews (whether chasdim or litfaks) who look at these things as extra frum but not a necissity. Those that are sold on these things will be aware of the dangers anyhow. in 2024 there is no excuse why they can’t do the right thing, offer free filters and focus on winning over this growing sectorof those not sold on this who are ignored.

    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2340823

    We also need to stop this madness that smartphones are bad. If you want that extra chumra to live without one so be it. But its just one of these technologies like cars that are here to stay. Or like going to Manhattan full of priztus. Or the idea that we can’t look at a moving screen. Who still never sees any videos of any sort? This idea that we need to live in a cave or live like the Amish is just ridiculous. Now if the smartphones were unflitered then yes you have a very valid point.

    This has gotten so silly that I know a hatzalah guy who told me a patient needed to sign a form on his device and the pateint refused because she was mekabel to never touch a smart phone. So he had to wait and delay her much needed care. The world has gone mad.

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2340271


    Here is one more sefer: Eim habnim semicha by R Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal. I am sure you” say he is nobody too. LOL

    in reply to: IDF’s New Haredi Division #2340267


    How did I know you’d push aside the sefer I provide?

    Re “how they acted” Thats the point first you need to stop saying its kefira. Have an open mind. Look at their action. Then say OK these were big people and supported it so its NOT clear kefira. Its only Kefira according to some poskim. If big rabbis ferred tsih on yom hatzmut or said a bracha on the medina its not clear kefira. First establish the facts.

    the author is not someone of stature that demand anyone taking him seriously
    Yes he is. Why is he not someone of stature? because you decided? He was a holy chasdisha reba.

    Who acknowledged his supposed zionist shita?
    Umm nearly every Rizyna reba. As i told you the actions of sadygura rebas , Shetfenesht , Bohuash etc all clearly follow this path. Even if you don;t want to judge by actions once you have a sefer to back it up, its now clear. By the way if you know anything about Rzyhn its generally one cohesive chasduis even with different rebas . When one of the ruzyhna rebas speaks he speaks for all of them.

    He was not put in cherem. How did he differ from R kook? Well R Kook zl issue was that he accomdated the non frum seculars too much. The criticism against R Kook zl by some like the Imeri emes was due to secularism and not zionsim. (yes some were against both but not all). The reba in this case was purely talking about zionsim. He wasn’t suggesting that we accommodate or validate secular forces.

    Side bar This cherm of R Kook is partliy fake news. Made up by hot heads like you. Its not clear how serious the cherem was. After the cherem was signed R Chaim sonnenfeld still sat near him by events. So yena cherem. And based on what you are saying why would R Shloma Zalamn learn by someone in cherem and have him be mesadr kiddushin? So this alleged cherem is to be taken with a grian of salt. I speak the emes

    So for all the readers lets make this clear: The question of whether torah conflicts with zionsim is a debate among big gedolim. Both sides are holy. Zionists are not koferim and are jews like the rest of us. Meanwhile Satmar and other anti zionsits are also holy jews. Zionsim is not clearly anti torah. There is a place according to many gedolim.

    Sorry but you are the mockery of torah. You make a pre concieved fact as a given and refuse to look at the obvious on the ground. None of my fcats are grasoing on straws.

    in reply to: Is TAG (Technology Awareness Group) a not-for-profit business? #2340259

    @Avram in MD,
    “You do not “need” a smartphone in the same sense that you need food”
    Incorrect I need it for my parnsa and wouldn’t have food without it. Its also pretty much a necessity in the modern world. I get that many jews live without it. I respect them for that. But relaize that its a little like telling someone you do not need electricty because you can live like the amish. Society is kind of past that. Go outside the frum world and you’ll see just how much people use it. But I am not here to debate this issue so much.

    ” If you purchase a problematic device, then it’s up to you to make it safer.”
    Umm I am not yet convinced that I need a filter to keep it safer. I can use childlocks etc. You are telling me from a religious point of view that i need one. OK but then offer it for free because I am just not such a deep believer in the cause. Unless you don’t care about getting us less believers to filter.

    Re “They kvetch, but they still buy eggs” yes but when not sold on the idea of TAG they won’t buy a filter. And no I am not unque in the idea of just not wanting to pay for things. I hear that in the street and all over. Free is free no matter how lavish i live.

    Yes I feel resentment when an organization thats a tzedaka and here to help the klal charges . You got it. Mnay can afford bikur cholim and don’t need their free meals in hopsitals. But its off put to charge us even if I can afford it. And guess what I swipe my card when i take a nice hot meal from them. Id do the same for TAG too. But don’t charge me.

    Same with your excuse that time is money. Cmon you are a tazdaka . Thats what tzedka does. You give free time to others. I do that as a chesed too. Otherwise what makes you a “tzeadka” that I should donate to? (To be cheap on one time $20?)

    Bottom line, I have a hunch you work for TAG. But it all boils down to the same thing. I and many resent the fact that you charge. We aren’t sold that all filters are needed. We think you are out to get our money when you nickle and dime (like charging $20 for two minutes of work to block texts on a flip phone). We think its a chutzpah to call yourslef a “non profit” when all you do is charge us money. Its not just me who feel this way. Its many many more than you think. All your argumets boil down to this idea that you are not obligated to give free things and why should you differ than a for profit business? But they all ignore the basic idea that its just “klein kepadik”, small minded. Its 2024 and there is so much money for everything. You can easily afford to provide free filters to all even via 3rd party vendors that by now you own or are well connected with. Its doable in 2024. This isn’t 1970. And Many just will never have respect for a “non profit” that nickles and dimes. (As I noted you’d be able fund raise alot more if you just gave it all for free).

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