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Trump’s talking to Hamas doesn’t mean anything. That’s Trump. he does those things all the time. At the end of the the day, Trump also tweeted last night that only sick people keep dead bodies and blasted them again. Overall, I think that report is being blown way outo fproportion compared to his overall policy and behavior.Re The Trump Gaza plan. No its not pure nonsense. Its just that you are such a Trump hater that you can admit the truth. And what I mean to say is lets start with the theory. In theory the most sensible thing to do to a city that’s run by a cult and completely destroyed is to rebuild in a way where the people are not dependent on its cult leader. Now you ask but hey the arabs will never agree and neither will hamas so whats the point? The point is that it moves the needle in terms of negotiations. The Arabs realize that can no longer just do business as usual where its rebuilding the same terror infrastructure again to get destroyed. the gulf nations have no interest in contributing to that. It squeezes Hamas further. They can’t play the same charade again.
To your other point, but it didn’t move Hamas. Firstly i think it got them to phase one. Biden/Blinken did a great job and outlining a plan but Hamas refused to bring it to the finishline. Secondly, it takes time but so far what its doing is, its squeezing Hamas. Now Hamas is on a high because just by showing they survived they won. But once they need to govern and need to come onto others, the more Trump threatens and shows the world how monstorus they are, the less sympathy the world has.
Your point about Zelensky is a mute weak point, We know trump is transactional. trump gains nothing from supporting Zelensky. On the other hand form Israel the man gets billions and billions of dollars, his entire base is pro israel from the evangelicals to the Aidelsons. Just from the transactional point of view the comparison is just a very poor analogy.
March 6, 2025 1:23 pm at 1:23 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2372698Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
I did that and went to rizhyin. They told me its not a story its mesora. True torah is MESORA and psak. Mesora is not open for interpertation nd not a story. Stop lying and calling it a story.Since I did my job, I now dare you to go to Satmar and ask them what they say about Rizhyin. You won’t bec you are a coward. (You know they will say Rizyin hled like that but its not our mesora. That’s fine)
March 5, 2025 8:49 pm at 8:49 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2372593Chaim87Participant@ HaKatan
Again because others disagreed that means that R solvetchik doesn’t count and it’s an arutzas. Yup same with R kook same with eim habonim. Oh and if Satmar Reba dismissed the arguments that makes the other side keflra?Your arrogance holds no bounds and you are full of hot air. When only your side counts and everyone else is dismissed as an am haratz or kofer you are nothing more than a loud bully. You can fairly argue that these gedolim were mostly das yachid and we shouldn’t pasken like them although I am not sure that’s accurate. But to say with certainty is just your arrogant bully lies .
We must not get intimidated and resist hakatan bullying.
Zionism is NOT factually against our Torah. According to many holy Jews Zionism is al pi Torah. We have Torah sources and Mesorah which is stronger than Torah sources. Of course the biggest proof is that the religious Zionist remain strong shomeri Torah umitzvas. That’s the siman.Chaim87Participant@Rif,
Why shouldn’t eridcating Hamas or at least its ideology be the goal? Yes we are in golus but just as we did Dubai and the saudis we can’t we buy them with money and opportunity like the Trump plan? Some of it may have to be via combination of foorced exile and some war and the other money.I wouldn’t say we won the war on hamas. But your assesment that they are alive and kicking and therefore nothing was achieved is very narrow. They are aslive and weak. They will need 10 years to rebuild and can’t attack us till then. They are also in a pickle now. Once the guns quite down, sure they can show off they are still alive but now what? How do they rebuild and who gives them money? Who trusts them even among arabs? The rich gulf states did not show up to the Egypt summit and have no interest. Iran is much weaker and I don’t think can afford the $40B needed. now Hamas has to look around at its destruction and see noone wants to help. Thats a success of the war.
Lastly, I don’t see what your other choice is. let Hamas continue to grow again? Like you say we are in golus and can’t fight back ? So what should we do? Under prime minster Rif what would you suggest we do so we don’t get masscared again?
I am sorry but those reports are sketchy at best. Its also just talks and I don’t see anything substantive at of those kinds of things. You have to be completely baised and dishonest not to see how good trump is for Israel so far. After the Trump Gaza plan, new arms shipments, revoking bans on ben Gvir etc. How can you not see that? Especially the Gaza plan is finally a major break trough. No other president had the guts to stand up to the arabs and say we aren’t falling for your charades and games anymore. Gaza is a big cult with 2M terrorists. Trump did that. Thats a huge gain for Israel. We also have his first term to go by and reflect his record on israel.To be clear, I am totally anti Trump on nearly every other issue aside for maybe his transgender fight. When it comes to immigration, Musk, fiscal policy, his crazy Tarriffs or even just the character and type of person him and his ilk are, its revulsive That’s not how a MAGA kool-aid drinker thinks, But to.deny ow good he is for Israel even compared to Biden-Blinken (who were pretty close to second to best) is just completely dishonest.
Chaim87Participant@Menachem Shmei
To the contrary, Lebanon was pretty quiet till Israel went in now. Nebach a few were nifter now but not too many . Of course every yid is a world. Had we stayed in 2006 a lot of soilders would have died . That’s wasn’t a Great War. But now in 2024 was very successful. It shows that while they rearm so did we. And we outsmarted them. Some times you need a break and Lebanon is a prefect example to prove my point. We can’t wait 18 years now but with a few months break we may be able to do more and outsmart them. Ww2 is a bad example Bec there Hitler was advancing and had to be stopped. Hamas isn’t advancing groundChaim87Participant@Baruch D
I am from the few people that liked the Biden deal too. I am even thankful for all Biden has done . But there is a difference. The same deal was under Biden but under Trump there is a no nonsense clause. Trump ain’t falling for the peaceful Palestinian suffering charade . He knows they are all terrorists. Trump is also willing to send the heaviest weapons with no restrictions. Those things matterChaim87Participant@Baruch D
Fair point except what trump made Israel accept was good for israel.All the frum charedi parties supported the deal. This is the torah way. And here is why;
1) Hostages got let put. We saved lives.
2) We were losing 5 soilders on average prior to the ceasefire. The fighting was getting stale and dangerous.
3) We were at an inflection point. The infrastructure was almost all destroyed and the remaining terrorist’s were in tunnels or disguised as civilians. What more did we have to gain by staying?
4) The wrold was ganging up against us all yelling.So whats the gain now?
1) Hostages are free
2) We had the time to rethink strategy and plan for reentry of war in a kore strategic fashion.
3) Similarly the Hamas heads came out of their caves. I am sure we are using intellgince now to track who is who, how to get them and the remaining command centers.
4) The world got to see the undeniable barbarsim of Hamas. Most people feel eww after the parades and bibas Saga. hamas has less sympathy now.Most of all, Trump anouncing his Gaza plan and level setting with the world finally puts on end to the Hamas charade of attack, rebuild and attack again. The idea that their people are innocent is gone. Bascially the world has to now face the fact that gaza is one big fat cult promoting terror and to rebuild a cult again is useless. they can yell trump is crazy but they know the truth. This is very vital for israel. of course so are the new weapons Trump sent.
And so to say Trump isn’t beyond amazing for Israel is ludicrious. of coue its byad hashem and he sends the messanger and yehusha just look achshverosh saved us from Haman (switch haman and Hamas and you get “NS” or nes!)
Chaim87ParticipantLOL once again you and your silly kanios hot headedness. We can go to the other forum to debate zionsim. Thats not for here. The point is lamsa right now the arabs want to kill us. If we gave up the state tommorow believe me they’d come after you so viscously. Its not safe to hand over the keys to blood thirsty monsters. So practically speaking right now, we need Trump to save lives. And if we need to gibe him a piece of real estate so be it. You should be on my team on this one. This isn’t a zionist debate anymore.
We don’t sav Jewish lives by fighting back? Are you for real? You got crazier by the day? Should we hand out candy to Hamas??? POarctcilly speaking what would you do now? Even Satmar wouldn’t say to give back the keys now. You are either a radical NK or just drank too much lachaims? Are purimdik already? You really think if we give it all back Hamas will be nice to us??????
Of course jews are at danger but not the level that everyone should get up and leave EY. There are differnet levels and this is a pretty serious level. Rabbonim didn’t say everyone should pick up and leave Europe after its mnay programs and murders either. You don’t necessarily say to leave. (In fact your Reba told people not to leave during the holcaust nor run away because that would have meant cooperating with zionsists oy vey. Even though R michoel ber zl begged him to. of cours ehe himslef did end up on kastner. But thats a side point)
The “whole jeiwsh world”? I walk in shuls all over Lakewood BP Monsey and they say tehlim that Israel succeed (Not necessarily the chaylim but overall everyone be safe) Noone is praying for thier downfall other than a few nuts in torah vyirah. Go put on your plasteinains kerchif and dance with Weiss YMS yelling free Palestine.
March 4, 2025 11:22 am at 11:22 am in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371732Chaim87Participant@yankel berel
I stand corrected half way. They weren’t called “agudah”. Agudah was indeed founded to be against religous zionists. However, before the fight they stood united and worked together as one “party”.Before the ideological split became more pronounced, Agudath HaRabbonim and Mizrachi were initially part of a broader Orthodox Jewish political coalition in Eastern Europe. While it was not called “Agudah” at first, there was an early period where Orthodox leaders from different ideological backgrounds cooperated in communal and political matters.
And my point remains that you can’t call mizrachi the same level as reform jew and other secular forces or the rabbonim would have never worked together
March 4, 2025 1:30 am at 1:30 am in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371626Chaim87Participant@Always_Ask_Questions
Firstly yes R kook is relevant. The point is that even if one tzadik said that Zionism has a source in our Torah, no one can get up and say that no one ever held of Zionism and that’s it’s Hersey. The point is exactly that. It’s ok to say we can’t pasken like a minority but you can’t call it 100% Heretic. That’s the point . Hakatan thinks he knows more than R kook or that the rebbe of R elyshav and R shloma zalman doesn’t count.Re your next question, what do I mean by they all supported Zionism? Very simple . They all supported the idea that Jews should have its own state in Palestine run by Jews. Did they support secularism ? No . That’s where it gets tricky. At the end of the day they opposed the fact that Ben gurion was such a rasha as well. And soon I’ll get to what changed.
The Ashkenazim joined the govt way before R shach . The imeri emes sent R itcha Meir levin to the kneeset. R shach came into the picture after Beagin won. Began was a good Jew who was not out to shmad the frum. (Aside for the fact that he refused to shoot at the rasha ben gurion who tried to kill him)Began supported the Olim hatorah which then drew R shach in. In essence the askneazim always were part of the Knesset. The difference was if they can take minister portfolios. That only the sefardim allowed.
March 4, 2025 1:29 am at 1:29 am in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371625Chaim87Participant@ HaKatan
You keep on hocking that I need a “written teshuva” . You made that up. I do not need that. Mesora is enough. You don’t get to make up the rules.Yes R kook is relevant. You can say 100 times he is not and I will say he is. Again you don’t get to decide that.
March 3, 2025 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371500Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
By the way till the machlokos R chaim ozer and Rubenstein the mizrachi was part of the agudah party. They didn’t see zionism as heresy even if they disagreed. It wasn’t until the chaftez chaim protested due to the lack of respect shown to r chaim Ozer in vilna, that the mizrachi split. (That was only the last 20 years of before the war) Again not “all gedolim” were against zionsimMarch 3, 2025 8:32 pm at 8:32 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371463Chaim87ParticipantTo the first half of your question, not all gedolim held that zionsim is evil. Yes R Elchonan zl did as did Briska rav, minchas eluzar, chbad and belz. But others held it was al pi torah. R Kook was held in high esteem by many Alexander leaned towards Zionism too. Eevn the Imeri emes was only against the secular nature of it. in 1937, the Agudah proclaimed that they can go along with a jewish state providing it upholds torah values. Yes R Elchanon walked out on agudah because of that but that was Agudah’s pask. If your question is how can they go against all gedolim without a sefer written to disprove them? That’s not a requirement. lastly they were gedolim in their own right.
(There is even a “zug” they say over from r amrom Blau when asked how can he attend the Boyna zl levaya if rizyhin is such tzionim? R Amram replied for Rizhyin, Boyan was a kanoi!)
To your second point, “do they still hold that way”? Well this is where we almost agree. They never took back their shitah that jews having a statehood is a good thing and a haschlata degulah. But at the end of the day, they are opposed to secular forces trying to shmad jews. Thats a separate discussion and distinction that i have been trying to tell you. They are against the govt for being secular and therefore also hold its bad to modernize charedim. It doesn’t mean that us having a country and homeland is bad. That part never changed. And by the way, is ay even the Satmar reba zya wouldn’;t hold the way he held if the medina was run by charedim not looking to shamd us. Yes his sefer is up for interpretation too. I know he makes it clear the idea of a state is trief even without the shamd. But I think that’s just to strengthen the wall he is trying to build vs him really thinking that.
March 3, 2025 1:06 pm at 1:06 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371422Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
You don’t get to decide whats patehtic and whats not. You don’t get to decide who is relevant and who isn’t.For the hundredth time, rizyhin isn’t a story. its a psak with strong mesora
No we don’t need a sefer.
Yes R Kook And EHBS is relavnt.Judiasm doesn’t follow your made up rules.
Chaim87ParticipantAnd if he does ask for something? This is a life and death. if it costs money or land to save Israel but Hamas gets elimnated is it not worth it?? I don’t get your logic. This is an emergency and Hamas must be eliminated or jews may cvs die and suffer. This isn’t just a war to gain some advantages. its a fight for our lives.
Furthermore, Trump is reaping plenty of goodies from having Israel’s back. He gets billions and billions from Pro Israel supporters like Adelson. This beside for the fact that I think he genuinly likes Israel and Jared is jewish. The evangelicals are also pro israel. And so from a transactional aspect, Trump doesn’t reap any benefit from supporting Ukraine but he does reap alot from supporting Israel. And so i don’t see him demanding anything crazy like that
P.S. trump is a crazy man and I can see why you people despise him. I don’t like him either. But you need to detach yourself from any bias and focus on the truth and obvious facts in front of you. Israel is in need of a liver transplant now. its an emergency. Could there be reprecussions later that the body rejects? Maybe . But now isn’t the time to worry about that
March 3, 2025 8:54 am at 8:54 am in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371239Chaim87Participant@ HaKatan
It’s not an interpretation of a story . Stop
Lying. It’s facts and mesora. Every rizyna chusid knows that they all held of Zionism. It’s not a story. Stop saying the same untruths over and over again. FYI you do know what Torah vodaath is named after rabbi rines mizrachi yeshiva in Europe ! lol! Zionism has strong roots in our Torah with MesorahChaim87Participant1) you wrote “Unlike private employers, they take religious accommodation seriously” . I have worked at quite a few corporations. They are over catious about every religous accommodation possible too. In fact to the point that its almost embarrassing when they make an issue about kosher food bending themselves over 5 times more than they need to.
2) “Cuts to the IRS and Social Security mean refund checks will be late coming,” I just filed my taxes and got a refund check quicker than ever within two days. I think some of this is copy and paste talking points but just not tge reality. its probably true that if you want to speak to someone at the IRS, good luck now. But simple e-files which are the majority are fine.
3) To the big concern The fate of the jews. Yes it could invoke the WOKE caucus and that is a possibility But firstly, right now it seems to have weakned them. In the last MAGA wave a few of them lost. Many more are now scared to go too left because of the backlash. So your argument is surely a concern but it doesn’t seem to be the case. Moreover and most importantly, this isn’t normal times rather its a pivotal time for Israel and its safety. This war and its outcome can decide its fate for many years to come. Its a time of emergency now. That means we need to worry about the present moment. Moderates who try to appease both sides even when pro Israel (Like Biden who was an ohev ysireol) leave speace for Hamas to flourish. We need a strong man like Trump who isn’t sacred to tell the arab world the way it is and set the tone. The world has to know that the Gaza resioltuions starts with the fact that Gaza is one big terror cult. You can’t reason with a cult like Jonestown (or lev Tahor).. You also can’t defeat a cult of 2M people who will die to their deaths. Any rebuilding without breaking up that cult just strengthens the cult leaders. It doesn’t matter if its Hamas or some other name as its front. Its still one big cult. It needs to be busted. The Trump plan of relocating them is radical but it brings out a very clear point to the world. You need deradicalize those crazies. And this is very very crucial for the world to hear. By the USA havi9ng Bibi back it ensures Hamas never rebuilds to its glory. This is a matter of life and death. Now is not the time to worry about the long future. its like rushing a patient in for risky emergency surgery to save his/her life. the furtre just becomes so irrleavnt.. The focus needs to be on the present.March 2, 2025 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2371217Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
They only fail because you decided they don’t count. Yes its what Satmar did too. Anyone who disagreed doesn’t count and isn’t charedi. Thats not how our torah works. You don’t get to make up who counts and who doesn’t and we won’t get intimated by bullies. So to be clear, both R Kook and the Stmar reba counts. So does Eim habonim simcha. Stories that are rooted in clear facts count too. Zionism accoding to many is al pi torah.March 2, 2025 7:30 pm at 7:30 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2370911Chaim87ParticipantHere are 5 reasons why one need respond to vyoel Moshe
1) it’s not a Halacha as in Shabbos or gitten. It’s a prohibition based on aggadata which makes irs hashkafa.
2) Only those who banned it had to write a Sefer. That’s because you can’t do action to prove it’s prohibited. But those who feel it’s allowed and al pi Torah, could just do actions that prove it
Note the next 3 are important points
3) The Satmar Reba in his fire for purity created an environment that made it impossible physically to write a Sefer or debate him. It isn’t my place to knock such a holy Jew and it may have been his chasdim, but it was nearly impossible to even try. Ask klausenberg. So this idea why didn’t anyone dispute him is a silly argument. Because it was impossible to dispute him.
4) by the time the Sefer came out, it was really a history debate. It was after 1948 and the state was a done deal. There really was no longer a question whether we should support a state rather it’s if we should cooperate. So why debate history?
5) The secular nature of the state and the rasha Ben gurion yms shmad and evilness anyhow provided a reason to
Oppose the state anyhow. And so at that point would it matter anymore if Zionism is evil. Secularism and especially when it out to shmad the frum is for sure evil. Even Rizhyin agrees to that . And so so why debate the issue if at the end of the day we agree on opposing it for whatever reason.
Here is where #5 makes a difference. What about post Menachim Begaon when the govt started being much more charedi friendly? By then it was the very end of the Reba Zya lifeMarch 2, 2025 11:49 am at 11:49 am in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2370863Chaim87ParticipantJust to be clear stories can be subject to interpretation just like sefarim can be. But when the story happened in public and there is no debate what the intention was then it’s different story (pun intended) and not subject for interpretation. So when a holy Reba fers tisch for Yom hatzmut, that’s what he did . He did that in public and was clear why and when he was doing it. What’s there to interpret? Furthermore, it wasn’t the only time he did that kind of thing. Over and over again across multiple Reba’s they declared Zionism is the Torah way. It’s mesora and psak and not just a story.
March 2, 2025 11:49 am at 11:49 am in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2370730Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
Nope they aren’t just stories they are psakim. And repeated over and over again. It’s mesora
I asked a rizyna einkel what they do with the Satmar Reba and they told me there are answers.
The Satmar Reba was only hashkafa. Just because I tell me people what you can’t do, doesn’t make that Halacha . That’s not enough to be called Halacha .
Stories that occur over and over again and in front of 100s of people are not subjective at all. You made that up. You don’t get to make up your rules. I think a black and white Sefer is more subjective . You don’t need so face people when you write it . And it always up for interpretation. You make things up. Stories are great proof
R kook and Eim haonim count just as much as the Satmar Reba who was not accepted by many and controversial. You have the nerve to make up what counts and what’s subjective. You don’t get to make up the rules.
Zionism is Torah dikMarch 1, 2025 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2370493Chaim87ParticipantIt’s almost Shabbos but one more note. When the Satmar Reba wrote his sefer the issue was kind of not nogai for many charedim anyhow. In other words the state was here to stay. What’s the point in debating anymore if we should have created a state or not. It’s a done deal. Now there is a new issue, how to deal with its secular influence and shmad which we all hold is totally against our Torah. And so why write a Sefer to debate the Reba on history
March 1, 2025 8:22 pm at 8:22 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2370492Chaim87Participant@kofier BIkur
To the contrary it’s the other way. In charedi circles brisk and Satmar dominated the system to the point where history of anyone else who disagreed was wipped out.Mr somejewiknow makes his assertion based around Satmar Reba. But part of the reason why they aren’t any pre Charedim who openly disagree is because the Reba in his zealousness to eridacte secularism made it so impossible to debate him. If you did debate him you were a tzyuni and not charedish anymore. So this whole litmus test is insane.
Seeing how other rabbonim and tzadkim acted is enough. Mesorah is Torah. This narrow litfak look that only when it’s in a sefer does it count is very narrow
February 28, 2025 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm in reply to: The antizionism amongst religious Jews has no legitimate detractors #2370421Chaim87Participant@somejewiknow
Its interesting how you feel the need to start a new thread after being overwhelming challenged by so many. But once again I will not stand here and let you make these broad biased untrue statements. I will also continue to say that you don’t get to make the rules or decide who is a gadol, what is halcaha or how a gadol needs to respond to the question. nor if you need a gadol or a tzadik is enough.“As outlined in Shulcha Aroch, a “Gadol” is someone who is greater in expertise and/or influence (students). A “Gadol Hador” would be someone who is the top-tier in his generation as per that measure. Again, this is not me, this is Shulchan Aruch.” The fist half of this tsatement is true. The seocnd half you made up once again. it doesn’t say that gadol is “top tier” in his genertaion. Thats your own made up stuff
Now for the record, there were meaningful resposnes to Vyaol moshe. But you discredit them. Only yours count. Furthermore, there were mnay more reponses, however, due to the nature of Satmar those responses were silenced. i know of warehouses burned down by the mafia. To be clear the reba zya was a very holy man but the times were different. He was fighting all kinds of secular movements both before and then the rebuilding after the war. In his overzealousness to ensure purity in its highest form with no compromises he naturally and via chasdim silenced those that disagree. The enovoirnement built to challenge Satmar made it very difficult. Just ask Kluasneberg and they will tell you. So your goal post that one needs to respond to Vyoal moshe is an unrealistic ask. It was nearly impossible to respond and peoples hands were tied. Its also clear that Vyoel moshe was wirtten with emotions too. Sure it has sources but what you chose as a source vs what you leave out etc. Its not void of emotions.
The above paragraph went with the assumption that one needs to respond to Vyaol Moshe. But here is the truth,
1) Its hashkafa and not Halcha.
2) One need not respond to a hashkafa question.
3) A response need not be in a sefer and need not be with deep torah sources if the person is a gadol. the resposne can be with actions and words like proclaiming in public that its an aschlata degula.
4) Stories itself aren’t the best proof. But if the story is from 100’s of eyewitnesses thats proof. Furthermore, when the same story happens over and over again thats proof. Yet even further, when its not just a story, but clear words said over from a gadol in public o0ver and over again thats like a “psak” even if not backed up. in deep torah. (A story is when a tzadik raises the Israeli flag or cleans the streets of Tel aviv with his hands bec of kedushas haretz. A psak is when a tzadik says this is hschata degula or when he ferrs tish lkvod Yom hatzmut, thats also such a strong story that its a psak with no other interpretation.)
5) Generally to be anti zionist, the only way to do that is to write a sefer and be vocal. how else can you be anti? But to be pro zionist one can do actions in support of that without writing a sefer. So the whole playing filed is different.
5) This leads us to the holy Rizyna rebas. They were the “top teir” in the generation, very knowledgeable in kol hatoprah keula and had 1000’s of chasdim. Ture leaders. They were almost all pro Zionist. Its not just a story here and there. They did actiosn and said psakim over and over again clearlly stating this. its hashkafa and no sefer is required.As I noted many more gedolim whether Rizhyin or others said over that they could have answered all of the Satmtar reba zya arguments and had torah sources to refute them. But they chose not to write a sefer. And i think most people can understand why. I also heard form tzadikim albeit I agree not a gadol that israel is a haschlata degula and segvri kelim. Should we believe somejewiknow or Mosheh wolfson zl?
P.S. I have no proof but I’d bet if the zionsists were not secular the Satmar reba zya wouldn’t have been so vocally against them. That was the real issue. Lastly, the way we know if a hashkafa is al pi torah is to look at future generations. Lets look at shabsi tzvi, reform and conservative movements. How did the movements grow? Are the future generations shomer torah umtizvas? Now look at other disputes such as chasdim vs misngadim. Now look at religous zionists. look how shomer torah umtizvas they are. in some ways more then Satmar.
I have to be careful how I say this as the holy Satmar reba zya was far beyond my reach. But Ill just say in his zealousness to project pure athetnic judaism in its most loftiest form he tended to silence anyone who disagreed. he built the first large chasdus after the war and it was used as kind of a pulpet. I know writers of sefarim that disputed vyole moshe whose warehouses got burned down in additon to other kind sof things that made it very difficult to argue with the holy reba while maintaining one’s own. And so your arguement that one needs to write a sefer to dispute it is kind of mute too because most people physically couldn’t without consequences..But to repeat my main point, you made up that this is halacha. A couple of Kol Koreas doesn’t make things halacha. its Hashkafa. Halcha are things clearly in shulchan aruch like halchos shabbos or gitten etc.
Nope nobody established it as a halcha. it was hashkafa. of course Stamar made it into a hard core halacha but so what. A kol Korah doesn’t make it halacha. Furthermore, the imeri emes never gave a kol kora against zionism. It was against secularism and cooperating with secularism. (particularly r Kook). Furthermore, he states R kook was a gadol. But again key point, a kol korai doesn’t make things halacha.February 27, 2025 12:29 pm at 12:29 pm in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2369552Chaim87Participant@somejewiknow
Just to add, how do you know if a shita is real if its not in a sefer and just said over by numerous tzadikim many times and held as an ideology. The answer is we look at future generations and see are its descendants shmoer torah umitzvasChaim87Participant@somejewiknow
The mistake you make is that you establish this is a Halacha question or that one needs to defend it in a Sefer. There is no requirement in our Torah that another gadol needs to defend his hashkafa or approach. It’s not a core of Judaism. Centuries ago sefarim didn’t even exist . But that’s beside the point. A tzadik need not defend himself. I think the rizyna Reba’s were just as much gedolim and knowledgeable. It’s not a story up for interpretation when it’s declared in public like that over and over again. (This is also beside the point that as it pertained to Zionism people were scared to debate the Satmar Reba or they’d pay the price. I am not saying it was him CVs but his chasdim were tough when you tried to dispute him. I know chashuva yidden who tried.)Chaim87Participant@ZSK
I prefer that other route. Philosophy and substance can always be debated and twisted against you. I like to stick to a narrow pointer first and then you can expand. For starters when you say that no true gadol ever held zionsim is al pi torah and then you find a whole chasdius of leaders clearly gedolim who said over and over and over that zionism is al pi torah, thats where a conversation needs to start. To say utter nonsense that its just stories or they didn’t publish sefarim nor refute it, doesn’t change facts. Every single rziyna chusid head and know this. Its an undisputable fact that they held of Zionism.
And then there are also tzadkim who i heard from in todays days that it was a haschlata degula. These tzadkim heard of the stamar reba, r Elchonan and Brisk. To say they don’t count or only work with emotions on such big tzadkim is borderline kefira. Who are you to know better?And so once we establish that zionsim is a machlokos then one can fairly argue that one side seems to have more soruces and be more grounded. But without knocking the other side or defaming jews.
February 25, 2025 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2368981Chaim87Participant@
yankel berelBullies make up their own rules. Some Jew decided that it’s halcha and there is shulchan aruch. And if you argue you need to defend yourself in Sefer. And then he decides who is good and who is not. He makes things up.
Our Torah tells us with hashkafa you listen to your gadol and it need not be that he says a thesis from Gemara. If he is a tzadik and a gadol that’s enough. (Of course there are plenty of answers that they have but some Jew won’t accept that, so let’s keep it simple and say when a tzadik says a hashkafa thing that’s what it is)
February 25, 2025 11:18 am at 11:18 am in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2368979Chaim87Participant@somejewiknow
Thats right and if a tzadik says it’s the Torah then that’s what it is . So if rizyhin says this is the Torah that supports Zionism then that’s what it is.
Re shluchan aruch, I told you this isn’t a halcha question. Jews follow the 4 chelekim of shulchan aruch for halcha and the 5h one for hashkafa. That’s what this is. Its source is from Gemara many that were quoted here. But a tzadik need not qoute the Gemara or defend it. If he is a tzadik that’s enough. And if ten all say like him that further enforces it.
Vyaol Moshe isn’t a world wide accepted hashkafa. That was the Satmar Reba opinion. He isn’t the shulchan aruch . Other tzadkim can argue and they can argue without answering him or proving . They can just say they argueSo to conclude no rizhin isn’t a made up Judaism . It’s Torah Judaism and Zionism is In our Torah.
Chaim87ParticipantOnce again you make up your own rules. You decided that a gadol needs to document or write a psak in sefer and or needs to explain themselves with sources. All of that is baloney.
Furthermore, you decided this is a “halacha” issue where you need to quote “poskim” and “:shulchan aruch”. thats your second made up rule.
Lastly, you make up who is a “gadoL’ and who isn’t.
The only “tipshus” as you say is that you think we fall for your bullying and that we have to abide by your rules and guidelines.So here is the truth.
1) Zionism is hashkafa not halacha.
2) You don’t need a “psak” that qoutes Poskim and brings down sources.
3) I have no clue who is a Gadol and who is just a tzadik. But one of those two is enough.Here is what we do know. All Rizyna rebas held zionism has a source in our torah. They were almost all tzadfikm and many were gedolim. I’d say they quoted sources too but that’s irrelevant. They said in front of 100’s of people that zionsim is a haschlata deguala and a good thing. When its done in front of 100’s of people over and over again, thats not a “story” open for interpretation. Thats a psak and mesora. And its not important to quote sources.
P.S. how many people on here see commonalities between haktan and somejew? It makes you wonder if perhaps a bully tactic of spamming is being used.
What does “accepted “ mean? Many people did not accept his ideology. It’s a fact that even klausenberger Reba Zya who was indisputably the one who brought klal Yisroel back to yiddishkit in the DP camps, greatly contested the holy Satmar Reba Zya as did many others. It’s revisionist history to say the Reba was accepted by all. There were many differences at the time. Unless you just mean “accepted” as in a leader that was respected enough to sit on the Dias and to listen to.Chaim87Participant@haKatan
My prior post was right before Shabbos and rushed so let me clear the air yet again.
Lets say R Moshe zl paskened in public in front of 100s maybe thousands of people that time clocks are not allowed on Shabbos, (that’s what he held) wouldn’t that be clear or is that subject to interpretation and is it just a “story”. When the rizyna rebas said it’s haschalata dgeula it was in front of 100s of people. That’s not a story, it’s a clear psak.
Furthermore, one “story” is subject to interpretation. But when 10s maybe 100s of the same stories are told and that translated into clear actions like ferimg tish on hey iyur, that’s a pattern with no other interpretations. This aside for more first point.
Lastly, I did speak to a ritzyna Reba son who knows all about the Satmar Reba Sefer and that doesn’t change their shita. So to your last point about me going into the Reba, and asking I essentially did. Now your turn why don’t ask zalman Leib or Aron what riyhin held? You could ask their sons to I think you won’t because you are dishonest and won’t admit your narrative that not everyone holds like your hot headednessChaim87ParticipantHakatan
You are wrong. It’s not an “interpretation “ rather it’s more black and white than sefarim. There is nothing to interpret when a Reba says I am ferring tisch in honor of Yom hatzmut. Actions in front of thousands that are clear, aren’t up for interpretation. It’s real. And the same is when it’s stated that it’s a hachlata degulah . It’s clear more than sefarim. And when those messages are repeated over and over again that’s clear. The Satmar Reba zya wasn’t the greatest gadol , rather he was an equal gadol who had people who disputed him. Just as equal as any Rizyna reba. I don’t have to go into those Reba’s and ask them. The onus is not on me. It’s on you. You claim they didn’t mean what they did and said . You have to bring in those sefarim and ask . Again with your bully tactics that I have to. You are the dishonest one who makes your own rules.To recap, mesora isn’t up for interpretation . Actions and words said in front of thousands are just as strong as sefarim that are open for interpretation too. You don’t get to decide what’s stronger or what the rules are.
Chaim87ParticipantI’ll just say this again. There is no rule that sefarim are needed to support an issue of hashkafa. Only people who bully make up their own rules . (And then of course discredit anyone who did write what they don’t like)
Mesora is just as much of a proof if not more than sefarim. And similarly one story or vort may not be proof but tens of stories told by thousands of eyewitnesses over and over again establishes a clear proof that’s greater than a Sefer. Henceforth all of rizyan who were gedolim
Wrong its not stories. Its MESORA. You don’t need sefarim. You made up that rule. (Yes I can and did bring sefarim but thats not nogai)
ZIONSIM has a source on our torah.Yes its bullying when you create pretzels and your own rules. (And when only your sefarim count)
Chaim87ParticipantSince the attention span is small, I am resorting to simple posts.
There is no obligation nor source that we need “sefarim” for something to be al pi torah. Mesora is even stronger (especially if its not a halcha question rather hashkafa at best). You also don’t need what modern day calls a “gadol” to decide. A mesora based on multiple tzadkim are just as strong. And if the mesora is backed by actions and eyewitnesses testimony of course that keeps it going.
We have strong tzadkim in Rizyhin that all held zionsim not secular zionsim but zionsim is based on the Torah. This is cahsdisu with thousands of chasdim and tens of tzadkim.
haktan = somejew cannot deny rizyn’s mesora
My torah sources are all the Rizyna rebas and R Moshe wolfson zl. I don’t need sefarim. These are holy enough tzadkim. of course you have gedolim (chazon ish is made up but Ok) You have yet to respond to why all Rizyna rebas held of zionsim. (To be clear not secularism).February 18, 2025 11:55 pm at 11:55 pm in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2366306Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
No its not nonsense. I don’t need to find a sefer. I found MESORA. Speak to Riyzna chasdim. (You made up this rule that I need to find a sefer).RE EHS using “emotions”. And what do you think the holy satmar reba used? You think that was free from emotions?
i will ask the readers if they should trust HaKatan or R Moshe wolfson zl who said it was haschlata degula and shiveri kelim. Who was/is a bigger tzadi? you tell me if its “nonsense”?
@Non Political: I think R Hutner meant exactly how he said it. People nowadays think that we must follow Brisks ideals and style because they are pure. Noone is saying they aren’t pure. But they don’t decide everything in yddishkit. There are differing opinions and approaches that count as well. In other words the torah doesn’t stop on Har grezim. Just because the holy Birska rav zl held or did something doesn’t mean that klal yisroel has to do it.
You also talk way too deep for me. You are over analyzing zionsim with these deep thoughts. You need to take a step back. Most don’t and I don’t think ever thought so deep. Why is this like a PHD thesis can of ideology. Forgive me for saying you are getting carried away. So is Hakatan.
What is Zionism in simple terms? its that us jews have homeland run by other jews who won’t kill us like the Nazis YMS did and that those who are persecuted like the Soviet jews can be welcome. And that it be in Eretz yisroel. Thats all it is. Why are you making so many torahs out of this? And this in it of itself is not kefira. Many gedolim and ehrlicha jews hled of this such as Ryzhin and others.
Now was it abused by secular jews to throw off torah and try to shmad frum jews? yes it was. But its two separate things. the ideal itself which is to have a homeland and those running it who are ant torah. You’ll find that even people like the Imeri emes only opposed it because of the people running the show. Not because the idea of a home land was bad.
To recap: Rizyna chasdim always held ZIONISM = TORAH. And Mesora counts more than a sefer. Interestingly, that Hakatn won’t dispute that undeniable fact. Also interesting that R Moshe wolfson zl said different than hakatan . Who should we listen to?
R Elchnaon was a holy yid and a tzadik. But just bear in mind that he wasn’t the gadol hador. Now I say you don’t need a gadol and a tazadik is OK. But You are full of yourself because first you say you need to be a gadol but keep on quoting from a Rosh mesifta who was not the gadol during his time depsite his tzdikis. You create your own pretzels as you go along with itChaim87ParticipantThe other thing @HaKatan misses which talks to your point is that you always need to look at how religious and toradik a sect is after they introduce a controversial idea. So especially did they stay as jews who are shomer torah and mitzvas?
Take for example Shabasi tzvi’s followers, what became of them? They became muslims. Now lets look at Reform jews? Nebach they intermarried and there is nothing of them. Now lets take conservative jews. The movement started as a means to keep people religous. The heter to drive to shul shabbos was because “out of a town” families were driving to the mall anyhow so at least draw them to shul and be mekrav them. Many of its rabbonim in the 1960’s were frum observant jews who never dreamed of chilul shaboss. In fact when Sol Liberman invited Rabbi Finkelstein to his vacation home in marthas vineyard, Finkelstein refused because it was the 9 days and he was worried that his children would go swimming if he went on vacation in the 9 days. Thats how frum they were. Yet what happened to the following generations? Did the conservative movement succeed in making jews more religous? Well lets look at where it is today.
Now lets look at other controversies, Where talmidim of R Yonason Ebishitz accepted now? I;d say yes. how about the whole controversy of chasdim that were put in cherem and viewed as borderline kefira at the time? How about R Hirsch’s idea of torah em derech ertez? All those ideals and more we look at its offspring and we see did it stick? Did it bring people closer to torah judiasm?
Now lets look at religious zionism. Are its people keeping shabbos, kashrus, learning torah and being shomer torah umtizvas today? Look around and see. i think its even stronger and they are more ehrlich then they once were. Can one possibly call them not jews or kofrim? I’d bet even the briska rav or satmar wouldn’t really think so despite all that they say on the surface.
HaKatan, has a very unique way of twsiting things into a pretzel. He has very narrow rules as to what counts and what doesn’t. Everything is a deep thing and if you can’t twist out of a his pretzel you must be wrong. Some things in our torah are not just what it says. Its what you see too. The obvious stares at us in the face. Of course you can’t just go with feel good judaism . if something is assur and clearly stated you can’t defy that. But there is no clear out issur that says One cannot be zionsits. He is inferring it with lgoic. This is where you need to draw a line and follow your rav.
P.S. our torah isn’t limited to Brisk and the Hungarian R Hillel Lichtnestien talmidim. (Nowdays its kind of one group). As R Hutner said about Briska rav, “The torah is nisht gegebn uf har grezim” and I’d add neither was it given on ” Har Yoel”.
February 17, 2025 12:58 pm at 12:58 pm in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2365784Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
Yup Only people who you can bully and will fall for your hard rules are earnest. Everyone else is nonsense. Or is it just that you know you are wrong because I won;t agree to squeeze into the box and follow your own narrow rules that are not al pi torah? Let us set the record straight yet again.1) You don’t need a “gadol” necessary for this. One can follow tzadkim too. And one can follow mesora such as the Rizyna mesora that says Israel is a haschlata degula and a good thing. Rizhyin had thousands of chasdim and tens of rebas. Nor do you need a sefer
2) if you want sefarim, we have from very holy jews. Eim habonim simchas was a tlamud of the michas eluzer who as staunchly anti zionsim pre war. And by the way the Minchas Eluzer’s own son-in law R Boruch’l was pro zionsist. Now I know he will be knocked. But let me tell you all something. During the war R Boruch’l risked his life many times over to warn and save Hungarian jews. Meanwhile others refused to cooperate with tzionim and seculars against r Michoel ber zl’s pleas.
3) The Holy stamar rebas sefer was not accepted by many and the reba was not indisputable despite what people say now. (Ask Klausenburg)One more point for the readers to ponder. I heard from R Moshe wolfson zl that teh state of Israel was an hischalta degula and shiveri kelim. the six day war was a miracle too. Granted he doesn’t fit into HaKatan’s “gadol” box but whpo do you believe more? Do you believe a tzadik who hung around so many prior holy yidden like R Shloma Heiman, Modtza reba, Satmar reba, the alter skvera reba, Lubivtha reba zl? or do you think HaKatan is right? Am I “espusing Nonsense” when i qoute a holy tzadik or is someone just to stubborn to see the truth?
Chaim87Participant@ lbj
It’s actually the opposite. The anti Zionists didn’t like that the Zionists were secular and creating a country not religious. Nebach tons of Jews became irreligious. So they were mad. And rightfully so. This was also a time when the R Hillel Kamai Aka Lichtenstein built a new following around the idea of an “aintailing” separation from the neologs. Being chasdish all of a sudden meant building walls around you and strong kehilas. So now when Zionism came along and posed a threat they came up with Gemaras that were a chiddush so that they can upshlog Zionism. They took R Hirsch zl 3 shavous which was a very big chiddush. So in reality it was the opposite of what you suggest.Just to add there were chovevi Zion and talmidim of both the besht and gra moving to ey for 200 years. Granted they didn’t outright advocate for their own country or governance. But common sense says that when enough people immigrate together that’s what you’ll need. Besides Palestine was run by huge monarchs and it was a far out idea. They for sure wanted something on the local level.
Lastly that doesn’t mean that anti Zionists didn’t have a point. And yes because it’s so secular and dangerous, opposing even the ideal of Zionism could be was the right thing. I firmly believe that despite the Satmar Reba Zya saying otherwise if Israel was run by chasdisha yidden or the eida who just pinkt believed in Zionism he wouldn’t have been opposed. I know he writes against just the idea but I suspect otherwise. Nevertheless, the holy Reba and others being against it are definitely very Torahdik. But to say the other side like the holy rizyna rebas who had 1000s of chasdim, to say they made it up or are less Torahdik is just your own bias at best .
February 13, 2025 11:48 pm at 11:48 pm in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364652Chaim87ParticipantP.S. “Rabbi Kook is irrelevant, as noted, in case you want to argue that he does.”
Again @somejewiknow being the bully and deciding who is relevant and who is irrelevant. You don’t come near the man’s shoelaces. Its not up top you to decide. And sure you’ll quote all the torah leaders against him some of which are fake news or distorted. But there are still many others not accpeted by you who held of him. And yes they were “releavnt” accpeted” torah gedolim too just not in your circles. Its not up to you to be the bully
February 13, 2025 11:47 pm at 11:47 pm in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364651Chaim87ParticipantNice this deserves its own comment separate from the rest. As you would say “for the Umpteenth time ” sefarim aren’t the only metric. MESORA is stronger than sefarim written in specific context. (Unless of course its rashi hakodesh etc). So now lets focus on Rizhyin. Rizyin has a strong mesora that Zionism is a good thing and the torah way. They had thousands of chasdim.
How do we know this? Is it just from one story? No its from tens of stories, It from 100’s of drashas and eyewitness testimony. Just like evryone knows the Satmar Reba zya was anti zionist (even without al hageulh val hatemurah) everyone knows Rizyhin was pro zionist. I can repeat some of the stroies and things said over from its rebas but you heard that already.
Now lets see if Rizhyin falls into your 3 categories that you put in bold (Even though you made up this silly rules)
1) Where its rebas “authorative”? yes they are widely accepted by others who incorporated many of their teachings. We know the last Skulner and Ribnitza learned by the shtefenshta reba who had pictures of Herzel in his library. Many other gedolim were close to rizyna rebas threw the years as well. but OY they didn’t write sefarim? That’s irrelevant.
2) Where they gedolim? Yes they were gaoinim , experts in the subject of zionsim and held at the top on many issues. And by the way you have no right to chose who is a gadoil. Too bad.
3) Is it Torah? Sure it was. They had sources from gemara and chazal and never made anything up.Rizyna rebas include,, Chrotkov, Hysutan, Sdaigyur, Boyan, Baush, Shefnesht etc.
I think your comment is not in good faith. You make up stuff because you drink your hothead kool-aid. It makes you feel good to box everyone into an anti zionist shita. My response is in good faith and the torah way. yes I have researched this and delved into this. I have more proofs such as hearing from a holy jew himsefl R Moshe wolson zl. that Israel was a ahschlata degula and “shiveri kelim, the 1967 war was a nes. (I know he isn’t a “gadol” but its enough for me to say zionism isn’t kefira. i trust him more than you. I heard it from his mouth and not second hand) but I like to focus on this narrow path here. And so my focus is Rzihyin. There were 100’s of chasdim and tens of rebas across Europe and EY whose MESORA is that zionsim is a good thing as long as its not secular.
February 13, 2025 11:45 pm at 11:45 pm in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364639Chaim87Participant@HaKatan
1) I never said the Stamar reba zya was the only one. But I did say and contiue to say he wasn’t indisputed. and accepted by all.
2) The Gerra reba never opposed zionsim , Thats a lie that you made up. The reba opposed secularism. in the imeri emes letter against R Kook Z;l , he writes he is a gadol and noone can knock him. He is against the fact that R Kook cooperated with secular people who are trying to uproot our torah. Not against zionsim.
3) Eim HaBanim Semeichah is very relevant and aceppted by others. Just not accepted by you. there are mnay other sefarim accepted by gedolim too. Just Mizrachi gedolim. You start your premise by assuming only Satmar Brisk or Yershulami gedolim are gedolim.
4) R Kook zl was very accpeted by other gedolim just not by you and your hotheads.Now lets define Zionism. Zionism means that jews have a right to and should have a homeland in Israel before moshiach comes. And that this is the beginning of the geula. To be clear it does not mean that one is allowed to be secular because of it nor throw off the yoke of torah. But if keep all the miztvas this is a mitzva too.
Now let me end off this comment by saying these made up rules that you put in bold to sound like a bully is garbage. You made up whats a gadol, what authoritave, and what is torah. No such rules apply
Chaim87ParticipantFor the umpteenth time, stories are irrelevant. They are subject to memory, interpretation, and more. Stories cannot come close to answering black-and-white sefarim.
Thats your own made up theory. Often the opposite is true. We know many sefarim that are unclear or only written for its time or for a certian population.
Now it is true the certain stories cannot come close or are just memory. But when the story is repeated over and over again. Or when an entire chasidus saw the story vs just a few. Or when speechs were given over and over and it becomes part of the mesora told for 50 -100 years by all its leaders then even if its not in a sefer its just stronger than a sefer. So for example, maybe the idea of one story such as the Aver Yakov ferring tish on Yom hatzmut or the Hystna saying its hischlata degula isn’t a [roof. But when those stroies keep on repeating itself and when its a huge part of all Rizyna mesora where rebas for 100 years held of idelas of Herzel and spoke publicly that’s alot alot alot stronger. I confirmed this with quite a few rizyna reba einkleach and chasdim. It isn’t just like one isolated thing here and there. Its a theme over and over with 100’s of stories and drashas (Rizyna rebas don’t speak much but the little they speak). I dare you to confirm this instead of being so stubborn.Rizyn alone should settle it. Then you have R Sharga feivel who also constantly told his talmidim this and not just one time or one story. Its less of a proof than rizyhn where you had mutiple rebas across 100 years time consistently telling thousands of chasdim the same message while stunchly doing things that support zionsim.
Other actions when summed up tell a better story then a sefer. So when quite a few gedolim work for the state of israel for decades staright that clearly proves more than a sefer that its not kefira. We all agree its assur to work for the reform or conservatives no matter what. And if it were on gadol Ok maybe he had some reason. But its a pattern of gedolim who worked for the state.
So yes a story like a rebasha masa that you say over form the Besht by melva malka maybe has less meaning. But when you see that same story told by tons of people who saw it happen, and when it keeps on being repeated over and over again, thats already mesora. Mesora is stronger than a sefer.
I hope that steels your umpteenth argument. Again we need not follow your narrow rules to say only a sefer counts. Repeated stories and MESORA are richer
Chaim87Participant@yankel berel/ @SQUARE_ROOT,
1) Notice that Hakatan and somejewknow have a very similar style of writing and content. That should make you highly suspicious that its the same person trying to troll and outshout by using two names. Its a tail sign of bullies who can’t defend their argument.
2) the sefarim we quote from are never good enough. Even though R Teihctal was a huge gaon as well as so many other authored sefraim.
3) Your quotes even with eyewitnesses such as talmdim of R Sharga feivel who heard and saw it, don’t mean anything to him, He makes up his own rules. He decides who is an undisputed gadol (incidentally the Satmar reba ZYA was very holy but very very disputed) and he decided that it needs to be written in sefarim or else its no good. He also decided that its a halcaha issue. None of that is true. We have so many eyewitness stories and mesoras from so many people and chasidm about how their reba felt and acted with the state of Israel. Its not a halcha nor must everything be written in sefrom.
One thing is very clear, Zionism has string roots in our torah and we don’t need published sefroim to say this.