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  • in reply to: Self worship musings #1428303

    @joseph let’s just say I’m not posted in America….

    Happy to clarify. My list is the list of priorities of where to devote my energies.
    Like this :

    Hashem (as clarified by the Rebbe and Rabbonim)
    Individuals /friends outside community

    If I would be in the list, it would mean I devote my energies tiaras serving myself, hence a misuse of my energies. Rather, i need to have energies to devote to all the above so I take care of myself.

    in reply to: Hey, RebYidd #1428302

    True I forgot about the eved knaani. But that is not at all like the American slavery. For example if you knocked out a tooth, he would go free. He had to rest on shabbos with you etc.

    in reply to: Hey, RebYidd #1428105

    The Torah isn’t pro slavery or it wouldn’t be a curse.

    in reply to: Self worship musings #1428104

    Alas syag, you have mistaken my intentions again. I meant to show you no hard feelings, as you have been a bit overly sensitive to my posts. Sorry I keep rubbing you the wrong way:(

    in reply to: Whoa… 5778… 2018… 8! #1426436

    Did you notice that every major Jewish event in history ended with 8? Matan Torah 2448. Entering EY 2488
    Churban 3338. How bout moshiach 5778.

    I actually came across an article written 20 years ago saying how moshiach had to come 5778 and there were a bunch of angry comments that we don’t need to wait till then.

    Something based on numbers -I’m not mathematical so didn’t quite get it.

    in reply to: Congratulations Judge Roy Moore! #1426409

    I thought he lost

    in reply to: Who is the new leader of Klal Yisrael? #1426396

    What about Rav Samuel Auerbach? Isn’t he also big in the litvishe world? And a peer to Rav Shteinman (Curious, I’m a bit clueless here)

    in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) 🤔 #1426384

    @mentch1 the world wasnt create in order for Hashem to give – if He had to give and needed to create us in order to give, than He wouldn’t be perfect cvs.

    Rather, once He wanted to create, since He is Tov, and teva hatov lheitiv, Ain ra yored min hashomayim, only good. Even harsh punishments are good – just we prefer to see the good ourselves.That’s the difference between chessed and gevura.

    As far as how is it worth it for us? Sometimes, now, we don’t appreciate the suffering, hence noach lo ladam.. But when moshiach comes, we will really see the full purpose of the distressing and what it accomplished, and will tell Hashem oidcha ki anafta bi.

    in reply to: Chanuka Menorah #1426389

    Wtp+1 also they found in the Cairo geniza a drawing of the Rambam of the Menorah and it is diagonal

    in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) 🤔 #1426160

    Wow it’s fun to be part of a thread where we can all agree at least respectfully hear and learn from each other. Some pointers :

    thanks allot. I’m sure that is another way of understanding it, and there are shiviim panim laTorah. However that being said, I can’t say to the fellow that what he said is incorrect because I remember learning it myself and is definitely a part of Torah just another facet. Assuming based on kabbola. Haven’t seen it in some time though so can’t remember it clearly enough to answer all questions on it. I think the posuk Norah alila al bnei Adam tied in. This means Hashem makes awesome libels / set ups against man. I note that isn’t helpful without the full picture. I’ll try to look it up.

    maybe he’ll go for it and regardless its a great mashal thanks!!
    Only problem is that Hashem isn’t limited – He can create a satisfying and just system of He wanted.

    So ultimately it does boil down to emuna- at least to new I haven’t found a purely rational answer yet as wtp said as well

    And obviously it’s impossible to fully understand Hashem, but up to the point of Atzilus at least, there’s allot He’s given us to be able to understand so we can learn and grow abs follow in His Ways.

    in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) 🤔 #1424822

    Wow gaon thanks for that! I admit I don’t know the source offhand, I definitely didn’t tell him that, it wouldn’t have helped anyway, he told me he learned that. And as I have the concept before, and also with regards to chet haegel, that it was kind of a set up so bnei Yisrael could attain the level of Baalei teshuva which is higher than tzaddikim, I wasn’t going to tell him it’s not true. He learned it himself, and I’ve heard it to. I would love to see the source inside (could be I originally saw it in a maamar but it’s been some time.) I’ll ask around and try to get back. Shame sechel hayashar isn’t here to help. If anyone else knows it please fill us in

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424542

    I found it but couldn’t copy and paste. If you’d like to see it yourself, search זוהר ישחק ילעג למו ירושלים

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424538

    But to elaborate, apparently Yerushalayim is the issue that the nations will clash about right before moshiach comes. Anyone know the exact Targum Yonasan excerpt that discusses it?

    I just heard a fascinating Zohar on this embassy topic- on the posuk yoshev bashomayim yischak yilag amo, which is that up till now Hashem exacted punishment from our enemies from behind closed curtains above. However, by the end of days, basketball will redress all souls of wicked people in current leaders of nations – and they will gather together in a place where the nations meet (hello, the UN!) and they will start out trying to conceal their agenda by discussing if we have legal rights over Yerushalayim. However in the end their real meaning will come out, but they won’t succeed because Hashem will mock them.

    I would love to see the source for this inside, also if anyone has any other Yerushalayim moshiach nevuos/ mefarshim to share im all ears!!

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424500

    @syag sorry about the post above. The formatting here does make it difficult for me to proofread, so sorry about that. Im really not syag. I start off talking to people as peers. But if I get called not sober, too kabbalistic, or having too much Derech eretz towards Torah, for no clear reason, then I sometimes feel like were on different planets and maybe I need to explain what to me is basics. I’m really sorry if that comes off as condescending, it truly isn’t meant to be!! Honestly. And once I start explaining basics, there will be things explained that are really basic to you as well. I get that. But I don’t always know where it is that I lost you. And to me, audience means the people in taking to. It can be my friends for that matter. Afaik is not a condescending term.

    in reply to: How Long ??? #1424479

    Refuah sheleima! Try getting more sleep!!! Also make green tea and put in fresh garlic lemon juice and ginger . Your can add honey. Doesn’t taste amazing but good for under the weather stuff. And if you’re throwing up try just living in BRITAIN Bananas rice apples toast. Less likely to be thrown up. Good luck!!

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1424477

    @chochom +1 plus I find the fact that there is even such a question surprising. For me, I go about my day listening out for the shofar, and looking at world events there’s a good chance moshiach will come this year! Gotta live with the times, people!

    I’m understanding a whole new level to Shir hamaalos hayinu kcholmim. It seems there are some who will wake up the the reality that’s been building up for awhile only once moshiach is already here. As trump would say, sad.

    We need to chap arein as many mitzvos as possible now because the game is almost up! And then we won’t have the chance to make the same impact anymore…

    in reply to: Jerusalem IDF Wearing Stab-Proof Shirts #1424469

    Yeah that would def make sense

    in reply to: [Fiction] A Nazi attempting to unleash a biological weapon in Israel #1424468

    @redleg cvs! Yaakov a bonus, bichir haavos, did not do something wrong!! There are answers how it goes with the lav against marrying two sisters but he did something right, not wrong.

    Another answer is that mitzvos were optional Hiddurim which the avos of course kept unless they conflicted with sheva mitzvos bnei noach which was incumbent on them at the time. Of course this changed with matan Torah.

    He married them because he otherwise would have broken 1 of the 7. I remember it being that he had promised Rachel he would Mary her although can’t remember how that was one i of the seven right now…. Unless I’m mixing things up.

    Actually I think it was that it is mutar for a Ben noach to marry two sisters from different mothers, and since he had promised to marry Rachel, he couldn’t break his word for the sake of a chumra

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424453

    Thanks @mdd1 so can I add without being called lofty or drunk, that many sources such as Targum Yonasan and the Zohar to wrote two offhand discuss nations conflict over Yerushalayim being the immediate precursor to Moshiach s coming? Above Eva hear more?

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424379

    @jdf007 we are in agreement. You must have read just two posts of mine on previous Rebbeim aand jumped to conclusions.

    @putdownthegun I wouldn’t mind if there is an interest but that wasn’t my intention here. I was just sharing about of the excitement going on in my circles and the coolness about it. I didn’t think it would sound Chinese. In fact I Bdavka left out the Ma and Ban details so as not to be heavy on kabbola.

    Not sure what was so Chinese :/ lol

    in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) 🤔 #1424317

    @avrammd no Cvs, like you said Hashem is not deceptive. There really was a plan a. However what I said still stands. Sounds like you never heard of the concept before. So I guess it could be another discussion if you want. I may need hypo on up the sources though, so is this only foreign to avrammd? Abs others can fill in?

    in reply to: A Couple of Reminders From Your Friendly Moderators… #1424305

    Thanks 🙂 is there a word counter?

    in reply to: Question I don’t know the answer to :) 🤔 #1424246

    Thanks for the responses.

    @770chavad @readynow those are great answers to the question why do people suffer. But this isn’t his question. His question was that Hashem created this system. He couldve created it differently.

    And we already discussed that the pain comes in a a result of sinning. But he knows that Hashem set up Adam and Chava for chet etz hadaas so really He wanted the system to work this way. So he’s wondering why He chose such a system?

    @daasyochid @littlefroggie what you say is true. But it’s so hard to see someone waste his life because he has a question. I wish I could answer him.

    I have pondered this question myself and have an answer, but like I said it’s more emuna based so I don’t think it’ll work for him.

    I guess sort of lol. When I was in high school, whenever I thought of a question, I would not rest tool I got a satisfactory answer. When I left high school I was surprised to see most of the questions that come my way are ones I had myself or never had to begin with because the basis of the difficulty that was the basis for it, was clear to me. So it is funnily enough, a bit rare to find myself at a loss for words to answer this fellow in a way he can accept.

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424224

    Tzedaka asa hkbh shepizran bein haumos.

    What was the purpose? We need to refine the whole world, so first we started off in eretz Yisrael to serve as a lighthouse for the whole world and elevate the whole world from the. Then there came a time when we had to leave and spread out through all the nations. In every country, there are different cultural norms, and through us living there, we use the norms and characteristics of the country and society we love in for Hashem, through Torah and mitzvos, and that’s how we elevate every part of the world.

    For example, it’s halacha that we use the business norms of the country to complete transactions etc.

    Now we can see that were more spread out then every before. And we have used every culture for Hashem.

    So even the lowest places of the world have been refined by now.

    Where do we really see that the world is ready for Hashem to reveal Himself in it with moshiach? When even the lowest elements of the world align themselves with what Hashem wants.

    Trump is not exactly a refined person. He is the epitome of edom. And he Represents that Edom has finally been refined. We can see this from his age when he was elected – he was 70, 7 months, 7 days old in the year 5777. Lots of seven there.

    Seven times ten shows us that the world has been refined.

    We just saw this last week, When he declared, on yud tes Kislev no less, that Yerushalayim belongs to the Yiddin.

    He did this against all odds, with allot of counter pressure, and even the Israelis didn’t mind either way.

    This shows us that even the lowest elements are coming in line with Hashem’s Ratzon.

    With such an event, let’s make sure to praise Hashem, and not make the mistake of Chizkiyahu melech Yehudis, who would have been moshiach but didn’t sing shira.

    This teaches us that when we acknowledge our personal miracles, it brings moshiach closer.

    So lets do that and go to Chanukah, the yom Tov of light in this spirit, lighting up the world around us.

    Lchaim :)!

    There’s more cool stuff and I’ll be happy to share if you want.

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424188

    Already in 5751-5752, shnos niflaos arenu and bakol, the Rebbe told us that the world as a whole is ready for moshiach and if we look at the world in that way, we will see it. Then came the miraculous events. Such as the fall of communism without any bloodshed, the miraculous Gulf war, etc, and the world has continued on the path towards moshiach. Now I’ll share the concepts from the sicha of vayeshev 5752 which is the most recent one we have because by the next year the Rebbe couldn’t speak anymore as the stroke followed shortly after.

    This past week was parshas vayeshev and it’s just incredible what’s going on.this source I looked up myself, there are other sources being quoted as well, also from that week, but I haven’t managed to finish learning inside yet so I’ll leave it out for now.

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424178

    One more concept – some numbers. 7 represents the normal working order of creation and the world. That’s why there were seven days of creation, representing the seven emotive sefiros of each world. There are also seven days of the week for the same reason. Everything of the world is composed of 7, six sides and depth.

    10- represents sheleimus, completion. 100 even more so.

    So any number times ten represents the completion of that concept

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424162

    OK I’m back. So here’s starters :

    Yaakov and esav were both given missions in refining the world : Yaakov was meant to be Ish ohel- the kollel man,
    Rav etc.

    And esav was meant to be Ish sodeh- the man on the ground, the businessmen, worldly people who refine the world from within. Both are necessary and needed. Esav’s mission demanded allot more spiritual power, as he needed to elevate the world from within, without getting pulled down, and so he had a greater potential.

    Unfortunately, with his bechira chofshis, he chose to waste his great potential and fall very low, and that’s why Yaakov wanted to give him a brachos transfusion – to wake him up and reset him on his path.

    Rivkah though saw that he would take any kochos he was given and use it for bad, so she got Yaakov to get the brachos.

    Yaakov then fled to Lavan and stayed on the right path, even in the darkness of Lavan and charan- charon af shel olam, and when he successfully completed his mission, he went to meet up with Esav to see if he had completed his.

    Alas, the messengers returned and told him, banu el achicha – you think he’s your brother, but, el esav- he’s still esav harasha. He has not done his mission so we can’t have moshiach yet.

    Ever since, Yaakov and his descendents, us, have been given both missions, to be the yoshev ohel as well as the Ish sodeh.

    When we finish refining the world, as well as esav, that’s when moshiach can come.

    I know you’re thinking what does this have to do with anything? I’m giving you the background concepts so you can understand the significance of what is going on.so just bear with me 🙂

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1424112

    @ziongate I’m glad he came closer to Yiddishkeit in the eve, thanks for informing me.

    So lots of cool things going on. If you want a source for anything I say please feel free to ask.

    To answer Joseph, yes this comes from the Rebbe’s sichos where he references sources from all over Torah. And @rso this is one of the many ways we are guided by the Rebbe till today.

    Will tell you some of the cool things when I get back from teaching iyh

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1423849

    Now the Rebbe obviously agreed with all the above. And the Rebbe never referred to eretz Yisrael as medinat Yisrael, only eretz Yisrael. But the Rebbe was now dealing with the aftermath – the state did exist – and Hashem wanted it to exist – every war has been a miraculous occurrence.

    So now we have Yiddin living in eretz Yisrael, able to practice Yiddishkeit to a degree that they had not been able to before. Should a state have been established? No.

    But now that it was, we need to hold onto it for two reasons :

    1) even if it wasnt eretz Yisrael but just a Jewish settlement elsewhere, as in nehardea way back when, Jewish lives must be defended. We see every time we even talk about giving away land, the Arabs see us as weak, and it endangers Jewish lives. That’s how the intifadas happened.

    This point of the Rebbe has been proved time add time again.

    2) its not just any land, its eretz Hakodesh. And now that so many Yiddin have been enabled to live there by miracles, it is completely wrong to think of giving it away,as at the end of the day, it’s our land.

    3) now that we are living there, we must do everything we can to merit living there.

    And the Rebbe sent shluchim there, over 800 by now, even asked not yet frum commanders etc. to help create more Yiddishkeit and Jewish atmosphere in various ways –

    For example, the Rebbe once asked a high ranking officer what the soldiers do in their spare time. He answered they read newspapers. The Rebbe asked him to get Jewish reading material available on the bases so soldiers can look at them in their spare time. This is one story out of many,such attention to detail.

    The fact is today, that ironically zionism has been transformed, and although the founder of zionism, hertzel, had originally wanted all Jews to convert to Christianity rl, and only came up with zionism afterwards when he saw that wouldn’t happen,today’s most ardent Zionists are frum. Lol hertzel would be turning in his grave.

    And even the not yet frum Jews keep many more mitzvos than their not yet frum counterparts in chutz laaretz.

    But this is all background to what I wanted to discuss in this thread. To be continued tomorrow iyh


    What I meant was yes as in they cannot commit adultery, as Joseph said. But no, as far as being two halves of one neshama neshama reconnecting – like a Jewish marriage

    in reply to: Spiritual Significance of Jerusalem and embassy announcement #1423843

    Oh I see there was some interest. Firstly, I see there is confusion with regards to the Rebbeim’s shita against. Zionism. So I’ll clarify. Apparently, the Rebbe Rasha was the strongest anti Zionist for his time, he wrote a strongly worded letter against them. This is because zionism was meant to replace torah and mitzvos with a national identity.

    As the Rebbe Rashab said, the Zionist organizationally of bilu, which stands for beis Yaakov lchu vnelcha, if they would’ve added the end of the Posuk in, bor Hashem, then I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

    There was an attempt on the Rebbe’s life by Zionists.

    The Frierdiker Rebbe, his son, also continued along these lines, and was bitterly disappointed with the establishment of the state of Israel because it was an opportune time for the Geula that year, after the chevlei moshiach of the holocaust, but instead of the geula, we were given a state – not worth it. The Frierdiker Rebbe davka got American citizenship around then, in his Shabbos clothes, and even got it videoed in color, to show how much he rejected this state exchange for the Geula.


    It depends on how you define marriage.

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1422228

    Lol maybe I will open a thread. But not now. Got go to a farbrengen 🙂

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1422122

    Lol daas yochid, is an amazing day :):)

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1421997

    Yeah I’ve been monitoring. Thanks for the mention. I had half a mind to open a thread on the significance of the embassy announcement on yud tes Kislev but I figured you can all use a break from me now after that long thread 😉

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1421276

    @slominer *7000, anyhow see my comment above

    in reply to: The Jewish War #1416777

    Also it’s worldwide so there is nowhere to run tu. I think if you want to move to the safest place, move to eretz Yisrael, were there is an extra measure of hashgocha protis. “Eretz asher einei Hashem Elokecha ba mereishis hashana ad acharis shana.”

    In the past we knew this posuk but it seemed a bit incongruous with reality because we always hear of terrorist attacks. But now we see clearly how so many plots fail over there, abs how cvs, even when it is successful, they usually only manage to wound people, abs if cvs more than that, it is very few people. Contrast that with the rest of the world where one attack kills dozens of people.

    I was thinking along these lines several years ago. If I wasnt on shlichus I would do the above myself

    in reply to: Mashiach > 6000 #1416717

    There is a posuk in tehillim, kapitl tzaddik, “ki elef shonim beiynecha kyom…”

    Based on this, I think it is kabbola but may be a medrash that learn that just as Hashem created the world in six days with the seventh being shabbos, so too the world. Every day corresponds to a thousand years. The last millennium is moshiach which is shabbos.

    But we don’t take Shabbos in at shkiah exactly, we light beforehand. So moshiach must arrive before then, and as noted we are currently erev shabbos after chatzos if you do the Mah.

    As far as the possibility of another world: our chachomim in the gemara tell us that after this last millennium of 7000, no one knows what will be.

    So whoever got scared, no worries till the year 7000, and in general no need to fear, as “ain ra yored min hashomayim” abs “Teva Hatov lhaitiv” so no matter what it is, it will be in our best interest

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415834


    I have enjoyed your posts and questions- you have been unbiased and open to understanding. I think your last post of the three part post, was addressed by my posts last night.

    The middle one I agreed with immediately.

    Now the first one.

    “1. The rebuilding of Yeshivos, Baitai Chinuch, and Bais Yaacov’s is no less an expression of Avavas Yisroel for every Yid then sending Shluchim.”


    ” It was (and is) and disagreement regarding what you is the best meathod of Harbatzas Torah.”

    Not really. Both are necessary. Many leaders of klal yisroel focused on a specific segment of klal yisroel and engaged in one or the other.The Rebbe, as Nossi hador, was responsible for the wellbeing of every Jew, so engaged in both our whatever was necessary.

    “2.Demanding Halachic proofs against Mashichist beliefs is besides the point. If you make an error regarding a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch or Ramabam that’s one thing. But let’s say you believe in something for which there is no direct positive evidence and insist that it is your religious duty to believe so based on personal feelings, revelations, miricles, etc. You have just legitimized the revelation narrative of every world religion and cult.”

    If a missionary confuses you with his proof and gets you to understand that Torah is cvs wrong, so you would agree to go by this new understanding and believe in AZ cvs because something in Torah doesn’t make sense?

    Obviously not. The difference is Yiddishkeit is true, everything else takes a point of Yiddishkeit and mixes in garbage. So you can usually convince an open-minded person to this effect.but the basis of Yiddishkeit needs to be emuna.

    The proof we have as lubavitchers is that the Rebbe was a tzadik continuing a line all the way up to the Baal Shem Tov. If you say that we can’t believe something the Rebbe said, then how can we believe anything he says? And the frierdiker Rebbe says,as he was his successor? Etc until the Baal Shem Tov? And as these people were holy tzaddikim, how can you believe any Torah authority? Maybe they’re wrong too? May as well just be a tzeduki or reject torah altogether cvs.

    That’s the problem with this rationale. So we don’t understand everything. But the facts are the facts. Moshe emess vsoraso emess.

    . I take personal offense at the statement made by CS that the Vilna Gaon saw the Alter Rebbe of Lubavich through a key hole, realized that if he would meet him he would have become a chossid and ran away. But this is just a symptom of the above stated problem.”

    I didn’t make it up or I would get your personal offense, this is a story I watched the descendent of the Vilna Gaon’s top talmid say is the tradition passed down through the family. Admittedly, knowing the greatness of the Gra, it is a bit shocking, and is not our version.

    But people seemed more interested in hearing non lubavitch sources. Maybe take it up with the one who said it.

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415832


    “Not to teach the non-Lubavitch public his shittos that will make the public distant themselves from Lubavitch”

    Your other questions I answered in pg 16. As for this, as mentioned many times, the main thing,according to eveyone because this is definitely what the Rebbe taught is to bring moshiach. How do we do that? Through hafotzas hamayanos. That’s for the frum world. Now if someone isn’t even frum, we have to help him with the basics too, hence the shluchim.

    So anything the Rebbe said to his chassidim, that without context could be misconstrued and push people away from learning Chassidus which is the Ikkar, the Rebbe saw no reason to publicise it and told his chassidim that we need to have oros dtohu, all the radical chidushim and ideas, bkeilim dtikkun, presented in ways people can understand and relate to. Running down the street yelling the Rebbe is moshiach with or without a flag doesn’t cut it.

    But people who whitewash the subject all together and just say there is nothing radical etc. and we’re perfectly mainstream, don’t qualify, in my opinion, for the first half, oros dtohu. It seems these chassidim may just want to hide anything that can seem radical, with or without proper context.

    But since the point is to spread Chassidus and bring moshiach, if they are afraid of being merachek people, I
    understand that.

    But I think whoever is not open to seeing the sichos or maamarim inside and doing proper research when presented with the proper context, and have no Problem labeling thousands of Yiddin as whatever you have seen in this thread, they anyways wouldn’t be open to learning Chassidus so I don’t think that’s what the Rebbe meant.

    Seems SH would disagree here and say let’s just focus on the ikkar and why focus on anything controversial at all, that may be merachek people?

    And I guess, after seeing some posts, here, to err on the side of caution, he was right.

    But now that I did open the thread in light of my previous understanding, I’m happy to answer any follow up. I think that’s it. Please lmk if there was anything else that hasn’t been addressed yet

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415635


    All the questions below represent distortions of nuances. For example, we don’t say bowing down to AZ is almost the same as bowing down to Hashem, which is the holiest thing, so bowing to AZ is second holiest.

    Rather AZ is the worst thing possible.

    Similarly, we don’t say that bringing a new neshama down to the world is the holiest thing so any way of doing it should be fine. Rather a relationship between a man and woman can be the ultimate of klipa or the ultimate of kedusha.

    The reason is because anything with a lofty potential can fall much lower.

    So the questions below remind me of the quotes that anti Semites quote out of context from the gemara to prove that the Jews are the vilest people in the world.

    Especially in matters of kedusha nuance matters so much, as a misstep the wrong way can result in AZ CVS.

    So really you need context for all these questions, and then you can understand.

    “Did the Rebbe say the following…?

    * A Rebbe is G-d in a body”

    The way you mean it, obviously not. However the Rebbe did quote the Zohar which states that looking at the face of the Master (Rashbi) was like looking at the face of Hashem.

    I again suggest learning the maamar byom ashtei asar to gain more understanding of tzaddikim s role in the world.

    “Lubavitchers (and only Lubavitchers) don’t have to sleep in a Sukkah”

    In short, lubavitchers follow their Rebbeim. Since the Rebbeim were uncomfortable to sleep in the Sukka because of the lofty giluim revealed within, so we are also uncomfortable to sleep there because we are aware of this from our Rebbeim. For more understanding, see the original sicha for the whole halachic analysis. I don’t know which chelek in likutei sichos it’s in offhand, but I’m sure one of the bochurim could fill you in.

    “* The Alter Rebbe was on a higher level of Pnimuyus HaTorah than Rav Yochanan ben Zakai”

    Never heard this

    * The Bais Hamikdash will not be built in Eretz Yisroel but in 770 and then transported to Eretz Yisroel, since 770 is “the place of Moshiach”

    Yeah but again you need to learn the source for context. See kuntres beis Rabbeinu shebibavel 5752

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415561


    It wasn’t a “random passing thought.” First of all, it was divrei Torah. Secondly, by tzaddikim, nothing is random. Everything a tzaddik does is in accordance with Hashem’s Ratzon

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415502

    @ sh true but that was because they had passed on the roles of Nossi hador so their guf had passed on…I really don’t get how you would reconcile it. Something to think about maybe ;)?

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415497


    “Why does Lubavitch make such a big deal from winning the machlokes with the Rebbe’s nephew and getting the seforim back in the library, that they’ve turned that day every year into an official Yom Tov? Isn’t it embarrassing to every year revive memories of an internal dispute?”

    In few words, because it wasn’t really about the books. It was a question on whether there is a Rebbe today. This was akitrug from shomayim expressed here on earth just like yud tes Kislev.

    The reason why the family member was claiming the sefarim was because he held that lubavitch had ended with the frierdiker Rebbe and there was no more Chabad.

    So when we overcame that taane it was a big deal and still is today

    “Also, why does it seem that Lubavitch has had disputes with an unusually large number of other frum kehilos, both Chasidic and non-Chasidic (Satmar, Brisk?, Chaim Berlin, Ponovitch)?”

    Because we have a unique path to everyone else.

    “On a lighter note, how can you tell the difference between a Lubavitcher’s hat and a Yeshivisher’s hat?”

    I’ll leave that to the men. Probably because we have the brim down, and they put it up

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415478

    So at the end of the day it is a matter of emuna, but I didn’t think it would be so hard to explain where we’re coming from because we’re all frum Yiddin who understand that the word of a tzadik should be taken really seriously,raising by his own chassidim.


    We go by the Rebbe’s guidelines. If there is a difference in understanding, then both positions are acceptable as you can see in this thread – mc and sh vehemently disagree, abs try to convince each other, but no one will day that either isn’t a chossid

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415474


    But as you all know, gimmel tammuz came along. So according to what I learned in this class, I had no clue of any is this before, the chassidim were split in 3 camps.

    1) we don’t know what happened here, but it’s apparent that the Rebbe was nistalek, so we’ll go with that reality, and admit we don’t understand the sicha

    2) exactly the opposite. Moshe emess vsoraso emess, the world is Olam hasheker, so the Rebbe is still alive.

    How exactly?

    There are different ways that it can be, all based on torah of course. I’ll mention a few pointers and if you’re not familiar, or anther person can explain :

    1. Like Rabbeinu Hakadosh who came after his padding, to his family, in his body, and made kiddush for them (they could not have been yotze if he didn’t come in his body)

    2. Rabbeinu Bachya s concept of tzaddikim possessing a guf gas and guf dak. So the guf gas can be buried while the guf dak is active.

    3. A sicha of the Rebbe, I think MC referred to it before, on Yaakov Lo mes. The tosfos says that Yakov was buried, but at the funeral he opened his eyes.

    Ie for a tzadik there could be such a thing as the body being alive although there is no pulse, no eating etc to answer Phil

    3. Mainstream position that the Rebbe’s body is alive as per the last point of 2, in the ohel. This makes it that he doesn’t disconnect from us and continues to guide us, unlike tzaddikim when they pass away they undergo nhar dinur I think it is, and forget all associations with this world.so we visit the ohel, acknowledge gimmel tammuz and continue being guide by the Rebbe,the Nossi hador, whose influence has only grown worldwide since gimmel tammuz

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415447


    So what I said before about the Rebbe being alive as in guiding us is mainstream. I can share a story to illustrate that point if wanted,please ask 🙂

    Btw I take offence at the Rebbe’s Torah bring referred to as just good enough for non frum…that’s a ridiculous thing to say. Whoever said it obviously has never learnt a sicha or maamar, and should seriously do some teshuva and ask the Rebbe for Mechila for their own good.

    Anyhow I was going to share something interesting.

    In 12th grade I picked up there was more to this Rebbe being alive thing than ma Zaro bachayim. So I asked my teacher to address this and he prepared a fascinating few lessons on it

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415451

    Basically there is a sicha, shmos likutei sichos chelek vov.

    The Rebbe asks how is Moshe rabbeinu alive? After all, every tzadik is Af bimisosom kruyim chayim, so whats the addition of Moshe Lo mes?

    The Rebbe answers that there is a medrash about Moshe, “Hu goel rishon, hu goel acharon.” Even though the Yiddin of the time didn’t merit moshiach, so Moshe wasnt moshiach, but the words of Hahem still were fulfilled.


    Moshes neshama is always present on earth in the body of the ispashtusa dMoshe bechol Dara. And since the main life of a tzadik is his Ruchnius accomplishments, Moshe Lo mes, because his neshama is always alive in the body of the Nossi hador,and that’s how hu goel rishon hu goel acharon because his neshama will end up with the Nossi hador who will be moshiach

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415452


    So that sicha made it obvious to the chassidim that the Rebbe can’t be nistalek, as understood from the previous information mentioned in this thread.

    Id really love to know if SH was taught this sicha,and if yes, how he reconciles it with having no problem saying ztzal etc

    in reply to: Mesichists Explained by ChabadShlucha #1415000

    I see I have some follow up questions to answer. Excuse my show responses, I have a busy week and will try to get to everything eventually.

    I think the most important question to address is the Rebbe being alive one.

    So that’s a question I was first asked in high school by a wedding, by some very curious girls. And I told them what I knew which was “ma Zaro Vachasima, af hu vachasima.” The era of the Rebbe is not over, because as long as we act by his guidance and horaos, he lives on through us and influences the world even more powerfully, because as the Baal HaTanya writes, that the life of a tzaddik isn’t his physical body accend aspects, it is his spiritual influence, and that lives in even more powerfully after his passing because it isn’t limited to his body anymore. “Tzaddikim Bmisosom kruyim chayim .״

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