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Yes, but that doesn’t do any more to answer the question, because I would assume that Hashem re-creates the spiritual worlds as well.What that was addressing was the question why, if I’m responsible for my intention although the result is not up to me, is there a halachic distinction as to whether someone is chayiv misa cvs. Meaning they are only chayiv if they actually kill the person, but not if they wanted to, so why the distinction?
I’m answering that they did kill him, on a metaphysical level. And will be punished for it milimaala unless he does teshuva. Just here in the earthly realm, bes din is extremely cautious with putting one to death (for example circumstantial evidence is never accepted) so that they don’t end up killing someone who was really innocent.
Hashem knows the heart and He judges by it. We metals can only judge what our eyes see happen.
Ie hanistoros laHashem Elokeinu vhaniglos lanu ulvoneinu ….
CSParticipantIf Yakov Avinu requested to know when the geulah will be and it was not made known to him, who are we to try and figure it out?
Already in the time of the gemara it was kalu kol hakitzin… Np to see signs of Geula in the world now when we know this is the generation that will see it, as told to us by the Rebbe and many other gedolim too
Btw Yaakov Avinu did know the ketz, he just wasn’t allowed to tell his kids so they wouldn’t be discouraged by how far away it was.
CSParticipantAnyhow getting back to gog umagog, anyone know where botzra is located?
CSParticipantWelcome back sechel hayashar. I’ve missed your help with providing sources. Do you know the source of the fact that in the past, teaching women could have confused them, as what if they would get the question but not the answer, and then be left with questions on Yiddishkeit?
(And since there was this danger, and girls anyway have a strong emuna and no mitzvah to learn, they werent taught gemara?)
I know the source of the Ma sheein kein nowadays because we’re taught to question by chol subjects etc.
CSParticipantBut since on Shabbos the worlds are elevated, the world’s lifeforce comes from Hashem’s Thought as opposed to His Speech.
If you would like to actually understand this practically I’ll be happy to elaborate. Thanks Daas yochid😀. Now how can I post images from a sefer?
CSParticipant“Hashem uses the way the world existed in the previous moment as a template for how He creates it in the next moment.”
Yeah this is when He works through nature mode.
“More fundamentally, we are responsible for what seems to be the result of our actions, even if in a higher reality we didn’t really cause it (perhaps LU said this).”
Agreed but I would add that every intention and every action causes an effect in the spiritual worlds even more than in this world.
The example given is the story of the Baal Shem Tov who once walked into shul and heard a guy yell to another one that he will tear him up like a fish!
The Baal Shem Tov had his students link arms and close their eyes and they suddenly shrieked in horror because they saw the guy actually ripping up the other. Every thought word and action has an effect, whether in this world or Above.
Question to Daasyochid: how do you manage to italicize the words? It makes it much neater
CSParticipant“Why am I responsible for the consequences of the actions I do if at the time of the consequence my action is no longer around? If I shoot an arrow, by the time it causes any damage, we are in a different world with some sort of master-illusion of my arrow in it’s trajectory, but it wasn’t me who shot this arrow!”
nothing we do can hurt someone if it wasn’t intended for them, and we are held responsible for our choice- whether good or bad. See letter 25, from iggeros kodesh of the Alter Rebbe. Actually I cant post it below because its too long, and I also cant post a link, so I guess google tanya, and in the igeres hakodesh section, its letter 25.
Btw, apparently, science has discovered this reality as well, that the smallest they can break things down to, is energy, which constantly goes in and out of existence. So our world with hard, concrete objects is just a facade, and the Asara Maamaros is the code for everything- each object as explained above.
Beyond that, every letter of the aleph beis has a specific meaning which is shown in its form, and in each word in lashon kodesh, the letters actually form what the meaning of the word is. I have just learned this in some depth and find this fascinating! I opened a thread on it, but havent bothered to elaborate as no one seemed quite interested.
CSParticipantI will get back to you with the first answer IYH
“what were the 6 Days of Creation, if every second the entire world is re-created?”
In short, Hashem created the world, in six days, through the asara Maamaros. Hashem then constantly recreates the world every second by “repeating” the asara maamaros.To understand how this works, and also how the AM create every object in the world, please see the Alter Rebbe’s Shaar Hayichud vihaemuna, perek1 below:
להבין מעט מזער מ”ש בזהר דשמע ישראל כו’ הוא יחודא עילאה ובשכמל”ו הוא יחודא תתאה:
וידעת היום והשבות אל לבבך כי ה’ הוא האלהים בשמים ממעל ועל הארץ מתחת אין עוד. וצריך להבין וכי תעלה על דעתך שיש אלהים נשרה במים מתחת לארץ שצריך להזהיר כ”כ והשבות אל לבבך. הנה כתיב לעולם ה’ דברך נצב בשמים ופי’ הבעש”ט ז”ל כי דברך שאמרת יהי רקיע בתוך המים וגו’ תיבות ואותיות אלו הן נצבות ועומדות לעולם בתוך רקיע השמים ומלובשות בתוך כל הרקיעים לעולם להחיותם כדכתיב ודבר אלהינו יקום לעולם ודבריו חיים וקיימים לעד כו’ כי אילו היו האותיות מסתלקות כרגע [לרגע] ח”ו וחוזרות למקורן היו כל השמים אין ואפס ממש והיו כלא היו כלל וכמו קודם מאמר יהי רקיע כו’ ממש וכן בכל הברואים שבכל העולמות עליונים ותחתונים ואפי’ ארץ הלזו הגשמית ובחי’ דומם ממש אילו היו מסתלקות ממנה כרגע [לרגע] ח”ו האותיות מעשרה מאמרות שבהן נבראת הארץ בששת ימי בראשית היתה חוזרת לאין ואפס ממש כמו לפני ששת ימי בראשית ממש וז”ש האר”י ז”ל שגם בדומם ממש כמו אבנים ועפר ומים יש בחי’ נפש וחיות רוחנית דהיינו בחי’ התלבשות אותיות הדבור מעשרה מאמרו’ המחיות ומהוות את הדומם להיות יש מאין ואפס שלפני ששת ימי בראשית
ואף שלא הוזכר שם אבן בעשרה מאמרות שבתורה אעפ”כ נמשך חיות לאבן ע”י צירופים וחילופי אותיו’ המתגלגלות ברל”א שערים פנים ואחור כמ”ש בס’ יצירה עד שמשתלשל מעשרה מאמרות ונמשך מהן צירוף שם אבן והוא חיותו של האבן וכן בכל הנבראים שבעולם השמות שנקראים בהם בלשון הקדש הן הן אותיות הדבור המשתלשלו’ ממדרגה למדרגה מעשרה מאמרות שבתורה ע”י חילופים ותמורות האותיות ברל”א שערים עד שמגיעות ומתלבשות באותו נברא להחיותו לפי שאין פרטי הנבראים יכולים לקבל חיותם מעשרה מאמרות עצמן שבתורה שהחיות הנמשך מהן עצמן גדול מאד מבחי’ הנבראים פרטיים ואין כח בהם לקבל החיות אלא ע”י שיורד החיות ומשתלשל ממדרגה למדרגה פחותה ממנה ע”י חילופים ותמורות האותיות וגימטריאות שהן חשבון האותיות עד שיוכל להתצמצם ולהתלבש ולהתהוות ממנו נברא פרטי וזה שמו אשר יקראו לו בלה”ק הוא כלי לחיות המצומצם באותיות שם זה שנשתלשל מעשרה מאמרות שבתורה שיש בהם כח וחיות לברוא יש מאין ולהחיותו לעולם דאורייתא וקב”ה כולא חד:CSParticipant“what happens on Shabbos, where HKB”H ‘rests’ from any creative force? The world is still being created every second, isn’t it?”
Yes it is. But since on Shabbos the worlds are elevated, the world’s lifeforce comes from Hashem’s Thought as opposed to His Speech.
CSParticipantThanks, I guess I’ll try again. For me, the most demoralising thing is feeling I have wasted my time. I only have the last few moments of golus to accomplish what I can, and so I try to use my time well.
If my past posts can be allowed through, and whatever was found problematic edited out, with a reason I can keep in mind for the future, that would be wonderful. I think it’s worth the time because as I said, I’m a rule keeper and it’s good for me to know so I save both my own and the mods time.
I will try again on a different thread and I’m requesting the above there as well, as I do not try to post anything problematic, and do have a Torah source for what I do write.
Sorry for the disruption of this thread. Thanks allot.
CSParticipant“Your posts have not been “banned”, they are just not all approved.”
That’s what I meant, that about a fourth- half my posts have been banned ie not let through.
“Not sure if this is a threat or a bit of a bullying tactic but when posts are not put through the reason isn’t, and wouldn’t be, because we agree with another poster. That is quite an accusation, and if your point was to force a response, I’m sorry that you chose that route.”
I am honestly puzzled why those posts have been not allowed through. The only thing I can think of is that the mod disagreed with what I said, which shouldn’t be a crime as there are many varied opinions here. This is why I asked about Lc because I really don’t get it. I have enjoyed this forum so I do find it frustrating to have my posts disappear in thin air for no apparent reason. I am a rule keeper so if that is not the case, that my posts weren’t allowed through due to opinion/ source disagreement, please lmk why you banned the so I can know for the future.
If you can. Thanks!!!
CSParticipantI’m seeing several of my posts have been not allowed through. Not quite sure why as there does seem to be a wide variety of opinions and sources brought and quoted, and I don’t why my posts have been banned. Maybe the mods agree with lc? I was enjoying the experience of interacting with yidden of all streams and hearing from anyone, but it’s not worth my time to type up posts that are not allowed thrush with no explanation given. So I’m sorry if I have offended anyone and I won’t bother you anymore bln. Have a wonderful shabbos!
CSParticipant@gaon thanks for that. I found the rogatchever interesting, that’s how I understood it, that from conception the ate two dissent gestation periods. I’ll take the seven 🙂
CSParticipantDaled and hei are the letters that represent kedusha.
Reish and kuf represent klipa.
Daled is opposite reish
Hei is opposite kuf.
If anyone finds this fascinating like me I’ll be happy to elaborate.
CSParticipant@yitzchakm my previous post addressed it but I guess it wasn’t allowed through because quoting gemara can be inappropriate? Honestly. It’s gemara shabbos 125a
CSParticipantThank you neville and you’re the best person to call out lc for derailing things because you clearly have no compunctions criticising lubavitch when you have a problem with something we say or do. So lc it’s even a bit much for neville…
On this topic, I know there’s supposed to be a slaughter happening in botzra around this time period. Where is that today? Let’s give everyone a travel alert😉
CSParticipantIf someone can tell me how to upload images that would be helpful as I can get you the whole thing.
At any rate it lists tanchuma vayeshev 4
CSParticipant@avrammd I wish I could upload you the images but I don’t know how. In any event, the source is a medrash which says chet etz hadaas was a set up because otherwise it wouldn’t say the halachos of tumas mes in the Torah which was there already then, if Hashem really planned to have a perfect world with no death etc.
The medrash brings an example of a man who gets a get written up for his wife and brings it home. He schemes how to give it to her. He tells her to pour him a cup of water. When she does he says, I’m divorcing you. Here’s the get. She asked him why and he tells her because the water was lukewarm. She protests that it was a set up. He knew that she would pour him lukewarm water so that was just an excuse and couldn’t be valid because he already had the get written up.
This is what the posuk Norah alila al bnei Adam is referring to.
January 4, 2018 10:22 am at 10:22 am in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1442647CSParticipant@non political in high school we learned chumash bchevrusa grouped according to levels. My level focused on rashi, so we learned chumash rashi, and mefarshei Rashi such as mizrachi, gur aryeh (Maharal), sifsei if necessary as he usually summarises mizrachi, lvush haorah and baer basodeh.
After we finished learning the Rashis with the mefarshei Rashi, we learned the other mefarshim such as Ramban or Hachaim, kli yakar Baal haturim.
After all that, we learned the Chassidus on the topic, which brought out the underlying dynamic and its application today in our Avodas Hashem.
The Rebbe in his rashi sichos brings out the way rashi operates, or klalei rashi. We started off learning these klalim so we would know what to look out for. It also taught us to appreciate the precision of each word.
CSParticipant@ubiquitin thanks!
@baltimoremaven but miriam was only a few years older than Moshe, so that wold mean her first birth was post 120 so equally miraculous.@catchyourself thanks!
CSParticipant“We are only as weak as we convince (/make) ourselves”
Have you ever heard the term ikvasa dimeshicha? Or heard of yeridas hadoros?
“chazal say that there will be more chutzpa than imaginable before mashiach..we’re definitely well on our way…)”
Yeah no doubt about it look at the world! Even in our world, I wasn’t surprised that lubavitcher kids had chutzpah, because the Frierdiker Rebbe wrote a letter to the first lubavitcher girls learning club that said to be careful because it’s great they’re learning Chassidus, but it gives self confidence and just make sure it doesn’t turn into chutzpah against
teachers…So when I walked into fifth grade classroom, I got this attitude from the kids like, im a special neshama who’s gonna change the world and bring moshiach. Who are you?
But I was surprised when I found my beis Yaakov students exhibiting less than respectful behaviour. It really must be the generation of moshiach.
January 3, 2018 7:21 pm at 7:21 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1442047CSParticipant@gaon “There is a major difference between being “educed’ on your own than implementing it as part of a curriculum. The Rambam and the Talmud prohibit only “teaching” , we do not find any issur is the very learning.”
True but they educated their daughters to learn shulchan archive, gemara etc. They didn’t have artscroll back then and no one wakes up, takes a gemara off a shelf,and learns, in a vacuum.
As far as you’re point on the Maharal I have learned the malbim in Navi class and remember enjoying it very much. I find the Or Hachaim in chumash to be very similar to Chassidus as well. Both of them learned kabbola, so it seems their perushim are infused with pnimius HaTorah as well.
However sichos on the Parsha, maamarim and rashi sichos I don’t think I’d find the like anywhere else. Rashi sichos taught me to appreciate the depth of Rashi and in general, to appreciate the precision and holiness of all of our chachomim to a level I wouldn’t have otherwise.
CSParticipantI actually read a really nice article on R’ Shteinman Ztz”l on collive! Although in general I’m not fond of their coverage as they tend to push more liberal things and not allow opinions contrary to their agenda to be published.
But it seems like we know two different Lubavitchs. Reminds me of a story of one of the Rebbeim that saw two chassidim from the same city in yechidus.
the Rebbe asked the first one how things are going in the city. The chossid enthusiastically told the Rebbe how many yungeleit come to Chassidus shiurim and all the amazing things in town. The Rebbe was very happy and gave him a Brocha.
The second one was asked the same question. He thought he shouldn’t lie to the Rebbe so he told him how things are really bad, no one davens or learns properly etc etc. The Rebbe was displeased.
The chossid asked why the Rebbe is upset with him when he’s simply telling the truth.
The Rebbe answered, I know what’s going on in that city. That’s not why I’m asking you. I’m asking you to see what activities and people you associate yourself with…
January 3, 2018 2:05 pm at 2:05 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441726CSParticipantJoseph it isn’t that simple or nobody would have allowed it until our times. The fact that this disagreement over girls learning existed then, and the proponents of teaching mandala, tremendous gaonim, encouraged it, shows that is not a simple open and closed kosher and treif issue. Their daughters were all educated.
CSParticipantAlright Joseph I concede to your good point that just because a certain desired result doesn’t occur, it doesn’t mean that Hashem didn’t do it for that purpose.
The fact that the holocaust didn’t occur because of aveiros though, is true not just my shita
* DaredCSParticipant“You make it sound like the Ribbono shel Olam needs
a lesson in how to be mechanech this generation…”Obviously not, He told us through the Nossi hador that this generation needs a chessed approach. He must have had His reasons for the holocaust, but I was just saying that it wasn’t too cause us to do teshuva because teshuva dust result from the catastrophe and if that was the point He wouldn’t have done it to begin with.
CSParticipant@daasyochid I appreciate humour but don’t think it’s use is appropriate to use it to make light of ruach Hakodesh.
CSParticipantLook, I’m sorry you’re carrying all this baggage about lubavitch. Maybe you can ask whoever offended your to ask Mechila. But what you’re doing now is no different than anti altruism: you’re holding every lubavitcher responsible for any wrong a lubavitcher ever did to you. Not only that but you attribute every flaw you ever saw in any lubavitcher to every lubavitcher. That’s not right or fair or good middos or anything else positive.
So if you have an issue with something I say, quote it and ask me. But to simply be waiting to pounce on me because I dated to quote Chassidus or the Rebbe with every wrong a lubavitcher has ever done is ridiculous so I won’t be able to respond to such posts.
CSParticipant@Mods how do i get a pic on here? I have some stuff for avrammd
January 3, 2018 11:45 am at 11:45 am in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441514CSParticipant“His host offered to eat again together the next year, not to slaughter
him again.”Well obviously not. But one would think he would not have the same set up if the previous year had led to a near tragedy.
” Also, some interpret the wording to mean that Rav Zeira
was forced to drink too much wine (as opposed to having his throat slit).”Yeah that ties into the understanding, and was brought in the sicha.
“As for doing teshuvah, serious intoxication was involved – perhaps
things done only due to such a state do not require teshuvah”Why? If someone kills someone by accident he still has to go to an ir miklat for the rest of his life because he was careless enough to get to that mistake. Many Torah greats from the shtetl era would go into galus over minor infractions, and the Tannaim were even greater than then so kal vchomer there should have seemingly been Serious teshuva, and here….
January 3, 2018 10:19 am at 10:19 am in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441510CSParticipant@@chabadshlucha. Who was the famous chabad rebetzin that would learn gemara? I think she is mentioned in the previous rebbes memoirs”
Rochel, and she eventually taught get daughter as well. Here’s is an interesting story because she came from a Chassidishe family (if you can call it that as it was pre the Baal Shem Tov) but she married a man from a misnagdishe background who disapproved of women learning. Meanwhile she was quite a scholar…
January 2, 2018 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441324CSParticipant@joseph
“Chabadshlucha: You could just read the Artscroll books of Gemorah stories to get what you’re doing”No it’s completely different! Artscroll gives the mefarshim that discuss the pshat, Chassidus reveals the underlying dynamic. What can I say? Taamu uru…
January 2, 2018 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441322CSParticipant@benugnuman thanks for clarifying that for us. Would’ve looked it up otherwise on my next curious learning excursion.
January 2, 2018 6:35 pm at 6:35 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441320CSParticipant“Chabadshlucha: I was under the impression that Chabad girls learn Gemara but mainly through Ein Yaakov, as the Rebbe specifically suggested. Is this correct, or do girls today actually learn Gemara as boys do, focusing on its halachic discussions as well?”
Depends on the school, ideologically yes but most high schools do not have a gemara class simply because there are more important lessons to learn for girls. In sem beis I learned a mishnayos class with the gemara questions, and at first I thought it was quite fascinating, until I realized we were still debating the same shnayim ochazin btalis like half a year later and it was going nowhere as far as final halacha, and then I was like oh now I get why women never learned gemara lol.
That said I have built up a bit of an aramaic vocabulary over the years between mefarshei Rashi in chumash, Aggada / Ein Yaakov I learned on my own – took out of the library, and many gemaras quoted in the sichos.
I have learned much of the Rambam pertaining to women if not all, and looked up many references in gemara about women as well such as the tu bav sugya and others. But that’s different because it’s personal interest. But I’ll leave the nitty-gritty to the men for the most part, and leave your wearing the hats (I don’t have one to take off)
@daasyochid lubavitcher must be a woman. The men do the whole nine yards.
January 2, 2018 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441162CSParticipantLastly for now, if you have questions or want to understand the prufundity and glance at the sheer intellectual depth, complexity yet unity within Torah, and logical understandings, I would suggest you learn Chassidus, starting with the second part of Tanya, shaar hayichud vhoemuna. What’s amazing about it is that it doesn’t only make sense but it resonates within.
Another perk is that Chassidus quotes and brings together all parts of Torah – and that’s actually where I have at least half of my knowledge of gemara from. So you can get two in one 🙂 with the inner meaning with it.
Like try learning the story of rabba shechting Rav Zeira on Purim one year, reviving him the next day through davening, and then not only NOT doing teshuva for slaughtering someone, but cheerfully offering to do it again the next year. (R’ Zeira respectfully declines because miracles don’t happen every time.)
And these are our holy Tanaim! Learning the plain story can leave you riddled with questions. But it’s such a geshmake story when learned with Chassidus. And that’s how I learned this story in the gemara!If you have any specific questions, since you can’t call me by phone, feel free to ask here and we’ll all address your questions.
This would conclude my answer to the op 🙂
January 2, 2018 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441157CSParticipantBut I think she confused male ego with Torah with the story of her cousin. Men tend to talk one up or one down, women talk to each other as equals.
That being said it is unfortunate that because the boys tend to Emphasise the daaton kalos part and not the bina Yesaira part, due to above mentioned male ego, there can be such a distortion in the way they view women’s intelligence as enough lies or half truths repeated tend to sink in as the new truth.
In secular culture, its unthinkable to express such notions, it should be in our Culture too, as Torah never demeaned women but just the opposite, was nizhar with our kovod. I don’t experience such attitude within my world, and I don’t see why any woman should.
CSParticipantActually there are three levels of Elokus interactions with the world, mimale kol olmin, sovev kol olmin and kula kamei kla chshiv – atzmus.
Mimale- Hashem relates to the world through the limits of nature, we relate to Him through sechel
Sovev- He relates to us with miracles, above nature, yet is bound by being boundless. We relate to this revelation of Elokus with Emuna,as we can’t relate with sechel.
Atzmus however is nimna hanimnaos – Hashem can do the impossible where this is revealed. Example: in the kodesh Hakodashim, where Atzmus was revealed, the Aron took up an exact space by measurement yet didn’t take up space at all! Not sure how this would play out with a rock but He could do it.
January 2, 2018 3:46 pm at 3:46 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441159CSParticipantLastly, the reason women get offended is because women are blessed with a profound sense of understanding, bina. The Daas that were not so strong in naturally, is the drei kup stuff like 15 opinions on what the halacha could be based on the wording of the mishna. The 15 or 50 different ways don’t interest me and I will get lost in the debate on the nuances unless it makes a practical difference to me.
But to ask a deep question is our strength and we get insulted when anyone doesn’t respect our bina Yesaira.
January 2, 2018 2:03 pm at 2:03 pm in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441138CSParticipantAs lc didn’t do it for me here goes :
What the op describes is exactly why the Rebbe advocated girls learning in general, above what they need to know, which if a man would know all halacha etc that a woman needs to know, he’d be a gaOn –
But aside for that the Rebbe advocated all higher education for women because of the spiritual danger involved otherwise :
In the times past, a Jewish woman imbibed all her knowledge and yiras shomayim from the home – and it was great.
But today women and girls are fully educated in the secular subject, and they can mistakenly conclude that Yiddishkeit can’t match it cvs. So we must educate them up to par.
In the past, it was dangerous to teach such things to girls, because by nature, girls go with more emuna, and less daas, so why teach them questions and then maybe they won’t get the answers and they’ll have questions on Yiddishkeit for no reason.
It could cause harm and unnecessary so why do it?
But today, we are taught to question in the science classes etc, so aderabe women must be taught everything.
CSParticipantHey my last post wasn’t let through and it was a good one
January 2, 2018 8:55 am at 8:55 am in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1440905CSParticipantI’m waiting for litvishe chossid to tell us all what I would say as to him its old news 😜
CSParticipantI think its important to distinguish between people and attitudes. Pirkei avos says choviv haadam shnivra btzelem, and we should work to refine then as is our halachic obligation with sheva mitzvos bnei noach.
We can despise their beliefs but I don’t think it jives with chazal above and also “lo nitna HaTorah ela laasos sholom baolam,” to secretly despise everyone while acting polite. The Arabs tried that and the secret got out.
Plus it doesn’t seem to enhance any good middos by having this attitude, quite the opposite.
CSParticipant“I would think that calming everyone down instead of encouraging them to do Teshuvah so that the bad part of the war won’t happen is the opposite of what Hashem wants”
Why must we be smacked around to do anything positive? I think the Rubashkin story just proved that we can units and join together for joyous reasons,and not just for tragedies hl”t.
The holocaust didn’t result in much teshuva in fact many people went off. Ours is a very weak generation and we need positive reinforcement.
Remember, teshuva only takes a second. It’s about a Mindset switch. As is known from the halacha that a woman is considered sofek mekudeshes if her husband was mekadesh her al minus shehu tzaddik gamur, even if he turns out to be a Rasha, and the reason is, shema hirher teshuva b’osa shaah.
Im sure most Jews, my not yet frum relatives amongst them, when they see the process become more and more talk, they’ll all return to their roots.
CSParticipant@lilmod +1 for that example – although I would use it to Epson different point, that Hashem’s Wisdom is way way beyond us and He does have our best interests in mind when He chose this system out of the myriad options
CSParticipant😂 I don’t initiate the conversation. But allot of them like chatting and start one and then things get rolling. I remember one asking if Jews really want to dominate the world.
But yes I’m allot more comfortable when my husband is there. However I never read it is assur to respond to a man who is speaking to you.
CSParticipantAnother nugget you may find interesting :
The gemara teaches ain Yisrael nigalin ela biteshuva. Then the gemara asks the obvious, what if they don’t?
It answers, that in that case Hashem will appoint a melech koshe khaman, and then we’ll do teshuva and be redeemed.
The Rebbe comments that the comparison to Haman instead of the many sonei Yisrael, is to teach us that just as Haman looked very scary but didn’t end up harming even one Jew, so too in our case, if Hashem will ever need to resort to such measures.
CSParticipant@daasyochid the Rebbe came out with the campaign only after his prediction