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  • in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1468768

    Ok here’s one more mainstream song expressing these ideas. We would sing this in high school during our at the start of, Farbrengens

    Farbrengen is here
    The Rebbe is near
    A feeling of closeness fills the air
    United as one
    Like father and son
    Were bound to the teachings of Chassidus

    The Rebbe cares for every Jew
    Af al pi shechata Yisrael hu
    By being mekushar to the Rebbe were mekushar to Hashem
    Ki tzaddikim domim laBoram

    x2 just like the Kohen Gadol in the Kodesh Kodashim
    Our yechidus with the Rebbe brings us yiras Elokim
    Our hearts inspired to bring us higher
    Closer to the coming of moshiach

    The Rebbe cares for every Jew…

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1468750

    “Rachmana litzlan”

    Again one line out of context. You never had a feeling so deep you felt you could only share it with a very close friend? That doesn’t mean you don’t daven or turn to Hashem just cuz you tell a friend that you have a feeling you can only express to them

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1468019

    And our Rebbe lives on. He isn’t a dead man. first of all tzaddikim bimisosom kruim chayim and even when they leave this world, they continue to send down hashpoah and bracha to their mekusharim.

    That’s any tzadik. If I read rashi today, Rashi himself says the words with me

    That’s what sechel and his friends would say.

    I would say (im as mainstream as they get, and I grew up in a more anti home, and yes, I went to the kinus last year.) that the Rebbe lives on more than that as people continue to get brachos from the Rebbe pertaining to their gashmius as well as Ruchnius. Usually, once a tzadik has passed on, he loses his connection to the physicality of this world. That as well as other proofs (shmos Chof vov specifically) lead me to think by a Torah logic, that the Rebbe is alive, which is why I haven’t addressed the dead man claim.) so yeah either way it works.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1467941

    Thanks for eliminating the bashing.


    Thanks for being honest. Now we can address the root of the issue. I came to this conclusion myself above.
    2 points :

    We don’t address Hashem and the Rebbe in the same way when it comes to Gashmius stuff.

    For example: I will ask Hashem, please send us money right now.

    If I was writing to the Rebbe I would write, id like to ask for a Brocha to have parnassa bharchava. Because the Rebbe is just clearing the way / asking Hashem for me.

    When it comes to Ruchnius though, there we would use the same or similar expressions because the Rebbe is our Rebbe ie teacher and guide in Avodas Hashem, and also cares for us like a parent and even more.

    We obsess over the Rebbe as you put it – as much as we give to the Rebbe, we can’t give back love and care add the Rebbe gave and gives. He obsesses over our welfare much much more.

    Another important point:

    This is why were able to reach places and do things no one else does. This is how a young couple can go to a place with no other frum yidden and not only survive spiritually, but turn other people into frum yidden or at least doing more mitzvos – because we’re batul and mekushar to the Rebbe.

    The job of a Rebbe is to make the natural emuna a yid has real and internalised. So if anything I think I have a much deeper connection to Hashem and He is much more real to me in my life, than if I didn’t have a Rebbe.

    Because otherwise I could not have a personal relationship with Him – Halo Elokecha eish ochla Hu?

    He is Unlimited, we are. Everything were about, all the human concerns we have He doesn’t.

    So how can we connect? Have a personal relationship?

    Hidabek btalmidei chachamim.

    When I see how much the Rebbe cares about my mundane concerns although he is light years away from that, I can see how Hashem cares. When I see how when I’m involved with Avodas Hashem how much nachas it gives the Rebbe, I realise that it must give Hashem so much more. Etc etc. Hashem is real to me. When I see how the Rebbe’s brachos come through, I realise even more how Hashem directs every detail.

    So if anything my connection to Hashem is so much more real because I have the Rebbe.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1467624

    @non political
    “Merely citing the Lubavitcher Rebbe Z”L as a source in these cases is not enough. Why Not? The problem is NOT that he is not a legitimate Torah source. No, the problem is that when a legitimate Torah source takes a novel position and:
    1) all Gedolim (for who we have evidence that they are are familiar with the position) are opposed
    2) no Gedolim (for who we have evidence that they are familiar with the position) are in favor
    such a position is rejected.

    I have raised this point twice before in this thread and you have ignored it. Why? This is not a controversial point. In fact it is blatantly evident both from halachic sources as well as simple logic.”

    Sorry I thought I addressed this. Of course the chiddush of WHY its OK to betten beim Rebben belongs to the Rebbe. But theres a HUGE difference between saying this is the Rebbe’s chiddush, and I think its OK for a different reason, (besides no one has addressed the multiple sources brought), and saying that position is the opposite of achdus Hashem cvs.

    It is an oxymoron to say the Rebbe is a Torah giant but his position here is kefira, because that would make the Rebbe and chassidim who follow him the opposite of ovdei Hashem, and you can’t then say that you respect the Rebbe as a Gaon etc.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1467431

    @avrammd again Im being misunderstood. I wrote that the Rebbe is human in the very line you quoted. 5ish rephrased it nicely. As for how we talk to our Rebbe, see this mainstream Chabad camp song below:

    Rebbe mein teyere Tatte
    This Pan I write to you
    My emotions deep within me
    I can only turn to you

    I hear them speak of farbrengens
    Of hours spent together
    Of your hand constantly giving
    And a smile of love and care

    But Rebbe I’m so young
    I feel so very small
    I wish I too had a memory to recall
    How will I grow to be
    What the Rebbe wants of me
    Tatte please tell me how my life I should lead

    My kind, dont worry I’m here with you
    Learning my Torah makes it clear to you
    That the world is ready the time is near
    Spreading my Torah brings Moshiach here
    Higiah zman Geulaschem

    Repeat: But Rebbe I’m so young…

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1467401

    @DY how is it different? Exactly the same thing! Betten the Rebbe.

    If the issue is purely hashkafa, and you don’t know who the Rebbe was, wouldn’t you trust R Moshe Feinstein who was the posek hador for halacha? Im trying to be Dan lchaf zechus, but it’s getting really difficult. I’m not here to be bashed or attacked when I have solid sources. If you’d like to understand, I’m happy to explain. As a fellow frum Jew. Not happy to be treated the way I have. And btw you never addressed the numerous sources brought, just ignored then and continued to insist that were the opposite of ovdei Hashem cvs

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1467374

    I’m going to take a break now, being that my words have been twisted to imply things I never meant. Including by a fellow lubavitcher.
    Sechel I understand that you are a chossid although we have differences in how we are mekushar. Just because you may not hold of iggros etc. doesn’t mean that there’s anything wrong with it. In fact, quite the opposite. I know it’s tempting to think you’re way is right and 70% of Chabad is wrong, but the Rebbe made it very clear to me that both ways are acceptable, and therefore I’ve kept quiet many times when you’ve said things I disagree with. I expect the same courtesy.

    5ish you’re doing a great job presenting what I was saying in yet another way. Maybe you’re better at explaining. Great one with bringing belzer example.

    It seems to me that people are badly biased against Chabad, as no one said a word against the belzer chassidim although it seems until now they’ve been adamant that’s is not ok.

    Looks like everyone thinks were crazy (agreed, we do things no one else does) and are just trying to pin it on something negative. Others love us for it.

    I came here to interact with fellow yidden as friends. I don’t feel I’m being treated as one though. So I guess I’ll go back to my lubavitch farbrengen WhatsApp groups unless this attitude is cleared up.

    Rebyid23 your question has already been addressed in this thread.

    Mods thank you for allowing this conversation. The only way to reach achdus is by discussing our differences, respecting them, and emphasising our commonalities. So I appreciate your allowing this conversation.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466829

    You can’t daven to the Rebbe, you can ask for brachos.

    No one in lubavitch calls the Rebbe boreinu cvs. That’s a libel.

    Right you can’t because it’s shituf- considering another entity other than Hashem to have autonomous power. (Was just adding that’s why they forgot Hashem.)

    Anyhow I think we can agree that there are different ways to interpret the gemara and maybe some of the other sources brought. Although you haven’t addressed any of the others, let’s just say.

    This all happened in 1950 before the Rebbe became Rebbe and it was asked on many times. The Rebbe answered with explaining the difference between mimutza hamafsik vs mimutza hamechaber, brought above.

    The Rebbe lived his whole life as a tzadik gamur and others accepted him as such as well. He was also a tremendous gaon – in fact probably unparalleled.

    So I’m gonna go with what the Rebbe said. You don’t have to. The Rebbe even told his chassidim they don’t have to. But you cannot place yourself on the same level as the Rebbe to decide you know gemara and halacha better. Any gemara
    you bring the Rebbe knew as well. Plus he knew all of pnimius HaTorah as well in addition to all of nigle.

    can you give me the name of feivels Rebbe? Its good for my own knowledge to know who else is considered a tzadik gamur of the Tanya.

    As for the rest of your comment, Chabad is also unique from other chassidim as we go into the reasons for this with Chabad, chochma bina and Daas, while their tzaddikim focus on the darchei HaChassidus, such as niggunim, tishen etc the emotions of Avodas Hashem. So that would make sense it could be completely out of place there.

    And for the last part, the Rebbe lived as a tzadik gamur his whole life and to restate, these comments weren’t made in 92, they were made in 50. Etc see above.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466663

    @SH can you just answer the questions? It seems your approach is to say that nothing is a chiddush and we’re the same as everyone else. If so, please explain. I see the chiddush although the practice isn’t a chiddush as other chassidisidim request things from their Rebbeim as well.

    yeah thanks for the Rambam. I like how you bring sources. Two important points:

    1) the Rambam says they made a mistake.what was it? the sun etc has no free choice to decide who to give hashpoah to. So serving it is like thanking the axe instead of the Woodchopper.

    People on the other hand, so have free choice, which is why we have a mitzva to respect our parents and Rebbeim.

    2) the sun is a classic example of a mimutza hamafsik. The people who davened it eventually forgot about Hashem because the sun is just one of His servants, and not one with HIM. So they worshiped the servant and eventually forgot about the master.

    But we yidden ARE one with Hashem, and by tzaddikim this is revealed. Therefore since Hashem is one with tzaddikim, its mimutza hamechaber (as sechel explained in his long post) as you’re addressing Hashem directly and you’ll never forget about Him cvs.

    Now instead of saying I sound problematic how about you now address all the sources we’ve brought, starting with the Rebbe’s sources.

    I know you brought the context for WHY Rabbi Yitzchak was referred to as Hevaya, but the fact is the Yerushalmi has no problem calling him Hevaya for judging correctly, because in this way he reveals Hevaya.

    Also address how Moshe rabbeinu spoke in the first person when he said v’anochi nosati esev, even though it’s Hahem Who provides etc.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466424

    Just to clarify I talk plenty throughout my day directly to Hashem too.

    And since people keep bringing it up, lhavdil elef havdalos, the other guy was no tzadik at all and also held himself to be his own SEPARATE power than Hashem. That’s avoda zara.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466416

    OK now that I understand what the issue you have with it is, allow me to explain:

    1) In light of achdus Hashem, as I explained above based on Tanya, you should be able to understand. When we ask the Rebbe for help, were not asking him as a human. That would be wrong as we only ask Hashem for things like the Rambam says. Were asking Hashem, through his human messenger, so it’s more personal. Like the medrash tehillim brought above. Half Elokim, half ish.

    An example of this is the urim vtumim.why is that not az cvs? Because it’s completely batul to Hashem. So no one was asking gems for help. They were asking Hashem, to answer a personal answer through the gems.

    2) even if you have difficulty accepting this, or your circles don’t behave this way, that still doesn’t mean its not legitimate way in Avodas Hashem, as a stated above, the Rebbe was accepted by many gedolim as a tzadik gamur. A revelation of Hashem in this world. I think moshiach chat posted some quotes of other gedolim about the Rebbe in the other thread.

    Besides that, we chassidim saw throughout the Rebbe’s whole life how everything he wanted was what Hashem wanted. Not to mention thought speech and action. So anything the Rebbe says to us is correct, no questions asked.

    3) The Rebbe would bring sources for everything he said, here included. Now that doesn’t mean there is no chiddush, there is, but there is still a source for this idea before in Torah. And we’ve also brought others in this thread.

    4) another example: do you have an issue with moshiach ruling the world? I guess if you don’t learn the Tanyas concept of achdus Hashem, it might be weird for you that a person will be king when Hashem is revealed in full glory. Why not Hashem? Isn’t that strange? But the whole point of Geula, which is what we’ve been working towards all along, is to show how the world is NOT a separate entity from Hashem. And we show that when we do mitzvos. And tzaddikim lead the way with that. And yidden are meant to show that to the world. This is all part of the same concept and idea. Otherwise, Jews shouldn’t rule the world, moshiach shouldn’t rule the world, and there should be no such thing as a cheftza of kedusha according to your guys logic… But that’s not true. And even the nigle sources say so.

    5) to remind ourselves not to forget irs HASHEM working through the tzadik, we daven say brochos etc to Hashem exclusively. So we remember what’s what.

    6) I said before, but DY didn’t understand me, that every yid is meant to rule the world, not be ruled by it.

    To explain my example:
    Rubashkin had crazy things happen for him that aren’t natural and normal. The reason he was able to arise above nature, was because he lived and revealed the chelek Eloka mimaal mammash inside of him. And obviously Hashem isn’t limited by nature. A yid, by tapping into his true essence of Elokus, also rises above nature. How much more so a tzadik.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466411

    Correction on the story of Rabbi katz. He only had 1-2 kids wren he originally wrote in. And he is he eidim of the Toldos Aharon Rebbe.

    @DY I understand your concerns. Now we’ve clarified that
    a) we only daven to Hashem

    Now you’ve got to where the Rebbe had made his chiddush. Many chassidim, not just Chabad will address requests to the Rebbe as well. The Rebbe was answering why that’s OK

    Maybe by you, you don’t do it and by your Rabbanim its not ok. (Although it seemed you’ve heard of the concept of asking brachos before.) (Maybe it’s not ok by then because they’re not talking about a tzadik gamur of Tanya, someone that is 100% batul to Hashem and doesn’t even feel like doing anything else than what Hashem wants? In which case there would be no contradiction.)

    But I know this is an accepted practice by chassidim, not just lubavitch. And the Rebbe was explaining why. Because when chassidim ask the Rebbe, they’re really asking Hashem Who is revealed in the tzadik. Just like by Moshe rabbeinu.

    Curious to see what sechel says.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466409

    Cont’ @ slobodka

    “Are you even familiar with any other tzaddikim? Everyone else in klal Yisroel believes there rebbe or manhig is “the man,” but they believe there is a number 2, 3 etc. Who else does Chabad believe to be tzaddikim (even in the non Tanya sense) ?”

    I’ve definitely heard of other leaders in am Yisrael, not familiar enough though to know if there is anyone else today who is a tzadik gamur of the Tanya. It also doesn’t help that whenever I meet someone not lubavitch, they don’t think so either of their Rebbe. I’ll be very happy to hear of more today. Not really fun being unique as the more tzaddikim the better.

    “Unrelated, but I think that you and SY have given a dochek answer to our question of Atzmus Umahus. If you say that everyone has it and it’s just that the rebbe has it in a more practical sense because he has reached the level of a tzaddik acording to Tanya, then the rebbe should have made that clear in a Sicha.”

    Important point. That sicha was never edited by the Rebbe. It’s an unedited draft of one of the farbrengen attendees. The Rebbe probably would have clarified and expounded if he would have edited it. As is, its just the unedited transcription of a talk, and the Rebbe was speaking to his audience who understood like we chassidim do.

    “but even if your explanation is correct, how do you explain why there is no new rebbe today? Was the heintege rebbe more kadosh than the frierdiker rebbe?”

    What does this have to do with the discussion? Separate question. Let’s finish this topic off first before jumping into another. You’re welcome to ask after we finish this one, or on a new thread (if you’re not sick of discussing lubavitch yet lol.)

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466408

    @slobodka no disrespect meant, just didn’t remember and didn’t have time to look up which fellow said what.

    That being said, what you say it correct but irrelevant.

    As I have stated I think by now numerous times, these comments of the Rebbe were made before he became Rebbe and were taken in the proper context by the people who heard because they chose him as Rebbe within the year.

    After the Rebbe became Rebbe, many gedolim visited and praised him, so they obviously weren’t choshed him on anything resembling kefira cvs.

    If you have seen real tzaddikim, then I would expect your response to my description of what the Rebbe was able to do to be, yeah I’ve seen that by my Rebbe too. Then I would say, great were on the same page so you can understand why being by the Rebbe is like being by a malach.

    your response about magic led me to understand that you haven’t seen such things by a Rebbe before.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466274

    Better yet, since the Rebbe was referring to the Frierdiker Rebbe after his histalkus, I’ll give you a story I just heard today :

    A lubavitcher chossid had to buy gf stuff for his wife. So he went to a gf store in boro park where the cashier told him this story :

    Rabbi katz in BP (There are three) Once wrote to the Rebbe and never got an answer. After gimmel tammuz he got a call that a letter had been found for him from years before.

    In it, the Rebbe answered his question from years before, plus wished him a refuah sheleima. There were seven dollars enclosed for each of his children.

    The thing is he had gotten sick after gimmel tammuz, and he had seven kids when he got the letter but only five when he wrote it!

    This is what it means the Rebbe is able to do anything.

    Normally people are limited by nature. Tzaddikim aren’t m

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466240

    DY in Chassidus we question why things are the way they are all the time. And since asking “Rebbe help me with…” Can sound like the same idea as davening, because only Hashem provides us with our needs, why is it OK to ask a tzadik to daven for you or even to help you, as yidden do? That’s what the answer is addressing.

    As far as kol yachol, if you look it says yachol hakol, not kol yachol. Yachol hakol means the Rebbe can do anything. Which is true. A tzadik, by connecting himself to the power of Hashem, is not limited by nature, and can do the impossible.

    I personally know a woman who the doctors said can’t have any children. Physically. She got a Bracha from the Rebbe and had 15.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466193

    Finally @DY you have proven yourself to be a worthy dialogue partner. So please, now that you read and understood all the posts, especially SHY long one and my hashkafa one, go back, read the sicha, and you’ll see there is no issue.

    If there are any further questions from you I’ll be happy to hear and address

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466185

    Sechel I don’t think people hate us. I think they just had a different reality than we did about tzaddikim etc . That’s why I’m trying to clear it up

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466149

    minor correction : you can leave the concept of Nossi hador out of this one. Just addressing the definition of tzadik. There can be a few Tzaddikim per generation or maybe more than a few tzadik vra los- who have a drugged yetzer hara

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466147

    “Sad story, but your conclusion is quite radical. There have always been charlatans and semi-charlatans. To decide because of one incident that you are speaking a different language to the rest of the world is ludicrous.”

    You’re right if it was one incident. That was just the first. Btew I never said he only cared about that, just that his granddaughter said it mattered to him.

    I could give you other examples if you want but I don’t think anyone wants that.

    In fact the post I was responding to was expressing the same notion: no one else today, aside from us, considers their Rebbe to be a tzadik of Tanya. My point in the story was that the girl herself admitted it used to be that way by them to, just there’s been yeridas Hadoros.

    In fact its been reiterated by the reactiond on this thread over and over. The fact that toi went crazy when I said that in no closer to becoming the Rebbe than becoming a malach proves he hasn’t seen a tzadik at this level before or he wouldn’t make a fuss.

    The fact that when I described some of the things the Rebbe was able to do in a regular basis, someone responded that magic doesn’t prove anything shows me that unfortunately for this fellow, being able to accomplish things above nature he only associates with the power of klipa not kedusha.

    Etc etc etc

    Now just to make it clear, I would never come on this forum and start a thread on who is the Nasi hador etc etc. That woukd be heipech everything Chassidus stands for. But sometimes, I feel the concept has to be brought in because it is the answer to people who are puzzled why we treat our Rebbe differently than everyone else.

    They’re thinking we took a regular special person and elevated him to the level of a malach in our own heads. When in reality, anyone who came in contact with the Rebbe can tell you that they experienced revealed Elokus, just like you would with a malach.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466153


    The way I and any other lubavitcher would understand your post is as follows:

    You should reconsider accepting what a tzadik gamur says because a bunch of reshaim vtov lahem (again Tanya definitions here, I would be in the same category) have difficulty with what he says.

    Hmm the polite response would be “bmakom gedolim al taamod”

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1466124


    You actually have impressed me with this discussion so I’m gonna take you seriously and respond.

    “So, in what mesorah is this stuff OK? Sphard? Teimani? Ashkenaz?”

    All the above. Someone mentioned similar stuff by the baba sali, and there were two litvishe sources quoted that area saying the same idea.

    “Do you get the crux of the argument here? Chabad is an invented mesoret. Lubavitchers all have ancestors that were Ashkenazim or Sphardim, etc. If we accept your principle, what’s to stop me from making up “Minhag Neville” that says it’s OK to worship me as a god? How are you going to argue with me? It’s my minhag! It goes all the way back to the beginning of the Neville movement!”

    Im sorry you feel that way. First of all the Rebbeim never declared anything about themselves but about a previous Rebbe.

    Second of all in order to establish Minhag Neville, you would have to be accepted by existing gedolim as a real gadol, and be chosen by chassidim as their Rebbe. In lubavitch specifically, our Rebbeim were chosen by chassidim only, sometimes against the wishes of the family members. Our Rebbeim often fought against becoming Rebbe and weren’t seeking to establish their nesius at all.

    The lubavitch movement btw goes back to the Alter Rebbe who was accepted as a Gaon beyond. He wrote the shulchan aruch HaRav. Many of the Geonim who had fought him bitterly, become his chassidim.

    This post read as absurd to me but I took the time to respond seriously because it looks like you are sincere.

    in reply to: Question from a BT to and FFB #1465859

    Hi I don’t know if you’ll find an ffb answer because every frum community can give you a different answer for example, Chabad, Satmar, Litvish and modern orthodox communities would all have a different approach and Outlook on the matter. Which is fine but it can be confusing for the newly frum. It would help if you identify which community you belong to and ask the rabbis of that community.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1465607

    Also the third beis Hamikdash is gonna look different than the other two and we need moshiach to tell us how to build it as it’s unclear how to build it from the actual nevuah.

    Also there’s four opinions who needs to build it and what that entails:

    1) Hashem
    2) Moshiach
    3) bnei Yisrael
    4) just put on the doors

    There’s a sicha on all the opinions and how we can be mekayem all, just haven’t learned it in awhile.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465585

    @mods if you don’t like that one, I understand, no need to post. Just trying to answer questions.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465562

    “1. Your understanding of what a Tzadik is, as is stated in the Tanya is not a belief shared by any other contemporary frum Jews. This includes other Chasidim. I saw a few posters makes statements to the effect that other Chasidim have a more extreme view of the nature of a Tzadik. This is false. Maybe it was true in the past, but it certainly isn’t now (personally I think this was never the case).”

    I encountered something along these lines when I was in eighth grade. I was a counselor together with anther girl who was the granddaughter of a Rebbe in EY. She was boasting to me how her grandfather the Rebbe had a fancy car and house.

    To me that sounded very foreign and not like “Rebbe” material so I asked her puzzled, “why would a review care about a fancy house and car?”

    She answred “everyone has a different yetzer hara. Some like kovod, others like fancy stuff.”

    Now I was even more confused. “Wait isn’t the Rebbe a tzadik who doesn’t have a yetzer hara?”

    She answred “it used to be like that, but now there’s been yeridas Hadoros…”

    At that point I understood that when I say tzadik or Rebbe, and someone else does, were not speaking the same language.

    But other chassidim get the concept, because before the holocaust they also had their fair share of tzaddikim like the Tanya.

    In the litvishe world, I’ve heard that the Rebbe said R Yisrael Salanter was a tzadik of the Tanya.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465569

    “the “baalei nigleh” he refers to would not be complaining “b’raash gadol”.

    Well just look at this thread. If you don’t learn Tanya I guess got don’t get it. If it was so simple, there would be no thread.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465565

    As far as why other tzaddikim disagreed, each tzadik’s source in the sefiros direct the way he serves Hashem. Fire example, Avraham Avinu personified chessed of atzilus, while Yitzchak did gevurah.

    So tzaddikim can disagree because their neshama and Avodas Hashem can be rooted in different sefiros

    There are twelve shvatim not just one. Ailu vailu divrei Elokim chaim.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465552

    Sorry use I misunderstood ploni. The problem he was addressing is WHY is it OK to ask a tzadik to help you out like people do when they ask Rebbeim for brachos. Or daven BY (not to) the kever. Halacha says it’s fine, he’s addressing the Hashkofa of why

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465551

    “To outsiders this tendency feels like a rejection of fundamental ideals in the Gemara such as Lo BaShomayim Hi, or that Nevua has ended, etc. For everyone else, unless you are a Navi you need to explain yourself, make your case no matter how great a Tzadik or Talmud Chocham you are”

    I don’t get what a Rebbe has to do with lo bashomayim as he is a physical person. For the record there is a sicha addressing the point you bring about nevuah, although the place isn’t here to address it as this thread is already too flying.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465538

    “He should have simply said they misunderstood him, it’s not a chiddush, it’s accepted in every circle to ask a tzaddik to daven for us, and sourced explicit Chazal saying this.”

    Youre misunderstanding. The chiddush is WHY its OK. Not the fact that it is OK. Chassidus goes into the Why. That’s why it’s part of pnimius HaTorah

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465535

    BTW I learned this sicha in my own time in high school and never took it in this perverted way of cvs seeing it until this very thread. Has been an eye opener for me to be careful when talking to non lubavitchers who don’t learn Tanya as they can get things completely upside down.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465532

    “Great, now for step two. Since betten does not mean tefila, then what was the problem the Lubavitcher Rebbe was trying to answer by saying his father-in-law was “Atzmuso uMahuso araingeshtelt in a guf?” (From the context this is clearly particular to him or Tzadikim generally not all Jews, so don’t say he was referring to the fact that every Jew has a chelek eloka mimaal.)”

    Exactly our point there is no problem. Except when people like toi twist it out of context to make it into one which no lubavitcher has done because we all understand it like Tanya etc

    Exactly again! Every yid is atzmus umehus araingeshtelt in a guf at their core, but they don’t express it all the time becuse their yetzer hara and nefesh habehamis get in the way with other agendas. A tzadik though lives this reality so he is atzmus umehus araingeshtelt in a guf in a revealed way, because he is practically batul not just potentially.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465359

    @rso you misunderstood me. My point is that if cvs anyone of them thought the Rebbe was encouraging kefira cvs, they would definitely not visit them. So my point is no one should be questioning the Rebbe as no one can put themselves on the same level as any of them.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465356

    “B) If not, what problem was the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s teirutz of “Atzmuso uMahuso etc.,” meant to answer? Either betten is not tefilah, therefore you can bett anything and there is no problem of avodah zara (maybe just tipshus) and his teirutz is unnecessary, or it is tefilah and his answer is explaining why while betten a normal person WOULD be avodah zara, betten a Tzadik is not.”

    In other words, it is not tefilla, but sounds like it. So what’s the difference? The difference is that when you ask the Rebbe you are asking Hahem to help through the tzadik as we Hashem and tzaddikim are one, as elucidated in perek beis Tanya and explained very well by SHY.

    “C) If you say that you cannot bett a normal person, but can bett a Tzadik, this is a tremendous chiddush.”

    Yes and no. I wouldn’t ask a normal person to help me like a tzadik because they can’t because Hahem doesn’t work through them because they aren’t completely batul to that level.

    No because there is no new practice being instituted here, rather am explanation of an old accepted minhag of davening by kivrei tzaddikim, even brought down in halacha. Before rosh hashana for example.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465354

    OK here goes:

    “A) Is “betten” a Rebbe the same as praying to a Rebbe?”

    No cvs if you’ve been following along the discussion, you should be able to understand me now when I say, no one davens to the Rebbe cvs. We daven to Hashem who works through the Rebbe.

    I think the expression is betten beim Rebbe, not betten tzu Rebbe.

    I think it may be helpful to clarify the difference between davening, betten beim Rebbe, and a Brocha:

    Davening – we daven three times a day at least. When we daven, we talk to Hashem and ask Him for our needs. We are careful not to daven to any picture, and no one would daven shmona esre to the Rebbe for example cvs. Davening is for Hashem only.

    Brocha is explained in Chassidus as the idea of hamavrich es hagefen. Like hamshocha. The concept is that every Rosh hashana, Hashem allots all the good were gonna get that year in a spiritual bank account so to speak, and through davening every day, we draw it down through the spiritual worlds into physical good in this world.

    Now sometimes, it can get stuck at a spiritual point. The Brocha of a tzadik helps clear the way and bring it down.

    For example, let’s say a person is allotted children, but hasn’t had any yet. The tzadik can bentch him to make that happen in this world. But if he isn’t meant to have children, then there is no Brocha to bring down.

    Now the chiddush by a Rebbe is that he is also Hashem’s messenger. So when someone goes betten beim Rebben the Rebbe can tell him, the reason he doesn’t have children is because he needs to do such and such mitzva first for example. The person wouldn’t know what is the story or what he can do to get his Brocha from just davening shmona esre.

    OK in this context the Rebbe was talking about betten beim Rebben by the kever of the Frierdiker Rebbe.

    Now all the time people will go to kvarim and say Rebbe hello me! So the question is wait, isn’t that davening? Shouldn’t it be only reserved for Hashem?

    So the Rebbe is answering why people can daven by the kever of a tzadik.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465345

    Plainploni i really liked your post – its written clearly, logically, asking for understanding. So I’ll be happy to address it. SH that’s a great post to give understanding on how talmidei chachomim of the generation / the Rebbe is the brain – thanks so much for posting that here.also great on mimutza hamechaber.

    I’ll answer plonis well formulated question on betten the Rebbe iyh

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465214

    Even regular people can reach this to some extent – just listen to the Rubashkin stories. Don’t know what you’re while fuss is about. Unless as commented above.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465215

    As far as any distinctions about after histalkus, the Alter Rebbe clearly addresses this in iggros kodesh or kuntres acharon where he brings the statement of the Zohar that a tzadik is found in this world even more after his passing and cares and sends hashpaos to his mekusharim. So I think I’ve addressed everything. Everyone happy now?

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465212

    Any yid is supposed to be able to rule the world instead of the world ruling him and control nature. The Rebbe or any tzadik just actually lives up to this potential by living with this higher level of kedusha that’s all.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465185

    So when I was walking to school I realized why people are squirming with how we treat our Rebbe. Because I would also squirm if anyone treated the respected Rabbonim and chassidim of lubavitch like that.

    Like the Rosh, Rav Shusterman, Sholom mordechai Rubashkin etc.

    Because at the end of the day, they’re regular albeit very special people and treating them like we have described above would make me squirm as well, it wouldn’t feel right, no matter what sources I would see.

    And so I get it.

    So here’s the thing. As much as I say tzadik of Tanya, if you haven’t experienced it you won’t think it’s real. So when I say Rebbe, youre picturing A Rav. So we’re talking two different things.

    Because these Rabbanim or chassidim, say sholom mordechai for example – although I’m blown away by his emunah and bitachon, (I listened to the tu bshvat farbrengen – amazing!) I know it’s within my capabilities to reach that. I also know that it was still a struggle for him and he hasn’t completely drugged his yetzer hara out of action permanently. So you can’t treat him like that because there’s still some ego / personal motives there.

    But the Rebbe is completely different. I can no quicker be the Rebbe than become a malach. It’s not within my capability. The Rebbe was chosen by Hashem to be His messenger and could do things that are impossible : like reply to people’s
    thoughts , barely eat or sleep, describe in minute detail places he’s never been, promise and garantee brochos….. It’s a whole different story. I guess you have to experience it to believe it.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465186

    Now if the other stuff is pretty clear I’ll be happy to share some of my personal experiences with the Rebbe.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1465190

    BTW thanks @rso for the source of the Rebbe picture at the bris. Looks like that invites the Rebbe to attend.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1464556

    *unless one puts the being of the tzadik above / instead is Hahem, which is why we need to be careful not to have a picture in front of us while davening. Or if someone thinks the tzadik as a person is helping them, instead of thinking Hashem is working through the tzadik. Etc.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1464551

    First post hashkafa post. Second a practical answer :


    The concept of achdus Hashem as elucidated by the Alter Rebbe in shaar hayichud vhoemuna goes as follows:

    The cannot be any separate existence other than Hashem (ain od milvado). So how do we experience a world where it does look that way?

    Because Hashem hides this reality from us but by Him He was never separate from anything and is still one with it. So creation added nothing to His Oneness.

    (A modern day example would be seeing the website, and not seeing that is really all letters, the exciting visuals area a facade)

    So really everything is one with Hashem. Our job is just to reveal it. We reveal it by 1) doing mitzvos asei 2) using divrei rishus for Hashem.

    The ultimate of all our work is when moshiach comes, and the facade that allowed us to have bechira chofshis
    will be lifted, and all the G-dly energy we drew down through our mitzvos will be revealed in the world we refined.

    Kedusha is anything batul to Hashem. Klipa / avoda zara is something that acts like it’s own power or entity – elokim acherim.

    We are a microcosm of the world – and the same goals are expected of each of us –

    To work on getting rid of lessening our own ego and making what Hashem wants we want. The more we do that, the more Hashem can dwell on us as it says about a Baal guava ain ani vhu yocholin ladur.

    A person who completely conquers his yetzer hara and had no more ulterior motives / selfish desires, and only wants to fulfill Ratzon Hashem, is a tzadik and Hashem dwells on him to various degrees depending on how much of a tzadik he is. Some have ruach hakodesh, they aren’t bound by nature and can accomplish the impossible etc. because the more kadosh a person is, the more they can access these levels of kedusha which out them above the world – like tzadik gozer vHKBH mekayem.

    A tzadik today is like the beis Hamikdash – Hashem dwells within and by visiting and being mekushar to a tzadik, it helps one grow in their Avodas Hashem.

    So basically the root of avoda zara is arrogance, and anything kadosh is batul to Hashem. A tzadik can’t be avoda zara just like the beis Hamikdash isn’t avoda zara because his whole being is batul.

    Ok lots here – each line can reference a whole
    perek or more which is why I’m being scarce and not explanatory as I can’t write out whole prakim of Tanya. Abs maamarim etc. But you can ask for more if you want.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1464515

    I was walking to school this morning and I got what’s bothering lots of people here. I can clear it up with two posts. Will posts later iyh

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1464328

    Syag there were two questions, one about the picture of the Rebbe bichlal and the second about the bris. I answered in two separate posts.

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1464252

    Here’s the sources from the Rebbe about looking at the picture of a tzadik. You may have a different shita, which I respect. As for me, this is my Rebbe. From a class I teach (to lubavitchers) in the power of Sight. We go through how looking at positive things impacts a person and also the opposite.

    ב. כל אברך שראה את הרבי, צריך בכל בוקר – לא משנה אם לפני ברכות השחר או לאחרי ברכות השחר ]נ”א: “צי פאר ‘מודה אני’ צי נאך ‘מודה אני’ “[ – ללכת לפינה, לצייר לעצמו את צורת הרבי, וזה יתן לו חיות לעשות את מה שצריך. )מיחידות שנת תשי”ב(

    א. ציור פני הרב הוא ע”ד ובדוגמת ראיית פניו, שיש בזה עילוי לגבי לימוד תורתו, בדוגמת מעלת הראי’ לגבי שמיעה. )משיחת פסח שני תש”י(

    ד. “וועסט האלטן ביי זיך א פיקטשער פון רבי’ן, און בשעת ס’פאלן דיר אריין די מחשבות – זולסטו א קוק טאן אויף עם, און ווי ער קוקט אויף דיר”. )מיחידות שנת תשכ”ח(

    ה. “זאלסט האלטן ביי זיך א בילד פון דעם רבי’ן דעם נשיא, און יעדן מאל וואס ס’וועט אנקומען שווער זאלסטו אנקוקן דעם בילד און דאס וועט דיר דערמאנען אז דער רבי קוקט שטענדיק אויף דיר, ובמילא וועט מען קענען בייקומען די ענינים בלתי רצויים”. )מיחידות שנת תשכ”ט

    ו. בעת האכילה – יהי’ מונח לפניך תמונה של כ”ק מו”ח אדמו”ר. )מיחידות לא’ שהתאונן ביחידות שאוכל ומתענג והוא בעל תאוה כו'(

    in reply to: @Chabad Shluchah Please Explain Why Davening To/Betten a Rebbe is Okay #1464254

    As far as the bris, it’s true. By my son, some ladies brought a Rebbe picture and said it’s a minhag to put it under the pillow pillow. So we did. I’m sure there’s a source for it. In general, in lubavitch, a picture of any tzadik is treated like sheimos and wouldn’t be disposed of directly in the garbage.

    regarding Nassi hador, the term was first applied to the Frierdiker Rebbe by the Rogatchaver Gaon. When bochurim came to summon him, he said “Der Nossi ruft” by means of explanation to his wife why he wasn’t even eating breakfast first before going.

    As far as how were they able to argue with him? Any tzaddik has this role. Hashem decides the rules not us. The role of Nossi hador doesn’t negate other tzaddikim.

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