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  • in reply to: Answering “what type of guy are you looking for” in shidduchim? #1579420

    So sorry to hear that. Now that you are married, do you want tips for a happier marriage from those of us with happy marriages? Or were you just warning the op but have it covered with yourself?

    in reply to: Answering “what type of guy are you looking for” in shidduchim? #1579408

    Based on my experience, it is important that the checklist should match with your level of yiras shomayim and good middos BUT it is equally important that once you date, you ENJOY spending time with the person and look forward to their companionship.

    One person I dated was a match for me hashkafa wise, and I could think of no good reason to turn it down hashkafa wise so I thought I will probably marry him. I told the news to a close friend of mine, without mentioning names and she looked at me and said so why do you sound resigned? I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to approach getting engaged. Bh bh he turned me down after the next date, because it was only after that that I realized, no. I shouldn’t spend my life making it work with someone I don’t really enjoy. Better to be single than have a depressed marriage. (Now that I’m actually married and see older girls who aren’t and how hard it is I would probably change that to better to be single LONGER, than endure such a marriage, but the point is the same…)

    in reply to: Different Circles Of Yidden Can Experience Great Unity – Achdus #1576578

    @dovidbt @knaidlach you’re most welcome. And hatzlocha in your holy work as well – were all here as Hashem’s shluchim to the planet. Ksiva Vachasima Toiva lshana toiva umesuka.

    in reply to: Mochel Loch… time to forgive and be forgiven! #1576579

    @syag hi I remember you said I offended you but I’m still not clear how and why, just that it was somewhere on a 19 page thread. So if you are still offended, id like to sort it now that I’m not being bombarded by hundreds of messages. Please let me know how I offended you so I can clarify matters and apologise if necessary. Thanks 🙂

    Ksiva Vachasima Toiva lshana toiva umesuka

    in reply to: Different Circles Of Yidden Can Experience Great Unity – Achdus #1571593

    @zahavasdad @yanky1998

    “Pirkey Avos says: Al Tischabeir L’Rosho! There is no such thing as achdus with people who deny the Ikkarim such as reform and conservative ‘rabbi’s’ etc. since they have removed themselves from klal Yisroel. Of course it is a Mitzvah to bring back the members of these comgregations to Judaism but their leaders are machti es horabim and off limits.”

    Thought you may find it interesting to know the Rebbe made a clear distinction between the reform ‘Rabbi’ as a clergy member, and as a person.

    The Rebbe simultaneously encouraged shluchim to mekarev then as individual yidden when they talk to them, or invite them over,because theyre Hashem’s child who deserves to be brought back.

    However, simultaneously, we are never to give legitimacy to the false ideologies by sitting with them on a panel of clergymen, entering their temples etc.

    in reply to: Different Circles Of Yidden Can Experience Great Unity – Achdus #1570502

    One last story that really impressed me in this area is this: a Rabbi once wrote to the Rebbe and asked him if he could compromise on the mechitza, because his congregation really wasn’t going for it and they were threatening him that if he refused to compromise on mechitza, then they will just replace him with a conservative Rabbi, so he thought maybe it’s worth compromising to avoid a greater loss for them.

    The Rebbe responded that if he compromises on the mechitza than he will be the Conservative Rabbi…

    in reply to: Different Circles Of Yidden Can Experience Great Unity – Achdus #1570500


    As to your second situation, the Rabbi would be unable to attend, and would convey that in a nice polite way. Would depend on the person to see where it goes from there, whether he takes it as accepted because the Rabbi is frum so it makes sense, or they get into a discussion about loving every Jew doesn’t mean condoning wrong philosophies.

    And sometimes people will be upset but that’s life.

    I remember a story of a lady whose husband had paid a major amount towards building the Chabad house and she walked in on shabbos and told the Rabbi that the mechitza was too high and he needs to lower it. He said he wouldn’t and she said her husband wouldn’t donate anymore and walked out in a huff.

    The amazing thing about being a shliach is that although it’s really difficult building a donor base in the beginning and fundraising, at the end of the day, the Rabbi doesn’t need to answer to any board so he can stick to his principles with allot less pressure than someone who stands to be fired although he may lose donors.

    in reply to: Different Circles Of Yidden Can Experience Great Unity – Achdus #1570497


    I don’t know every shliach – they each have to deal with each situation according to halacha and with tact- and they are trusted to do so on their own – there is no shliach manual that goes through every conceivable situation –

    That being said, I know shluchim who for that reason don’t eat at anyone’s houses as a policy so they don’t get into sticky situations. Others will eat by mekuravim / completely frum ones, and in the case above, some will accept but make it very clear whats acceptable such as eating in Plastics, foods that would work like bagels and lox with acceptably hashgacha that are opened only after the Rabbi arrives

    We invited an intermarried couple for Shabbos and they wanted to invite us back, but we explained the kashrus issues would be too complicated for a shabbos meal. They still wanted to host back so they ended up paying for a catered shabbos from a caterer I chose and they brought wine and pastries from a local acceptable bakery…

    in reply to: Different Circles Of Yidden Can Experience Great Unity – Achdus #1568067


    in reply to: Parnassa from Hashem? #1565955

    Hey what happened to my post?

    in reply to: Parnassa from Hashem? #1565968

    Sorry op and Dovidbt. I spent some time yesterday writing up my favorite sources and how to/I apply, and it wasn’t posted I don’t know why :(. Still hoping this can get resolved as its quite a shame it didn’t come through when to the best of my knowledge, I didn’t break any rules

    in reply to: Parnassa from Hashem? #1565179

    Oh yay I love this topic, one of my passions as I experience many variations of this dilemma on a pretty constant basis, and I’ve learned allot about it. Will try to write up something tomorrow bln if you’re interested 🙂

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #1563616

    “It probably wont be such a shock since if we see whoever Moshiach is fighting a physical war and leading us we will probably know who it is and be able to point out”zehu Moshiach”! But ya it would definitely be exciting ; )”

    Yes or no. Dovid Hamelech fought many years before the whole klal Yisrael accepted him. Also if the wars end up being fought on a spiritual realm then that could also be a surprise factor. Either way it definitely will be exciting and I’m so sick of waiting!!

    “shlucha-you still didnt answer any of the questions…”

    Yeah I’m not into pointless arguing or wasting time trying to hash things out with someone who’s mind is made up on the topic to begin with…forgive me if my assessment of you is wrong. I love exchanging ideas, and information, all Torah viewpoints. I don’t like needless arguing. I’ve already contributed allot to threads that discuss this sort of thing. It’s nice to just be able to post as a person a thought that occurred to me without
    Every controversial topic being brought in needlessly. As a person I comment on threads I find relevant or interesting. Those include women, moshiach and any other Torah discussion I find relevant enough to me personally to comment on.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #1563387

    Icemelter I didn’t say anything about the Rebbe you did. I responded to one poster who said theres no such thing as coming a second time with the Rashi and my own thoughts based on history that however moshiach is gonna come that’s will probably be some major shock element and we should expect the unexpected. That’s all. Not interested in debating about the Rebbe back and forth because that’s not anything worth arguing about as it isn’t the main point.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #1563335

    Also I was reading the kitov book our history on how David was despised by his own family and city because his own father and brothers thought he was a mamzer so they treated him badly and then everyone else did too. It was quite a shock to the family when he was anointed let alone the country’s reaction when he became king. I guess that’s why it took him so long to establish his kingship. If there was such a shock factor when it came to just the ancestor of moshiach, imagine how it’ll be by moshiach himself.

    in reply to: Why isn’t Mashiach here yet? #1563331

    I recently saw a fascinating rashi, last one in Daniel that says moshiach will be revealed, then will be concealed and then we’ll be revealed again. Apparently it’s not the only place either… So yeah sounds strange because we usually associate that with a false religion but its there in our sources

    in reply to: Tefilah Chinuch #1559242

    2 ideas that worked when I was in camp.

    1) Have a daily davening raffle for the girls who davened beautifully (raffles can be given out after davening to avoid disruption of kavana) and the winner gets a spiritual prize (otherwise it looks like ice cream is better than davening…) we got Rebbe pictures – so whoever is the Gadol in your group / a Sefer… Works very well for turning the peer pressure the other way.

    2) for more long lasting change, can combine with a brief davening thought / story before davening every day.

    Good luck!! What can be accomplished in the 24 hour environment of camp can be more powerful than the entire school year for many children!

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552496

    “But the Rebbe also “saw” that Moshiach was coming miyad mamash

    That was the Rebbe’s fervent wish. By every farbrengen. And he did say we are the generation of the Geula. And the world is ready for it etc. As stated above and why he still isn’t hear *repeat*

    In any case Im not looking to prove how great the Rebbe is our the nevuos he said that came true – and story after story of that, and Rebbe stories of today, because it seems people are touchy about it. So if you don’t like it don’t make me go there. This thread was just to discuss the state of the world especially in light of the amazing recent developments of just this year, but even the past few decades… That should be pareve and touch off few nerves so let’s just stick to that

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552494

    “And we know he was a tzaddik who was omniscient because he told us. Got it.”

    DY that’s so untrue its just obnoxious. And I have respect for you because you’re usually better than that…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552493

    “We don’t demand things from Hashem.”

    The mitzvah of pesach sheni disproves that. They were rewarded for demanding lama nigara?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552431

    A nice story that illustrates:

    In the town of lubavitch, there was a simple innkeeper. One day he came to the Rebbe Maharash for a Bracha, as he didn’t have enough guests coming by and so he didn’t have enough money for his family.

    The Rebbe told him that he should prepare for a bunch of guests who are going to come for Shabbos.

    The man went and borrowed money to buy lots of ingredients to make allot of food for the expected guests.
    Friday comes and no guests.

    Afternoon came and still no guests. In desperation, the innkeeper ran to the Rebbe Maharash.

    He found the Rebbe standing on his porch from the second floor. Looking up he exclaimed, “Rebbe, I borrowed allot of money and there are no guests!”

    The Rebbe Maharash told him not to worry, the guests were coming.

    He went home. Candle lighting came. Just after licht bentchen a bunch of people arrived and banged on his door, desperate for a place to stay for Shabbos as they had come so late.

    They were happily surprised to see that a accommodations were already in place.

    Being a simple villager the innkeeper wondered aloud to one of the chassidim, ” how did the Rebbe know they were coming?” He thought a bit and then came up with an answer.

    “The Rebbe was standing higher so he saw further.”

    Chassidim appreciated the simplicity of the villager and derived much enjoyment from the unintended meaning of the villagers statement.

    The Rebbe stands higher so he sees further…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552426

    DY it wasn’t a nice thought. Tzaddikim can see things in the spiritual realms as clearly as we can see things here, if not clearer…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552389


    I’ve seen online that people misunderstand what lubavitchers mean when they say things like let’s live Geula now, or the world is in a state of Geula, and think they mean cvs to change halacha. So I was just clarifying what we mean so no one should misunderstand. I didn’t open the thread for just that post, once that was clear the point was to discuss on many levels and perspectives how the world is a much more ready place for the Geula now, than it was in the past…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552388

    “The only fault I find in your most recent post is that “moshiach has to come”. It’s true of course that he has to come because Hashem has promised as much, but he doesn’t “have” to come because people have decided that he does, which I believe is what you and other lubavitchers believe.”

    Hashem wants us to cry out for the Geula. It’s not a great thing were in golus – not at all!! We’re exiled from Hashem’s Presence, the world doesn’t recognise Hashem to the extent it could, and when moshiach comes the world will function at its very best as everything will be used to serve Hashem. We just want the Geula already. Chazal established that we should ask for the Geula many times in every tefilla, not only once a day. Not only should we ask for whenever Hashem wants but we should ask Hashem to speed it up – meheira satzmiach….

    The Rebbeim were just telling us where the world is holding as far as being ready for the Geula goes… But the Frierdiker Rebbe, he said if we immediately do teshuva then Geula will come immediately… And that we have the buttons to polish (like the last task in the army when getting ready for the generals inspection) ie a little bit of avoda was left on the world scale.

    By the 90s, the Rebbe told us the world is all ready for the Geula, everything that was needed has been accomplished, and the only thing he could think of why were still in golus is because it has to come from us! The normal regular people have to want moshiach and get the Shechina out of golus. So it’s up to us. Not the tzaddikim.they did their part.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1552383

    @rso by hashgacha protis, today’s daily moshiach thought is the Rebbe answering your question… So I’ll let it speak for itself


    *Now is Now!*

    The main emphasis of today is to bring about the geulah — by increasing in all activities that will bring it “Now”!
    However there are those who will come along and claim that since the Previous Rebbe disseminated his call of “Immediate redemption” so many years ago and Mashiach still has not come, (they claim) his words “immediate” are not so immediate?! And they present this argument with gusto!
    The truth is, that when He said “immediate repentance — immediate redemption,” he meant it! His intention was to bring the redemption immediately. But because of our transgressions we were not worthy. Therefore the Rebbe again proclaimed the same call, always stressing the immediacy of his pleas. Similarly, we too, today fully mean our call of “Moshiach Now! – Geulah is imminent”
    As long as Moshiach is not here, it is incumbent upon us, to cry out to Hashem with a demand for the complete Geulah – Now!

    *Geulah is imminent! We must demand it “NOW”!*

    ŚąŚœ Ś€Ś™ Ś©Ś™Ś—ŚȘ Ś©Ś‘ŚȘ Ś€ŚšŚ©ŚȘ Ś€Ś Ś—ŚĄ ŚžŚ‘Ś””Ś— ŚžŚ ”Ś ŚȘŚ©Śž”Ś”

    in reply to: Dont Sell Chassidus #1551811

    “According to “Hasidism,” however, Shapiro “agreed with many of the critiques of Hasidism as a movement that lost its original spirit and animating mysticism, becoming instead a rigid social framework devoid of any vitality.”

    It seems Satmar has a similar line “Nishtakcha Toras haBaal Shem Tov.”.

    The Rebbe completely disagreed and its not applicable to Chabad which is more of an mystical ideology than anything else…

    in reply to: Quick Poll, Pro or Against President Trump #1551812

    Pro results and situation

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1551807

    Just to comment this thread was not about Chabad meshichists – that’s already a thread. This one was about how the world is ready for the Geula – and all input is welcome, not just Chabad. There are also amazing technological advancements that make the seemingly crazy Geula prophesies now look natural and normal – we haven’t even touched that yet.

    Regarding dy and rso I’ll just leave it at that as I don’t want to really give any answers how it could make sense. Id rather just say this is not an ok situation and moshiach has to come and when he does we can ask him out Eliyahu hanavi all the questions. Then we’ll get real answers with the benefit of hindsight, and we’ll know they’re the real answers and not just some chassidims speculation.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1549717

    @rso @dy are you looking for a response or to make a statement? If you do want a response I’ll clarify

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1549269


    I apologise it seems I overlooked your post.

    “Over 25 years is a long time to wait for the “immediate redemption” as the Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say “now”! How much Yiddishe suffering has there been in those years?”

    Agreed. No one is happy about it. The Rebbe told us in 1992 that he’s done all he can and now it’s up to us, the regular people, to bring moshiach by learning about it so we truly yearn for it on our own and not just to make the Rebbe happy. Apparently this temporary descent was in order to make this possible as people weren’t willing to think and make it their own when they could just look to the Rebbe the whole time…

    “That is not only poppycock but it is a terrible thing to say! Chazal tell us that HKBH “planted” tsaddikim in each generation. To make that generalisation because you are a lubavitcher and you haven’t been clever enough to appoint a successor insults the entire Torah world, its Rabbonim and its tsaddikim
    I am mocheh, and I would expect others to be mocheh

    No offence meant. We haven’t appointed another Rebbe because we still have our work cut out for us from the current Rebbe, and we still connect and get guidance, difficult as it may be.

    There is a general lack of the kind of leadership and tzaddikim of yore- even during the Rebbe’s days there was a lack of tzaddikim with no yetzer hara. The focus now is on the regular people to do the right thing. I don’t think there is a big uproar because you find the comment made many times on this forum that our leadership isn’t what it used to be, and I was just repeating this sentiment.

    in reply to: Pashtun #1549108

    The uyghurs (if I’m spelling right) say that one a year these tall people with luminous faces who aren’t Muslim come there top trade. But they refuse to say much at all and only talk about their trading needs and then they leave. And in the same area there is a constant noise but they don’t know where its from.

    in reply to: Pashtun #1549106

    Yeah Joseph and they think it’s located near kashgar in China near the town on nisa according to the information they’ve gathered from the sefarim and their travels… It was fascinating reading up on them.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1549012

    @laskern thanks for your points. Very interesting about the 611.

    in reply to: Pashtun #1548763

    @joseph Yeah that’s a whole other topic. But apparently the bnei Moshe have kept the mesora all the way back to Moshe rabbeinu with smicha etc. and they will only be discovered in ikvasa dimeshicha

    in reply to: Pashtun #1548762

    @yehudatzvi this is regarding?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1548761

    @avik ok I stand corrected. I should have elaborated one of the main reasons the US has not wanted to touch jerusalem was so that it wouldn’t lead to any rebuilding of the BHMK… Also the reason the tunnels thought to lead to the Aron are closed off… So it’s really a bigger deal than simply recognising EY

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1548757

    @rso same as @DY


    @avik yes it’s amazing!! Another major defeat of evil is on its way with the retirement of Kennedy. All the gains for abortion and lgbt stuff stand to be overturned. The liberals realise this and are going nuts.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1548756

    @DY I guess I’ll try one more time. The good and bad is polarised. At the same time the bad is surface level and weak with no legitimate justification. And it’s being defeated.

    @NC you’re right. When you write short you risk being misunderstood. Especially when its controversial. When you write long people will skim…what’s better?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1548567

    Also if you read the whole post (ik they’re long) then you’d see my point is that even this external weak evil is being defeated now. This year.

    Added note to the polarising of good and evil:
    Today you literally choose good or evil. In the past any choice was typically mixed. Like the Czar vs. Napoleon. Even In philosophy, atheism had what was back then food for thought with aristotle and science. Now people become bit frum due to negative emotions. Not substantial ideological issues as it used to be.

    Here’s the extended axes:

    Killing of unborn + killing of deformed +killing of elderly + support for anarchy + no objective morals + radical Islam + liberals+ disrespect of other opinions + violence + support for Palestine


    Protecting all life+support for law and order +G-d given morals +respect civil debate + support for Israel

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1548551

    Yes it’s both. Better in a deeper sense while the garbage today is surface level.

    Actually that’s one of the reasons moshiach is called a metzora. If I remember correctly, its because the skin disease of tzaraas is external and reflects that the evil of the world that moshiach comes to will be surface level only.

    We see this clearly. All the evil today is very weak. Two examples: liberals resort to labeling and name calling because they have no coherent arguments that can withstand challenge in an honest intellectual discussion.

    Anti Israel claims are not even based on truth (where it could look valid) but on twisted facts and outright lies.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1547605

    Point 2) Another sign of the Geula as you may have hinted, is that throughout golus, good and evil were mixed and our job, through Torah and Mitzvos was to separate the good from evil.

    However, right before Geula, it is foretold that good and evil will polarize and become black and white. This way it will be absolutely clear who is on the side of evil and who good.

    We definitely see that today. The most unlikely of alliances such as radical liberals and sharia islam have come together. So on one hand you have:

    Radical Islam+Liberals (ie toeiva, abortion, mis-education etc.)+anti Israel vs. Conservative values+pro Israel

    And good is winning. It’s astounding what has happened in just the past year. I forgot to mention the virtual defeat of ISIS btw.

    Another connected point is that there are some world qualities described that they will occur right before the Geula, but we can choose whether to live it in a positive or negative way.

    Such as: In the gemara it says “Chutzpa yasge…” Chutzpah will rise, children will rise against their parents etc.

    Now we definitely see this in the world today in a negative sense but we also see it in a positive sense.

    Such as young people telling older people they should grow in their yiddishkeit. Girls encouraging their mothers to dress tznius. Young people speaking up to create positive change in schools or in places where previously they would have been quiet in the face of authority- even if the authority was wrong.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1547553


    “This is very reassuring to British Jews whose chinuch is threatened by the new liberal norms, by the sweeping moral change in the western countries where wrong has become right, and right is vilified as wrong.
    Where anything goes, and those who protest the change in long-accepted status quos are considered evil. if anything, one can argue that we are getting farther from that ideal, and that is davka a sign of mashiach, when the world and its values turn upside-down.”

    Valid point, and 2 points in return:

    1) The night is darkest before dawn. Spiritually, the forces of evil give their last ditch attempt and get most desperate when they see their time is up. Looking back at the world the past twenty years this is clearly apparent.

    There were tremendous downfalls of evil in inexplicable miraculous yet natural ways that definitely pointed to the fact that we are entering a Geula reality.

    Examples include the downfall of the Iron Curtain (which as you know was a major force against Yiddishkeit) in 1991, so quickly and unexpectedly, and without any blood spilled. That is really crazy when you think about it.

    Also the Gulf War where Sadaam Hussein rained missiles down on Israel and miraculously, no one died from being hit by a missile. Then one missile hit a US army base, and 40-60 soldiers died (forget the exact number). So they were no toys.

    The commitment of the US and Russia to stop producing nuclear weapons, and that nations should divert the extra money spent on producing these weapons to fund aid and food for poorer nations. This fulfilled the ideal of the nevuah of the nations turning their swords to plowshares…

    All the above took place in 1991-1992, and the Rebbe pointed out all these as signs of the coming of the geula.

    Then the world seemed to be plunged into darkness. The darkness before dawn.

    From the euphoria of expecting the Geula at any moment, Chabad was greeted with gimmel Tammuz. It seems in general there is a lack of the kind of Torah leadership that existed all the years, although we have Rabbanim today, its not the same…

    On a world level, the Oslo Accords took place, intifadas, Gush Katif… and finally 8 years of Obama who pushed the opposite of Kedusha in moral values, against Israel, and pushed for the liberals to control everything.

    But now, things are swinging back in an extraordinary way speedy way, ever since Trump’s election. One klipa after another is being demolished- from the #metoo movement which shows that the destruction of modesty and family values has failed to protect women,

    The moving of the embassy to Jerusalem- the start of the nations recognizing EY belongs to us.

    The Iran deal being torn up.

    The gains for abortion and toeiva are being reversed.

    North Korea is coming around.

    And all within a single year and a half.

    So yes, there was a last desperate push for darkness, but it seems its time is up. And it’s interesting to see the changes being led by Edom themselves- ie the world is being cleansed.

    The situation in the UK is a result of the push from the last 8 years. America is already swinging in another direction. I’m sure the UK will come around too. Until then we daven and work with askanim, but the world is coming around.

    Point two in next post:)

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1547474


    It seems the common denominator between everything you are saying is that we still have a ways to go until we get to the ultimate of good which will occur by the Geula. I agree with you, and I said that as well in my original post. As we are still in golus there are still issues, but the overall world trend has turned more towards the Geula. Now to respond further:

    “Perhaps that is how it is viewed by the US and western countries, but the US is not the whole world. Does not apply to ISIS, Syria, Iran, Russia, N Korea.”

    If you’ve looked at the news recently, ISIS is pretty much defeated, Syria is an unnatural situation which should have ended ages ago and had turned into more of a proxy war which no one really wants. It does seem to fit the bill of Gog uMagog. Russia is playing carefully to avoid provoking war with America and Israel. They have their interests in the region which is why theyre involved in Syria, but they aren’t trigger happy, they are trying to avoid all out conflict.

    Iran represents the last klipa of golus, as spoken of in Daniel’s dream- the last force of golus is the ideology of Yishmael. But even they seem headed for defeat as I am sure we will see soon. North Korea is coming into line as well.

    “Sure, that is why Trump needs to impose tariffs, why China steals intellectual property, why Europe was so eager for the sanctions on Iran to end so they could trade there..etc. Ok, maybe there is a new trend in kids’ board games to follow a cooperative rather than competitive model, but the real world has a ways to go to that end.”
    “Yes, in western countries today’s poor have more than the poor of the shtetle in Eastern Europe, but there are plenty of families who don’t have meat and chicken in their fridges, whose electricity get turned off when they don’t pay their bills…”

    As said before, we are still not in a full state of Geula where things will be the best they can be. Were in twilight zone- the last moments of golus and the beginning of Geula reality- so things are much better than the past and will continue to improve.

    As far as competition- do you not see in the general workplace the atmosphere has shifted from domination and intimidation to cooperation and team membership? WeWorks is part of this new fad, as is many companies taking their employees on paid retreats to encourage this atmosphere… Its not only in kid’s games.


    in reply to: Kedusha #1547656

    Mulling it further, it seems to me based on what I’ve learned that there is the basic level of Kedusha and then the higher level. The basic level is pure separation. The higher level is where the separation creates unity, and the fusing of G-dliness with the world. Most or all of the original examples are based on these lines. Sometimes it is necessary to start with the basic level, or even keeping it as a base when moving on to the higher level, but it is good to be aware that the ultimate is when the separation of kedusha leads to unity, peace and pleasantness, as it says about Torah, “Diracheha darchei noam vchol nisivoseha shalom.”

    in reply to: What does it say if the Umos haolom like our music? #1547728

    It depends who. I looked up this shulem lemmer and listened to two of his songs, tniyaleh and a bit of the amar reb yosi, and they were both very earnest and eidel. I am a bit disappointed that he has agreed to sing non Jewish songs instead of insisting on singing yiddishe taam type of songs only which they can market in the name of diversity if they like, but that’s my thoughts.

    It is a dangerous path to take to start compromising ones standards and bowing to secular norms, even within halacha, as bh it seems he has his Rabbanim he follows,and hopefully he’ll come to that conclusion and stronger geon Yaakov himself.

    As far as the rock discussion etc. We had a presentation on music in seminary and it seems that Jewish music takes the current musical trend but infuses it with kedusha, thus elevating the style of music.

    In not talking about singers who take non Jewish songs and put some tehillim to that – I think it’s a disgrace as the tune comes from the soul and inspirations of the composer and that’s not a match…

    Rather for example, sephardi music has a definite different flavour to it than German ashkenazi Zemiros in line with the different music cultures of their respective countries.

    But tellingly, the Arab music tends to go down with a depressing tone, whereas sephardi music is uplifting, filed with the joy of being connected to Hashem.

    German music is cold and unfeeling whereas the Jewish music is permeated with an aidelkeit – submission to Hashem’s Will.

    With the rock – we can say that the goishe rock is filed with immorality, while proper Jewish beaty music is infused with energy, koach and leaves one with the feeling that we can overcome our obstacles…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1547426

    It’s nice to see the feedback and interesting points brought up! Thanks everyone:) To respond:

    : Yes we should live with this reality, and that is one way of living with it. For me, I take it slightly different. For me, the mindset is that once Moshiach comes, free choice will be gone as we will all see Hashem and the game of struggle to choose the good will be over. So today may be the last chance I have to make a positive difference in this world that helps it it a more Geula’dike kind of place. In fact, this is one of the reasons that I chose to go on shlichus: I wasn’t sure how I would cope far away from my family and friends, in a different country and culture. But then I reminded myself that Moshiach will definitely be here soon, and maybe even before I leave on shlichus, and I can get the credit for being willing to go and spend my life there, even though it won’t be necessary…

    I also learned that when the Geula finally comes, Moshiach himself will thank every Yid personally for their part in helping transform the world into a G-dly place. So my mentality is that today could be my last day to make a difference and what am I doing to change the world in my own surroundings?

    in reply to: Women- a golus and Geula paradigm #1547418

    This brings to mind another story of the Rebbe where a couple came to him, and the husband complained that the wife doesn’t respect or listen to him. The Rebbe asked him, “Why should she listen to you?” The husband indignantly responded, “Because I’m the head of the home!” The Rebbe told the husband that that’s not how it works. First, he needs to act like a good husband and head of the home should. If he does that, she will be happy to listen to his opinions and advice.

    in reply to: Women- a golus and Geula paradigm #1547413

    True my personal examples or the way the world has changed today are not in the sources, although I would like to think they are examples of the sources. I would be curious to hear which examples you think are not in line? The sources definitely do discuss a shift towards femininity in the era of Moshiach, and The Rebbe worked hard to help that happen within the frum world even before the feminist movement took place.

    In some ways, halacha does reflect that shift in reality as well. For example, in the times of the Rambam, in certain Arab countries, if the husband beat his wife to try to bring her into line as a last resort, so they wouldn’t have to resort to divorce, under certain conditions, he could have been justified. Today, if a husband would beat his wife in a world which has progressed to the point where even goyim see the use of force in general as undesirable, and wife beating as an absolute evil, the wife would immediately be supported by Rabbanim to get a divorce, no matter what his excuse, as today, husbands are expected to lead the home by earning it, not forcing it.

    I can give another halachic kind of example if desired but I don’t want to go on unnecessarily.

    in reply to: Pashtun #1547668

    Recently, I read about Amir Dromi and his search for the Bnei Moshe in China, along with Rav Chinegal. I was surprised when I saw the last update is 2012. Does anyone know any more updates? It’s such a shame as it seemed they were making great progress and had already heard reports of the Bnei Moshe and whereabouts they are located…

    in reply to: Women- a golus and Geula paradigm #1545840

    No its not though. See the source printed above, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe pushed for true feminine expression in many ways. I could share stories.

    Granted since we’re still in golus, the feminine movement has allot of garbage mixed in, such as suggesting women should act like men, or women should embarrass/ dominate men. But that’s not real femininity. That’s women acting like men have been.

    However there definitely has also been a positive shift for appreciating feminine qualities in the world.

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