Forum Replies Created
Non political:
“I pointed out that what all frum jews actually do is ask rebbeim who are here in olam hazeh bguf v’nefish for assistance via brachos etc. They do not do this once their rebbeim are nistalek. Once their rebeim are nistalek they might daven at the kever to Hashem (and some may request that the rebbe who’s kever they are davening at be a moleitz yosher).
What I asked you to clarify, based on the above, is how does what you do = what all frum Jews do.”
Ok here’s some contemporary and ancient examples to refute this confusion:
Kalev at the Avos
Mamme Rachel when the Yidden went into Golus
The popular kvarim in Eretz Yisrael, Ukraine etc
In addition, the Alter Rebbe teaches in Tanya that Tzaddikim are equally alive and effective and connected to their chassidim in this world even after their passing and that was 7 generations ago and directed at the Chassidim of R Menachem Mendel Horodoker if I’m not mistaken. As The Alter Rebbe said, the life of a tzaddik isn’t his flesh and bones but rather his Emuna, Ahava and Yirah which continue to bring bracha to those he inspires even after his passing.
Hope this clarified
“as well as daatos nashim kalos hein”
Yes this is Torah. I naturally find the nitty gritty debate of oxen and people challenging and uninspiring (btw so does my brother but he has a chiyuv anyway and I don’t! And I learn Rambam perek echad so you are probably not clueless than I am on hilchos tumas moshav umerkav. I’ll be happy to be your first educated guess reference (I’m only on my first cycle) when Moshiach comes and you get stuck as a Metzora or other male illness which shall remain nameless currently and you’re in a panic. I learn a Halacha a day as well. Gemara ain’t everything and Tanya will do much more for some of the 6 mitzvos tmedios (assuming you know them like I memorised in chidon as a fifth grader).
Btw another true meaning is that women find it more kal to apply their learning to actual practice than men😊
“and my point was that no one can claim to think straight without training in torah, that is the whole idea of daas torah, otherwise why wouldnt we go to mathematicians and scientists for guidance. and certainly a few tosfos (and why you would learn them is beyond me) would not change much”
“CS- the rebbe told you to learn tosfos??”
I don’t know of a sicha specifically on Tosfos learning but the only learning I don’t do from the source is Zohar etc. I only look up references but even that is hard as I don’t own a copy yet. The Rebbe pushed for educated women such as myself and was very proud. I experienced culture shock with the condescension towards women in general and their intelligence in particular when I first came on this forum. Even the goyim know women can learn brilliantly any field/ better than men in school except in certain mathematics and sciences.
“Or in other words “a New Testament””
Perhaps for a brilliantly stupid person
CSParticipantCoffee addict:
“Wow! It says in your Torah that you’re the best and everyone else is second class! I can’t believe it!
It sounds like another religion (which I posted on the other Chabad) or very cultish”
You misread me. I meant that if you open a likutei Torah with no preparatory background in Chassidus, you will be completely lost even if you know the whole Gemara by heart. You don’t need to be second class but if you wait until Moshiach comes you may use my services as a tutor assuming you’re female/ ruach hatumah and male YH eradicated.
CSParticipantMenachem thanks for your insight on midyan and the satan. Actually quite interesting because the first or one of the first times we encounter midyan is with the tragedy of Tziporahs split from Moshe which fuelled further tragedy…. Was trying to remember the reference to midyan. (Yes it was necessary but still very tragic especially for her. Women always took the cut in history and were instrumental in all the important moments such as the mishkan building, Matan Torah, Geula first and soon to be final etc)
CSParticipantI wrote posts for Menachem Shmei and for ujm. I don’t see them posted. Lmk if they aren’t posted and I guess I’ll try again (only positive stuff etc)
CSParticipantMy 2 cents to add: AFAIK Belz preceded Lubavitch in kiruv in Europe and My Rebbe bemoaned the fact that changed.
I heard an apparently true story joke recently although I can’t personally verify for obvious reasons. Still the point is illustrating at least. a certain Rosh Yeshiva forbade his bochurim from learning Tanya. So they prepared a list of a few prakim for the RY to look at so as not to waste his time and still make an honest assessment. The next morning they asked his opinion on it. “It’s all about Hashem but where’s the Torah?”
For the ignorant, Tanya references many many sources brilliantly but doesn’t spell them out in footnotes, as The Alter Rebbe sufficed with a brief explanatory note in the beginning that is a collection of sources (apparently they knew more sources back in the day). But that actually isn’t even the irony.
“CS:How do you communicate with your Rebbe? How does the Lubavitcher Rebbe answer your personal questions and advise you on how to conduct yourself on very specific personal issues and questions you have on what to do?”
Great question. Primarily through learning his Torah and imbibing his values-also done through farbrengens and personal first hand stories of those lucky enough to meet. I also have a personal connection through such personal Rebbe related hashgocha protis, such as seeing a Rebbe video just upon exiting his room the day before my wedding and that split second the Rebbe was wishing a chosson from my non local city Mazal Tov on his wedding, receiving a Rebbe Dollar by random goral that all the participants randomly decided I should pick the name, just before we went on shlichus, Rebbe dreams, a Tanya inscribed to a shliach in my city gifted to me the day after an intense yud tes Kislev, the date on my shlichus dollar being the day a personal crisis turned around, innumerous iggros stories, weekly Living Torah videos that inform my week and mindset etc
CSParticipantI’m not ignoring Menachem Shmei, I think his posts are works of art that stand alone. He rivals Dovi Paltiel in brilliance, and that’s a compliment.
CSParticipantLooks like I’m all caught up!! Yay for me. Any other questions? I don’t find questions offensive only Bizui Talmidei Chachamim. So feel free to ask away without apology. However I will only be able to answer questions that I know the answer to/ that are clear, short and to the point due to the limitations of this forum.
CSParticipantLostspark if you give me your name and mothers name I will mention you in my next pan that The Rebbe bentch you to find your spark:)
CSParticipantDY part 2:
“So they’re Amalek because they don’t think the rebbe is still alive?”
Part 2: because they know of the Dvar Malchus and still lack gaon Yaakov which is very often how the Jewish people find themselves in a mess (such as Israel etc).
BTW cvs to be condescending. I find the attitude of “I can’t be bothered to engage with benighted Litvaks” to be condescending. Every Jew is my sibling and therefore this endeavour is worthy of my time.
CSParticipantLostspark apparently you don’t know the story of The Rebbetzin and the angry Jewish librarian for whom The Rebbes brocha for children didn’t work out after she took on and lit Shabbos candles. The Rebbetzins obvious conclusion was that the woman wasn’t doing it properly. She instructed her to light ON TIME and the woman gave birth…. But yes maybe you also don’t know that The Rebbetzins brochos come from Sovev and aren’t dependent on a person doing anything whereas The Rebbes come through Mimale so there usually needs to be a kli.
“What if a chasid spent his life learning sfas emes, Noam elimelech, keser Shem tov, kedushas levi, etc.
Is that chassidus?, will a Bobover understand Moshiachs Torah?!?
Do you not understand how ridiculously ignorant you sound when you say such things?”
They will definitely understand more, what’s unique about Chassidus CHABAD is that it brings G-dliness into human understanding and logic. So it is more suited to task…
Sort I forgot to inform context. The energy of Amalek is cold intentional doubt of Hashem (as in the originals wanted to stop us from trying the Torah despite all the miracles). This is basics in Chabad. Sorry for the confusion.CSParticipantLostspark
“I apologized those in the coffee room apparently satan made me ask those questions to stave off the Geulah and because I want to create arguments in Chabad. I’m glad the shlucha has everything figured out for us lol!”
Hey, as The Rebbe The Tzemach Tzedek says, if the hat fits, wear it!
CSParticipantCoffee addict,
“What brand of soap do you use? It looks like it does wonders!”
Likutei Torah on Shir Hashirim for starters…
“cs- heres a pretty strightforward question (considering you havent actually answered any of the other ones). why doesnt chabad accept any other gedolim?”
What do you mean by accept? Chabad Bochurim in at least two locations I’ve lived in have happily volunteered to make the minyan for gedolim who wanted to daven in peace on vacation. We host them as well. We visit and are visited by them. We exchange sefarim. What’s your issue exactly?
“What does your doubtful gezh status have this have to do with you answering none of my questions?!?”
Because unless my memory fails me, you pride yourself on being gezh without actually being a chossid. Nuff said. Besides I did address questions
CSParticipantSure YB. Go ahead and bash my and my fellow chassidim without making one single substantive point. And as Chabad discussing is a constant thread in the beloved cr, I believe an exchange of knowledge is beneficial to both. Maybe not towards you though as you have nothing to add
CSParticipantCommon sechel,
“More people heard of Elvis then heard of the Lub. rebbeh, an equal number believe he never died”
I am proud to keep my head clear of such shtusim which according to The Alter Rebbe in Peres Ches Tanya are metameh the ruach of a person and can land a man in gehennom
CSParticipantCoffee addict, I’m glad we are in agreement that lost spark has lost the Torah spark
CSParticipantNon political. You are mixing several misunderstandings in one mishmash. Please rewrite each one as a clear question and I will respond in order iyH
CSParticipantAAQ: thanks for the positive energy:)
“If the Rebbe is atzmus melubash haguf how does he have free will?
A tzaddik gamur (a given for the sake of argument) has no yetzer hara, this defeats the purpose of bechirah.”
Since you’re the learned man, how does The Rebbe explain what happened to R Yochanan Kohen Gadol who was a tzaddik for years before he became a tzeduki? If you’ve never learned The Rebbes Torah, maybe its time to start
“you’re a girl who has never learned a gemara, let alone a tosfos etc. what the heck is going on here”
I’ve learned Gemara and tosfos with my Rebbes encouragement. I just have other learning priorities that I learn as a kvius. That said, logic is logic. If you have superior brains, just present it briefly like me:)
“To clarify, on the Moshiach question many Chabadskers would cite numerous practices and statements from gedolim. However, their actions (and their acceptance of the actions of others) are not viewed as within the boundaries of normative Yiddishkeit by the vast majority of frum Jews, especially Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivos. Like, a Livak may criticize how a Satmarer loves his Rebbe, and the Satmarer may view the Litvak as someone who doesn’t find joy in teffilah, but both of them will be in the same boat when they come across a yellow flagger.”
Listen I see pictures all the time of Gedolim and Rebbes who are real people meeting with Shluchim and staying by chabad houses, so I don’t need to live in your fantasy world bH.
“CS: Do you mean, by this, that the average Joe is on a lower level than Lubavitchers? (But even so, they’ll still get the geula.)
Otherwise, why did you find it necessary to point out that non-Lubavitchers will get the geula?”
You got my reference to you. Well done. Without learning chassidus, non chassidim will need lots of tutoring to understand Moshiachs Torah. Since we are born with it and educated with it, it’s easier for Lubavitchers
“I also really like you had to remind us you are a shlucha, I’m pretty sure the Rebbe told us in the later year sichos that shlichus extends outside of Merkos and even ChaBaD. (Unless that was an anti aguch fabrication as well). You should also refer to besuras hageulah where the Rebbe makes clear the work of the shluchim has been completed (perhaps another fabrication lol)
This is a message lost on the ears of every single shliach I meet. The gaavah in this is ridiculous as I see Anashim disparaged all the time for not going into shlichus. Every tomim bochur is encouraged to be a shliach as being mere anashim is second rate.
Every yid on this forum is a shliach for HaShem.”
100% I despise hatred or baseless superiority towards any Jew. I love every Jew I am fortunate to encounter
“Which beliefs do some fellow Lubavitchers have which, in your opinion, are caused by being infected with Amalek?”
They know exactly what The Rebbe says about this topic but are too ashamed to even sing yechi in their own shuls. That’s called walking around with the lights on, blind.
Did the Rebbe trim his beard before marrying?
Why didn’t the Rebbe have children?
How come the Rebbitzin didn’t wear a sheitl but the Rebbe encouraged all Lubavitch women to do so? How come everyone lies when asked?
Why does one half of ChaBaD hold by the later year sichos and the other says they shouldn’t have been released or are inventions by the chassidim?
How come we constantly talk about achdus but yet the politics of the shluchim are the biggest cases of sinas Yisrael I’ve ever seen.
Why did official (Krinsky, Kunin, Kalartsky) Chabad all the sudden become Zionists after Oct 07? It’s funny because Kehos /SIE conveniently left out the entire beginning of kuntres u’maayan in the English volumes haha, I guess only part of the Rebbe RaShaBs points were important.
Thank you,
A concerned Lubavitcher”
Lostspark you ask bewildering questions, because I have never heard of many. I am young and don’t care for nonsense, so I stick my nose in The Rebbeims writings. I learn Lekutei Torah, and every other Rebbe besides for The Rebbe Maharash. This is what I base myself on. The arguments in Lubavitch are what The Rebbe said is holding Moshiach back. So obviously the satan is trying hard. If you are so smart and experienced, and old and wise, how about you answer your own questions (btw I’m pretty sure I’m descended from the Baal Shem Tov because we carry the name Aisenberg, although the exact details of the yichus are still shrouded in time).
CSParticipantEx ct lawyer
Your logic about a picture being okay, but not on the eastern wall is faulty.
When I end my Kaddish, I back up three steps and end up praying to the south, east and then north. In Kabbalah Shabbat I turn to the west to welcome the Sabbath Bride I. The final stanzas of Lechs Dodi”I get that. If I was a man. I’d take it up with the Rav. But then the side walls should still be fine
“I’m honestly happy to hear that.”
I’m honestly happy to give you relief.
“You write:
“3. Do you believe the rebbe is physically alive? Yes and no. Depends what planet you live on”That is not an answer and you know it.”
True but this forum isn’t suited for long answers. 🤷♀️
“Why do you speaking ask ” As in instead of Hashem?”? That seems to be subterfuge to direct away from the question which should have a simple yes or no answer. Because you can believe the rebbe runs the world “with Hashem” too. I will rephrase my question. Do you believe the rebbe runs the world in any way?“
Ok let’s be clear. The Rebbe runs the world like Donald runs America.
“I have read chapter beis of the Tanya and I see no reference to the topic of “rebbes running the world” . The chaper speaks about the souls of Jews, how we connect to Hashem, and that “lowly Jews” can connect to Hashem through tzaddikim OF THEIR GENERATION. Which actually begs the question of how Chabad can ignore the teachings of their holy rebbe to connect to a tzaddik of THEIR GENERATION. This is one of the reasons why Chabad needs their rebbe to be physically alive in this generation which they claim he is…”
I’m honestly happy with your sincerity. So we connect to Hashem, both ways (up down, down up) through the neshamos of tzaddikim. The Rebbe is still the current Rebbe because he revealed that the mission of our/ his generation is to bring Moshiach and he gave us the tools to do it, soo we do. And we visit the Ohel/ 770 when we need more brachos/ koach. Hope this helps.
Chabad Shlucha
CSParticipantDY: please only quote experts that make sense to stand alone. I don’t have time to trace back a these posts. Thanks
““they’re pretty close minded unfortunately. But they have the same sources as I do so I’m hoping they’ll actually learn how to read and think critically like me”
Maybe it’s the reverse.”
Sorry please elaborate
As you openly admit, above, that you would consider it an illegitimate and invalid position if any other Yid held that their Rebbe or Rov or Rosh Yeshiva (whether currently among the living or not) is Moshiach, why then are you upset or disappointed or angry when others consider who you believe to be Moshiach to be an illegitimate and invalid position?”
I don’t consider it illegitimate for others to believe as such about their own Rebbes, just as I like to be respected for my personal choice of the Moshiach of this generation, based on Torah criteria etc.
The only apikorsim I’ve learned in Rambam are those who don’t await moshiachs coming everyday (along with those who deny Moshe as a Navi). Sincerely,
For your info I had to fight hard to get proper answers regarding The Rebbe and Moshiach in school. My father doesn’t talk about it at all. Good luck,
CSParticipantCS (copycat)
I don’t know who elvis is so I cannot answer your q
BH I know some working Aramaic which I use to look up references in sichos etc. I do not study Gemara as a kevius because as a woman I have other priorities
I like your simple honest q. Please address it to a Lubavitcher male as I am not familiar with those halachos.
Thanks. CS
CSParticipant@ex ct lawyer
Hi yes I’ve wished you Mazal Tov on your marriage. Personally, a Rebbe picture on the back wall of the shul is fine, but anywhere on the Mizrach wall is a problem according to the Alter Rebbe, and I’ve sounded this alarm as well myself.
CSCSParticipantCommon saychel: I heard of Megilla gorilla from living Torah a few weeks back but I’ve never been familiarized with elvis
CSParticipantNevell just to clarify Steve witkoff said last week that Qatar are doing G-ds work
Aka hashgocha protis, I had no idea
CSParticipantEx ct lawyer
I have no issue with a Rebbe picture in the shul as long as it’s not on the mizrach wall. The Alter Rebbe paskens you can’t daven to a picture (even a mirror is bad), so if that was the case, I would do the same
CSParticipantMidwesterner I have tried but they’re pretty close minded unfortunately. But they have the same sources as I do so I’m hoping they’ll actually learn how to read and think critically like me