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  • in reply to: Prison vs. Mental asylum #1373823
    BY BH

    If she goes to a mental asylum for her crimes – that means that she can claim insanity as a basis for committing those crimes. Therefore, that is not a good idea. She was in her full mind, and intentionally committed the crimes, and she should be imprisoned for committing these crimes knowingly and intentionally (in some cases, with obvious motive). Too many defendants claim “temporary insanity”.

    On the other hand, it is quite difficult to get out of a mental institution once institutionalized – so perhaps that’d be better. Even if she’d be pardoned by someone later on, it’d be from a mental institution.

    Anyway, it’s neither here nor there because it won’t happen.

    in reply to: Tznius Problem? #1365998
    BY BH

    Tznius is a huge nisayon. It is very hard to find tznius’dik, tasteful clothing, and it is even harder for those who live in-town, and have super-strong peer pressure to deal with.

    However, we must realize that we cannot take our tznius challenges and be machati (cause to sin) others with these issues.

    If your yetzer hora overtakes you when you’re in the store, and you buy a non-tznius’dik outfit; and then, your yetzer hora overtakes you when you’re choosing an outfit out of your closet, and you choose that non-tznius’dik outfit; and then, the yetzer hora overtakes you further by persuading you to use that non-tznius’dik outfit to get attention from men – at the very least don’t take this out on Jewish men who are battling their yetzrei hora in shemiras aynayim. Go to Time Square where men will be happy to give you such attention, but don’t bring it to a makom kedushah where Jewish men will inevitably sin and be upset.

    Try to keep your avanos to a minimum as you do your avoda in battling your yetzer hora. Being machati others is a very grave sin.

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