Forum Replies Created
Mashgiach Agent, you have lost your mind. All meat tables were coverecd with table cloths, just like your home.
All meat was served formally, by waiters, directly to the table, on real dishes.
Dairy tables were not covered and like just about every single kosher pizza joint in the world, there is counter service.
It is very clear which side is which.
You would have to be a complete idiot to think that with the mehitza up and your food on disposable plates that you could take it through the mehitza and eat it on a table fully set with real dishes. People who keep kosher are not stupid.
Even a very highly experienced senior mashgiach (which I seriously hop you are not- because I would boycott that hashgacha seeing your behaviour is not as you are truly yiras shamayim) would understand that there is no treifus going on. There is a huge amount of motzi shem ra going on from you. Frum Jews do not behave the way you are behaving.
BubbyBParticipantWhat’s in my power is notifying them of your behaviour. I have notified them. See who will hire you once they know what a completely un frum jew you are, no matter how much you think you know about kashrut. Yiras Shamayim is the single biggest factor. You have none. You deserve what you get. I know I’ll be vacationing in Niagara Falls again and eating completely kosher food.
BubbyBParticipantMashgiach Agent, you show no yiras shamayim in your posts. Your lashon hara has no toeles attached and thus you are the one committing aveiros with every response.
Shame on you for speaking in such an ill manner about not one but TWO organizations run by Frum Jews. You have given no proof, not told of anything definitive. If you had and you told the management or the Rabbi, that would be productive. Disparaging them publically for absolutely nothing means whatever you say means nothing. You are not reliable.
I was there this summer. Did you know that the meat side was fine dining and table service only? No one would bother going to the dairy side with meat and if people brought meat to the dairy side it would be obvious given that both restaurants use completely different styles of service. The meat was served on real dishes, by waiters and was only open from 6-10 pm. The dairy was served on all disposable dishes with counter service.
I ate at both restaurants and it was very clear to me that the kitchens were separate. In planning my trip, I spoke to Rabbi Zaltzman who assured me that there was absolutely zero going back and forth between kitchens by staff. Nothing is allowed to go from one kitchen to the other. Not people, and not food. Mistakes are possible in your home kitchen, or in pesach hotels that are not meant to be operated this way. They are not possible in two completely separate kitchens.
In addition, COR is a superlative organization that uses the highest standards. They are world leaders in kashrut and kashrut research as well as supervision. Many of the most respected Rabbis in Canada are connected to the COR.
If you persist in this shunda, I will do everything in my power to bring you to justice. I will inform the parties involved and they will set their lawyers on you. As they should.