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  • in reply to: Yale University and Its Logo's Hebrew Slogon #883759

    Many of the Ivy League schools have Hebrew on their seals. Princeton even has it on it’s tiger.

    in reply to: I'm selfish #861269

    It should be easy to overcome shellfish. Just stay away from them or substitute something else.

    in reply to: The Wizard of Oz #862053

    Hi haifagirl.

    Actually, I looked it up and it says the sequences in Kansas were shot in black and white, but the sequences in Oz were shot in technicolor, and that is how it remains today.

    Who said it was colorized??

    Oh, I did! :

    in reply to: Fiveish saves! #861348

    Fiveish looked more like Eighteenish.

    in reply to: French Shootings #861182

    Hi oomis.

    You ask a great rhetorical question that has prompted me to give an opinion that Obama is largely responsible.

    When a United States president, for the first time in history, shows such a strong level of contempt, disrespect, and aggressiveness to Israel and all things Jewish, he fanned the flames of the nutjobs out there, around the world, who are the antisemites.

    And when you add the the fact that the American media, has for too long, taken on a bias of anti Jewish and anti Israel propaganda, I hate to say it but such a mixture is not too far removed from the original ingredients leading up to y’mach shmoe Germany.

    in reply to: Internet Filter – Jewish or not #861753

    Filters are good for the average persons concern about garbage on the internet, but for us, we should think more in terms of a gefilter.

    in reply to: Can we bring Moshiach? #864980

    Hi gefen.

    Thank you very much for posting that.

    We can never hear it enough, and in other cases it is difficult to do so, but reading what you wrote renewed my enthusiasm to approach people with thought and care. Thank you…

    in reply to: Yale University and Its Logo's Hebrew Slogon #883756

    As far as I know, there are a few reasons.

    In the Ivory League they consider Hebrew as a classical language along with l’havdil, Latin.

    Also, the founder of Yoel University, I believe, was very fond of Hebrew and Jews, from an intellectual standpoint.

    Additionally, the university may be the first, but it originates from back in the day when Xtians were more fond of and showed more reverence for what they call the Old Testament, and all that is involved.

    Harvard, too, I believe has Hebrew somewhere in their logos.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157775

    …..worse than giving birth? …..worse than kidney stones? …..worse than a haddock? What does fish have to do with this?

    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861837

    Excellent point.

    You know, I recently read a great article, and I am sorry I dont remember much about where or who wrote it, but it was about ‘finding’ one’s beshert.

    The author asserted people confuse finding one’s beshert with a ‘list of things’ they want about the other person.

    In short, the rabbi spoke about how couples evolve together and one’s beshert is not someone who necessarily comes “preinstalled” with all the things you would like. The main ingredient he suggested was if the two people feel comfortable together.

    Even if they are nervous, but for the most part are having a pleasant time together, then that is what should be a sign to move to another date; and not if they have “this or that” or went to “this yeshiva or that yeshiva”.

    While nothing like this is simple, the chemistry part seems to be way overlooked, and even thrown under the bus for the more surface things.

    in reply to: Blocking Street While Parking #860992

    It depends on how hard it is to find a spot.

    I could not find a spot once at the Franklin Institute parking garage, and it was bumper to bumper in there, at a snails crawl, one lane going one way.

    After what seemed like hours (maybe 25 mins in real life), we were all honking our horns at other cars who stopped to wait for a spot, once I saw a family getting into their van, of course, taking their sweet time getting all squared away, I stopped and waited for that spot. Others honked away, but too bad, I was getting that spot.

    I guess it’s a situational situation.

    in reply to: Ahmadinejad a Gilgul of Haman HaRasha? #861930

    Hi nitpicker.

    What are you specifically suggesting?

    While I cannot speak for lovebeingjewish, to keep this convo in the scope of what is being talked about, it is not about the concept of gilgul, but the characteristics and historical position of Haman and Achmadinijad.

    I take it you are hinting at saying it is not possible. But you know, anything is possible.

    in reply to: Why do we need animals? #861686

    lol yit!

    in reply to: The Wizard of Oz #862036

    I dont think the kids would over analyze the movie, such as if the wizard being revealed as an ordinary person stating each character already possessed, in themselves, the traits they were seeking, as being an atheistic metaphor.

    And Dorothy does wear a skirt, but does show her elbows..

    So…that being said..

    They will probably be captivated by the movie and will thoroughly enjoy the Lion, Tin Man, and Scare Crow, as well as the songs.

    Now, the other question is: Colorized or Black and White version?

    in reply to: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine #860978

    Alternative medical facts, as shown in a recent Yahoo! article.

    I will be brief and state the issue and it’s problem, and then list the alternative.

    1. pain – acetaminophen can cause liver damage.

    alternative – lower back pain responded better with chiropractic treatments ~ Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

    2. statins – has negative effect on the liver.

    alternatives – oats, garlic, olive oil, red wine lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol naturally, according to Harvard School of Public Health.

    **eating two squares of dark chocolate three to four times a week may be twenty-five times as effective to prevent heart issues as opposed to statins, according to a Dr. Teitlebaum

    3. blood pressure – while initially may require prescription drugs, it is recommended to wean people off those drugs with potassium and Coenzyme Q10 in various forms of therapy.

    There are others, but overall the idea can be summed up with the quote from the physician responsible for these, and other statements.

    Hopefully, no one should need these things, but it’s good to know more medical doctors are realizing the dangers of prescriptions and their use when natural may be available and effective.

    in reply to: Dor Yeshorim in Girls High School #1157949

    Hi Health.

    Hope you had a nice Shabbos.

    I have to go with cinderella on this one.

    While men are usually stronger in muscle, women are stronger and able to endure in the other ways.

    I would also have to say your statement that childbirth is painful, is an understatement.

    Being a man, I can only imagine the kind of pain women have to submit to during childbirth. It looks to be pretty insane, and I am not sure any man has something to compare other than if they stuck their finger in an electrical outlet, and kept it there a few hours, to say the least. lol

    And while the example you give is no doubt true and valid, it cannot serve as a paradigm to prove that it is generally regarded that women are not only smarter, but they are stronger than men in many ways.

    in reply to: Ahmadinejad a Gilgul of Haman HaRasha? #861928

    In contrast the ayatollahs are less clownish evil fools.

    in reply to: iPhones #1144528

    lol soliek,

    The problem is that once you get all your pea shooters and all that lined up nicely, when you go to the next level, you have to do your lawn all over again from scratch.

    in reply to: Why do we need animals? #861684

    Hi yit.

    Squirrels teach us that the way we dress matters (white shirt lol), since the only difference between and squirrel and a rat is a big, fluffy tail.

    in reply to: Ahmadinejad a Gilgul of Haman HaRasha? #861924

    Good observation.

    They both seem to be the same brand of evil fools.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202087

    A man walks into a doctors office and goes into the examining room.

    The man has a great big carrot sticking out of one ear and a great big celery stalk popping out of the other ear.

    The doctor walks in and says, “I can tell right off the bat you’re not eating right.”

    in reply to: iPhones #1144526

    Technology is tricky.

    Yes, they can be addictive and waste time.

    But they can also be powerful tools of communication and very handle for learning and podcasts, etc.; all of which can enhance and keep you informed of things going on in the Jewish world, the world of science, the news, and interesting apps for astronomy and just about anything else you can think of…it’s all there.

    in reply to: Why do we need animals? #861682

    There are many reasons we need animals, and many things we can learn from them, but the main one for me is to just watch them and see how amazing and beautiful they are.

    To paraphrase an idea of R’ Avigdor Miller Zatzal, they testify to creation.

    More than a flower or a tree or landscape, when I stop to look at animals, you just become speechless and marvel their form and behavior. They are samples of creation to behold.

    Whether a fluffy squirrel who runs away or a fluffy cat who comes to sit on your lap or being captivated by the power of a tiger or the oddity of an insect, animals can put you in a sphere of spiritual contemplation where time stops and you watch with amazement. In a way, taking time to watch animals is more an experience than a thought.

    in reply to: Optimist or Pessimist #862109

    Is who an optometrist?

    in reply to: 5 year old haircuts #861115

    Hi more.

    Eh…at five? What harm would it do? They have their likes and dislikes, and soon phases pass.

    As they say, the difference between and good haircut and a bad haircut…is about two weeks.

    At least it’s not a son who wants a mohawk.

    in reply to: Can't post today.. #861599

    Hi more.

    No offense, but it’s “lyphe”.

    in reply to: Was William Shakespeare an Anti-Semite? #926960

    Hi Sam2,

    Regarding Columbus. I read some amazing things from the Z’man about Columbus possibly being Jewish. He even penned letters with x’s in the upper right hand corner of the paper where a bais, samech, daled would be.

    I wish I remembered more from the article.

    Also, with regards to Castro; his mother had a maiden name that was known only among the marrano community. Also, there are some records of Fidel secretly giving money and appearing at a few Jewish events, counter to his public stance on religion.

    If you care to comment, I would be interested in your thoughts/information.

    And what are your thoughts on Achmaddogdinajad being from Jews who converted out?

    in reply to: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine #860977

    Hi Health.

    You are very welcome.

    I like the peacefulness between us.

    Have a great Shabbos Health and longarekel, and everyone else!

    in reply to: Strategies for When Getting Pulled Over by a Cop #861082

    Cooperation is the best policy.



    Hi nitpicker.

    You are saying the same equation in Algebra would be 14?

    Can you work that out and demonstrate?

    I am curious.

    in reply to: Was William Shakespeare an Anti-Semite? #926955

    There is enough information to add him to the elite list which includes Columbus, Castro, and Elvis, stating Shakespeare was Jewish.

    in reply to: More shidduch advice #907966

    Hi Stamford Hilly Billy.

    I can only guess that the conversation will have a flow of it’s own, but others may suggest more of a structure on how to handle this.

    The main reason I am posting is to say hatzlacha. This is very exciting!!

    in reply to: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine #860973

    Hi Health.

    LOL…you are correct!! Finally! (just kidding)

    I apologize, and I owe you a bracha.

    May you continue to grow even bigger as a talmud chacham, and may you and those close to you have a healthy, happy, and long life of 120, and may you continue to do well and grow in your profession. And may you have more patience with the rest of us. ; )

    in reply to: So…. #860162

    Hi coreytothecup.

    I am sure everyone steps on someone’s toes once in a while. And I am sure someone feels their toes are being stepped on when that was not the intent. And I am sure there are people who are scene stealers and grumps and have thin skin for whatever reason..

    But two pieces of advice:

    1. Always stay in your own movie.

    2. Don’t be a guppy. Don’t be a shark. Be a tuna; mostly friendly, but you can bite if you have to.

    (The second one may not be Jewishy)

    Post away…controversial or not…

    in reply to: Divorced Girls Remarriage Prospects #860361

    Hi Health.

    Calm down.

    Your loss of footing and back peddling is very transparent, so save the coverups.

    Sadly, your “points” are set ups for anger and hate.

    I see tremendous flaws in a lot of what you say and thought you would not mind a two-way conversation, especially since you are very energized and happy to “correct” others.

    The bitterness and seeming vengeance is so far outside the scope of the conversation, that I wonder if you are not classified with some sort of temperament issue. I will go easier to not offend you if that is the case.

    But perhaps you, too, can have a lighter touch when disagreeing with someone.

    Somewhere I read something to the effect:

    “Kindness is the highest form of wisdom.” ~ The Talmud.

    I will try to embrace that realize there may be a good

    reason you are WAY more sensitive to getting criticism

    than you are to giving it out.

    in reply to: Wine for Pesach #860305

    When it gets closer for me to start cleaning, then I will whine.

    in reply to: just came by to say hi,,,did you miss me? #865281

    Wudup Sista??!!!

    Glad to see you posted!!

    It has not been the same!


    in reply to: From Rags to Riches #860183

    Start a new country like they did in 1776. This one has run it’s course and economic mobility seems to be affected by gravity more than opportunity.

    in reply to: Colored Shirts #985667

    Hi Wolf,

    So if the Rabbi of your shul came in on Shabbos with a light blue and pink pattern Izod brand, button down shirt given to him as a gift, it is all the same to you?

    In general, to you clothing has no effect? It’s just for utilitarian reasons?

    If what you say is true, well, for many it is not like that.

    Yet, I wonder what the reason is.

    in reply to: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine #860970

    Hi nitpicker.

    I accept your apology, but cannot accept your totally incorrect assumptions based on what amounts to jibberish.

    It seems like your attitude is shaping what you say so much, that you dont make any sense.

    So when a chiropractor does help someone, what is he practicing if not chiropractic?

    I know from my own, previously shared story, you are 110% wrong, if you dont mind me saying.

    And what is the other type of nonsense they practice, that you speak of, that is not chirpractic? So, the non-chiropractic “nonsense” helps, but the chiropractic stuff does not help?

    You could not be more wrong. The idea of proper alignment of the spine to maximize healthy function of the central nervous system, is scientific fact.

    You dont have to post again. Wrong is wrong the second and third time, too.

    in reply to: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine #860966

    Hi nitpicker.

    You are such a nitpicker. lol

    Chiropractic is NOT a valid idea yet chiropractors have helped where MD’s have not? Alrighty then…

    More reasonable a statement would be chiropractors have helped where MD’s have not, therefore chiropractic IS valid, or, in the least, has some validity.

    in reply to: Sixth Sense #862344

    Hi hershi.

    I know exactly what you mean.

    There are times where this ability is very strong and I have witnesses to me saying something and the person is amazed that I mentioned that for a variety of reasons.

    I call it “vibing” and I have it stronger with some people than others, as well, but rarer, with societal events.

    I have often said, and this may apply to you, I am not sure what it’s purpose is. It is not strong enough to make a living at it. lol Nor is it strong enough to pick winning lottery numbers, although I did once get 5 out a 6 pick six numbers and was surprised how small a payment it was.

    in reply to: Homoepathic & Naturapathic Medicine #860965

    Hi Health.

    It is very misleading to make a statement that all medicines are natural. And it is exploitive to bend the term in this context just to prove a point.

    In law, they select a desired conclusion and then bend the story to fit. In science, the facts should determine what the conclusion is.

    In the sense that everything in the universe is natural, you are correct. In fact, even feces is natural, but it is poison. Uranium is natural.

    A valid definition and understanding of the word “natural” would render prescription drugs as unnatural, especially in comparison to the holistic, organic, and non-genetically modified substances used in alternative/complementary health care, as well as other modes of “alternative” care.

    The primary reason is, whether there is tree bark or whatever in the substance, the molecules of those ingredients are altered, modified, synthesized to where they can be considered anything but “natural”, and the manufacturers even admit such by claiming the benefits outweigh the risks.

    And it is by that broader understanding, that there is a valid claim to be made that scripts are not natural.

    in reply to: Colored Shirts #985663

    Hi Wolf.

    Very interesting! So, how DOES white make someone appear more “fummer”?

    And, in your opinion, can, say, blue ever become a color to make someone appear more frummer?

    The connotation attached to the aesthetics of these colors is a curious thing to me.

    in reply to: Socially Orthodox #860076

    Hi Gavra and Yichusdik,

    I cannot speak for those people, but it seems to me that in one shul I go to there are so many FFB, not all, but noticeably many, who are socializing the whole time.

    All I can say is that I know for me, there is not always inspiration and then I have to do the work because I made a commitment and I know better. I can only imagine if I were doing this since childhood, which I why I dont really judge them.

    I was just commenting that it cannot always be assumed it is those who did not get a yeshiva background as a kid.

    Basically, we all have to work to improve our committment, and that is not always easy for anyone for a variety of reasons, as you know.

    in reply to: Socially Orthodox #860073

    Hi gavra.

    Everyone I know who came about orthodoxy through kiruv is inspired, dedicated, and very respectful every time they are in shul, for example.

    I cannot tell you how many people I look up to who learn and know a lot and who I respect for that; BUT…they are always schmoozing in shul, during leining, during the reading of the Megilla as of late.

    While I can understand people dont always feel inspired, and I can also understand that I dont know what it is like to be doing this from birth, still, I wonder how they let their involvement dilute to the social. They seem to have lost admiration for the Torah, physically and spiritually.

    Something is wrong. I believe that when you start to “know”, you have no other option but to show great respect for all that is Jewish.

    in reply to: Walking behind a woman #860277

    I usually try to move away or ahead depending on how much room there is to do so.

    in reply to: 5 Hour Energy Drinks #859629

    Ultimately, Moderator 42 is correct.

    But arent some of those 5 hour things the Vitamin B’s or something like that; all natural stuff?

    By the way, to keep up on busy days that start very early and end late, I throw in a few tablespoons Chia Seeds in oatmeal, cereal, and even eggs, and I can tell the difference. They work as they were advertised. They are Spectrum Essentials brand and are OU.

    I get mine at Wegmans and the bag is about $8

    in reply to: Divorced Girls Remarriage Prospects #860359

    Hi PBT.

    That is a very nice story. Thank you for sharing that.

    I sometimes see someone that may be interested (not wearing a sheitel, of course), then I dont know what is acceptable to get to the next step.

    You should see me walking around on Shabbos. Anytime a female of any age is on the same side of the sidewalk, even seeming miles away, I cross to the other side. I zig zag the whole day. Great exercise.

    Well, I will keep my eyes open and believe Hashem’s plan is out there waiting to meet me.

    Hi Health.


    Speaking of false and true. How did you determine “a lot” of divorced women dont want to remarry.

    Also, how did you determine “a lot” of older girls wont go out with divorced guys.

    Specifically, how many do you know that drove you to conclude ‘a lot” versus, say “a few”?

    Kindly (key word is kindly) let us know “about” how many women in each case did you determine this to be true. 2500? 3000? Are you talking about any specific communities?

    Being that you are a person of science, I hope you have genuine data and did not call out someone’s view for being false based on a hunch, similar to what you would feel if you believe you picked the correct, winning lottery numbers.

    How many is a lot, and how did you come to hear their opinions on the matter?

    in reply to: Controversial Topics #860210

    Hi far east.

    The way I see it, it is not the topic. It is the poster.

    There are relatively harmless topics in here and machlokes and all types of loshon problems come up.

    We all have to work on those. But if someone is not willing to do that, then write them up as another internet bully, Jewish, informed, or not.

    It may not be deliberate though. We all have our issues to work on. For some, they can not resist “going there” because communication is with a screen and not face to face.

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