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  • in reply to: bochurim texting #888271

    Texting for all members of the world has gotten out of hand. Recently, finally someone asked if they can just call me because the texting is crazy.

    I laughed because I dont have a smart phone (I care about my phone, but honestly, it is not smart), so I have to hit the numbers a few times and it is more trouble than it’s worth, and I would more than welcome talking on the phone than texting.

    Sometimes people continue to text each other as they are walking towards each other and in full

    in reply to: Action for Pollard: 100s to call White House Tomorrow (Monday) #867756

    I made several attempts to call and the operators at the White House are busy on calls….so that is good news, and hopefully, Baruch Hashem, Jonathan Pollard will be released in the name of justice.

    in reply to: dropped now get me up #867641

    Shidduch girl and emunah girl, and anyone else in this situation….

    All I can say is that I read once that if you are in such a situation, it means that person was not the one designated to be your life’s bliss.

    If you try to think of that, and then ask yourself why would you want to be emotionally tied up with one not going to bring you you happiness, it may mitigate the problem.

    In general, people should realize what a delicate thing dating is for many people, and should not take it lightly.

    Again, if the person was nice and you had nice dates, but they are shopping around, then their fickleness is something you would not want to build your life upon in a marriage.

    I wish both you, and everyone else in this situation, to find the most fantastic person for you this year who is wonderful beyond your wildest expectations!!

    Hatzlacha rabbah!

    in reply to: bochurim texting #888266

    Texting is rarely out of hand. Usually, it is in hand.

    in reply to: #1 Charoses Fan #868324

    Hi Baal.

    lol. I know what you mean. And to add to that, to me, all Pesach food, in general, is so tasty. I now have to work it off because my belt notch is pulling. lol

    in reply to: Outlets #867590

    Try either, or Transcendental Meditation of clearing your mind with “restful alertness”, or maybe go to a natural setting like a park with the smell of pine trees, or to the ocean at the shore and just sit looking at the natural sky, sand, and water and you will, Iy’H, feel your batteries recharged. And, after that, avoid the stressors and let Hashem take care of them.

    in reply to: Sad that Pesach is over #867778

    Hi oomis1105.

    I agree. There is a bit of a empty feeling as Pesach comes to an end, even though I hear people around me saying they cannot wait for it to be over and eat chometz.

    I guess for the women, though, it may possibly be different since they put in superhuman hard word and preparation every day to make Pesach special.

    A huge hakaras hatov to all the homemakers who made the entire Pesach even more special

    in reply to: Interacting With Ex-Family Members #882325

    Hi avhaben.

    Great question, since it can be uncomfortable for the person passing by ex-relatives, or there can be loyalties involved, etc., depending on the situation.

    BUT…after reading the book, The Power of Hello this past week, I would say greet them with a smile and a friendly hello.

    The book was very interesting and a very easy read.

    in reply to: Tzvi vs Zvi? #867843

    Addendum to Shticky.

    Yakov, Yaakov, or Yankiff.

    in reply to: Kibud Av vs. cranky father in law #865477

    I have found that having a talk sometimes helps. I make the tone pleasant and tell them all the time and effort I have put into living my life in a way that means everything to me.

    I go on to explain that I can understand people see things differently, and add there is no way I can show you all the steps that lead me up to my beliefs today.

    I finish by saying it upsets me to hear these generalized comments and that, in turn, I hope I am not saying or doing things which offend your beliefs.

    Usually, this helps. People dont want to be mean face to face. They just end up politicking and fall into a role.

    Hatzlacha Rabbah!!!!

    in reply to: Bein Hazmanim important? #867428

    They definitely need the time off and benefit greatly.

    No matter what they make of their time in yeshiva, still, they are out long hours and it is a long day.

    in reply to: Went missing?? HUH??? #865344

    Hi Realist.

    I cannot answer those questions. They “went over” my head.


    in reply to: Being Ostentatious #864895

    We have to keep in mind that we dont know the details by what each of us may evaluate as ostentatious.

    Why put a single drop of negativity upon reacting to something we think is ostentatious? Does that preclude the owner is a bad person? Does it mean the person who was the creator was involved with the purchaser in being/doing ‘wrong’?

    Too much of this, to me, seems subjective and presumptuous, so I say leave it alone.

    in reply to: Whats "fashion" #865032

    Hi MiddlePath.

    Hatzlacha in your studies! You seem to be doing very well!

    : D

    in reply to: Whats "fashion" #865026

    Hi Middlepath.

    If you are going to answer my question, at least put some thought into it. lol. jk

    Thank you. You touched upon a lot of valid variables.

    in reply to: Being Ostentatious #864883

    I think if one can acquire it, nothing wrong with enjoying an aesthetically pleasing home.

    in reply to: Whats "fashion" #865016

    Great question!

    Fashion is a state of mind, but how does it spread so people agree something is in or old fashion?

    I have always thought about cars, let’s say. How come a 2012 model, aside from actually being new, but how come it has lines that make it seem more modern?

    What if they style of the 1950 Buick came out today for the first time? Would we say it does not look new and improved?

    In other words, what makes the design of new things seem to be the latest and newest development? What is in that design which defines it as the latest, old, retro (combo old and latest)?

    in reply to: Do Married Guys Do Laundry? #1074912

    No, since they never change anyway. lol

    in reply to: Went missing?? HUH??? #865335

    Hi gefen,

    I am going to throw in my two cents, which these day is worth -.47 cents, so I may owe you some money in the process.

    I have nothing against implied concepts and meanings to words which are understood ‘not’ by exact, traditional definition. After all, except for one language, the traditional definitions had their formative stages and cultural influences.

    This case bothers me too. The action verb, “went” implies the added concept of going with some degree of willingness or a level of agreeability or cooperation.

    The linking verb “is” merely states a condition of being without the added footnotes. Even though going somewhere often requires the use of feet, the footnotes of willingness, on one’s own initiative, etc., are not there.

    If the linking verb “is” is available, I think it would be a better choice.

    On the other hand, the more I think about this, the more perspectives I get. So, I will leave it at that….

    Also, you may want to consider your feelings on, “He just up and went missing.”

    in reply to: I feel oongalukshena #863291

    Just great! Another word that does not rhyme, like purple.

    in reply to: I missed my own 5th CR anniversary!! :( #895480

    Knock Knock!

    Who’s there?


    Abby who?

    Abby Anniversary!

    : )

    in reply to: Going abroad: organized tour or DIY? #863276

    I didn’t go abroad, but I took a Do-It-Yourself trip to Area 51 in Nevada, and I still can’t find my way outta here. Maybe I shoulda taken the tour.

    in reply to: Silence Is Golden #862568

    Since many have noted it is already shut for Shabbos, then you must mean for two days.

    Okay, how about April 7th and 8th.

    3 days? No way! Not unless you have a coupon or something.

    in reply to: Eating With Your Hands #862782

    Not to criticize or embarrass anyone here, but at a simcha I once saw someone eating a jelly donut on a plate with a fork and knife. I have nothing really to say other than it is something I will never forget.

    in reply to: Why Are Divorces Usually Initiated by the Wife? #870668

    Hi Health.

    You are totally wrong!

    (Just kidding! Had to say that for old time sake)

    Hope all is going great and you have a chag kasher v’sameach Pesach, as well everyone, too!

    : )

    in reply to: Shouldn't a Woman Know Better.. #863061

    Hi Zeeskite.

    I have no idea why a woman would stop you in the middle of Pesach cleaning. But look at the bright side; at least she stopped you with time enough to post.

    : )

    in reply to: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? #863090

    Anyone who is against this is totally wrong, from this perspective: The government should not allow people going into the food business to put in chemicals known to have a deleterious effect on cells and the body. Otherwise, what is nutrition for?

    I am not talking about having cake or chips, etc. There are synthetic chemicals used to make foods look more colorful, seem more flavorful, and last longer, where the inherent nature of that ingredient is harmful to the body.

    In the food business, it seems to me that no ingredients that cause an inherent health hazard (not talking about too much sugar..etc), should be banned and not allowed in the food business.

    in reply to: gmail #862794

    I prefer Yahoo!, but spam is ever increasing.

    Gmail, which I use for work, seems spam free, so far, but I dont like searching through the “Sent” box because it does not save things in a simple, chronological way. To me, its difficult and chronoillogical.

    in reply to: Summer Plans for Bochrim #863252

    Hi chevraman.

    Awesome post.

    Years ago I heard a great Rosh warn the boys about the challenges of being on break during summer. He said, “Hot summers come and go, but Olam Habah is forever.”

    in reply to: Why Are Divorces Usually Initiated by the Wife? #870658

    Because men outnumber women when it comes to snoring.

    in reply to: Building a connection to keep them on track #882903

    Hi sm29.

    One thing I learned from the classroom, among many other things, is that if we are passionate and enthusiasm, regardless of the material or level of difficulty, the children/young adults, will take grasp.

    in reply to: Acai berry supplements #862386

    I second AinOhMilvado’s post. Like a lot of us, I read up on and purchase these kinds of items.

    in reply to: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? #863069

    Hi avhaben.

    I vote, Yes! Various ingredients for various reasons should not be in foods: corn syrup, nitrites, titanium, growth hormones…etc…etc…etc…

    in reply to: Why do we need animals? #861703

    Hi Cherrybim,

    Sorry I beat you to it. But you know they say great minds think alike. And if that is the case, how did I get into the mix? lol

    in reply to: Sixth Sense #862355

    Hi HaLeiVi and Ken,

    You both may be

    I was actually just playing on, I ‘have a feeling’ ……with ‘sixth sense’.


    Hi nitpicker.

    I really knew how to get the answer. Just wanted to see if you did.


    ; )

    in reply to: Sixth Sense #862347

    I have a feeling not too many people have a sixth sense.

    in reply to: Why do we need animals? #861699

    Hi *Kapusta*

    I would be proud to have you as the sole member of my fan club. But if you dont mind, with summer coming up I would prefer an air conditioner.

    Thank you for the nice thought.

    : )

    in reply to: Portly Guys #862539

    Portly sounds like a failed attempt to be nicer than saying stubby.

    in reply to: The Wizard of Oz #862076

    The Wiz might be a good alternative.

    in reply to: Ahmadinejad a Gilgul of Haman HaRasha? #861942

    Hi nitpicker.

    I had a point I was trying to make. I was not fighting.

    If people want to share ideas, as you did in confronting the poster of this thread, who I happened to understand totally, in the way you claim Chassidishe Gatesheader understands your view, then you have to accept people will disagree. And with smart people like us, there may be BIG disagreements. That does not mean it is a fight.

    I enjoy reading what you views; even if I do or dont agree with them. I like the stimulation.

    But since you use the name nitpicker, carefully think whether you should develop someone possibly nitpicking with you.

    While I was not nitpicking, I did think you were heavy handed in your confrontation about the concept of this thread.

    Anyway….I hope you continue to post.


    in reply to: Ahmadinejad a Gilgul of Haman HaRasha? #861935

    Hi nitpicker.

    You certainly are making a suggestion and the oppositional tone, when none is required, is evidently implied.

    How ironic that you claim to be making no assertion yet are backing up your non-assertion with a combative, critical tone.


    in reply to: Scotch, Whiskey, and Bourbon #861996

    That’s what I say, “What’s the difference?”

    Seriously, its a good question, and I am curious too.

    But I have to say I dont know why people can get so into the details of alcoholic beverages like within the same species. They will discuss all these details about whiskeys or bourbons, etc. I wonder why.

    in reply to: Mildly annoyed: what people call things #989573

    You could also add unsweetened sweetener.

    in reply to: Article In Jewish Press #861867

    Hi littleapple.

    Thank you for that info. It really was a very good and memorable article.

    in reply to: Kosher Online Grocer #861171

    I previously posted, which does not seem to have too much cholov yisroel, though. Not sure why it didnt take or if it was deleted. In case there are some concerns with that site, kindly let me know, since I have, although infrequently, ordered the organic, grass fed stuff from them.

    in reply to: The Wizard of Oz #862056

    lol @ nfgo3.

    Well, I hear it used to be popular to them because of the song.

    “Somewhere over the ‘rainbow’, way up high, there’s a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby.”

    Well, now they have Asbury Park, so they have their land. lol

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157787

    lol @ PBA! cute…

    in reply to: Internet Filter – Jewish or not #861760

    I think the reusable filters are a little more than 14 a month, but more green.

    in reply to: Why I'm never giving blood again. By popa. #1157784

    Donating blood is a serious thing and it seems to me PBA was being humorous. Well, sometimes you gotta try material and it goes, other times it does not. That is the nature of the written expression biz. Hopefully, the unintended wounds opened up by this controversial attempt at light-hearted humor have clotted by now.

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