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  • in reply to: swallowing pills #844578

    Hi aidel.

    I am the same way. Once you experience that gag reflex, it seems there is always a hesitation thing before swallowing pills.

    Here is what I do with vitamin pills:

    1. I try to get them in liquid/drops form like Vitamin D and Dr Garlic and stuff.

    2. If I have to take the vitamin as a pill, I use orange juice. It is thicker and helps the pill go down without getting stuck from a reflex thing.

    3. If it’s a capsule, I open it up and mix it with apple sauce or yogurt.

    4. It it’s a tablet, you can get a crusher and crush it up.

    5. Sometimes I just bite the thing and be sure to drink juice because they invariably taste horrible.

    I wish taking pills was not such a big deal. I try to relax and realize that I swallow food pieces larger than a pill. It seems like an involuntary reaction. I guess that is what you get too.


    in reply to: Free Advice! #929986

    Spray away from eyes and face.

    in reply to: Good Shabbos! #1135815

    Thank Cinderella!

    Have a great Shabbos, too!

    Also, everyone have a great Shabbos!!!!

    in reply to: wanna laugh? #843979

    lol @ bpt

    in reply to: US Troops urinate on dead Taliban #843282

    The Mods comment was very funny regarding US troops who did not urinate on the Taliban.

    I dont think any of us would do that. And PBA made a good point that we should not rejoice in our enemies demise, as we are reminded at the Pesach Seder.

    But the fact that some of the marines did this, I just want to say that soldiers in the field, in order to take a life as a profession, can understandably be overtaken with a sense of victory. Killing an enemy is not an office job.

    Also, remember that the Taliban are an enemy where it would be better for a soldier to be shot dead by them rather than be captured alive.

    Seeing that many people here seem passionately offended by what the marines did, would you suggest bringing the marines up on charges?

    I would not be in favor of that. Can I assume from some of the posts that some of you would?

    in reply to: Free Advice! #929984

    Please do not remove shopping carts from the premises.

    in reply to: 5 Most Favorite Healthy Foods #843207

    Hi arwsf.

    I am not a vegetarian, but I can see why people are and all the reasons are great ones. I would not be against becoming one, but it seems difficult.

    I am also glad we eat meat that renders the animal out of commission in the quickest, least painful manner. Since I have a vivid imagination, I can easily think about meat and chicken in a certain sense where I would not want to eat it. I love animals. But thank heaven, meat and poultry is so processed, I dont think much about that it is the body of an animal; something that had a face. Yep..there goes the PETA thing….and….more importantly, ALF (Animal Liberation Front….ok, I am raedy for the stereotyping and cliche

    Chia seeds are suppose to be packed with Omega 3s, phytonutrents/antioxidants, and were said to provide energy in ancient times. So, I tried them and they are cool, little crunchy, mildly tasty seeds which are easy to make part of a diet.

    in reply to: strange English words #843344

    Hi soliek.

    You seemed to cover and explain the tense of words with quite a degree of expertise. Very impressive.

    So, if I were to say, “I had a tense lesson,” that would be an accurate statement.

    And if I were a writer paid by the word, it might suit me to say, “I had had a tense tense lesson.” that, too, would be valid.

    ; )

    in reply to: Yehudah Tzvi UPDATE #847271

    Refuah Shelayma!

    And whatever the doctors say needs to be done to correct the situation, no matter what you already invested with other methods, it is probably better to get on with it sooner rather than later.

    Make sure you have the best doctors advising you, and move forward.

    Again, Refuah Shelayma!

    in reply to: Starbucks in Middle America #843290

    Hi PBA.

    I was just kidding around.

    Have a great Shabbos!

    : D

    in reply to: US Troops urinate on dead Taliban #843271

    Hi HaLeiVi,

    All I can say is that I see members of the Taliban as being a rodef.

    I would not drive into their camps and ask directions. I would not walk into their camps and ask if I can use the rest room. Needless to say, I dont have to explain why.

    Personally, I would not urinate on a dead Taliban, but the fact these soldiers did so, I am honestly not feeling any sense of disgust.

    If you have the time to explain, what is Loeg Larash, and would it apply to a vicious enemy?

    in reply to: Starbucks in Middle America #843287

    If Middle America can be found already by Scranton, that would make the middle quite large and the sides very narrow. Why can’t Middle America be more in the middle?

    in reply to: Random Question of the Day #947539

    Not sure about the answer on how they market such a thing, but I do know how they got it to fly; with wings!

    You bring up a good point. Bubble gum would be cheaper, too.

    You bring up another good point about ice cream flavors. And why stop at Rum Raisin? Why not Tequila Lemon, Jack Daniels Peanut, Night Train Alka Seltzer…etc.

    And if you think ice cream flavor marketing is bad like this, keep your eye on those little jelly bean characters. They are notorious!

    in reply to: Free Advice! #929982

    A good piece of free advice is, “You get what you pay for”.

    in reply to: strange English words #843341


    You guys lost me at had…or was it “had”? And then again at Buffalo…or was it buffalo?

    in reply to: no voice #843158

    Hi shlump.

    A teaspoon of honey about every hour. It is very healing for this kind of thing. You may even see improvement from the first teaspoon. If it hard to take down straight, you can dilute it. lol

    Drink hot/very warm liquids like tea and chicken broth.

    Dont drink anything cool or cold.


    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843708

    Does anyone actually know families who are NK?

    I really think they are government plants, much like the government does to infiltrate outlaw motorcycle gangs by having their agents live like 1%ers full time. In this case, I think this group of imposters is doing it for political reasons.

    I cannot get how any religious Jews can run to befriend a leader of a country with a big, hearty handshake and smile, who wants to administer, chas veshalom, harm, at the very best, to Jews…..and the members of NK that do that, end up being celebrated asthe poster children for that organization.

    I wonder what anyone really knows about anyone who claims to be an NK member.

    in reply to: Free Advice! #929979

    lol @ PBA.

    I hate when that happens…

    in reply to: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas #845499

    HI eliezer.

    Great post!

    : D

    in reply to: Serious Segula for Child Birth #843146

    lol @ Avi K …:”the segula for parnassa works for those who sell them…”

    Just a footnote, Avi, and this is not directed to you, but I know there is a lot of rolling of the eyes when it comes to segulas, but I am thinking this one is a cut above the others, if not more so, due to it’s source.

    in reply to: Inspiration/Personal stories regarding Shidduchim #996498

    Hi littleapple.

    In fact, I was thinking about what you posted on the way home from work yesterday and I have to say that was a really nice story you related. It had a simple purity to it that I found moving (in a masculine

    Thanks for what you said about my posts. I appreciate that.

    Have a great Shabbos!

    : D

    in reply to: US Troops urinate on dead Taliban #843268

    US Troops Urinate on Dead Taliban?


    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849528


    I just noticed that his book is published by Gefen publishing co. – I want to say that there is NO CONNECTION INTENDED FROM ME WHEN MAKING THE BRACHA ON WINE SAYING, “BOREI PAREE HA GEFEN”- REPEAT – NO CONNECTION!!!!!!! I never even heard of them before. Although, on second thought, I may have heard of them. BUT STILL…….

    in reply to: wanna laugh? #843977

    Hi bpt.

    Interesting thing about grass fed is that the meat from animals that are grass fed contain CLA, which is a component thought to be, probably, the most powerful protector against a very dreaded disease.

    Only grass fed animals and organic milk from grass fed cows contain this CLA, as far as I know. Makes you wonder why the food industry in general does not do the right thing as the norm, rather than having to find exclusive kosher brands at great expense to eat healthy.

    Kosher bison meat is loaded with CLA and is said to be leaner than chicken without the skin, and better, too. I try to get some once in a while, but it is harder to find.

    Also, how about asking the yiddishe grocer for produce that is not genetically modified or irradiated. lol

    in reply to: Inspiration/Personal stories regarding Shidduchim #996496

    Hi Think first.

    That sounds like a good idea.

    You know, posting in a moderated forum like this is not the worst way to get to begin to know someone.

    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849525

    Hi Benk.

    Its not that big an issue for me.

    I have learned to investigate and that all sources are not equal, and to be objective, and it has lead me to Torah, and the wonderful talmedei chachomim who illuminate it’s preciousness to me.

    Some come about it by conditioning, others because they “see”, not to say those conditioned also dont “see”, many actually do, too, but I am not afraid to look at this subject nor do I exploit it to convince myself I am a proper Jew. I believe Judaism holds up no matter what, and my research has proven that to me time and time again. I am sold!

    But I was more interested in learning what others here may have to say, and then moving on with things.

    Obviously, this entire subject makes everyone “energized” to say the least.

    I am not so sure there are solid answers to my questions, rabbi or no rabbi. I dont think there needs to be solid answers.

    Your thread was very thought provoking.

    Good thread!

    : )

    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849522


    The fact that yushke could be a relative of ours, are there loshon hora concerns about talking about him?

    Just because the xtians made a big deal out of him, if he never created that xtian image of himself, do we have info to apikorasize him, or talk about him at all?

    Maybe it’s motzei shem rah?

    in reply to: Iced Coffee or Iced Tea? #843363

    Hey Shticky.

    Like everything else, they can be good or bad for you.

    Basically, if it’s organic, both iced coffee and tea can certainly good unless someone has to be careful with caffeine, and/or unless they are loaded with sugars especially fructose corn syrup and all that junk.

    The antioxidants in coffee and all the various teas are great for us! BH!

    If they are not organic, they can be bad for you as they can contain a whole host of pesticides, herbicides, chemicals…etc.

    in reply to: Serious Segula for Child Birth #843135

    hi anonymrs.

    I cannot answer your question, but want to comment on what a clever name you made for posting.

    : )

    in reply to: Where's the snow??? #850096

    HI oomis.

    I am sure you didnt mean to say everyone who likes the snow “will” chas veshalom, develop….etc…etc.

    Should a corrective statement be made just to clean the slate?

    Other than that, I hope you have a refuah shelayma and at least, have those discomforts mitigated tremendously.

    : )

    in reply to: Best Weight Loss Diet/Excercise #982282

    HI arwsf.

    MMA does include boxing, grappling, and conditioning…and if you find a ladies class, I recommend taking the time to go. The process is amazing and it makes you feel great. On top of that, it’s pretty cool to have some jab, cross, and power front kick combos in place, if not just to show off…BH.

    Continue what you are doing, and you will grow stronger, iyH.

    I tell my students that the mind and the body are the only two machines that the more you use them, the better they run.

    Hi cinderella.

    I dont mind the exercise, really, but I do need the motivation. What happens to me is I would go to the gym and get results in about three months, and then start skipping to the point of not going for a long time..and then starting over again.

    What I do now is get in the door of where I train. Once on the mat, the instructor (sensei) does not let you off the hook. He gets you to do a little more than you think you can do, and it is fantastic. One does not need to exercise to have weight come off if they are watching what they eat. Many people work out hard and dont watch what they eat, and do not lose the unnecessary pounds.

    Hi oomis1105.

    I think type 2 is the kind people can reverse. Is that true? If so, I hope you get to that point very soon! Hatzlacha!

    in reply to: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas #845481

    Hi GeshmakeMan.

    Awesome posts!

    I read them with great interest and learned a lot.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849520

    This is an interesting thread.

    Shmuely, from what I know, is a very pleasant, happy, smiley observant Jew who deals with all kinds of people and does not hide his Jewishness or what Judaism holds in matters of human life. He shares this with everyone, and he seems to befriend everyone he meets; a seemingly really nice guy.

    Aside from the reactionary controversy of the title and subject of his book, which I totally understand, has he, in fact, crossed the line with something against Jewish observance or thought?

    I ask this because I just heard a CD where they bring up judgement. The Rabbi said that if someone does something wrong, then it’s clear, they did wrong. There is no judgement required. But if it “seems” like they did wrong, you think they did something wrong, and you have to choose what to think, then you have to be dan lechaf zcheus.

    Any opinions?

    in reply to: Why are people still smoking? #845901

    Hi Health.

    I am glad you found my post amazing. I appreciate that.

    As a reminder, you made such a statement, but it was about a year ago on this thread.

    I have to go now…..


    in reply to: Inspiration/Personal stories regarding Shidduchim #996494

    Hi photogenic.

    Oh, no problem. Your post was well thought out and had a positive spin on an topic that is important, but too many times filled with expressions of frustration. I wanted to read what people had to say. Already, I think your post is benefitting its’ readers. Thank you!

    Hi littleapple.

    Thank you for sharing that story. There is a lot in there that I found encouraging. And it’s true….yet so easy to get frustrated over: stay true to your derech and what is suppose to happen will happen. Maybe we get in our own way by trying to bend, mold, and fit in to our idea of who we should look for and how we should present ourselves. Keeping it real seems to be the best way to go and your example underscores that well.

    in reply to: Do you think I could escape to a Mexican Beach? #843026

    HI MDG.

    That is a great idea!

    In fact, you can go to Southern CA and feel just like you are in Mexico. Same thing, they have just not made the formal declaration in Congress…..yet.

    And in Florida, one would feel as if they were right there in Cuba.

    : )

    in reply to: Serious Segula for Child Birth #843133

    Hi yungerman1 and BaalHabooze.

    You are welcome. Also, thank you for looking up those specifics yungerman1.

    I can understand clever’s reaction since I know there have been threads on segulas before and some of them seem to go way out and may have roots in something far less substantial than the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.

    I figured it is such an important issue for so many people, that once I read it, and saw it’s source, I could not just keep it to myself, and this seemed like a good place to share it.

    Like I “seemed” like a good place to share it. lol Just kidding!

    Hi blinkly,

    I dont know if it can be said on behalf of someone else. I would ask since there are other things we certainly can daven for on other’s behalf, even formally like in the Shemona Esrei. But if it’s strength lies in the fact the individual needs to read it with kavana, then maybe there is a way they can become made aware of this.

    Hatzlacha times a million to anyone who uses this segula!

    in reply to: If you've read "NASI Project Responds", have you changed your mind? #848088

    Nine pages. Have we found a solution yet?

    in reply to: Thread for Those who Cannot Read #851365

    Dear Thoughts,

    Where have you been as of late?




    If I write my thoughts, can they write me back?

    in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842900

    Actually, there is an insurance company paying the value of a model from a year later with less mileage. I forget who they are.

    in reply to: Iced Coffee or Iced Tea? #843359


    Honest Tea!

    in reply to: wanna laugh? #843969

    Hi arwsf.

    lol…I would not expect to find that at the yiddishe, kosher grocery store.

    Do you know Trader Joes is loaded with kosher items that are also fair trade and all those other things? Coffee, in particular, can come with a whole host of impurities and be chemically treated.

    You should see if they have one near you.

    : )

    in reply to: Does Neturei Karta have a point? #843699

    Neteuri Karta is not legit.

    In fact, the Magna Karta was not legit either.

    Upon further examination, anything with Karta in it is trouble…

    Jimmy Karta was not legit..

    See, I told you so….

    in reply to: Why Mods Take Vacation When They See My Name? #842884

    Hi Zeeskite…

    Yes,….she is.


    in reply to: Do you think I could escape to a Mexican Beach? #843023

    Hey arwsf.

    There are Jewish communities in Mexico, and they are observant, so it may not be so difficult.

    Unfortunately, it is not so easy to escape into Mexico, since they keep their borders carefully guarded on the north and south side.

    While those empty beaches may seem appealing, there is a reason they are empty. Montezuma’s Revenge!

    I am sure if you went to a travel agency, you and your husband can find a nice, secluded place with a frum community nearby. Sounds like a good idea. A nice place like that does for the spirit what a clean install does for a computer. Just reading about that is enough to give someone their second wind.

    Enjoy and have a Great Shabbos!!

    : D

    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849513

    Boteach seems to be writing that yushke was a Jew and lived as such and was not the person he is made out to be in xtianity, and that xtians should have a better understanding of this.

    That is what I see is at the core of the book.

    Is he correct? I dont know. Are we reacting to him as a response to the view of the xitan yushke? You bet, and rightfully so. I could care less about who he really was or really was not. But others in the world may find some merit to his book.

    in reply to: strange English words #843333

    The correct spelling of a word I posted is “nth”, and not “enth”.


    in reply to: smoking cessation #843092

    Hi *kapusta*.

    I feel bad about your dinner almost going out instead of in.

    Was it too salty? lol

    (I hope you know the line you commented on was a facetious/ironic comment with regards to spending hours in a lecture about smoking)

    in reply to: Shmuely Boteach 'Cross's Line #849512

    Hi moi.

    Seriously, are you trying to make the person you quoted look good, or look bad???


    All this from seeing the title of a book? That is one notch from judging a book by its cover.

    And, suggesting that if Boteach had ANY decency? So the judgement is there is NOTHING decent about him?

    in reply to: chulent making tips and secret ingredients #843001

    OK..why did you post this thread?

    Its only Thursday, 11am, and I am craving cholent! lol

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