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  • in reply to: Frum Birthright Trip? #1112702

    I went on the all girls birthright trip 2 years ago. I had a very mixed crowd, a lot of lubavitch girls, some bais yaakov girls from brooklyn, and some YU kind of girls. I just met someone a few days ago who went this past winter and she had a basically all bais yaakov type of group and the madrichas were also bais yaakov. She had a fantastic time! It depends on your group and what kind of personality you have if you’ll enjoy it. We did have an option to a go to a bar one night, and whoever was interested went. Trips were really good and extending your ticket is really cheap so I stayed an extra week. The hechsher was good, we ate very nicely. They serve 2 meals a day so the third one they drop you off on teh steet to find a good restaurant.

    It was totally worth it, we went on great trips and everything was free and i extended my trip for a 100 bux or something like that. Great experience! Go with friends though if your quiet type. And no you can’t leave the group EVER but there was time for people to visit you on Motzai shabbos. Go with friends and you’ll love it!

    in reply to: Birthright Information #699393

    pascha: a good friend is fine. If the group is your friends type than she’ll make friends also. If they’re not, then you just stick with your friend.

    in reply to: Birthright Information #699389

    I went on the all girls trip last January.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    -each trip is diff, some more bais yaakov type and some not. My trip had a big mix, but few yeshivish bais yaakov type.

    -like the others just posted, plenty of oppertunities to go to bars

    -very zionist tour guides, the focus is zionism and the Land of Israel. Some speeches are straight from historia classes on what the zionists said in the olden days. sitting in a classroom you think it’s funny what they said, but hearing ppl saying the same things….basically keep your haskafos straight from what you learnt.

    -tell your friend to extend her ticket if she wants to daven at kevarim and get the spiritual side of eretz yisroel.It’s dirt cheap to extend your ticket and totally worth it.Birthright doesnt take you to kever rochel or mearos hamachpaila. we went to the rambam’s kever i think, but that was it.

    -go with friends, don’t go alone.

    in reply to: Reading Teacher/Specialist #928567

    it seems like anonymisss and yehudayona both know what markets have a shortage. please shareeeee!!!!!!!

    btw anyone know anything about a masters in library science? is there a need??

    in reply to: Info About Physician Assistant Degree #684620

    health-no im not. i just wanted to know what the job market is for PA. if your going to spend a lot of money on a degree you find out before if there’s a need for it, if it’s flooded you dont waste money on that degree.

    in reply to: Reading Teacher/Specialist #928557

    tomim-with a masters i could teach undergrad, but im dont know about the job market for proffesors, its hard to figure it out online. ill ask my prof tonite if he knows anything about it. which highschools pay well, MO schools? the regular highschools pay zilch….anyone know of any other jobs i can do with a masters in history that is practical for frum person?

    in reply to: Info About Physician Assistant Degree #684616

    yeah duh i know what it is! my point was really for anonymisss bec busy discussing in a diff forum about jobs. so theres 4 pa u know, but are they dr going nuts cuz they cant find pa??are there jobs?? a lot of jobs have very few ppl actaully doing it but no job openings for them!!

    in reply to: Info About Physician Assistant Degree #684614

    so is there a need for pa in lkwd?

    in reply to: Reading Teacher/Specialist #928552

    anonymisss- im actually not looking at the jewish programs, too expensive and SOME arent on a high education level to actually learn something. a paralegal is being the lawyers slave without getting paid enough. physical therapist is too physically hard for me and computer programmer is with computers and i dont like the screen kind of job. i actually am interested in audiologist but seems like u need a phd. i want to be a history proffesor but takes years and gotta teach until then and make no money. so nothing is working out so far, keep the ideas coming! what masters did u go back to school for??

    in reply to: Reading Teacher/Specialist #928544

    anonymiss ive been doing my research and it seems like there’s nothing to do since e/t is flooded-accounting, speech and ot, special ed, teachers, social workers…. please do advise cuz im in middle of my b.a. and now im stuck. i like working with ppl so what jobs are available??????helppp!!!

    in reply to: Reading Teacher/Specialist #928536

    im half way done my b.a. and im thinking of doing the reading specialist masters. i thought there’s jobs for reading specialist!! anyone know how the job market in nj is for such jobs?

    what are the top jobs that are not flooded yet and pay well???

    in reply to: Photography Course? #681388

    wolf-your pics are awesome!! think im gonna get some books on photography…

    in reply to: Less Then Four Weeks Away (YIKES) #1009342

    does anyone know an easy way to cover cabinet shelves and the sides without sitting for hours taping silver foil or shelving paper on? thanks!

    in reply to: Graduate School #647831

    wolf-can you ask this person that you know if to get into grad school for

    OT do you need any tests-SAT etc? (grad schools like temple, downstate, kean)

    thanks so much!

    in reply to: Graduate School #647825

    havesomeseichel-my question was do you need SAT to get into grad

    school or to get scholarships in grad school?

    in reply to: Graduate School #647823

    wolf-do you know about OT?

    in reply to: Graduate School #647817

    you need SAT to get into grad school or to get scholarships and loans for grad


    in reply to: Graduate School #647803

    oomis-about tznius issues, the problem is by PT, OT doesnt have those problems.

    havesomeseichel-temple is in philli-somewhere there an hour and a half away.kean is in nj. with PT you have to wear exercise clothes with no option of being tznius. men and woman are mixed. the two girls in touro for PT have a michitzah but any guy can walk over and look. some of the horrible stuff they got out of doing, but the atmosphere is horribe. by nursing i think there are options, you could wear a skirt.

    in reply to: Graduate School #647796

    i’m applying for ot, if anyone knows of a school that excepts degrees from excelsior

    i would appreciate it.

    i’ve been researching ot schools, downstate is the cheapest

    and the most accommodating about yom tov etc. tons of jewish people there. but like

    kapusta said, its crazy hard to get in. basically you have to do observing hours, and you

    need CPR.

    it varies depending on the school your applying to. temple university has frum girls

    there and i heard they are very nice to them and the girls like it. theres also

    kean-its cheaper and stockton-very hard to get into. there’s seton hall-expensive, christian and i dont know of any jewish girls there. seems like temple and kean

    is the place where a lot of jewish girls are. nyu is expensive and have to make

    everything up when you miss is bec of yom tov. you have to travel but it doesnt sound

    too difficult to get in.

    one thing i heard from ppl in pt graduate schools is that its horrible

    and there’s a lot of issues with tznius and the dress code you have to wear

    for the exercises. even touro is like this. they have a little michitzah for

    the two frum girls but everyone can still see if they walk a few steps over.

    in reply to: College-Level Examination Program� (CLEP) #683371

    anon for this-thanks for ur help!

    kapusta and mepal-you gotta read the clep book but it doesnt mean youll pass.

    it is brains and if you do well on government type of tests. also an open minded person

    who knows a lot in general, will do well.

    in reply to: College-Level Examination Program� (CLEP) #683367

    anon for this you said you can take ap test without taking the course. so if your school

    doesnt give ap classes you can take it? i researched this whole thing and you could take

    the test but theyll place you in a public school closest to you and theyll talk to your

    college advisor to place you. but no such thing a lakewood girls school-advisor for college! it seems

    like the only way to do it is by going a public school to take it. any other ways you know about? thanks!

    in reply to: College-Level Examination Program� (CLEP) #683358

    the test is computerized so you get a mark right after. also you call a testing center

    to register, you get a form to fill out and when you get there you pay. brookdale college

    in verrry chilled out you dont have to register, just show up by the hours-for any lakewooders here.

    in reply to: College-Level Examination Program� (CLEP) #683347

    to take a clep you can go to the library or clep gemach in lakewood and take out a

    clep book. you study it and register to take a test on the material at a college

    testing site. most average colleges except them. raizel rite excepts them, thomas edison

    ocean county college. better colleges except up to 12 clep credits. but if your going

    to a state college theyll except most of them. other private colleges will only except 12 and in only certain subjects that they specify you can. its definitely worth taking them, theyre cheap and if your smart youll pass the test. a pass is a 50!

    i have 15 credits just from 4 tests that i took over the past few summers. i worked and

    studied a little bit at night. its a great thing to do and saves tons of time!

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