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  • in reply to: "ghtyikjdrftybnjkmlliodrefgnlik" #983241

    @LevAryehBoy – Flip-flops with socks…. Oh gosh. I’ve seen people who think it’s cool to wear flip flops, but their schools require them to wear socks or stockings, so they cut out the strap between the toes and … let’s just say we now know why they’re called flip-flops. First you try to walk in them. Then you flip in the air. Then you flop on the ground.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202395

    Why did Hashem create Adam and Chava as fully-grown adults?

    Because He didn’t want to deal with teenagers.

    (This is in the spirit of starting Sefer Bereishis this Shabbos. :))

    in reply to: Jokes #1202393

    @bekitzur – So glad you liked those answers – I wrote them at 1AM and my brain was screaming, “GO TO SLEEP!” πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Is it unethical to get telephone partners in two or more sources? #976223

    @Lost1970 – I understand what you mean.

    As a frum person, it was hard to find an organization what would take me seriously, because many of them want to set up non-observant Jews with chavrusas so that they can grow in spirituality. I think it’s still worthwhile for already frum Jews to utilize a chavrusa-matching organization, because you can never stop learning.

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978456

    @yeshivaguy45 – Thanks!!!! (Hm – I should be able to make that pretty easily then. I’m having a “duh” moment now. :D)

    – It’s this thick red stuff that you dilute with water and drink. Eisov would like it. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Shabbos in Middle America #1021879

    @PBA – I’d think in Middle America, the people are a bit taller.

    Why do people think America equals Planet Earth? (Just like in Doctor Who, everything always happens to England.)

    Btw, Poppa Bar Abba, I am convinced that you are a time lord. And since there’s only one left, you must be the Doctor.

    in reply to: John Kerry For President #976074

    G-d forbid that Kerry runs again. And wins.

    But then again, I just can’t wait for 2016 – I want some REAL change!

    in reply to: What I've Personally Learned In The CR #976671

    @yaakov doe – I’ve been tempted to, but I realize I shouldn’t pose halachic questions to the CR. We’re all very smart people, but it’s better to seek this advice from one’s local Orthodox rabbi, who knows you and can make real halachic decisions based on your specific situation (if possible).

    in reply to: It's so hard #1001500

    @ikno – When I overhear my non-Jewish or irreligious contemporaries, I hate hearing the stuff they talk about…. It’s usually cruddy. If I say something, though, most of the time they respect my preferences, as I’m a minority whose lifestyle they find to be different and interesting.

    At the same time, I know gentiles and irreligious Jews who constantly encourage me to go out there into the shmutz and make my own informed decision whether I want to continue making life “hard” for me. I (politely) tell them to buzz off most of the time.

    I don’t bother explaining to them my logic, because these guys never listen.

    There’s a story of an off-the-derech man who came to a rabbi with a lot of controversial “questions.” The rabbi asked, “Did you have these questions before or after you became irreligious?” The man answered, “Afterward.” The rabbi (if I’m understanding this story correctly) informed him that he wouldn’t be able to give the man answers that he’d find satisfactory. In short, the man already had an idea in his head and wanted to simply ratify his misguided outlook.

    in reply to: Too cold! #976209

    Last night was so cold I stayed inside. Kudos to you for sticking it out this morning!

    I highly recommend wearing a warm sweater under your jacket too, and eat lots of oatmeal. I had that for breakfast today.

    in reply to: Random Is Old #976207

    @Eclipse – It sounds like you’re saying they’re coming to take YOU away!

    I was actually pleasantly surprised you’re still on. πŸ™‚

    Anyone read the sixth Lemony Snicket book where the entire apartment revolves around what’s “in”?

    in reply to: You Too? #976059

    @RT – being in the *Coffee* Room must be a bad influence on you. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: "ghtyikjdrftybnjkmlliodrefgnlik" #983236

    My parents raised me never to do that early on. I’m proud of it. If I want to see mashed up food, I’ll stick it in the blender, thank you very much.

    And, people tend to sound idiotic when they talk with their mouth full.

    in reply to: Virtual Yelling #976040

    I prefer italics, but when that’s not so easy, I tend to put *asterisks* around words I want to emphasize. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Rosetta Stone #1047234

    From what I’ve seen of Rosetta Stone, it’s in the language immersion style, where it’ll show you a picture and the word associated with it in the foreign language. Having tried (and failed) to learn Israeli Hebrew immersion style, I don’t know if I’m so compatible with this platform, but I’m sure others have had success with Rosetta Stone.

    Rosetta Stone does offer one-on-one tutoring of sorts with a native speaker, if I’m not mistaken, but I have no idea how that works. I’m imaging it’s something like Hebrew Online/e-Teacher, but I haven’t tried it.

    in reply to: Bamboo Schach for cheap(er) #976093

    @Eclipse – we used pine leaves once, and the needles kept falling into our food! Biiiiiig mistake.

    It would be fun, however, to have both bamboo schach AND a bamboo cradle, AND decorate the sukkah with Oriental decorations, AND make all the kids read “Bamboo Cradle” as part of a Sukkos Reading Program. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Virtual Yelling #976038

    I perceive all caps writing as yelling unless it’s in context like “TOMORROW” in Eclipse’s post. I know people (non-business contacts) who tend to write “HELLO?!” if I don’t write back to an email within the amount of time they’d like. (For some, that’s five minutes.) That annoys me a lot. They should know not to disturb me while I’m on the CR!

    in reply to: I'm Mamesh Amish! #976029

    Aw, no! Goodbye, Eclipse! Even though I’ve barely gotten to know the CR crew yet, I like your posts and I’ll miss reading them. May thou enjoyeth being mamish Amish and have a wonderful year. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Advertisements for a Web Filtering Service #975837

    @Sharp and WIY – thanks. πŸ™‚ That makes sense.

    in reply to: Three days eating and davening, why #976551

    I agree with squeak – that is the worst aliyah ad ever! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Advertisements for a Web Filtering Service #975834

    Dear Moderators,

    I started this thread when I was in a bit of a mood, but my intent was to perhaps come up with some suggestions for a webfilter provider whose advertising efforts may be counterproductive so that they can advertise better. Unfortunately, this thread has turned into a debate about filters in general. That was not the direction I wished to take this discussion.

    Would you please close this thread or perhaps change the title so that the intended topic is clearer?

    Thank you and good moed.

    in reply to: Today Is My YahrtzeitοΏ½ #976181


    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008419

    :O thats like so not nrml! kk πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008410


    What about “They don’t have what to eat”? That’s another syntax sin I hear every now and then.

    in reply to: Gluten-Free Recipes for Chol HaMoed Sukkos? #975375

    Wow, those are all great ideas! I love apple kugel, so I just might try that for the meal. πŸ™‚

    @yeshivaguy45 – I really don’t know much about xanthan gum except that I was on a few health food recipe websites and it was one of the ingredients the recipe called for…. My reaction was, “what in the world is that?” What I’d love to find is agar-agar, which is a great gelatin substitute.

    in reply to: Sesquipedalianism #1071203


    in reply to: Gluten-Free Recipes for Chol HaMoed Sukkos? #975372

    Good idea – thank you, Dash!

    in reply to: What would you have done if the world had ended? #975363

    If the world had ended, we wouldn’t be here.

    in reply to: Changing to a different nusach #985386

    Well, I know people who made a switch from one nusach to another, but I honestly don’t know how they did it, or what’s the correct procedure if there is a procedure…. Best of luck to you!

    in reply to: The YWN Coffee Room Welcome Wagon #1064893

    Thank you, Shopping! πŸ™‚ I only saw this thread now, so sorry! Nope, I haven’t been on the Discworlders thread. What is it?

    in reply to: Is it unethical to get telephone partners in two or more sources? #976220

    @oomis – Exactly my sentiments. I am at present signed up with a wonderful chavrusa from an organization like Partners in Torah, and before finding success there, I applied to a lot of places, including Partners in Torah. I think you should embrace every Torah-learning opportunity you think get your hands on – so long as you don’t get overwhelmed!

    in reply to: Chai, chai, chai….! #1072195

    LOL, no. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Question from a public school student #974793

    Well, from what I understand, righteous gentiles will merit to be around after certain things. To be honest, I’d be pretty disconcerted if I was led to believe all my friends would die simply because their ancestors were stupid when it came to accepting the Torah, but I applaud you for trying to answer her question as best as you could. Believe me, that IS a pretty hard one!

    in reply to: Recommendations for a good book (adult) #974821

    Lakewood001 – Haha, I see Jurassic Park’s being recommended now! πŸ˜€ Oy1, if you can tolerate the more mature stuff in the JP books, it really is a great read.

    in reply to: Yarmulkas sizes #974635

    @Shticky Guy – ROTFL!


    Why would anyone want to hunt buffalo when they can hunt velociraptors??? *scratches head* What IS the world coming to these days?

    in reply to: Foods for an easy fast #974765

    I always make the wrong eating decisions before fasts, so I’m also in the dark. I’m just trying to stay hydrated by drinking water periodically.

    in reply to: Talking to Cousins #976358

    So that’s why they’ve all been avoiding me….! O.o

    Just kidding. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Text Lingo Weirdness #974856

    I know someone who says “eeyup” instead of “yup.” I think that’s a MLPFiM thing, but I don’t know.

    I only use smileys to say I find something entertaining.

    in reply to: All Respectful Opinions Welcome #974614

    @funnybone – Freud? Oh, you poor soul! >.<

    in reply to: Yarmulkas sizes #974631

    @LevAryehBoy – I can just picture the pope wearing his “kippa” and singing, “I’m so Friiiim!” πŸ˜€

    in reply to: All Respectful Opinions Welcome #974612

    On the one hand, I’ve been told by people (not necessarily Jewish most of the time) that college is a great opportunity for me to go out into the big, wide world and “find” myself. (I think in the case of the non-Jews telling me this, they mean that I can be exposed to junk and make an informed decision for myself – as if I haven’t already – whether or not I want to stay frum after seeing these “alternative lifestyles.) They stress how wonderful a place it is.

    And THEN they tell me horror stories about spiked drinks, date … troubles … and all those wonderful, safe things.

    College isn’t evil, but I can’t say it’s exactly the most wonderful place either, especially for a frum teenager.

    There are quite a few online colleges now, including Jewish ones, like Naaleh College. You don’t necessarily need to go away into that big, wide world to get a college education anymore.

    in reply to: Why do yeshivas allow smoking? #974252

    @The Goq – IMHO, it’s much better to get addicted to mac ‘n’ cheese than smoking. I hope the day poskim declare mac ‘n’ cheese ossur never comes!

    in reply to: Problems with wearing colored shirts #974168

    @Goq – +1!

    in reply to: Eating Dead Chickens #974171

    Go buy yourself a frozen chicken from the supermarket when you’re done. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Ochel B'Shuk #974142

    I personally don’t see what’s so debasing about eating standing up and I’ll neither confirm or deny that I’ve done it before. Eating while walking does seem a little … slobby because the risk of dropping food all over yourself is a big higher. (Ice cream cones, anybody?) But when you’re in a hurry to get to work or school, sometimes you just don’t have time to eat a proper breakfast while sitting down.

    I suppose it’s because of the morally lax generation in which we live that I’m inured to this sort of behavior.

    in reply to: Archeology and the Torah #974039

    I believe quite strongly that the Torah is true, and as a creative thinker, I always see things in my day-to-day life that prove its existence, whether or not I’m looking for it. I especially enjoyed reading “Purim and the Persian Empire,” not so that I could see proof, but so that I could take a peek into the lives of those who lived during the time period of Megillas Esther.

    in reply to: Why working out is assur #1191405

    Are you asking why? I, too, would be curious why it would be assur. I’m speculating that this is to build a fence around the issue of going to a gym where often people of both genders are not always dressed properly.

    in reply to: Advertisements for a Web Filtering Service #975798

    @r9913 – Excellent point. I’m certainly glad filters are in existence, but we shouldn’t become so dependent on them that we’re unable to guard our eyes on our own.

    in reply to: How to survive a three day yom tov? #974216

    Next year’s secret will be to always wear comfortable shoes (heels, even if they’re under 4-9 inches feel like Gehinnom). Standing for 6 hours in shul doesn’t have to be a pain in the foot.

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