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  • in reply to: Guy who knows everything here; ask me anything #1215163

    Why is the TARDIS bigger on the inside?

    in reply to: Chocolate-covered Kosher phones #978966

    I eat phones. Mendy Pellin showed me how to dip my iPhone in honey. Kosher honey. I really ought to try chocolate…. 🙂

    in reply to: Guy who knows everything here; ask me anything #1215144

    How do I clean my Esrog from Sukkos so that all the icky preservatives on the peel are gone for good so I can make esrog candy???

    in reply to: Need help with yearbook themes #978821

    @OOM – I was also going to recommend a sort of wild west theme. One year for a class party, my friends decorated the hall like a barn, right down to a fake stable, PLUS they had “Wanted, Dead or Alive” signs with the faculty’s faces on it!!! 😀

    You could do WANTED signs for all of the girls, right?

    in reply to: Free Keurigs distributed in Flatbush? #979086

    The first time I used a Keurig, I was at the bank and I made such a huge mess…. I discovered the hard way that you’re not supposed to open the little cups first. >.< Three wasted cups later, I made myself a delicious coffee.

    in reply to: Book whose name I cannot recall #979253

    @Syag – Often, that is how I learn things too. 😀 Did you enjoy the book?

    in reply to: Major Spelling Mistake #983102

    When I hear other peoples’ judgement of poor spellers, my cheeks turn a pinkish colour. 😉

    in reply to: Book whose name I cannot recall #979251

    @Syag – Ooooh gosh, I am so sorry about that. 🙁 I’ll think more carefully about that next time I post about books…. You have my humblest apologies!!!

    in reply to: Important Halachos of "Cattle Prodding" #978870

    Horses are not kosher. 😛 You wouldn’t want to make your cattle prod treife by touching it to a treife animal!

    in reply to: About taxis, I do shudder #978705

    Out of curiosity, what happened in Manhattan the other day?

    in reply to: Inventing a Number #982637

    LOL, perhaps! 😀

    in reply to: Free Keurigs distributed in Flatbush? #979081

    Oh … my … gosh! I want one!!!

    Ahem. This is the Coffee Room, after all. Ahem,

    in reply to: Inventing a Number #982635

    @Aaron Chaim – Shame, shame shame…. That’s naaaaahce!

    in reply to: Do you ever listen to telemkarketers? #978677

    I typically listen for a bit and then ask them never to call again. And if they call again, I hang up on ’em.

    in reply to: Why are there SOOOO many OTD threads? #981302

    @Redleg – Good point. I know exactly what you mean and when teachers of all educational systems make the kids who are smart(er than they are) look bad, it hurts. Really badly.

    – And you’re probably right too that it happens both ways.

    in reply to: Book whose name I cannot recall #979248

    Thank you so much!!!

    in reply to: Shockelling trouble #978852

    @Ferd – Only if you’re wearing a black and white tallis, the colors of a cow. I’ve seen some more colorful variants, like blue and white, and they weren’t being worn by “rabbits” (my term for so-called “rabbahs”).

    Personally, ghj613, my suggestion is, if it helps your concentration but hurts his, perhaps you could try toning down your shockeling a little bit. He’ll see that you’re making a concerted effort to accommodate his preference.

    Don’t worry, I’m on your side here.

    in reply to: Knowing the Future #983809

    I would want to know if I will have access to a time machine in the future.

    in reply to: Open Troll Season #983008

    Ah, okay. Can I get his autograph? 😛 JK.

    Thank you for the explanations.

    in reply to: Why are there SOOOO many OTD threads? #981299

    I pity the boys. What you’re saying is so true.

    in reply to: Important Halachos of "Cattle Prodding" #978866

    Just don’t show up at the beis midrash wearing black and white. That color scheme resembles that of a cow and you wouldn’t want to be confused for one!

    in reply to: Helping children who were abused #978952

    @ayiddisheneshomaiscrying – My heart goes out to you and your son. I agree with jewishfeminist that you should tell your son that you’ll believe him no matter how far-fetched his account sounds. It could be someone close, but I’m not jumping to blame his father or anything like that. I applaud both of your boy’s parents for doing your best to help him recover from this appalling trauma.

    Perhaps he was threatened with further harm if he identified the perpetrator? Bullies work that way. Just because the perpetrator is exposed and IY”H immobilized doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t have lackeys who might try to cause further harm. And lackeys could be retaliating school staff, students, or in general, friends of the perpetrator.

    in reply to: Why are there SOOOO many OTD threads? #981297

    Off the Derech I think means that a kid has left their religious lifestyle to escape something they feel is only happening due to their religious background, or simply to rebel. (When I say religious background, I mean that there are people who had traumas in religious institutions, traumas that can unfortunately happen everywhere, but these poor kids associated the trauma with the fact that the institution or the perpetrator claimed to be religious.)

    I know of a handful of kids who went off seemingly to rebel. All teenagers go through a phase where they seek attention, and perhaps they think the only way for them to get the attention they crave is to act out like this. It’s sad. Whatever happened to the good ol’ temper tantrum?

    Oh, wait, only four year olds do that. Doing babyish things aren’t cool. I stand corrected. But still. I think it’s far more effective much faster. Spending years destroying your mind and body like a bum doesn’t always effectively convey, “Hey, grown-ups, I’m upset and I’d like your attention.” Sometimes, the grown-ups just never figure it out and take their own pent-up sadness and confusion to the grave.

    What’s even sadder, IMHO, is that the younger siblings of OTD kids tend to follow suit because it’s “cool” to emulate their older siblings. Let’s face it, younger siblings – your older siblings are your role models, no matter how annoying they can be sometimes! Bit still, I think a lot of our contemporaries fall to that trap.

    It seems to me that the pioneers of OTD-ism may have had some reason to leave our way, but the following generations of OTD kids, like their younger siblings or the little ones who witnessed them goofing off every Shabbos, are just copying them with less to no reason for their behavior.

    On the other hand, what truly defines an OTD case? One major problem is that it’s human nature to label people who are different. I proudly wear denim skirts for the sake of their durability. By other peoples’ standards, am I OTD because I don’t follow their “derech” of wearing other skirts?

    in reply to: Coffee Room quoted on Yahoo news (Sam2, Stuck, yummy cupcake) #978600

    Wow…. I don’t like the idea of being misquoted or quoted out of context to promote an agenda. For example, I wouldn’t want the rebuttal I posted on my Government Shutdown thread to be misused by some goyish “Palestinian” trying to put down Israel.

    But it is true, we do have our own online community here, but we’re on the worldwide web. We can’t control who visits this site, and there’s no guarantee that it’s always Yidden.

    PS. If I’m ever mentioned anywhere, someone PLEASE let me know!! 😀

    in reply to: Why I Don't Create New Threads Anymore #983575

    I read them. 🙂

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978496

    Wow, I go away from the CR for a few days and I miss so much! 😀

    – Yes! We should start the Rainbow Cake Club!! (I actually tried baking a multi-layered rainbow cake for Shabbos Parshas Noach and it did end up coming out like Passover rainbow cake, except that I put grape jelly between the layers instead of chocolate.)

    @rebdoniel – Referencing one of your earlier comments about desserts, I did have Oberlander’s sandwich cookies last year and I liked them. Not bad for imitation normal cookies. 🙂

    in reply to: About taxis, I do shudder #978703

    Yeah, that was inconsiderate of him. I suppose you shouldn’t boycott the entire taxi service because of one bad apple, but if you run into that driver again, I know I would refuse to ride with him.

    in reply to: If I only had a brain #1039303

    @ItcheSrulik – LOL. I like those little scarecrows – they’re not as irritating as the giant purple inflatable spiders and skeletons and witches.

    in reply to: Jokes #1202404

    What do internet trolls sing for zemiros on Shabbos, regardless of the meal?

    Trololololololo! 😀

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978479

    @writersoul – Yay! How about the colored fake fruit slices? I used to love them, but now that I’m not a little kid anymore, I’ve been disenchanted by the notion of sugar-covered food coloring in solid form. (But I’ve tasted some good ones year-round.)

    Nope, I haven’t bought ’em yet, but now I know where to find them! They look similar, really, really similar, although not entirely the same, but I do want to get some. Maybe for Chanukah or something. 🙂

    in reply to: Would you participate in a research study? #977258

    Um, since it involves injections, I’m going to say, flat-out, no. I won’t let anyone stick a needle into me for even a million dollars! (Well, maybe a billion….) (Well, if it’s to save me from an actual C”V life-threatening illness that I’d actually be at risk of contracting….)

    in reply to: So is Zev Farber an Apikores #977017

    @crisisoftheweek – “Everyone is so quick to label someone an Apikores.”

    Unfortunately so. But, all the same, the impression I’m getting is, indeed, that this guy is just trying to appeal to the frum people he’s trying to brainwash.

    Of course, I’m not going to waste my brainwaves watching his video, so please don’t consider me an authority. I’m just following my gut feeling here.

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978476

    oh thank goodness potatoes aren’t kitniyos! Yup, I gathered you’re Sephardi, rebdoniel. 🙂

    Bamba isn’t really one of my favorite snacks, though. Peanut butter leaves a dry, sticky aftertaste.

    in reply to: Open Troll Season #983003

    I saw someone once say, “if you eat from the tree, you too will become a m-d.”

    Oh my mosh.

    Btw, who is Joseph. I’ve wondered this for a very long time.

    And I promise you all I’m not he.

    in reply to: I got a subtitle, but… #1023471

    Thanks, Wallflower. 🙂 It looks like the mods took my suggestion too – wear it in good health!

    in reply to: Pawpaw flavored Cholev Yisroel Ice Cream #977005

    @Kosher Ham – Ahhh, cool! That sounds cool.

    – Esrog-flavored ice cream sounds delicious! I’m hoping to make jam out of mine, but I don’t know if it’s even usable anymore….

    in reply to: Government shutdown? #976997

    @147 – LOL, I’m not surprised. 😀 You live in the Orient? That’s so cool!

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978470

    @rebdoniel – Oh, I love the rainbow cakes! Crispy-O’s are good, and sometimes a different flavored O gets mixed in. 🙂

    – So true. That sounds good!

    in reply to: Government shutdown? #976995

    @sharp and the-art-of-moi – Thanks!! I apologize if I offended anyone with the above post; refuting fear mongering is something I feel strongly about.

    in reply to: Do we bury suicides in regular cemeteries nowadays #976893

    From what I understand, what is considered suicide by modern standards is seen as death from mental disease, not the same suicide as the Torah forbids. (Not saying that suicide is allowed, of course.)

    But don’t quote me on this. I’m not a rabbi (or a rabbit :P).

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978467

    @rebdoniel – No kidding – that is … interesting! But doesn’t all Passover food taste like chemicals and booze? 😛

    And all of the cereals taste distinctly of tapioca. Is anyone else petrified of Magic Max? He looks scary to me.

    in reply to: Pawpaw flavored Cholev Yisroel Ice Cream #977001

    Nice /cRc logo! 🙂 Good luck – ice cream making can be a lot of fun!

    What’s a pawpaw, by the way?

    in reply to: I got a subtitle, but… #1023466

    These are the perks of having a subtitle. 😛

    How about that? “The perks of having a subtitle”?

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978465

    @LevAryehBoy – Hm…. True. Those panini maker things are pretty fun to use, though.

    – I’ve had those too; I think I’m talking about something else. What’s your favorite sour stick flavor? I like the green ones the best. 🙂

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978461

    @writersoul – Oh wow, no kidding! Yes, that’s it! Your sister is incredibly lucky. I hope she liked ’em! 😀

    @LevAryehBoy – It’s like putting a chocolate bar between two slices of bread and calling it a nutritious sandwich. I tried it once, and, while it was alright, I would not eat it every day for breakfast or lunch. It just isn’t healthy.

    Isn’t it annoying that Israeli bread isn’t square, so it can’t fit in a regular toaster?

    in reply to: Government shutdown? #976989

    To be honest, I’m not surprised that something like a government shutdown is being used as another scare tactic to get people to move to Israel. Believe me, I’ve heard ’em all.

    It is so true that our country’s government is incredibly flawed, but to suddenly switch to “making aliyah is the only solution” talk is even more flawed. Seriously, the federal government that *just became inactive* (like, hello?) will control every aspect of our lives? Oh my gosh and golly goodness! I’m soooo afraid! :O

    Now that I understand what’s actually happening, I think the only people who should be worrying are those people who’ve been working with/for the government.

    People of the Coffee Room, if any of you would like to take yungermanS’s advice and move to Israel now, I wish you much hatzlacha dealing with its *socialist* (YES, SOCIALIST,) government.

    PS. How many times has the Israeli government experienced some form of shutdown or another due to protests? Please excuse me while I go to the fridge to put some more jam on my cottage cheese.

    PPS. I guess I’ll have to call up my mother and tell her I don’t want to work for the CIA anymore. I just learned the pay can get pretty bad.

    PPPS. For all of those people who will now jump at the chance to call me a hater, I am in full support of there being a Jewish state, but I am also a realistic thinker. Not even Israel’s government is perfect, and I’m not afraid to remind people that they might be grasping at straws.

    in reply to: Two Israeli Foods #978458

    @LevAryehBoy – Shoko is evil. They put it in BAGS, I ask you!! That is a crime to beverages worldwide, not limited exclusively to chocolate milk!

    In Israel, even cakes are polarized! They are either vanilla or chocolate flavored. I went to an Israeli kid’s birthday party, and got so excited to eat the beautiful cake, only to find out the hard way that it was “b’ta’am vanil.” Where’s the plain cake??????

    in reply to: Government shutdown? #976981

    @OOM – Ahhhh okay. Thanks for telling me. That’s highly reassuring.

    Han624 – I think I prefer a zombie apocalypse to this. 😛

    in reply to: The Tom-Tato #976574

    1) Aren’t we (Jews) not supposed to engineer these mixed plants ourselves?

    2) I don’t care if someone else does it, so long as it isn’t something gross like a spinach-strawberry-rosebush.

    I do like my chips with katsup, so this should be good. 🙂

    in reply to: Government shutdown? #976977

    Oh no! Zombieeeeeeeeees!!!! :O

    But seriously. I’m in the dark about this. 😛

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