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  • in reply to: Eggy, Pulkie, and Bilky #983472

    Kinaynahora, I’ve heard people say “eggy” and “challie” before. It’s gevaldic how people talk this way! My mommy and totty made sure to be mechanech me good English since I was a little feigaleh/bubbaleh/mammaleh/rugelach.

    in reply to: You Lift Me Up by Yaakov Shwekey #983057

    Ah, thanks for clarifying. I actually don’t listen to Josh Groban, so I wouldn’t have known. 🙂

    in reply to: Whacky 'Dream House' #982561

    @eclipse – I want that too. 😛

    in reply to: Shidduchim Jokes Ver. 18.24 #1002705

    A boy in shidduchim is like a … velociraptor?

    Sometimes they forget to cut their toenails.

    Epic fail.

    in reply to: You Lift Me Up by Yaakov Shwekey #983052

    I’m somewhat surprised that Yaakov Shwekey sang a Josh Groban song, so I’ll admit I’m pretty curious myself.

    I’m also mildly surprised to see that James Bond is a moderator here. I guess I should really hold off on my Sean Connery impressions. (On the Jokes thread, I did make a rather discriminatory remark against people who lisp….)

    in reply to: Cheer Up! Good Times Are Coming… #982879

    @Goq – You have officially made me laugh! 😀

    in reply to: If Jewish writers are so good, why don't they publish secular? #983555

    @Queen Bee – I was in the process of releasing one secular fiction piece, but I really need to tweak the manuscript a bit more before I let the public see it. 😀

    If this inspires you, Susan Eloise Hinton, author of The Outsiders, chose to publish under her initials because her publisher was worried that the message of her story wouldn’t be taken as seriously by the intended audience. It, too, was from a male POV, and I personally think she portrayed him very well. I don’t recommend the book, but it was well-written for a secular audience.

    I don’t read a lot of teen fiction, especially if the main focus is the romantic aspect, but if it’s only a minor aspect of the story, I can tolerate it. 🙂

    @VM – LOL!

    in reply to: Missing the oldies… #982032

    @Shopping – Hehe, I liked your posts too! 😀

    in reply to: Magic #982524

    Just magic speak culled from various fantasy books which I’ve read. 🙂 I’ve read a bit too much Septimus Heap, and I took a peek at the kiddie adaptions of Dragonlance.

    in reply to: What would you do FIRST if Moshiach came TODAY? #982403

    I had a little something packed, but then I outgrew what I packed. I suppose I’ll re-pack a more current set of stuff.

    in reply to: Jewish Harry Potter book? #982047

    @VM – That sounds so awesome. And it could all about the power of tefillah! (The kaddish part cracks me up, btw.)

    in reply to: Magic #982521

    @pixelate – A wise expert of Alchemie once told me that nowadays, majick is only practiced by faeries, who are magi.

    in reply to: How can I add a subtitle? #982588

    Welcome! I asked for mine and I actually helped someone come up with theirs, but usually, I think the mods will make them up on their own when it suits them. 🙂

    in reply to: Hitting Gedolim #982145

    @keepitcoming – Anger isn’t a mental illness, per se, but I think that this man is definitely troubled, and also happens to have anger issues.

    in reply to: Hitting Gedolim #982140

    @Wolf – I only saw your post after I finished my post, so the “cry wolf” analogy was purely coincidental. 🙂

    Good point that hitting anyone, regardless of their stature in society, is wrong.

    in reply to: Hitting Gedolim #982138

    @LAB – I’m personally horrified that a young person would actually hit an elderly man over a difference in hashkafa. Who is he to act that way to a Gadol? That’s just sick.

    I really don’t know much about Rav Shteinman’s perspective on things, but after that video where he chewed two men out for being too arrogant with regards to the “open-minded” family of a girl in their school, I count him as one of my heroes.

    Personally, I don’t think this has anything to do with America. Rather, it reflects badly on our nation as a whole. If kids are hitting elderly people over a difference in hashkafa, it might seem to any outside onlooker that a) frum parents stink at raising well-behaved children, and b) we’ve got a lot of achdus issues.

    And this is just food for thought, but would we deal just as harshly with other people who have committed similar offenses against people of lesser social stature?

    (On your note, you’re absolutely right that there are people who use those excuses legitimately, but more and more people are just parroting them back to “cry wolf”.)

    in reply to: Whacky 'Dream House' #982558

    @wallflower – Yes! I have always wanted that too!

    in reply to: Missing the oldies… #982025

    I miss Zeeskite! I was reading the CR a long time before I decided to register, and her posts always made me smile.

    in reply to: If Jewish writers are so good, why don't they publish secular? #983550

    @eclipse – That really, really stinks. I’m so sorry that happened to you. I think that’s yet another reason why I’m afraid of editors! O.o

    And you’re absolutely right about giving authors the benefit of the doubt.

    @Queen Bee – Thanks for the heads-up. I admit I have some experience in self-publishing, but it’s obviously dwarfed by yours. (It would probably be identity compromising if you told me some titles of your publications, but I’d love to read them.) One downside to self-publishing is definitely that you’re on your own when it comes to promoting books.

    in reply to: What Do You Remember For Longer: A Compliment or an Insult? #988868

    Thanks, guys. 🙂

    in reply to: Oh emmm geeeee is it necessary to make thread about every seminary?! #981928

    Bumping means bringing the thread to the top of the page as the most recently posted on thread.

    I had to figure this out too. Ehrmahgersh! I’m not the only one! (Sorry, I had to work “ehrmahgersh” into this somehow.)

    I’m a noob and proud of it. Ask anyone. “Is Bookworm120 a noob?”

    Chances are, their answer will be one of the many ways to articulate affirmativeness.

    in reply to: If Jewish writers are so good, why don't they publish secular? #983531

    Yes, some books, Jewish and secular alike, are always advertised as being full of “surprising” twists that’ll leave you at the edge of your seat. They leave me more confused and wondering if this is even the same story or not.

    One thing that more people ought to try is self-publishing. That way, you don’t have an editor, Jewish or not, who will insist that your book conforms to their “hashkafa”.

    Someone mentioned to me how some secular author was forced to put a gay character in their book, or else the publishers wouldn’t publish it. I don’t know who this was, or whether she was famous, but if anyone could name her, I’m sure the info could come in handy.

    in reply to: What Do You Remember For Longer: A Compliment or an Insult? #988863

    If someone sincerely compliments me, I’ll remember it forever. If someone sincerely insults me, I’ll remember that forever too.

    Just think about it. Do we always mean the compliments we throw out to people?

    in reply to: Yichud Gift for Kallah #1037896

    @from Long Island – Artwork sounds like a lovely idea.

    – Really? An engraved iPod? Wowza. Now the question is, how does one make sure he gets the hint that that’s what you want? 😀

    in reply to: What is your salary? #981769

    Amein, PBA.

    To all of the people on another thread who clicked the link to the post above:

    SEE? 😉

    in reply to: Proposing #986852

    @Sam2 – I thought it was getting down on both knees that’s, from a worship-perspective, chukas akum. But I could very well be wrong.

    in reply to: When is it okay to go to college full-time? #981693

    @WIY –

    Here he is. 🙂

    There are online colleges and online Jewish college(s), like Naaleh College. So you might not meet anyone marriageable, but if you’re self-conscious about going to a secular institution, it’s probably worthwhile to look into.

    in reply to: When is it okay to go to college full-time? #981685

    College should be great for shidduchim. Theoretically, a girl should be looking for an educated boy who is knowledgeable in both Jewish and secular fields, so that they don’t make big fools of themselves once they’re married and don’t know what to do about anything.

    How are you going to pay your household bills if you don’t know math?

    Who will help the children with their homework? They won’t be learning basic addition and subtraction forever.

    in reply to: Watching Movies #981641

    I should think so, especially if you stick to only the tame stuff. Nothing really inappropriate.

    I heard there’s this movie filter thing called ClearPlay, but I do not know how exactly it works.

    in reply to: Yichud Gift for Kallah #1037882

    How about a book? Books are cool. And so are bow ties, but I suppose that’s more for a chosson than a tomboyish kallah. 😛

    in reply to: Are gamblers really… #981560

    art-of-moi – I am so, so sorry about your current situation. I had no clue. No, I highly doubt that you’re going to be C”V punished for what he’s doing with your family’s money. I really wish I could tell you who to reach out to. I don’t know and if I were in your shoes, I would be just as worried.

    All I can tell you is, congratulations for not being suicidal, and may you continue to stay strong and hopeful for however long this nisayon lasts.

    in reply to: I Dare Y-O-U TO… #982103

    Shopping, this is the second time I’ve fallen for your jokes! (Fortunately, I figured out how to revert it back to vertical scrolling. :D)

    in reply to: Do you wait for the answer? #981393

    Attention Deficit– Hey Donuts! 😀

    in reply to: Should Jews Give Candy This Coming Monday Night? #1105099

    @oomis – I, too, do not partake of their pagan holiday. They can’t on the one hand make a big fuss about those “evil pagans,” and then celebrate their same rituals, for crying out loud!

    Our neighborhood’s standard is, if the driveway light isn’t on, then you’re not supposed to go to them. People used to be majorly offended that I don’t wish to add to their dentist’s bills, but now they know to keep quiet about it.

    in reply to: Open me! I'm another sem thread! #981362

    I did. 😀

    in reply to: Do you wait for the answer? #981388

    I do and it ticks me off when people say “Hi, how are you” and keep going. It sounds insincere and, well, ignorant, because the person does not seem to understand the meaning of the words they just uttered. It almost sounds like they don’t even care.

    in reply to: Book whose name I cannot recall #979262

    @streekgeek – Thank you. 🙂 The only work of adult fiction I know I tried reading was “Jurassic Park.” I didn’t even get through most of it, because it was so different from Steven Spielberg’s adaption, but I got pretty far into the second book before I got fed up. The language was the driving factor in my having enough.

    in reply to: Major Spelling Mistake #983110

    @The Wolf – That’s fantastic, brilliant and geronimo! 😀 Another thing Rose is notable for saying is “Bad Wolf.” Thought you might appreciate that.

    – Ah, thanks! 🙂

    in reply to: The World Is a Big and Bad Place. #981346

    “There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” 🙂

    in reply to: Open me! I'm another sem thread! #981358

    Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down….. ^_^

    Congratulations, if you’ve read this far, you’ve not only fallen for Shopping’s trick; you’ve also been Rickroll’d!

    in reply to: Are gamblers really… #981534

    From what I understand about this rabbi’s outlook, I would imagine he’s just going with his usual topic that various activities that presumably tend to become addicting are made easier to fall trap to by the Satan.

    Of course, I am nowhere near as knowledgeable as Rabbi Wallerstein, but I definitely would NOT say that if someone enjoys gambling occasionally, he’s sold his soul to the Satan.

    There is unfortunately a presumption that partaking of something in moderation is the same being addicted. Just because I’ll be drinking a small about of wine with my Shabbos kiddush tonight (as I do on a weekly basis O_O) does not mean I’m, C”V, addicted to alcohol.

    People tend to lose sight of that.

    in reply to: Dance Classes for Men #979246

    Yeshivishe shuffle? 😛

    I was never taught to dance at simchas, (apparently the Israeli dance chugim passed me by) and for some reason, I just hate dancing the hora, so unless someone really strong grabs me by the arm and pulls me into a circle of dancing ladies, I just sit at the tables and help myself to the food and drink.

    Judaism is a way of eating, not dancing. Get my drift? 🙂

    in reply to: Triple A? #981254

    Well, there’s that story of the little old lady who lived so long she wanted to leave this world. Her merit was going to shul every Shabbos. Her rav told her to skip shul for a few weeks. And she died.

    in reply to: eclipse, dont answer that door! #981337

    Woohoo! Welcome back! 🙂

    in reply to: Should I be embarrassed about using a use a translated siddur? #981307

    Oh, gosh! Don’t be embarrassed! Interlinear siddurim FTW!

    Don’t feel bad about yourself. Feel bad about those people who are too proud to learn the meaning of the words they mumble through every day.

    in reply to: Major Spelling Mistake #983104

    Oi! You lot! Quit muckin’ about wiv the English language! (My Rose Tyler accent is baaaaad. :P)

    in reply to: Book whose name I cannot recall #979259

    I haven’t given up secular books completely, but in my age group, the kiddie books are getting to be too boring and the teen books make me want to puke. Don’t get me started on adult fiction!

    in reply to: Sephardi Jews are Considered Hispanics #981483

    Well, Spaniards are different from Hispanics. Spaniards are from Spain. Hispanics are from the other countries that speak Spanish or Portuguese because they were conquered back in the day.

    Remember how in the Zimmerman trial, the reporters insisted on calling Zimmerman a “white Hispanic” just so they could say it was a racially-motivated white on black murder. >.<

    Additionally, I’m also thinking of the case of a guy from Africa who emigrated to the US for school, but was thrown out because he called himself as a “white African-American.” Apparently, that’s considered racist against black people.

    Sephardim from the Middle East are Sephardi in nusach, but they definitely aren’t Spaniards or Hispanics. I don’t really know what to say if you’re forced to classify your ethnicity for official forms. If there’s an option for “Other,” probably that’s your best bet.

    in reply to: Bad mood. #1032275

    Oooh, Shopping, if I’d been online when you were sad before, I would’ve told you jokes from the CR’s collection!

    in reply to: Book whose name I cannot recall #979257

    Oh, Syag, if you have any recommendations, I’d love to hear them!

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