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  • in reply to: Making fun of people who are frummer than you #996537

    I’m going to start off by saying I hate the phrase “not on that level.” I don’t know why. It just irks me. “Oh, she’s not on that/my level.” Or “he’s not on that/my/their/our level.” Teach me about my holy forefathers – “Well, he wasn’t on that level yet at the time.” Seriously? Who are we to judge?

    I’m sorry, but that phrase itself sounds so snooty. And I find more often than not, it’s the people the OP speaks of, the ones who need to soothe their consciences, who use the term to describe others the most.

    @gavra_at_work – I like that quote a lot!

    @Burnt Steak – You ought to start a fashion trend. IMHO, black cowboy hats look cooler than fedoras! Why alter it to “fit in” when it’s such a unique style? Okay, maybe sometimes it doesn’t hurt to blend in, but still. I think you should wear it again, and when people ask about why it looks different, tell them, “I wear a stetson now. Stetsons are cool.”

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008431

    Oh dear, I had a brain freeze moment.

    You’re welcome. ^_^

    in reply to: All Mocking is Assur… #995709

    147 – I know, right? Obviously, she was covering up for something immoral. How was she to know that people would actually believe her? Were people that stupid back then? o.O

    I just came to a horrible realization. I think I know where George Lucas got his idea for Anakin Skywalker from. No father, super Jedi…. Oh sheesh.

    in reply to: Froggies #996090

    HaLeiVi – You’ve just given me a horrible earworm. Little Froggie, do you like worms as much as you like flies? If so, you can have it. 😀

    yalayalaiyaliliyaloylay…. AAAARGH!

    in reply to: Fun while it lasted #998832

    SHOPPING!!! No! I hope your computer is fixed soon, because I’m going to miss your posts!

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008429

    Thanks. 🙂

    When you go to Israel and ask a typical sabra Israeli “Do you speak English?” they reply “No” in English. Ironic, huh?

    in reply to: Someone's Having Fun With YWN's New Simcha Section #995069

    That’s ADORABLE. I’m happy to say I’ve partaken of the fun. 😀

    PS. If you want to know what I posted, here’s a hint:

    “We’ve broken down … in the middle of nowhere!”

    Look up the quote and you’ll know which character I played. 😉

    Assuming, of course, what I posted got approved.

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008425

    Like, totally, man.

    I’ll admit I’m a bit lost about the direction in which this conversation is going, but since when has that stopped me from having any fun?

    in reply to: Why Do People Speak This Way? #1008422

    I agree, your fine! 😉

    in reply to: Everyone Must Answer: What Is YOUR Favorite Dish (food) #1184475

    Anything kosher looks good right now, even boiled spinach. I’m fasting. 😀

    in reply to: Surprisingly, the more I hear about Obamacare, the more I like it. #993890

    @Little Froggie – I know, right? 😀

    in reply to: Phantom Vibrations #993576

    I’m pickin’ up phantom vibrations.

    in reply to: Caption Contest #993554

    The other two ex-presidents had enough respect to look somber at Mandela’s funeral. Yet another reason why I’m proud I didn’t vote for Obama.

    in reply to: Are You A Killer Sociopath? (Riddle) #991564

    I think she killed her sister because the sister killed their mother, and then came to the funeral in such a clever disguise (a man) that her own sister didn’t even recognize her. When the truth got out, yeah. That happened.

    in reply to: People who quote opinions from the CR in real life #991362

    I can’t say I know the CR like the back of my hand, but I’ve shared a few inspirational bits and pieces from what I’ve read here. 🙂

    I often wonder, are we famous? Like, will I ever be sitting on a bus in NY and overhear someone say, “Well, then this user Bookworm120 said….”

    I have to remember, this is a public forum, and everything I say is read by plenty of silent readers. Hello, silent readers! Not to sound creepy, but I know you’re out there!

    in reply to: Will they have potato kugel stuffed eggrolls? #991460

    YEAH! I want potato kugel-stuffed eggrolls!

    I highly recommend that, in your anticipation of this fantastic innovation, you look up the recipe “Mexican Eggrolls” on Joy of Kosher. Trust me, you won’t regret it (until you see a scale). 😛

    in reply to: Surprisingly, the more I hear about Obamacare, the more I like it. #993876

    America is on its way to destruction! President Obama is making America a socialist country with socialized healthcare! They’re gonna control our lives!

    Fellow yidden, now is the time to make aliyah to Israel, where they’ve got socialized healthcare, before it is too late!

    in reply to: Morons who put stuff besides jelly in sufguniyois #1004543

    In honor of the Doctor Who 5oth Anniversary, I wanted to put custard in my donuts, but I ended up just chickening out and using jelly instead. Oh, well. But it’s the thought that counts – I’m proud to be a moron. 😛

    “Proud morons, keep on gobbling. Gobbling, gobbling, gobbling down the donuts.”

    That’s my anthem.

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Chanakah Party!!! ☕🕎🎉🍩 #1205654

    Labriut! *hands Shopping613 a donut and helps herself to another latke*

    These things’re addicting!!

    in reply to: Your teachers were wrong. #990503

    This makes so much more sense, LAB. I thought something sounded a bit too hunky-dory, but I couldn’t put a finger on it!

    in reply to: YWN Coffee Room Chanakah Party!!! ☕🕎🎉🍩 #1205652

    *hands tzaddiq a donut and helps herself to a latke*

    Happy Thanksgivukkah! (Don’t judge me. This is Chanukah, not Rosh Hashana, and even then, it’s not people who’re supposed to judge.)

    in reply to: Calling Nerfighteria #989614

    What is a nerdfighter anyway? I’ve heard the name, but I have no idea what they are. I’m curious because I wonder if I’m unknowingly one myself.

    Did you know that I had to LOOK UP ONLINE what DFTBA stands for? That’s how forgetful to be awesome I am.

    in reply to: Calling co-workers by first name #989656

    What Queen613Torah said. She is so right. I’m talking to her! Can she hear me??? 😛

    To answer the original question, I think it really depends on the setting and circumstance. As Mr. Kessin has pointed out (please forgive my accidental irony), in the high tech industry, addressing people by title is not the norm. I’ve known people who practically insisted I call them by their first name, and when I prefaced it with a Ms. or Mr., it sounded weird and it looked like it wasn’t received well.

    I actually didn’t know that about Israelis and African Americans. Y’know, that probably explains why Israelis think I’m stuffy and weird. I knew people who called their friends’ parents by their forenames, and I was rather scandalized. It’s not a practice I’d adopt, since I think it diminishes the kavodability of the person you speak of/to. (I think I just invented a word.)

    Even in a public school, I don’t think you get to address your teacher as “Joe,” rather, “Mr. Schmoe.”

    in reply to: What if I'm really a retard #1198813

    PBA, you’re not a retard! I enjoy (most of) your off-the-wall antics. You’re obviously just a regular person with an interesting sense of humor. We need more people like that in the world – I’m not kidding!

    in reply to: Smart or Popular? #988776

    To reply to the OP, whether or not I want to be a know-it-all (AKA smart aleck), I would rather be a knowledgeable person than someone who knows so many people, it’s impossible to keep track of who’s really your friend.

    in reply to: FFB going to BT seminary #988641

    I would seriously like to know the answers to all of these questions. 🙂

    in reply to: "Get a life" #988501

    Not too long ago, a bunch of likeminded individuals were told to do so by William Shatner, if I’m not mistaken.

    in reply to: SHNITZY ATTACK!! #988387

    I happen to love shnitzel. Don’t worry, I won’t eat you. 🙂

    in reply to: Random Thread #78532 #988490

    Save the butterflies! Butterflies are whales are people too! :O

    in reply to: What did you cook/bake today? #1007881

    I made cheesecake the other day. 🙂

    in reply to: Yaakov and Esav were really triplets! #988178

    I think Eisav killed it before it was born.

    in reply to: Subtitle of the Year Award… #988194

    LOL, congrats!

    *makes a distorted, contorted face that somehow resembles a duck*

    in reply to: Saying each word of Shma multiple times #991199

    I-I-I d-do-don’-don’t u-un-und-unde-under-unders-underst-understa-understan-understand why people would do that. I might think that for some, it improves their kavannah? Personally, it sounds distracting to me.

    in reply to: The Chumrah Song #1077094

    “I’m such a tzioni, I sing Hatikva,

    I don’t even pay when I use the mikva,

    I changed my name to Sam, from Shmuel,

    I don’t even like Eretz Yisrooel,”

    How can you be a zionist who doesn’t even like Eretz Yisrooel? 😛

    I hope you guys make another video soon!

    in reply to: Long-distance Shidduch #987924

    Coincidentally, I saw an episode of Gunsmoke yesterday about a mail-order bride. When I saw this thread, that popped into my head.

    in reply to: Older Single Age #987435

    @octopi – Thanks 🙂

    @need seminary help – I guess people have different standards in different communities. Different strokes for different folks, as they say. Mazel tov to your cousin! Don’t worry, she’s not old! If anything, she’s got a bit more maturity and experience than the girls who jumped right in at seventeen!

    in reply to: Why do women get blamed for getting divorced? #994131

    147, +1!

    in reply to: maca for infertilty #986668

    In one of his shiurim on the parsha, Rabbi Wallerstein mentioned something about how dudaim still exist and actually work. He didn’t say what exactly they are or how they work, and I’m not about to ask how, but unless we’re talking about the same thing, I’d recommend looking into that.

    in reply to: Explain Your Username #1019434

    @Click Vegetable – LOL! 😀 I chose Bookworm because I signed up to make an inquiry about books. And I added 120 because I should hope to live that long. 🙂

    in reply to: Older Single Age #987429

    22-25 is old? No way! 29+ sounds older-ish, but 22-25? Seriously….

    in reply to: Tehillim Forbidden at Night? #986552

    Aren’t there tehillim that one says during Krias Shema al ha Mitah?

    in reply to: Cats, Katz, and all other feline friends #1063662

    “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego???” Hehe, I wonder if she likes cats.

    Then again, I bet Carmen Sandiego is going to use cats (specifically brown cats) in her latest scheme to take over the world. O.o

    in reply to: New to the CR #986161

    bt riffic – Welcome! My best advice to you is be yourself here, don’t be afraid to speak up, and make sure to stay safe in accordance with Internet safety rules. Oh, and have fun. ^_^

    @PBA – Trololololololololoooooooooo.

    in reply to: Megillas Antiochus?! #986562

    Megillas Antiochus…. Does this have something to do with the story of Yehudis, Antiochus’s valiant killer?

    Although the story itself is pretty IMHO disturbing as they go, I think Yehudis should be celebrated as much as Malkah Esther, for they both gave up so much of themselves to save our nation from oppression and potential annihilation.

    Three cheers for Yehudis!!!

    in reply to: Tzidkaniyos Wearing Leather #986306

    @jackinthebox – +1,000,000,000!

    in reply to: Chinese Auctions #985958

    @LAB – Well, thanks. 🙂 I was more of an Uncle Moishy fan in my childhood.

    in reply to: How to make friends in the CR? #1032757

    Welcome OURTorah! 🙂 I’m fairly new here too. While oomis is right and anonymity is crucial, what worked for me when it came to building rapports with my fellow CR users was just posting on threads that suit your interest. It’s one way to make yourself known here. Just remember – this is the worldwide web. Be safe and have fun!

    in reply to: Tzidkaniyos Wearing Leather #986304

    @DaMoshe – I agree that people should be advised about what to do when they come across these inevitable situations where people encounter those of the opposite gender, instead of just saying, “Nope, men are pigs, so there’s nothing we can do about it except hide ourselves away.”

    I commend you for learning how to deal with these challenges. All too often, the only thing people know how to do is run away, and as appealing as that can be, it’s not always a worthwhile option.

    Unfortunately, it is true that society’s standards of propriety have decreased, but on the same token, people should, in some ways, learn not to care about what others are wearing or look like. In short, let’s learn to ignore people enough that we don’t stop and stare, but at the same time, that we don’t bump into them unwittingly.

    At the same time, however, we must still remember to dress properly ourselves and make sure the people we know and care about do the same.

    in reply to: High school girls with Internet access #1044003

    @Torahmom – I wish I knew what to tell you. It’s a tough call, but if you know that she’s not a reckless websurfer while she’s living with you, whether inside or outside of your home, I wouldn’t worry so much about other seminary girls being a bad influence on her when it comes to Internet access.

    Just playing devil’s advocate here, but how do you figure she will contact you while she’s away? Calling long-distance can cost a lot of money, so you might want to consider email.

    Good luck making the right decision for her. I think our fellow posters here have raised some interesting points.

    in reply to: Tzidkaniyos Wearing Leather #986296

    @DaMoshe – I dress appropriately because it makes me feel good to do things right, not because I’m afraid gentlemen will see me and think inappropriately about me. I’m sorry that there are inconsiderate people out there who have given the male gender on a whole such a bad rap. The actions of one bad apple does not represent the actions of everyone else.

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