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can i have a different one? mine is so similar to someone else’s. Thanks. 🙂
hanibParticipantsmartcookie – never 😉
i’m guessing s2021 wants better ideas than just yelling or maybe she just wanted us to confess our sins to her.
so, s2021 – what did you want? to know if we’re human also or if sometimes we contol ourselves and work on our middos?
hanibParticipanti don’t like that article at all – it makes eating disorders out to be uniquely orthodox problem due to our pressures based on our religion. anorexia and bulemia has been around in the secular world for many years and they feel no pressure to get married at 20. issue is too complex to blame on any one thing (because we help our younger siblings? give me a break!), but we orthodox Jews are affected by the culture around us. and both guys and girls are affected by the media and think that the anorexic look is what makes people attractive. but, still the issue is much more complicated.
hanibParticipantrealist – lol! 🙂
hanibParticipanti also think clairvoyant and grandmaster is one and the same, but clairvoyant is a lot nicer.
hanibParticipantthanks for the compliments – every now and then i can be a drop creative. 🙂
hanibParticipanti don’t see a tznius problem with that (if go through 3rd party), but just need to be careful, that truly think it’s a good idea, cuz can get plenty awkward if it doesn’t work out.
hanibParticipantaries – didn’t you once say you’ve read “reality therapy” by Glaser – he gives a case in one of his books on how someone with OCD was cured without medication. i’ve heard that there’s book called something like brain-lock that deals with OCD. also, i think i’ve heard that there’s someone in Bnei Brak who specializes in it. Dina Friedman, who gives parenting workshops, addresses it a little in discussing OCD in children.
So, basically, my understanding is that there may be alternative solutions for OCD besides medication. but, definitely need to find the appropriate help for it – there are correct and incorrect ways of dealing with it.
hanibParticipantpba: the example of eisav and the pig, is that they purposely try to deceive others. presumably, someone who dresses yeshivish is not trying to pretend they are more frum than they are, but rather they are striving to be like that or culturally, they were born into such a society, and like the chassidish – this is what people in that society dress and talk like.
hanibParticipanta person who wants to grow
hanibParticipantno clue, depends on many factors – probably wouldn’t say anything, as i’d like to keep my anonymity. (is that a real word?)
hanibParticipantMy favorite part is where he said that Bin Laden wasn’t a Moslem leader.
I noticed how he kept saying *I*, taking credit for everything and stressing himself umpteen times.
i noticed both. The “I” bit was driving me crazy.
hanibParticipantalso, you really explained very well what the person who is mentally ill is going through and how it affects all those around him. thank you.
hanibParticipantbombmaniac – i can’t even imagine what your life has been like; i hope that you are getting help because from your description, sounds like you’ve never lived a normal life.
good luck.
p.s. i’m sure your book will be a best-seller. let us know when you get to the Happily Ever After part. 🙂
hanibParticipantIMHO, there are two different parts to yeshivish. The first one is halachic yeshish; spending excessive time learning, keeping many chumros, etc. Not only don’t I see anything wrong with this, but it think it’s a very good an praiseworthy thing.
Then there’s the culutral yeshivish; a certain mode of speech, dress, etc. While I do not see anything wrong with this, I can understand why some people might not like it in excess.
mw- i agree with what you wrote. i also believe that some people don’t like the 2nd, but the 2nd is like you said, cultural, like the Amish. it’s not a statement as to how much yiras shamayim they have or how much they learn, but it does serve a function. it keeps these guys – some of whom may not be able to learn 12 hours a day, under the realm of good peer pressure. meaning, because of cultural and/or peer pressure, these guys do not watch movies, talk to girls, see things they shouldn’t be seeing, etc.
and as for both groups, people tend to think that both groups should have perfect middos. that is, if they dress and talk yeshivish and/or if they learn a lot, they should already be perfect. that would be nice. but shouldn’t people who don’t have the best of middos also learn. maybe through their learning (and from my understanding, this is so), their middos improves. so, they may be far from perfect; but, could be, that that same person if he became a lawyer instead of learning, would have even worse middos.
hanibParticipantthanks all of you. LOL for real, while reading the whole thread.
hanibParticipantjust keep in the mods comments – i love how they come down appearingly from outer space. 😉
shticky – i was wondering why there’s nothing to read – didn’t notice that they were all the same topic.
hanibParticipanteating melavah malkahs is a segulah for easy births. 🙂
hanibParticipanthi yoyo! glad to see you’re back.
hanibParticipantactually, yossi, i understand – i have the same problem. ’tis does get a little mind-boggling; though, i’m as guilty as all the rest, at least once i’m in a thread.
hanibParticipantchayav, you’re getting bored again? 😉
hanibParticipantmindoverchatter: lol!
hanibParticipanti wouldn’t feel uncomfortable if you offered to help – i’d feel grateful. (even if i wasn’t pregnant; if someone offered to help, wonderful).
hanibParticipantyossi, what’s wrong – it’s getting to disorganized?
are you one of the new mods who was left having to clean the CR room for pesach? 😉
hanibParticipantdepends how old children are. my kids are still relatively young, and if they would see something not tznius – they would say in shocked voice, “ema, that’s not tznius.”
and in this case, i would just explain to them, “you’re right. so don’t look at it.”
if kids are older, and there own taavos are involved – can be little more tricky. can explain to older boys that they should use other bathroom like father does and explain why, or can explain to 30 year old girl, and ask her if she can put them somewhere else. expain: nothing wrong for her, just don’t want your boys seeing things that are not healthy for their eyes to see. if she refuses, then only choice is to work with your own kids or not go there again.
hanibParticipantam yisrael chai – seriously, these things are connected to food? are you talking from the medical aspect or alternative medicine? i’m not knocking either – just wanted to know where you’re coming from. how does one go about checking which food is causing it – is there a medical way to check for allergies, or is it just trial and error?
hanibParticipantgoody, true, but he had a very good reason for that – hadn’t slept for days, cuz afraid that seats on train were made from shatnez.
i completely agree with zeeskite.
once you’re on a date, whether male or female, you spend whatever the normal time for a date is and act like a mentch!
i wonder if guy was really disinterested if he wanted to go out again? but either which way, you definitely do NOT have to go out again, but when on a date – unless he is dangerous or truly crude, you do not leave the date. it’s also very rude, to say, oh, i would like to leave, or i forgot that i wanted to go to bed early tonight, etc.
hanibParticipantyou don’t gracefully get out of the situation.
you act like a mentch, and finish the date. and then tell shadchan, no thank you. 🙂
hanibParticipantam yisroel chai – thanks. don’t think it’s food related in my case. doctor didn’t seem so worried, but i got impression that could have side effects and i should see the specialist. i looked up on internet about what i have, but couldn’t find it anywhere. guess, i’m somewhat unique. 🙂 just joking.
i’ve read about lupus, and it’s not that. (that’s also autoimmune disorder).
hanibParticipantHealth – if you’re still reading, you sound sooo much like my brother (don’t worry, i know you’re not).
don’t worry – we still like and respect you.
i can see by your posts that you’ve really been working on yourself, and i truly respect that.
being human is hard.
don’t let being in the medical field be your sole mode for self-esteem; you are valuable as a human being.
don’t give up; keep trying and growing.
Good luck. come back soon.
hanibParticipantpba – because she’s healthy enough to have had a number of children. she is very small, so it’s not like a size 2 in someone of more ave. height. and she still completely functions normally. and she’s been like this for more than 15 years. and, unfortunately, so many people i know are somewhat like this (even if they’re overweight, they’re just as obsessed on what they ate, how much they weigh, etc.)
hanibParticipantCtrlAltDel; was it about Lady Macbeth? (i know it’s some Shakespeare – but haven’t done any light Shakespeare reading lately 🙂
hanibParticipanteclipse, sorry to get off tangent a bit, but …
health, what is an autoimmune disorder? doctor said i may have one – have red splotches on my leg come out when i’m cold; started a few years ago. she said i should go to a dermatologist to get it checked out. haven’t had a chance yet.
but what is one? and what are its repercussions?
hanibParticipantknew all that, just wanted to know if something else happened that i missed or if mods were serious.
hanibParticipanti second the motion, yoyo.
hanibParticipantokay mw – we agree.
hanibParticipantwow! kol hakavod to you. im yirtza Hashem, everything should work out and you should find someone who is as healthy and yashar as you are.
hanibParticipantGranted if “metabolism, medication, insulin, etc.” prevented success hishtadlus wouldn’t require that result.
if you re-read her OP, it would appear that that is the case and that she is doing her hishtadlus in this area. 2nd of all, the next person who wrote writes a lot on the diabetes thread, and she too is very disturbed by her difficulty in losing weight and fear of not finding her shidduch because of that.
actually, if read the diabetes thread, ’tis a little scary. seems like at least one girl has gone or has contemplated going without her insulin just so she can lose weight.
i don’t know if you can imagine what a sick world, us girls live in.
i have a friend who i can only see once every few years. every single time i see her, almost the first words out of her mouth is that she is on some medication or something that causes her to keep some added, unwanted pounds on. i truly couldn’t care less if she weighs 10 pounds less or not, but it obviously bothers her tremendously. (AND SHE IS NOT ABNORMAL – SHE IS SOOOOO TYPICAL!)
another person i know who is a size 2 already, who is not anorexic, non-stops talks about how she’s been bad with her eating and how much she has to exercise, for as she’s getting older, she’s getting a little heavier. (as stated before, she’s still a size 2!)
this is normal girl/woman conversation – so having men remind women of how thinness is worshipped in this society, does NOT help; it only hurts.
hanibParticipanti agree with observanteen. tznius issues get very complicated, and she may think or have been told to handle it this way. actually, i think the gemara says that it’s actually good to marry one’s niece. the whole situation may be confusing for her.
sorry that it’s so hurtful to you. 🙁
hanibParticipantwalton – i would add to that: a person who is not READY (even if they eventually want to) to get married, who goes out is also “stealing” their dates’ time and emotions.
hanibParticipantwow! emuna that was beautiful – thanks for sharing that.
hanibParticipantyou asked me a question on a very funny shidduch story – i just replied to you there – 2 seconds ago.
ok, i’ll re-read the posts – maybe, i missed that.
why does love and appreciation have to expressed through all these gifts? The only thing this shows is that he’s got money to spend, not that he cares about you in slightest.
And if you were a guy, you would understand what we’re saying on the “shidduchim and weight” topic. But I’m not a girl, and I don’t see how chocolate and flowers show you anything but the guy’s finances, and certainly not his deepest feelings. Sounds pretty shallow to me. (Which, as I was pointed out before, is exactly the type of thing that everybody was bashing on the “shidduchim and weight” topic.
Then shouldn’t she be getting him chocolate and flowers too?
mw – you’re right; girls do not understand how guys think, and that is why we have to consistently re-listen to such shiurim as Rabbi Orlowek on platonic relationships and Gila Manosohn on tznius.
and i’m not at all saying that it’s shallow to care about looks – most of us do. what i didn’t like was when people erroneously seemed to be saying that all guys are only attracted to slim girls. first of all, some guys (maybe less than average) really are more attracted to girls who are not anorexic looking. second of all, the way it was being discussed was offensive – we all have different tastes, and if i was a shadchan, i’d be very interested in knowing what exactly each person found attractive, but on a thread where a girl was discussing her problem, i didn’t feel it was nice for people to discuss the “looks” they found attractive. furthermore, when people discuss just the looks without the most important thing – middos, it is demeaning.
which goes back to your complaint against what i said. first of all, i was talking about chocolate and flowers in a marriage! it’s much cheaper than jewelry, which he should buy if he could afford to. second of all, girls (women, whatever?) are also not always purely spiritual human beings. but you’re right, chocolate and flowers without love and mentchlichkeit is nothing, but with good middos, etc. – it shows a woman that the guy cares about her. (though for different girls, it could be different things – point is girls in general like romance – IN MARRIAGE (i’m not talking about dating, engagement, etc. – there is whole other issue, depending on where you’re coming from and who you are).
and, of course, girl should give guy to – but, from my understanding, chocolate and flowers won’t do the trick. however, a good, yummy meal may be more appreciated. but i could be wrong, as i am not a guy.
hanibParticipantilovetheholyland – i did it for you and coffeefan and all other girls on this thread. please don’t give up – save your tears for asking Hashem to get you a fantastic, ba’al middos guy, and may you soon get your yehoshua, and please let us know when you do.
hanibParticipantpba: i noticed that you waited till you started talking about it, and normally i’m all for getting off the topic, just in this case, i was afraid it was too hurtful (and it wasn’t just you i was complaining against).
i don’t even mind discussing what you wrote, but just on a different thread. (i’m all for philosophy and psychology – didn’t have a chance to read the original article yet).
and it’s not so easy for a very skinny guy to put on weight either – only real way is to work out with weights. (i know – i’m married to an extremely skinny guy who actually gets insulted if someone tells him he’s thin – he’d love to put on weight healthily) it would require tremendous effort. but in this case, if you would re-read the OP, she wrote that she is trying to lose some weight, but she’s just not gonna be slim.
hanibParticipantactually, the guy is in a catch-22, cuz if he doesn’t give the get right away unless everything is worked out, the wife claims that she is an aguna case and everyone is anti- the man, not caring about the details.
not to say that there are not other real aguna cases. there are.
but it’s not always the men to blame (nor is it always the women to blame), but either way it is a messy, messy situation.
hanibParticipantmw – i’ll answer you on a different thread where you addressed the same issue.
hanibParticipantthis thread started out pretty okay – with people understanding what the OP was saying and answering her, sympathetically, but then it changed and left a bad taste in many of the girls’ mouths.
now, changing a thread and philosophizing and telling everyone what kind of figure you prefer may be interesting, but in this thread it’s hurtful. The girl is crying because she’s terrified no one will ever want to marry her because her body is simply not skinny. She is a wonderful girl, has great middos, but she is scared.
now, some guys comfortedly told her that they and not all guys will marry only skinny girls. sure, some or a lot (as you guys claim) prefer thin girls – but so what? why say that here? why be hurtful? she just wants to know if her bashert will like her because of who she is? and the answer is a resounding yes!
and for people to say stupidities like girls don’t realize that people find slim more attractive is foolishness beyond belief. we are being raised in a sick society – that worships externals and the anorexic look. we girls are brought up in that society. i have never met a girl who didn’t want to be slim. for some, it’s not that difficult. for others, due to their body type, metabolism, medication, insulin, etc. they’re taking – it’s very, very difficult to do so – unless they would exercise for hours and have a personal chef to make their meals. that should not be the focus of these wonderful girls. they know already that it’s important to look nice – so they will learn how to put on makeup attractively and wear clothes that are right for them, but to make it sound that a girl has to be so slim to get married, is disgusting and not true.
imagine if a boy wrote in that he was skinny 5’4″, 5’5″ – and he was afraid no girl would want him. would it be kind and sensitive to write that studies show that girls prefer strong, muscular, tall men – whether it’s true or not, it is irrelevant and hurtful! there is nothing he can do about it (sure, he can take steroids and exercise for hours to build himself up, but that is not where a ben torah should be focusing his time.) the point is not to tell him to exercise, but to tell him truthfully that everyone has their bashert, and that the older single boys are made up of all shapes and sizes.
sorry for the rant. 😉