Forum Replies Created
they have to wait till right before pesach, cuz people may still be bringing chametz. no way to know – even worse than having a bunch of 2 years olds with pretzels.
hanibParticipantminisrael – i think pba is writing what i seem to be implying. now i am totally sleep-deprived, so i may not be making sense at all, but isn’t that what we do? i’ve heard a story where (i think) rav yaakov’s kid was climbing on the table, and when asked by someone why he didn’t tell his son not to do so, he replied that since we ???? our kids for purpose of them not doing things in the future, no need to rebuke him for that as he knows his child will not be climbing on tables as an adult. also, it’s normal for children to get wild and fool around, but i ask my children that when we’re in public, not to get wild, etc. – maybe, it’s just ??? ???, so as not to bother others?
on another thread, this whole topic came up in regards to taking welfare – i don’t think people argued that it was halachakilly wrong, just that it didn’t fit with how they felt frum people should be.
hanibParticipanthealth – i enjoy reading all posters comments, except for those that are obnoxious. cr would be quite boring if we all agreed on everything. imagine how horrible it would be if “A” said, i like the color blue, and everyone just said, “yeah, blue is a nice color.” how boring.
hanibParticipantobservanteen – they’re also pesach cleaning. 😉
hanibParticipantanyways, no one on here is real – we’re all figments of your imagination.
hanibParticipanti have more than that, but it still ain’t enough. 🙁
smartcookie – i use guys to include males and females. 🙂
hanibParticipanti’ve sometimes found picturing the kotel in front of me helps, and the linear siddur really helps.
hanibParticipantI feel like we’re telling kids to behave better than normal because we want people to think the torah teaches us to.
hey! i’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but i think your statement is correct. i guess it’s wrong to say kiddush Hashem or chillul Hashem in this context, but we are definitely saying that they should act like that, so people will want to be like us, as m in Israel wrote, they should say, “fortunate are those who learn Torah”.
that’s why this whole thing is confusing – at least how it’s typically used.
hanibParticipantderech hamelech and m in israel – those were excellent answers; thanks! i think you’ve completely answered my questions. 🙂
hanibParticipanttbt: right. that’s what i’m asking. i know what we call kiddush Hashem and chillul Hashem, but is that really true or is that our made-up definitions. because people start calling out – this or that is a chillul Hashem – and is that true or not? for example, some people may think that the fact we fight back the Arabs is a chillul Hashem (meaning they hate us or don’t see why we have any rights to Eretz Yisroel), while others see going to the army is a kiddush Hashem, and others say learning Torah all day is a kiddush Hashem. this is just one example. there are tons – where people just throw out the term. now, i know that there is a true concept of what is a chillul Hashem, but i don’t know what it is.
hanibParticipantpba: no, we’re normal and not robots. (and i knew a girl who went to a catholic school, and the things they did out of school were much different than what we would ever do in those olden days.)
we ask kids to behave better than normal, so as to make a kiddush Hashem. 😉
hanibParticipantoh, i have a different example that i just remembered someone saying: they said that if a person’s house is a mess and they have a worker (like plumber, electrician, anything) come in – then that could be a chillul Hashem, as he’ll say – oh, look how the more yeshivish/charedi/orthodox, etc. live?
Is that true?
hanibParticipantyou guys are good!
hanibParticipantsorry, chocandpatience – i totally disagree.
hanibParticipantshticky guy – who are you accusing? though if someone is doing so, i doubt they want to admit that they’re doing it.
hanibParticipantHi zeeskite – sorry, but you guys are definitely 2 different people, both very nice people (at least on the CR :)), but definitely different.
hanibParticipanttroll – just read your post. that’s what i’m trying to understand. generally, when people say something can be a chillul Hashem – it seems to me that they’re saying, this can cause anti-semitism. is that a separate thing / something to keep into account? are they in fact 2 different things.
1. is a chillul Hashenm, as the others have said, just doing something against halacha, that other Jews would think badly of him? of Hashem? ex. frum Jew stealing
2. is it chillul Hashem for us to do something that is not wrong, but may cause other Jews to look down upon us and/or non-Jews to hate us or is there another category of just being careful with what we do because we are still in galus?
hanibParticipantso, here’s some questions:
1. we were always told that when going on class trips, that we should behave very nicely, and i tell my kids so, as that will make a kiddush Hashem. and/or the opposite, if act too wild, can make chillul Hashem. (obviously, i would still tell my kids to behave properly), but is that true – that if act better than “normal” kids – they make a kiddush Hashem?
2. so, if a minyan goes on in back of airplane – can that be called a chillul Hashem – since not doing anything wrong, or is it better as some say, to just daven in your seat?
3. what if something is halachakilly correct, but can make Jews look bad, is that a chillul Hashem – i can’t think of really good example; but, two that come to mind is if man doesn’t give a get (for good reason, was told allowed to do that halachikally), but looks very bad – is that a chillul Hashem, or people take money from government funded program, but others think that it looks bad, is that a chillul Hashem? (i’m not getting into whole discussion of what should or should not do, just trying to understand what is chillul Hashem and what isn’t).
hanibParticipanti think its a segulah to say ?? ???? on ????? of pesach. i used to try to say ?? ???? every day with a lot of kavanah, thinking that finding one’s ????? is ??? ?????? ?? ???. it would really help while i would imagine on the other side of the ?? ??? my ?????.
also, i know that this ????? is so difficult because you don’t know when it will end, but really it will end and you will see how everything all worked out together like in Aries’ story (and there are tons and tons of stories like that).
Good luck!
Also, reading ????? ??????, section on ?????? helped me a lot.
Keep strong. And let us know when you find the right person.
????? ? ???? ???
hanibParticipantwhat does it mean – does it make a difference? can they both have excellent and/or bad middos? yes. does it tell us something about who they are, hashkafically – yes, if take into account what city they’re from, what yeshiva, etc. it does give us some added info. about the person.
does that make a difference? depends who you are, if that makes a difference to you.
hanibParticipantrealized, that my friends all know I lie, but some of you might not.
So, here is my ?????: Everything I say on this site may not be true.
is that the truth or a lie?
hanibParticipantwait, is the above statement a lie or the truth?
hanibParticipantno valid reason.
though i think any intelligent human should know math (but that’s just a feeling, not a logical reason).
i love math; but, i honestly never use algebra and geometry in my daily life.
sorry, that this doesn’t help you. 😉
hanibParticipantactually, i’ve heard of krugers state park, and that sounds cool – but besides seeing big houses (and each one with a swimming pool), i couldn’t think of much else and thought it might be somewhat dangerous – but, now that you’ve mentioned swimming with sharks, i can understand ;). (now, if you can find a way to go scuba diving with dolphins, count me in 😉
hanibParticipantthanks – never noticed it before – gotto check it out.
hanibParticipantwhat are you planning on doing in south africa?
i am here – i also have tons and tons of recipes that i’ve cut out from mishpacha that one day….
hanibParticipanti am exhausted – can’t decide if this post should go on this thread, the I’m Zonked thread, or the Depressed Thread. A neighbor in the building is renovating, so there is drilling all day – the noise is making me extremely stressed. then my adorable, sweet, cute baby is at a stage where she is so fascinated with life and her capabilities, that she does not want to sleep. then when she gets overtired, she wants me to just hold her and she takes only these 20 min. cat naps, and i have no time to clean for pesach! (oh, maybe this should go in the cleaning for pesach thread).
so, i am grumpy, tired, and depressed. 🙁
March 31, 2011 7:49 pm at 7:49 pm in reply to: Shabbos board games/activities for 9-10 year old boys #754375hanibParticipantwolf – can you explain the settlers of catan game in more detail? thanks.
hanibParticipanti’ve seen that some people get it in their heads that it’s too difficult and that they just can’t do it. i’ve found that if they take it slowly, and/or have a good tutor or someone explain it to them in way they can understand, they can usually get it. i’ve found that most people can get math, just different people need different explanations.
good luck. if you’re good at all those others subjects, i’m sure you can do math. write down what you’re learning here – maybe feif on and others can help you figure it out. it’s worth a try.
hanibParticipantnot only that, you’re not e-mailing privately to that one person, but publicly so all can see. (i’m not saying whether it’s right or wrong, just showing that it’s different than just e-mailing someone privately).
hanibParticipanteclipse – why don’t you try publishing the book you once said you wrote – i need something good to read. 🙂
hanibParticipantwhy not call shadchanim from out of town places, connected to out of town yeshivos where the guys also take college classes?
hanibParticipantmaybe feeling this desperation is what gives him the adrenalin to actually clean for pesach. some people work better under pressure – while others do not. 🙂
hanibParticipanteclipse – that was amazing – you are extremely talented!
hanibParticipanteclipse – 🙂
hanibParticipant?????? ???? ???? by Boruch Levine and many Journeys and Destiny songs
hanibParticipantAm I the only one that worries that the cleaning lady will think my house is too dirty so I clean before she gets here?
i didn’t know there exists a female in the world who doesn’t, nor a male in the world who doesn’t think it’s a very absurd thing for one to do 😉
hanibParticipantof course – i always thought it was simply logistics. if you’re from out of town, smile and say good shabbos to all the jews, normal, can be done. (not only that, it’s more like greeting, “landsman”. but, if you live in -town, boruch Hashem, you couldn’t even carry on a conversation with someone else – you’d be non-stop saying good shabbos.
i truly don’t think there’s any deep dark secret.
hanibParticipantpretty shticky. 🙂
hanibParticipanti think they say that within jewish world, we almost all know each other by 3 steps – meaning, the furthest we would have to go in jewish geography is i know a who knows b who knows you. weird.
always- that’s funny how your daughter found you.
if anyone close to me read the cr, i’ve already given out enough info. for people to know who i am, even though i haven’t said much.
hanibParticipanthow did you do that? and who did the screen names? the mods?
hanibParticipantDaas yochid: 🙂
pba: that tefilla thread was hysterical – guess the mods didn’t know popa’s style yet. 😉
hanibParticipantthanks mod. 80 and everyone else. 🙂
hanibParticipantummm…are you guys actually jealous that you’re not lefty’s?
hanibParticipanttbt: i don’t feel haughty, vindicative, nor regret my post – just feel bad if someone was blocked because of something i said. that’s all.