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  • in reply to: Middah Kineged Middah? #941109

    To add/combine the responses of zahavasdad and truthsayer: the U.S. gets to promote its tunnel-vision appeasement strategy, paid for through Israeli lives (and risk); THAT’s the real benefit of Iron Dome to U.S. The tech. expertise and military sales for the U.S. are just the bonus (icing on the cake, win-win etc.) $ 50-75K per missile launched to protect those endangered by the Medina’s adoption of bad U.S. policy.

    I don’t want to get too much into the Yeshiva conscription issue.

    Some points I don’t see here:

    On the one Hand:

    Didn’t the greatest tzaddikim of previous generations work four hours per day?

    Isn’t it accepted that each generation is less in every way?

    So how can most exempt themselves from working/serving as much as their betters did?

    On the other Hand:

    The IDF is Completely untrustworthy to uphold halacha for observant soldiers. Arutz7 has reported on numerous examples.

    Even for “morale” (their interpretation of our American feminist narishkeit)they force group singalongs. Because the Medina disrespects observance, and even the Right to be observant. Witness the electrical generators being moved on Shabbos despite resting pads having been built for that purpose. Witness unneeded Shabbos troop movements and activity. Witness the chilul Hashem of soldiers (ordered to assist in) dismantling “settlements”.

    Also if this is some “Democracy” issue – WHAT ABOUT THE ARABS??!!

    Some Arab MK said recently ‘we don’t want to serve and you don’t want us serving’. Both true BUT – where’s your Democracy now, Rico?? Are Yeshiva students somehow less worthy of exemption than the murderers (present and future) of our people (chas v’shalom)

    Maybe a Modest Proposal – divert the Palestinian taxes to pay for Yeshiva student deferments??!!

    Anyhow shkia is approaching – Chag Kasher V’Sameach!

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