Forum Replies Created
Wellll… once in a while, you can have a fourth cup of coffee,
(Mmmm coffee!) hold on i’ll be right back!
bein_hasdorimParticipantOf course! What’s that statistic again? Oh! 75% of Baalei Teshuva are from
Matzoh ball Soup, the other 25% is from Hummus.
bein_hasdorimParticipantSJSinNYC: I think the best idea is to buy a menorah toy.
Like a stuffed menorah etc… then he’ll know what its called,
looks like, up close safely, telling him stories etc.. it might even become his favorite.
When he’s a little older he’ll be prepared & you can fill in the blanks.
this applies to every yom tov as well.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI think playing baseball as well as other sports is a great even necessary thing.
I was never into following the Goyim in their sports which I believe is unnecessary.
(I actually call it Shtusim) No offense yall!
I’d rather my son be a good baseball or basketball player, than a good follower
of the shtusim. to go see a game live, nu! it’s interesting to see professionals
play a sport. but to follow it? be obsessed with it, so as to ask the goyishe neighbor
on Shabbos Koidesh, what’s the score, or who’s winning? I pray my kids have nothing to do with that. It is a Bizayon!!!
Vus Geit Dir Un Vi Sach Gelt Der Schvartzer macht,
Oder Tzi Er Krigt Mer Gelt, Oder Gevint.(Vus? Er Shikt Dir a Check?)
Du hust Gornish Gevonen, Nor Farloyren. Farloyren Zich Alein,
Tzu Der Proster Goys Veig.
bein_hasdorimParticipantTry drinking a glass of milk, and a serving of cheese on a daily basis.
also try adding vitamin A to your diet. A shortage of vitamin A or calcium
might be the cause of this. Alcohol, coffee, or excessive iron can all deplete your body’s supply of this essential vitamin.
Ten vitamin A-rich foods:
sweet potatos
dried apricots
egg yolks
mozzarella cheese
bein_hasdorimParticipantIn my experience, It is a total mailoh for a guy to date a girl who is already out of
seminary for a year or two. It is also safer bet, as far as having a long term marriage, for has a bigger chance of meeting the real girl, already fizzled out
of her seminary, “Reality Distortion”. Let me explain that term.
I don’t C”V think seminaries brainwash their girls C”V. as I miswrote earlier.
I simply mean they pump them up with very high aspirations & expectation etc..
not the worst thing in the world, however, some girls buy into thinking they’re at levels they might not actually be on. (not being so honest with themselves) & not taking the real world/reality of things into consideration. I think this is a problem with the boys as well, (Rosh Yesivah/Gadol Hador syndrome)
So in conclusion, when a boy dates a girl that is out of seminary for a year or two,
reality starts to sink in, her own personality shines through & she is forced to come to terms that she isn’t the best thing since sliced bread, & that she doesn’t need
the biggest masmid/lamdan of her city/country. Perhaps she wants to raise a family
in a few years, & not be a speech therapist/special educationer, Ad Meah V’esrim
Shonah,(till 120.) Plus she gets to mature a little more (if thats Shayich 😉 )
So Bochurim, Please Do Not grab the youngest girl just because you were told so,
by your friend, (who does’t know squat) or parents who are just following the crowd.
Take a girl who wont surprise you in few years leaving you thinking, who is she?
bein_hasdorimParticipantTry to contact someone who’s child attended any of these seminaries &
ask for feedback. If the parent was happy, pros, cons, etc..
A smaller seminary might be a better choice (if they have years of experience)
depending on the girl.
bein_hasdorimParticipantdemosthenes: Thanks for that long overdue comment!
shaatra: Typical girls response!
The poster (who might be a woman) makes a great point!
havesomeseichel: Do me a favor Puleeezzzzzzz!
Most of the breakups that I am aware of is do to an immature girl!
(and an overbearing meddlesome Shvigger!)
They come out of seminary these girls, Brainwashed that they should seek the next
Gadol Hador as their mate, regardless to the possibility that they are not
interested in what that entails, or if they really want such an Ehrliche boy.
Then if they get what they claimed they wanted, the magic of seminary wears off
and they’re just left with plain Chana, or Yenta, or whatever their name is,
Suddenly they realize hey! This isn’t really what I wanted.
I dont wanna work no more. I want my hubby to work & I wanna shop & wear Prada,
& look pretty. Like my friend Esti.
So DON’T give me this baloney of the boys aren’t mature, but the girls are
waaaaaaaaayyyy beyond their years in maturity & wisdom! Let’s start when their 16.
YEAH RIGHT!!!!!! I hope some of the people with Seichel will realize there is
truth to this.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI’m ashamed to say this, but here goes……..
I was never really a lurker! My problem is the same as
mepal; & areivimzehlazeh; and others.
Why do the lurkers get to have one? Maybe we can have a support group too!
H.O.C.R.A. (not the vegetable!)
Highly Opinionated Coffee Roomers Anonymous
bein_hasdorimParticipantI can second this, I remember way back when I took the bus once past a
certain school, & i was sitting when these girls boarded from said school.
a goyishe one, filling up the whole bus. standing in front of myself & others.
I can’t elaborate, though what they were wearing wouldn’t be considered a skirt
on any planet, maybe a belt was more like it. this was my last time using this bus
route at that time (their school dismissal) this was in my day, I can only assume
it’s the same or worse today. I am a very down to earth person, on the ball type of guy & I was shocked. This is a real problem we face.
bein_hasdorimParticipantSry, wont give you a dvar Torah, you gotta do some work yourself 🙂
lest you give the speech in my name. However will put in my two cents,
perhaps you can build on that,(I had no luck so far)
In Bereishis it says after HB”H created Chavah, * “al kein yazoiv ish
es aviv vi’es Imoy V’dovak b’ishto v’hoyu l’basar Echad.
When a man leaves the shadow of his parents he is able to cleave to his
wife & in turn becoming one, creating a family. This is not to say he leaves the
wonderful things he has learned from them, or respect them any less c”v.
only that in leaving his parents house, lets him rise to be a man himself,
leaving the protection & financial support he goes out to stand
on his own two feet B”H.
This concept we can relate to this weeks parsha of Lech, Le’cho.
HB”H Tells Avram Go! Leave your home, your land, which you are familiar with,
and i will lead the way and guide you. Lecha, it’s for your benefit having to
leave your father home, for many blessing & success await you after leaving
here andstarting anew on your own. this is what a Chosson does when he gets
married. He leaves his parents home & starts his own B”H, as the Torah states
in breishis* this concept I believe is repeated in Lech, Go Chosson, leave,
L’cho. go for your own benefit, taking the good things you saw by your parents
and grandparents L’cho with you & build on that.
(this is my own p’shat) hope it helps! Mazel Tov!
bein_hasdorimParticipantHey jax! I agree with jax, I very seldomly (redundant :-)) take a tylenol, etc..
under 5 a year. I believe that madication should be taken only when necessary,
besides the fact that they are less effective the more you take them,
they are also potentially damaging to ones health. This pill popping
generation is not fully aware of the consequences for their actions.
Instead of making a L’chaim once in a while, they make a L’chaim daily
or bidaily on tylenol, advil, bayer,and aleve, washing it down with
bottles of mylanta, & Pepto Bismol.
bein_hasdorimParticipantlike..gefilta fish, & chrein; Chulent, kugel,chopped liver, chicken soup, with
Matzoh balls. schmalz herring, deli pickles, cole slaw, kasha knishes,
& a old guy singing hava nagilah, with a fiddler & an accordionist.
don’t forget the shlivovitz, & chivas.
seriously though you can have a
chanukah or purim theme depending on it’s proximity to them.
bein_hasdorimParticipantcherrybim: just saw ur post. Sorry I didnt reply till now, i’ve been very busy.
when the Safek is a serious one, one should feel inclined to go l’chumra.
Not in general. It’s actually important not to be a big machmir.
Hashem Is Everywhere: You are wrong to call them mechlelei Shabbos!
They are not playing with anything, (those I referred to) and i’ts not your problem.
it’s their Poisek’s problem. (and don’t tell me kol yisroel Areivim etc.) That is not
a Tainah here. They have a halachic right to be soimech on their Rov.
(Their actual moreh hora’ah that is.)
bein_hasdorimParticipantThe following post was written earlier.
Baruch Shekivanti!)
jphone: You might be on to a SUPER IDEA! It just needs some more homework.
For instance,
1) You will have to make sure that they toiveled in the mikvah togetherwith the cotton they use.
2) The worker must wear white shirts themselves,(or it would be a Stirah)
3) The starch they use, must be made from wheat that had Shmirah Bi’shas Ketzirah.
4)Two months before Pesach, the should kasher the machines & start using potato starch.
5)All products should be made L’ishmah, ( also saying the L’sheim Yichud)
6) If someone gets a stain, (other than mayonnaise or hummus, like chrein, he should
carry a spare white shirt, lest s/o accuses him of wearing colored c”v, for;
1) he may lose his Shidduch
2) be Oiver Lifnei Iveir
3) get kicked out of BMG etc..
4) all of the above
bein_hasdorimParticipantI think $25.00 dollars per hour of work put in, sounds fair.
Ok, ok, $30.00 dollars per hour.
I’m not great in math, but I think we are being ripped off people!
October 14, 2009 11:03 pm at 11:03 pm in reply to: What Food Item Would You Like To See Get A Hecsher? #895347bein_hasdorimParticipantA600KiloBear: wow! that’s gotta be hard, no Tahina. Esp If your israeli.
It’s hard enough for me Pesach w/o it but a whole year? wow!
what do you put on your shwarma? Do they at least have Hummus?
I’m not sure if this counts for this thread, but I would love to see
Heinz Ketchup get a Kosher L’pesach Hechsher as well as Hellmans Mayo.
However Frenchs mustard or any other, doesn’t stand a chance, as it is Kitniyos.
(unless your S’fardi, then you can even eat Pita & rice on Pesach)
October 14, 2009 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm in reply to: Labels – How Do You See Yourself? How Do Others See You? #662602bein_hasdorimParticipantChassidish/Litvish, Heimish/Yeshivish, Chulent/Cholent, Keegil/Kugel,
Buy’in_Hasduurim,/Bein_hasdorim, Tzimisht/Mixed up
I’m a nice mix many labels (plus the voices in my head) Go figure!
bein_hasdorimParticipantEsther: emush, We all hope you are feeling well.
May your strong spirit, and upbeat attitude guide you B”H,
through these hard times, and may you emerge victoriously!
May Simcha & Mazel always chase you, while finding you always
in the best of healthy & happiness.
bein_hasdorimParticipantAPushetaYid: Heh! Heh! 20 is “Ah Yungeh Boychikel.” Very Yungeh Boychikel.
Afileh Far Chasidim! Are you kidding me?
what I wouldn’t do to be 20 again!… Learning In Yershalayim, Ah!…
What a Geshmak!
bein_hasdorimParticipantshaindel: (said on page 2)
“the crisis is because shadchanim are overwhelmed, overworked and underpaid.”
whoa hold on a sec….What? UNDERPAID? which state are you from?
rather which country?(mods it’s rhetorical) Shadchanim are highly overpaid
& perhaps that is part of the crises! please let know of these underpaid
shadchanim, so me & my city, state, and country can save some big money.
bein_hasdorimParticipantNEIN!!! NO-WAY! Loy mit an Aleph! Zeh Lo Bah B’cheshbon!
I’m NOT going to go as far as to call all those who use the Eiruv,
M’chalelei Shabbos.
(of course I mean those, who their Moirah Horah, & Posek, the one
they actually go to, for their real Sheilos in Halacha, Holds of the Eiruv.
All the other people, who have multiple poskim
(whom they have never even seen or heard of) neverthless they have crowned
them as their posek based on every Kuloh /leniency under the sun & moon
that this posek has to offer them…….No Comment!!!
bein_hasdorimParticipantames: So If you’ll work & become the right one, your match cannot find you?,
for “There’s no such thing as finding the right one.”
(it is a good quote though);)
The following is an ancient jewish saying, past down from generation to
generation, mother to son & daughter, daughter to son & mother.
bein_hasdorimParticipantAcording to most ben soirer “Loy Hoyah v’loy yihyeh!”
so why is it a parsha in the torah? Drush V’kabel Schar.
Thank you mod 42 for pointing it out.
The reason is for us to learn from it. Getting the harshest(acording to some)Misah
is L’man Yishme’uh V’yiro’uh. To show how bad it is what he will become,
he will not be able to control himself. & also as mentioned, it is the misah
he would’ve been mechuyav. We are just giving it to him L’mafreah.
Al Shem Soifoy. This in itself should discourage such behavior in its
premature stages.
bein_hasdorimParticipantHere’s one. Someone I know, actually went to the wrong house on a date.
He had the correct address but the wrong block. After ringing the bell,
he was majorly confused when the woman at door said “yes can i help you?”
“Uh.. hi! It’s *Moishe Fried” he said. “I’m here for *shaindy.”
“Sorry, there’s is no shaindy here” she replied, “you have the wrong house.”
He chapped & tried the next block, lucky for him, he didn’t mess up the
street number too.
*names are changed for confidentiality purposes & the mods as well 😉
bein_hasdorimParticipantronrsr: lol! “Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.” ROTF with that one!.
bein_hasdorimParticipantCorrelate: The reason the Braxton’s left the beach abruptly, rushing Fluffy to the vet.
Perpetual: The individual gettting spanked in equal measure to his offenses.
Kvetch: To whine with such potency, it actually leaves a mark.
bein_hasdorimParticipantshtusim: lol! great one! I think abx: missed the joke though.
bein_hasdorimParticipantmepal & joseph: thanks! you saved me a big shlep, now I log in more often
then before. sorry mods, you’ll have to deal with more of my megillahs.
ahem! about the tee-shirts? What about them?
bein_hasdorimParticipantHe Isn’t Banning texting just eradicating its obsessive nature,
lack of respect for one surroundings,from penetrating his beis medrash.
One cannot ban something that in itself isn’t wrong.
Like wearing a bathingsuit is fine, but not in beis medrash.
If I could I’d ban anyone from entering a shul with a cellphone
unless it was off, set to silent or vibrate!
bein_hasdorimParticipantjphone: wow! That sound just like what they said some principals used to do in
frum girls schools. I agree with you that the parents like I said & the husband’s
like you pointed out, are to blame.
Who is supposed to be mechanech our kids? Di Gass? Vogue? or the Parents?
May I add that the magazines the “Yiddishe” Mother brings into the house also
influence her children, If she like it or not, & they notice!
children are very perceptive, only a fool would disagree.
While i’m on this topic let me state my opinion on another matter,
“The Shidduch Crises.” I firmly believe that the aforementioned
lack of values & behavior by parents is also responsible in part for the current “Shidduch Crises.”
Let us hope & pray, that we all start paying
attention to what we do, & dont do, for it has a direct effect on our
children, leaving positive or negative impressions upon them which can be
astoundingly helpful or detrimental in their growth as individuals.
bein_hasdorimParticipantsunflower: what seems to be the confusion?
bein_hasdorimParticipantbygirl31: If you offered the mods 50% shadchanus gelt they might reconsider.
On a serious note, there are many jewish dating sites out there,
not just for more modern crowds. There are many ehrliche yidden who use them.
I personally don’t go for that,) but I heard It works for many people.
bein_hasdorimParticipantsunflower: No! one should smell good for everyone else,
at least if they plan on leaving their house & walking outside among us.
(I’m not taking about perfume though.):)
bein_hasdorimParticipantThey say i have A.D.H.D.
they just dont understand…
Oh look, a squirrel!
Nature’s little speed bumps!
G-d wants spritual fruits
not religious nuts
How’s my driving?
Dial 0116 999 862 738 345 621 4
bein_hasdorimParticipantHere we go again, another tznius thread. I wish they would print some of good points that some of you make about this problem in some jewish magazines & newspapers.
I have no choiach now to say what has to be said so i’ll just say
when is the taliban wifes outfit like hijab & burka, gonna be in style,
i would love to see if the fashion obsessed among us would wear it,
or not for lack of positive attention.
Ok i’ll summarize it in one sentence, in a nutshell..
bein_hasdorimParticipantcan i change my password to one of my choosing?
mine is a weird combo random characters & letters, always hav 2 cut & paste.
btw when are the new YWN tee-shirts coming out?
1)is it true that only members can get the special edition “Coffee Room” Tees.
2)why did the mods edit my name on the back of tee shirt?
3)why does only jax get to wear the Chairman tee shirt?
bein_hasdorimParticipant“… It was loaded with yidden”
Mod 72; i’m surprised 2 hear that. I wouldn’t think of collecting shells w/ the kids.
bein_hasdorimParticipantA600KiloBear: oy vey! I got confused & used an iranian flag & israeli petroleum jelly.
After serving it in shul tonight the oilem said it had a tzionishe tam,
but left them feeling confused as to if they were the aggressor or
bring oppressed. but they were unanimous in their disappointment with the
obama admin.
bein_hasdorimParticipantThis is for anyone who is dating & fears they might fall head over heels,
for perhaps the wrong reasons.
ames said; “So here’s my question. If you meet someone, and there is music and special effects, does that mean he/she is the wrong one?”
It might very well be so! There has to be clarity before you decide if it’s for you.
I unfortunately know ppl who didn’t have clarity & ended up getting messed up.
don’t ask!
ames, for example (assuming ur a girl), maybe the guy is very handsome,
a sharp dresser, etc. you might be intoxicated with his looks & manner,
and not be tuned in so much as to his hashkafas, even though he’s not as frum as you.
He might be a smooth talker, but he’s really full of hot air & you cant tell cuz
ur not focused, or he might act very considerate when he’s actually, a selfish person.
When one hears bells etc.. they’re probably in la la land, for whatever
superficial or real reasons. If this were the case I would suggest extra caution.
It should be disscussed w/ an experienced mentor. Also talking with a “real” close friend that is 100% impartial, might help put thing in perspective.
I suggest anyone who’s in this situation to take a (nice) few days break
in between dating to reevaluate all that you know so far,
& doing some soul-searching to get to the true reasons of why you feel
the way you do about this person when in their presence & when not.
DO NOT Listen to the Shadchan Drei-kopping you, pressuring you to make a
decision. Also don’t fall for when the shadchan tells you how deeply in love
the boy is with you. You job is to determine what you’re feelings are about the boy.
The fact that he is crazy about you,
1) might be an exaggeration (or not a fact at all)
2) should in no way make you choose something that your not happy with.
bein_hasdorimParticipantPurim there is a chiyuv of “ad d’loy yodah” therefore we drink & many get drunk,
but getting drunk on Simchas Torah is not only Not a mitvah,
it is the opposite of Kavod Hatorah, C”V!
If you are bitter & need to intoxicate yourself with alcohol to feel what you think is called “happy” better stay home than come to shul & throw up all over the place.
(I am not referring to casual drinking which I and many responsible adults do)
Those who enjoy the taste of fine wines & bourbons, a high quality beer etc..
A Shikkur is one who seeks the, “high”, “buzz”, “ad dloy yoda”, “crunk”,
all the time, as an escape to the real world, their personality,
or rather lack thereof. I wish all the aforementioned, A Refuah Shleima!
bein_hasdorimParticipantIf they’re on 2nd floor as some shuls have it, shouldn’t be a problem,
granting there is a mechitzah thats not see through, from the mens point of view.
on same floor might be a problem, unless major mechitzah.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI actually think Simchas Torah should be the Only day we shouldn’t drink alcohol!
(besides for kiddush) It’s from the only days we can really be pumped up with
“100% Pure Joy!” Absolutely No Additives! etc..
C’mon man! We celebrate the Torah! you kidding me?
if one needs to take a few shots to be freilich on Simchas Torah…
there’s something missing.
bein_hasdorimParticipanterr……… umm………well…………. I’ll have to get back to you on that one.
bein_hasdorimParticipantcherrybim: Mitzvah.. Goireres Mitzvah! 🙂
bein_hasdorimParticipantWow! looks like you guys had a great time!
It’s nice to see how creative we can get (mod 72)
all the many different ideas that make us all unique.
Jax: I went to the Avraham Fried/ Lipa Concert in Brooklyn College.
Lemme tell you It was Awesome they were well prepared & although they
have generally different styles they were very in sync & meshed well.
there was also an extraordinary amount of humor between them.
The yiddish speaking oilem chapped major hanohoh!
A fried sang aleh katan dedicating it to Gilad Shalit,
ending the song with a touching….
“Tachzik Chazak, ~Gilad Shalit!”
I’ll maybe give a whole drasha later about how much I enjoyed the Concert.
mazca: sorry 2 hear! well at lest u didnt sit around doing nothing.
SJSinNYC: Mazel Tov
mominisrael: i’m soo jealous!
bein_hasdorimParticipantIdk about Js prices maybe more, but in the neighborhood.
bein_hasdorimParticipantOy Vey! where to start? If this bochur had two options, on the path he chooses to follow in his career, 1)all male touro, or 2)co-ed, of course he should choose
an all male environment, besides for his ruchnius, he would have an easier time
1)being more comfortable in an environment he’s used to,
2) no physical distractions. Isn’t that why he’s there? to learn!
If his career choice doesn’t come with that option,
I agree with “the wolf” that it really depends on the guy, background, maturity,
professionalism, etc.. some guys, considering their personality, it wuould be a
very bad idea. (not ending up in a kiddush Hashem as s/o put it.)
bein_hasdorimParticipantWhat’s up with the highway robbery this season!
I went to replace a broken hodaas, $7.00 for 1 stick!
that or an option of 3 for $20.00 but I only needed one.
does anyone think this is fair considering the desperation of s/o
who must replace dried miynim, hiking up the price?
bein_hasdorimParticipantfor those didnt pick up it’s T.T.T.O. Twinkle,twinkle, little star.