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Try soaking it in lemon juice, or vinegar for 2 hours, then pop in the washing machine, with some non liquid detergent on hot/warm cycle. then dry.
bein_hasdorimParticipantronrsr: on that note, who do you suppose Obama will invite this year to the
White House to light the menorah?
1)Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Y”SV
2)Khaled Mashal Y”SV
3)Mahmoud Zahar YS”V
bein_hasdorimParticipantOn the topic of reinstating POLYGAMY, the practice of having more than one spouse,
I believe that aside from it technically dealing with the abundance of older single girls, there is another more realistic benefit as well.
That benefit being that the older single girls, who were left single due to their ultra picky nature, upon being faced with the reality of being a second wheel in a polygamous marriage, will be forced to reconsider and correct their ultra picky ways, overcoming them in choice of a nice jewish single boy of her age
despite the fact that he is not filthy rich, or that he lacks hollywood genes,
(or plastic surgeons) settling for a decent guy,
as opposed to “other” alternative.
bein_hasdorimParticipantsmalltowngirl: Thanks for clearing that up. I agree with you,
keeping a gun at home, is usually more dangerous, than not having one
with the chance that one might have to use it in self defense.
I only say that because even seemingly normal people tend to be very negligent.
I might just start a thread on this topic, to maybe get some people to wake up.
bein_hasdorimParticipantnotthatsmart: I hope that the next time you find yourself in a similar situation,
HB”H Should send you a safer alternative to get you in the clear.
(Wild cabbies should only be a last resort.);)
bein_hasdorimParticipantcherrybim: Oy vey! Someone has to alert the president at once, so he can declare a state of emergency. This is more serious than I thought!
If this continues,
these girls getting frumer, smarter, taller, and heavier than our boys, the gap might become too large to bridge. We need a Kol Koreh declaring a Chiyuv for all these girls to start some serious dieting, No more heels, only flats, along with the necessity
(if need be), for these girls to act less intelligent, as to not scare of and intimidate these boys, who are potential kiruv material.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI have nothing to add as MM, GAW, & mybat, have covered the bases.
Daven to HB”H,
passports etc. ready to go
not get too comfortable, Galut
bein_hasdorimParticipantcherrybim: I’m so sorry, I didnt read your post. I guess great minds think alike.
bein_hasdorimParticipantsorry for the typos (in) the foot (People)
Don’t want another thread on spelling.
bein_hasdorimParticipantdok36: I enjoy Chazanus too, It is not as uncommon as you think, though in this generation it has fallen greatly in popularity due to no new (talented)blood following in the footsteps of their grandfathers. The Churban in Europe also has a lot to do with it in my opinion. Lehavdil, in the goyishe velt, Opera has become quit popular
with tenors such as Andrea Bocceli having captured the interest of the our youth.
bein_hasdorimParticipantHow is this different than the broad vs. slim gap shidduch crisis?
There is a large amount of broad girls as opposed to slim ones,
there is not enough broad boys out there to suffice.
The solution B”H is simple. I think Roshei Yeshivah and Rabbonim should encourage the boys to eat more in order to bridge the gap.
Maybe they can also encourage the boys to wear higher heeled shoes in order to bridge the height gap as well.
bein_hasdorimParticipantWhat is the role of a frum man? Simple, to make as much money as humanly possible
so his his wife can spend it on clothing and jewelry.
Oh! and I almost forgot, to pay the credit cards bills she runs up,
and to compliment her every 15 seconds. Yeah.. that should cover it.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI honestly think there is nothing wrong with polygamy, although I believe once
polygamy is legalized here is the U.S. there will be a rise in suicides, homocides,
divorce, etc..
It takes a special man and exceptionally special women to make polygamy work. The man has to treat both wives the same, showing absolutely no more favor to one spouse over the other.(like that is possible) Secondly the women must be extremely humble not having any traces of jealousy from one over another.(yeah right!) These circumstances are rare enough.
However even by our Holy Ancestors, who were exceedingly greater than us, we find countless cases, of jealousy, rivalry, etc..
So anybody who likes challenges, wants to get himself into a serious dilemma,
likes hearing the phrase “I told you so!” again and again.
I suggest you to shoot yourself the foot, first, just to be prepared.
Peaople have a right to make extremely stupid decisions after being warned.
So MM, haifagirl, you have my vote.
Pass the popcorn, and lets sit back and enjoy the show.
bein_hasdorimParticipantmybat: My point being that firstly, it is normal for a muslim to have muliple wives.
Secondly, to support two wives and many children with the lifestlye they lead,
is drastically cheaper then the lifestyle we lead while supporting one wife and a medium size family.
bein_hasdorimParticipantmybat said; “actually the only Muslims that do practice polygamy are very, very wealthy sheiks”
That is absolutely NOT true! Altough many wealthy arabs have muliple wives,
It is common practice for regular muslims as well. Many muslim across the board
even in Israel, Gaza & here in the united states, yes I know that for a fact!
I know a guy who lives here and has at least two wives.
He said that he is the boss in his home and life is great. They do whatever he wants,
not complaining, and that they aren’t spoiled like americans.
He said he buys them rolls of fabric and they make their own clothing
which last them for years. He was laughing about how he’s lucky he is that
he doesn’t have american wives, which one outfit would cost him more than he spens in a year on fabric. He was also bragging about how many kids he has.
This guy works here in the u.s. as a repairman.
bein_hasdorimParticipanthaifagirl: Most men I know have a hard time dealing with one wife, let alone two!
Muslims have no problem keeping them in check as if they act up they can give them two petch, or worse.
I do not condone such behavior, i’m merely stating the facts.
bein_hasdorimParticipantestherh: thanks for doing a fine job in answering original post.
A reference to Kol Kevudah Bas Melech Pnimah, Is Found in this weeks parsha,
When the Malachim asked Avraham where is Sarah your wife, he replied
Hinei Ba’Ohel! This is to say that a jewish woman, the daughter of the King
Is supposed to be at home not roaming the streets. If she must go to work,
She should be behave like the Bas Melech she is.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI say lets give Michael Savage’s idea a try.
He said have these illegal immigrants, build a nice big strong wall as a border,
then put them on the other side of it.
bein_hasdorimParticipantJewish singers w/ song that has nice strong beat yeah,
jewish songs, no.
bein_hasdorimParticipantoutoftowner: I cannot keep on writing stories that happened to my “friends” cuz it’ll start sounding suspicious. J/K all the stories I wrote happened to other ppl, not me,
Seriously! 😉
Also some ppl are choishesh that their dates might be CR members.
So hypothetically, if someone were to write a fresh story, assuming it wasn’t so bad that she ended it, his cover would be blown. She’d be like
“are you lokshin kugel kilobear shikir 99?” He’d be like uhhh NO!
It would end right there!
bein_hasdorimParticipantestherh; “Boy should write a sefer etc” WHAT? If that is true, which I doubt, that takes the cake, and you want to tell me that girls aren’t picky???
That is like saying, boys demand that every girl should start her own organization & kiruv program, Like sarah Imeinu. with a minimum of at least 2 ppl they were mekarev.
Honestly though, this has to be the funniest thing i’ve heard since that
question in shidduchim, if they collect the dishes from the Shabbos table
clockwise or counterclockwise, or if the bocher was an animal, what sort of animal
would he be?
bein_hasdorimParticipantThe “T” was capitalized to compensate for the abbreviation of the word Moderators.
Also to poke some fun at the orignal poster and its Tone, i mean tone.
bein_hasdorimParticipantrebetzin: Regardless to what I said, I believe there should be an organization
set up in every community that deals with the older girls 26+ in ensuring that they
are out there getting redt to boys their age. I myself redt shidduchim
to anyone I know when it is nogeah. May HB”H send every single their Bashert B’karov! Especially the older yiddishe kinder.
bein_hasdorimParticipantrebetzin: Go to BMG and tell me that there is not many guys over the age of 25 in shidduchim, not just there I know many elsewhere.
I am not claiming that there isn’t more girls,However, in my experiences
I have found that many older girls are very set in their ways, and are reluctant to settle down with many of the older guys that do come their way. I am not saying that they are picky though some might be, merely that they are reluctant to settle, for they are usually situated, making money for a while, have savings, do what they want, it’s hard for them to take a guy who might disrupt their way life as she they know it, unless he’s is very handsome or successful. Average or slightly below that is not a big enticement for them to decide to settle.
bein_hasdorimParticipantj&w22: Thanks! “but it also doesn’t mean that the boys should limit themselves to minors or barely legal girls.” lol! True
bein_hasdorimParticipantJoseph: Thank you for your multiple posts. Although I didn’t read the whole megillah,
I gave it a quick scan and saw many important points that you brought up.
Someof which I only touched upon in some shidduch threads.
However, you were very creative and specific in clearly bringing out these points.
which are totally ignored in their respective seminaries.
They all want, not future Gedoilim and Roshei Yeshiva, but current ones,
with them already assuming the position of Rebbetzin/Balas Mussar to their
husbands, dreying them a kop if they are running a little late for shacaris,
or if they step out to bring in the mail without their hat & jacket,
and garetel. (if heimish)
If even some girls will read it and open their eyes that guys are human,
you will have done a great service to them and their husbands in their current and future lives on the path of building healthy Batei Ne’eman B’yisroel.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI Thank the Choshuveh Mods for doing their work bizri’zus. 🙂
“Thank” should be “thank”.
“Mods” should be “Moderators” (out of respect). 😉
You’re welcome.
bein_hasdorimParticipantHow dare you single out yeshivah guys in stating that they can not write.
How about bais yaakov girls who cannot write? Do you really think
it is only the boys in Yeshiva? I’m making a MACHO’H right here!
bein_hasdorimParticipantrebetzin: I find it hard to follow you, why do you state that older single girls hardly get dates with normal people? What happened to the older single boys?
Have they all gone insane? Perhaps you want to tell me that they would not date these
older girls as they only date youger girls. This is a myth being spread around by
some not so normal older girls. What about the even older guys out there?
Are you telling me a normal)35 year old guy wouldn’t want to date a 34 year old woman?
Why would a 23yo girl want to date a 30 year old anyhow?
if he werent rich of course)
Good normal girls, no matter their age, will have good normal guys wanting to date them. If this isn’t true then you have the parents or the girls to blame for allowing 54 year olds to dream a probability of a 26yo wanting to marry him.
Again not a rich 80 year old, for some creepy reason if he’s rich, there is a
high likelihood he will get just that.
bein_hasdorimParticipantsmalltowngirl: “The guns are NOT stored in our home.”
So what’s the point? Your husband has them for recreational puposes.
The guns cannot protect him and your family as it is not stored at home.
It also does not entail the aforementioned worries of a family member getting
harmed by finding it, due to poor safety precautions.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI usually run when i’m late for minyan, or when i have to move the car for alternate
side parking in the morning, this happens pretty often.
This is how I get my exercise.
Sometimes when the wind gets hold of my hat, I am also forced to run after it.
Somehow it almost always finds it’s way into a nice puddle.
This is how I get my mussar.
Sometimes when i go away on vacation I use the hotels exercise room.
When i’m on the treadmill I usually look in the mirror while running.
That is when I get my mussar & exercise simultaneously.
bein_hasdorimParticipantliked the na nach one,
here’s some more…
Why should I have to
press 1 for english?
Support your local search & rescue.
MY children are in this car.
or i’ll make YOU ride with them.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI just have my trusty baseball bat, It’s safe & at least i’ll get to practice
on my swing. I would only purchase one if I were 1000% sure it was in an extremely
safe place, like in a safe that only I had access to. as mazca pointed out,
unfortunately many people who purchased them just for protection, ended up losing
a child for lack responsibility & saftey precautions.
Mind you these weren’t all airheads who didnt take steps to ensure that their family was not in harms way, so even when you’re careful, sometimes that is just not enough.
When one purchases a gun to store at home, he should really take into consideration that he might be the one is responsible for a catastrophe.
bein_hasdorimParticipantbtw just a little suggestion, if you have patience, I put clear nail polish on all my tzitzis ends (about quarter of an inch length) when it’s new, best idea ever.
protects them from opening up & getting all afro & stuff.
I knot my tzitzis strings together as one, like four times, starting from beged,
then I place in washer gentle cycle with a little liquid detergent,
then i pop it in the dryer on medium, take out when beged is dry, but tzitzis is patially wet, untie knots & let dry for a little while.
bein_hasdorimParticipanthud: Looks like you got confused & posted your comment in the wrong thread.
Also HB”H won’t place a guy in a girls seminary. 😉
we have to do our hishtadlus first, but good point!
bein_hasdorimParticipantWe do not celebrate Thanksgiving day K’minhagom. Since we have much more to appreciate then them, (being persecuted in almost every nation) We have to give thanks to HB”H
on this Medina Shel Chesed, Everyday. I dont think eating turkey, or sweet potato pie,
even cranberry sauce, means we are being thankful, it just means we are trying to imitate other Americans. Being thankful means just that, thanking HB”H for all that he bestows upon us even in Chutz L’Aretz.
bein_hasdorimParticipantPoster: If you do not appreciate a made bed, or crisply folded laundry, clean floors or a clean house in general, then I hear you, but if you do, this is what it takes.
that is how you have to view it.
For instance, if you dont mind when you have bad breath, grimy, dirty, yellow teeth, then by all means dont brush your teeth. (stay away from others though)
If you mind, you brush your teeth. View it as, this is what it costs to have a well
maintained home. Housework, Or an illegal alien, say Paulina from poland, or Rosita from Me-hico.
bein_hasdorimParticipantMy day is not complete,
until i terrify a complete stranger!
Just because you look that way
Doesn’t mean you have to act dumb!
It is better to have loved and lost,
than to live with a psycho
for the rest of your life!
Life is short,
eat dessert first
Even the cutest babies smell.
A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother.
I like! 🙂
bein_hasdorimParticipantpostsemgirl: It appears as if sunflower was kidding with you.
Anyhow I also get so annoyed when a new cd comes out & most of the songs are fillers, its like your paying for two songs. you might as well buy them as singles online.
They have enough time in between cd’s, cant they find at least 5 or 6 decent songs?
bein_hasdorimParticipantChaim Yisrael, Meydad Tasa, MBD, A Fried, Y Shwekey, Lipa, & Ohad.
I also listen to YBC. There some sefardi & Israeli, singers,
as well as some Italian Tenors, whom I enjoy listening to.
I absolutely loathe yanni.
bein_hasdorimParticipantI think there is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing jeans.
(If you’re a painter, or plumber.)
bein_hasdorimParticipantNobody’s against a good kosher party, the question is what type of party are we talking about, a mini AC or vegas, were the adults are gambling & drinking booze, ignoring the kids as they run around, then having Chana attack her husband in the car
otw home about what a shlemazel (or schlemiel) he is for loosing so much money, etc..
I don’t think that is the spirit of Chanuka. Also as I mentioned earlier,
bochurim have no Chiyuv to be at a different “family” party every night.
bein_hasdorimParticipantfor Yeshivah Bochurim it is Bitul Torah & not at all what chanukah is about.
So Bochurim should keep their party going to a minimum, e.g. every nite another family party. If they have a break & want to get in the spirit they should go to their local Rebbes Chanukah Lecht Tzinden.
I personally suggest…… nah I couldn’t say for obvious reasons.
bein_hasdorimParticipantstarwolf: The guy that duped them is not in that country & japan cares little about
him. their strict policy is L’man Yishmeu V’yira’u etc… They want to set examples. At least this is what i heard. I hope at least poeple/bochurim learn a valuable lesson
never to take anything for anyone. It is against our laws as well, & dinah D’malchusho
bein_hasdorimParticipantBasYisroel2: I agree, there is plenty of blame to go around.
On the boys side it seems to be the primarily the mother, on the girls side, however, it seems to be the girls echoing their seminaries, using a yardstick thats size,
few can measure up to.
bein_hasdorimParticipant(Mods I know this is megillah, but it is L’toyeles Horabim)
Here is list of things found in cigarettes:
Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNAs) are known to be some of the most potent carcinogens present in smokeless tobacco, snuff and tobacco smoke.
Benzene found in pesticides and gasoline. It is present in high levels in cigarette smoke and accounts for half of all human exposure to this hazardous chemical.
Pesticides are used on our lawns and gardens, and inhaled into our lungs via cigarette smoke.
Formaldehyde; is a chemical used to preserve dead bodies, and is responsible for some of the nose, throat and eye irritation smokers experience when breathing in cigarette smoke.
Toxic Metals: Arsenic,Commonly used in rat poison, arsenic finds its way into cigarette smoke through some of the pesticides that are used in tobacco farming.
Cadmium; is a toxic heavy metal that is used in batteries. Smokers typically have twice as much cadmium in their bodies as nonsmokers.
Radioactive Toxic Metals
Lead-210 (Pb-210) and polonium-210 (Po-210) are poisonous.
Poisons; Science has discovered approximately 200 poisonous gases in cigarette smoke.
Ammonia; is also used to boost the impact of nicotine in manufactured cigarettes.
Carbon Monoxide; is present in car exhaust and is lethal in very large amounts. Cigarette smoke can contain high levels of carbon monoxide.
Hydrogen Cyanide; was used to kill people in the gas chambers in Nazi Germany during World War II. It can be found in cigarette smoke.
Nicotine; is a poison used in pesticides and is the addictive element in cigarettes.
bein_hasdorimParticipantOy Vey! Don’t get me started. Besides the Fact that is is an Issur D’Oiraisho,
it has become so, that when i ask people not to smoke near me “can ya please take it outside” I get looked at as if I fell from the moon! Don’t these morons understand
that they are causing terrible damage to their lungs with every puff? How about the people who smoke in their house next to their little defenseless children.
Do they know that If they have problems later C”V, that they are to blame?
What happened to V’ohavtoh L’reiacho Komoicho? If you smoke next to someone who doesnt
& it annoys him, you are being oiver! Muliple Issurim!
HB”H created lungs & designed them to take in the purest of gases one that is totally clear & clean. So here comes a person who is so thick, he decides let me inhale the opposite of clean clear air, something dark & filthy, filled with carcinogens, poisons, & toxic metals for pleasure!!?
bein_hasdorimParticipantoomis1105: Thanks! If my fan base grows I might take it to the nightly Dvar Torah.
(If there is any room that is) 🙂
bein_hasdorimParticipanttzippi: Chanoich L’naar al pi Darkoi, Is a timeless piece of advice.
NY Mom: Thanks! I am not anti-girls nor pro-guys, I was merely pointing out that this worn-out claim that girls are super mature & guys are very immature, is not accurate at all!