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  • in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1739930

    Here’s some info on the hazards of DE:

    Inhalation Dangers

    The major danger of food grade diatomaceous earth arises from the fact that it is a powder and is made from silica. A person can inhale powder into the lungs and become ill. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that inhaled silica can cause a range of diseases such as silicosis. Other diseases of the lungs can also be made more likely from inhaling silica, such as tuberculosis. Exposure to silica may also be involved in the development of other non-lung related diseases such as autoimmune problems and chronic kidney disease. These dangers are more likely to occur with repeated exposures to the substance.

    Irritation Risks

    The diatomaceous earth powder particles can also cause irritation because of their small size and abrasive properties. If a person is exposed to the powder, the powder can get into the eyes, which are sensitive to dust. The eyes may become red and scratched, although this effect is temporary. The dust can also irritate the lining of the throat and the inside of the nose.

    Cancer Risks

    Food grade diatomaceous earth is not intrinsically carcinogenic, but the changes to the lungs that a person can suffer from through silica exposure can lead to lung cancer.

    in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1739829

    First mr Logicid all DE can be hazardous to your health and I was just trying to explain the difference between what you buy as a consumer and I get as a pest control company and that we have a extra killing compound that you can not get and I never suggest him to use any DE. Second I am not trying to sell you a product NOR DO I USE DE so I don’t know why you would say my version is fine.I have personally done over 3000 bed bug jobs in the last 9 years using heat treatment because DE and chemicals failed, I have done 120 unit buildings and am a expert in this field putting on seminars and educating people world wide. There is a lot of misguided information on line and a lot of people who give people bad advice this usually creates more harm than good. Not all people want to go through what you went through and it wasn’t easy I’m sure and some people would rather pay a professional or get professional advice no charge and to say my comment was false with your ridiculous comparison baking Soda and Lysol Really. Do you really think people would pay me tens of thousands of dollars if DE could save the day, they pay me from all the bad advice they were given or read online about DIY and make the problem worse. I don’t know where you get you numbers from but $2000 per room now thats a false comment , but you being a professional in this industry you have failed in giving other options to this person and there are many other more healthier ways like steam . This is much safer and will kill bed bug eggs, and there are more but I will leave that up to you. I was only trying to give some expert advice but it seams you have a Expert here already and I am not looking for work I live in canada.

    in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1739669

    There is no scare tactics or hidden agenda, we are only trying to give everyone the proper knowledge when dealing with bed bugs, or what ever method they choose. 75-90% chance might seem great but there is still a 10% chance they are still present which means your problem will start up again. If you have the beginnings of bed bugs you might have a chance of success. Spraying is not the answer either there is no chemical that can kill a bed bug egg, and spraying will also scatter them through out your house, the only true way to eradicate bed bugs and eggs in one shot is with heat, but yes it can be costly.
    Here are some facts. Bed bugs can live up to a 12 to 16 months without feeding.
    Bed bugs will lay 3 to 5 eggs everyday.
    Bed bugs only mate once in there life time.
    There is no chemical that can kill a bed bug egg.
    Bed bugs will become resistant to the chemical sprayed very quickly so you would have to spray a different chemical which leads to more toxins in your home.
    On a personal side and being a pest control company I have first hand seen what this pesky insect has done to people and there homes, i would not wish this on anyone.
    Good luck to anyone dealing with this problem.

    in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1739215

    The environments are different the DE will stick to the soil moisture conditions in veggie gardens etc. In the house the conditions are dryer the powder does not stick, and can easily become air borne just walking past. Even applying it with out a proper applicator or proper mask you will be breathing it.Also it’s not good for pets they will sniff and pull the particles up there nose. So no you don’t have to breath very hard to inhale it, DE does work for many applications and it probably has helped some people with bed bugs maybe but it does not work like most people think. One more thing most people can only get over the counter DE and it is food grade it does not have the killing compound that we get as a pest control company you cannot eat my DE.

    in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1739219

    DE will not save the day when dealing with bed bugs this powder is a deterrent not a problem solver, this will not happen over night it takes a long time for them to dry out from the powder. They will continue to mate and feed of you and still lay 3 to 5 eggs everyday, putting this powder on or around your beds is not the safest approach breathing this powder can be harmful to your health. If this powder works like people think then all heat treatment and pest control companies would be out of business when dealing with bed bugs

    in reply to: Bedbugs – advice and information request from desperate family #1738157

    I would love to give some EXPERT advice. This is what we do for a living.
    We have 2 companies 1 that is only for bed bugs & does Thermal Remediation or heat treatment. The other a general pest control company.
    1. Spray Pesticide:
    It is very difficult to kill bed bugs with pesticide, even after spraying they can produce eggs.
    There is not currently a pesticide that can kill bed bug eggs. Also spraying will make bed bugs go further into places they would not normally go and spread through the property. This is why we have done many full buildings because they have been spraying for years & spread the problem throughout the building.

    2. Thermal remediation / Heat Treatment:
    The only treatment that can kill all bed bugs and eggs with only 1 treatment.
    But the heaters they are using makes all the difference.

    3. Diatomaceous earth: the powder they are talking about:
    DE is a significant inhalation hazard. While it can be applied safely (a very fine dusting barely visible to the eye only in areas where it will not get kicked up into the air), if improperly applied as we have heard about people doing, it can do significant damage to your lungs.

    Also, often you will not see the results of the damage until years after exposure. So, unlike some chemical pesticides that cause immediate reactions to let you know you’ve been overexposed, DE doesn’t have a way to alert you that you’ve applied it improperly. The DE that a consumer can buy off the shelf does not have the killing compound in it that the pest control techs have. As well as knowing how to properly apply the dust to be effective.

    I hope this helps: You can see more info at: bcbedbugexpert.com

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