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  • in reply to: Apple #940674
    basyechida nomore

    I personally find Android products to be more practical. And cheaper of course.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1182933
    basyechida nomore

    I didn’t read that article but I’ve seen the numbers. The 1-2 years only starts after the person going otd is already an adult. The numbers for otd teenagers vary. In fact, most of my friends who were otd as teenagers are now frum and happily married. Good luck!

    in reply to: Torah View On Shidduch Checking #928280
    basyechida nomore

    Will my sons turn out like my brothers? I’m not looking forward to that.

    in reply to: Torah View On Shidduch Checking #928272
    basyechida nomore

    I really hope not.

    in reply to: I'm bored! #927059
    basyechida nomore

    Try learning something new. Like Chinese…

    in reply to: Teaching Evolution #926802
    basyechida nomore

    Some rabbonim do believe in evolution. You should do your research before you assume that evolution automatically means the world is trillions of years old.

    in reply to: Unfriend or never friend? #927505
    basyechida nomore

    Ever heard of Restricted? I’ve had to do my share of networking and when I get a request from someone I’m not so comfortable being friends with, I had him/her to the restricted list.

    in reply to: When is it time to divorce? #911956
    basyechida nomore

    You need help. Professional help. And most importantly, join a support group for people with controlling/ocd spouses. It’s really important for you to hear from other people in the same situation as you. This is a chat room, not a place to get help.

    in reply to: Any Ideas? #910800
    basyechida nomore

    I don’t know where u live, but I believe some communities have organizations that help out mothers of newborn babies especially mothers of multiples. That can be time fulfilling as well as gratifying.

    in reply to: Shiduchim, what else? #947527
    basyechida nomore

    Curiosity, in theory, your idea sounds great, but it’s not for everyone. Since both genders don’t normally mix in the Jewish world, many guys wouldn’t know how to chat up a girl even if they had the opportunity. And I say this even though I did not meet my husband through a shadchan and I’m really grateful that I was open to the idea since no shadchan would’ve ever introduced us. So I’d probably still be single if I was waiting for some shadchan to introduce me to my bashert.

    in reply to: Getting married!! #910913
    basyechida nomore

    Thehock, great post. I agree with everything besides for your last comment. Going to sleep before straightening out a disagreement can be a very bad idea. Because if there’s no time in the morning to talk about it, it’ll keep being pushed off and then what was initially a little disagreement may very well turn into a full blown fight.

    in reply to: Would I be considered being "picky" if I #912072
    basyechida nomore

    From experience, I can tell u height usually stops mattering once u get to know the person. Unless you’re extremely turned off by it…

    in reply to: The marriage trade #910036
    basyechida nomore

    I disagree. While we were dating, my (now) husband used to let me decide where we’d go, what we’d do. Even now that we’re married, it isn’t ever just one of us making all the decisions. That’s a ridiculous and baseless assumption.

    in reply to: Is there a Shidduch Crisis? #1137131
    basyechida nomore

    The key is not to say: I will only marry a _______ (fill in the blank with blond, skinny, etc.) But, one IS entitled to say: I am not attracted to skinny/blond/tall/green-eyed/ girls. There is a difference between the two.

    in reply to: Is there a Shidduch Crisis? #1137128
    basyechida nomore

    Farrocks, Hashem created different people with different looks. He also created people with various looks they find attractive. No man should be forced to marry a woman he isn’t attracted to. Are the men who don’t like skinny girls also shallow? Or is it only the ones who don’t like the heavier girls?

    in reply to: Anniversary ideas #908738
    basyechida nomore

    Sorry about the typo. I meant “wolfish” and not wogashlfish.

    in reply to: Boots Wielding Women #911163
    basyechida nomore

    Frumguy, just because you have a high tolerance for cold, doesn’t mean everyone else does too. I wear boots throughout the winter just to keep the cold out.

    in reply to: Anniversary ideas #908737
    basyechida nomore

    Wogashlfish, you’re right, that wasn’t much to go on. He loves a mental challenge, and is a sports fan. Otoh, he’s a big fan of quiet quality time too.

    WIY, when I wrote he isn’t material, I didn’t mean that he wouldn’t appreciate something gashmyus. What I meant was that he wouldn’t appreciate expensive or extravagant gifts.

    in reply to: Anniversary ideas #908734
    basyechida nomore

    Farrocks, I disagree. There’s no reason why two people can’t celebrate a major milestone in their life.

    Wolfish, all I can say is that he’s not material. He wouldn’t enjoy a tie like farrocks suggested or a watch, wallet, etc.

    qsman, we don’t live in NY.

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