Forum Replies Created
March 11, 2025 12:05 am at 12:05 am in reply to: Is vayechulu a required part of Kiddush? (Friday Night) #2374506BarzilaiParticipant
I checked the Mateh Moshe brought by the Magen Avraham in 271:21. It can be found in paragraph 428. His point is that Vayechulu is not part of the essential Kiddush; we are required to say it because it is a mitzvah to speak of brias haolam and shavas on Friday night, as eidim, witnesses. But Chazal said that we should say it over a cup of wine before kiddush. It is similar to the pesukim that we say before havdalah, which are a minhag, but not necessary for havdala. Here, we are required to say vaychula Friday night, and lechatchila, it should be said before kiddush. But if you didn’t you were yotzei kiddush, just you should say vayechulu later over a cup of wine.
April 17, 2020 2:50 pm at 2:50 pm in reply to: Achron Shel Pesach Dvar Torah: The Art of Prayer #1850034BarzilaiParticipantInstead of implying that Reb Yerucham is inconsistent with the Ramban, how about noticing that the whole point of the Rambam is like Reb Yerucham, that we need to realize that every moment of every day we need Rachmei Hashem no less than an eis tzarah? Hmmmm?
April 17, 2020 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm in reply to: Achron Shel Pesach Dvar Torah: The Art of Prayer #1849976BarzilaiParticipantThe Chasan Sofer is very nice, but it is not fair to post it here. The Chasan Sofer is diametrically opposed to Reb Yerucham’s idea that Rabbi Bukspan said over, and it’s not right to weaken the impact of Reb Yerucham’s idea.
Reb Yerucham is saying that we all know how to daven when we are to be hanged within the week, and we have to learn from the Avos that even daily tefilla should be said with the awareness that we need rachamei Hashem every moment of our lives, not only when we are faced with obvious existential threats.
The Chasan Sofer says “tiken” means that we can’t possibly have proper kavana, so the Avos imbued the required kavanos into davening, so we can rely on the power the Avos put into tefilla even if we don’t have proper kavana. -