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Ibn Ezra (to Gen. 46:27) argues that Yocheved was not in fact born when they entered Egypt, but some time later, so that she bore Moshe at a normal age.
However, Ramban (ibid. v. 15) sharply disagrees with him (he goes so far as to use the semi-derogatory expression יוצק זהב רותח בפי החכם הזה!), and points out that since (a) Yocheved was the literal daughter of Levi (as per Num. 26:59), (b) 130 years passed from when they came to Egypt until Moshe was born, and (c) Levi was a grown man (in his forties) when they came down to Egypt – then there had to have been some kind of miracle here: either Levi fathered Yocheved, or Yocheved bore Moshe, at a very advanced age.
So he goes on to distinguish between miracles that Hashem performs (as sort of “standard operating procedure”) to help righteous people or to destroy the wicked, which are not generally described explicitly in Tanach, versus those that are foretold by a prophet or an angel sent by G-d. Sarah’s being able to bear children at 90 – and this, after decades of infertility – is a miracle of the latter type; Yocheved’s bearing Moshe at 130 is of the former, and so it needn’t be described in the Torah.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantI’m not aware that the begadim have to be made exactly as they were previously. The Gemora discusses them in great detail and the Temple Institute people have spent a tremendous amount of time and energy to do it right. You should contact them with specific questions.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantIt is a retaining wall for the Har HaBayis. The Beis HaMikdash stood on the Har Habayis. Just Google “map of har Habayis” and you will see the rough placement
BaltimoreMavenParticipantTemple Institute(מכון המקדש) seems genuine. Their website and 3D tour of the Mikdash are spectacular. If you haven’t visited their Old City location, it is well worth it. They have made actual keilim as well as clothing for the Kohanim and give Kohen training classes.
BaltimoreMavenParticipant“Modal” socks are unbelievably soft. Unfortunately they don’t last too long.
December 19, 2017 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1430271BaltimoreMavenParticipantאומרת הגמרא במסכת שבת (כג.) : “אשה ודאי מדליקה, דאמר רבי יהושע בן לוי: נשים חייבות בנר חנוכה, שאף הן היו באותו הנס”, כלומר: מדין הגמרא משמע שאשה ודאי חייבת בהדלקת נר חנוכה. בהמשך מציינת הגמרא שאשה מוציאה את בעלה ידי חובה אם הוא אינו שב לביתו. כך פוסק גם השלחן ערוך (או”ח תרע”ה ג’): “אשה מדלקת נר חנוכה, שאף היא חייבת בה” ומוסיף המגן אברהם (שם ד’) שהכוונה שאשה יכולה אף להדליק עבור כל בני ביתה ולהוציאם ידי חובה , ע”פ הדין בגמרא.
יש מחלוקת בין האשכנזים לספרדים לגבי כמות החנוכיות שמדליקים למנהג המהדרין מן המהדרין המוזכר בגמרא. הספרדים הולכים בשיטת השלחן ערוך ע”פ התוספות (סימן תרע”א ב’) שמדליקים חנוכיה אחת בלבד עבור כל בני הבית.
האשכנזים לעומת זאת הולכים בשיטת הרמ”א ע”פ הרמב”ם שלמנהג המהדרין מן המהדרין צריך כל אחד מבני הבית להדליק חנוכיה בפני עצמו. לשיטה זו לכאורה, אין סיבה לחלק בין איש לאשה וגם אשה חייבת כמובא בגמרא לעיל. אף על פי כן, פסק המשנה ברורה (תרע”א סק”ט), שאשה נשואה אינה כלולה בהידור של נר לכל אחד ואחד כיוון שאשתו כגופו ולכן אינה מדליקה נרות.
זאת ועוד, המשנה ברורה (סימן תרע”ה סק”ט) מציין שלמנהג האשכנזים שכל אחד מבני הבית מדליקים, לא נהגו נשים להדליק נרות (ואפילו רווקות) מאחר והן טפילות לגברים, וזו לשונו: “… ועיין בתשובת עולת שמואל סימן ק”ה דלדידן שמדליקין כל אחד בפני עצמו מכל מקום אשה אינה צריכה להדליק דהויין רק טפילות לאנשים ואם רוצים להדליק מברכות דהוי כשאר מצוות עשה שהזמן גרמא דיכולות לברך”. טעמים נוספים ניתנו לכך שנשים לא נהגו להדליק נרות, כגון טעמו של החתם סופר שמאחר ועיקר המצווה הוא להדליק נרות “על פתח ביתו מבחוץ” ומאחר ו”כל כבודה בת מלך פנימה”, אין שייכות לנשים במצווה זו.December 19, 2017 1:53 pm at 1:53 pm in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1430173BaltimoreMavenParticipantI consider myself Chareidi and my daughters light menorah.
December 19, 2017 12:00 pm at 12:00 pm in reply to: Artscroll Shas – English vs. Hebrew editions #1430053BaltimoreMavenParticipantHow about everyone goes and learns Gemora (or Chumash or Nach or Medrash) instead of continuing to argue?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantI know of the Chumra song, Aveira songwriter, lose for Autism and an exercise one. Each is a masterpiece.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThis should read: “Question to which I do not know the answer” – otherwise “to” is a dangling modifier and we frown upon those.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantWhy does it seem that “Lightbright” has way too much time on her hands? She seems to start seemingly inane discussions about random topics. Perhaps reading some hashkofa would be a better use of her time?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThe Aguda / Rav Heinemann Teuda is laminated. It also has time / light sensitive labels embedded under the laminating That slowly turn color and show you when it is expired. Meshulachim are allowed to come once per year. They don’t all come evenly spread throughout the year. They sort of bunch together. And ish mipi ish more come every year. I’m sire NY gets tons more than us but Baltimore is known for a phenomenon: everyone opens their door and gives something, even if it’s not a lot. I heard that in one week a standard meshulach can bring in $2-3k. And the drivers are forced by Rav Heinemann to take only 25% not 33%.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantin Baltimore Rav Moshe Heinemann and the Agudath Yisroel of Baltimore have a very thorough screening and checking method. Besides the scrip available, the Baltimore Teudah is the “gold standard.” I believe Baltimore is one of a very few cities That do not charge for this service. Once the Aguda approves of a meshulach, people give freely. Without a Teuda we are suggested to give a token amount. We get over a thousand meshulachim a year. Some may be frauds but Rav Heinemann runs a good operation that weeds most out.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantSefardim by and large did not intermarry and didn’t take in a lot of Geirim. So why do they look like those around them?
Sefardim look like the people in the countries they lived in because, just like Yaakov trimmed branches to look spotted, striped etc, people after generations look like the surrounding indigenous people. I heard this from my Rebbele.
What color was the tone of the skin of the Avos? Moshe Rabbeinu? Look in Rashi on the Chumash (Bereishis 12:12). Elimelech and his people were white (see Sifsei Chachomim Ibid)December 3, 2017 11:21 pm at 11:21 pm in reply to: He’s Hot, She’s Cold; Windows Open or Closed? #1417553BaltimoreMavenParticipantNot so sure the Halocha is that clean on “windows closed wins.”. I like it cold and someone used that line on me even though there were plenty of places in the room that were not next to the window and we’re plenty warm. I remember looking it up and it wasn’t as clear as you represent.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantJoseph has decided to sponsor school trips to Baltimore for all children in his nursery school class. Wherever he lives.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantI neglected to add: I challenge Joseph to a scientific study – compare the reported crime in BP/FB/WB to that in Pikesville on a per-Frum-Jew basis over the last 5 years. If you can’t support your conjecture with facts and real statistics, we will have to agree to disagree.
Thanks for your (factually unsupported) statements. You are, of course, invited to Baltimore to experience it yourself and see the much higher quality of life, clean air and relaxed atmosphere here. Yes of course NY has 10x the excitement, 10x the mosdos, 10x the tickets, 10x the pollution, 10x the piled up garbage on sidewalks, 10x the machlokes over Eruv and 10x the parking tickets one can find in Baltimore. You seem to have missed my point. When balancing the ma’alos and chisronos, Baltimore wins hands down.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantBurnt Steak: why be so nasty and negative? You do realize that people in NY and NJ (while not being beaten up by police, spray painted or mugged) enjoy smog, double parking, opposite side parking and many other enjoyable aspects of their expensive lives? We are not saying that Baltimore is Gan Eden. We are not saying it is crime free. We are saying it is a very inexpensive place to live and that factor, combined with the many many other ma’alos (Seasons, Eruv, cost of living, multiple Yeshivas and girls schools) vastly outweighs the other, potentially negative factors. Yes there is crime but in our neighborhood it is no more than, and likely much lower than, Boro Park / Flatbush / Williamsberg. The job opportunities, being next to Washington DC, are attractive. The opportunity for starting “the Next Lakewood” is available – the only question is who will be the first smart group of people to take advantage?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantYitzy: it’s true that Baltimore City property taxes are higher than in the County. That just drives down purchase price in the City. Brand new 5 bedroom homes are being built now for $260k on Fords Lane. They will be worth $300k within a couple of years. And roughly half of the frum community already lives in the County and half in the City – doesn’t matter to me where you live – just come and enjoy the lack of traffic, fresh air, 3 hour drive to BP (if you have a Chasuna – in and out same day). Or take Monsey Tours Bus which goes from BP to Baltimore twice a week.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantBaltimore is the next Lakewood.
Very affordable housing. Safe. Shomrim, Hatzolah (4 ambulances), Chaverim, Seasons and 7 Mile Market.
4 Chadorim, 3 girls schools, 4+ yeshivas, solid Eruv, 43+ shuls including MO, Yeshivah, Sefardi, Chassidish. 4 full time Kollelim – 3 Litvish and a growing Chassidishe Kollel.
Baltimore City in particular is interested in people moving. -