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On the topic of kichel, and at the risk of creating a huge machlokes, I would like to state my preference for very thin Kichel with my Shtiglitz herring on Shabbos. I’ve searched and tried many types of herring. The thinnest ones ove found are in Eretz Yisroel. There is always a balance between the thinness and the possibility that the Kichel will break off in the herring container of course. Oh – I should mention that herring always tastes better when eaten directly from the container as opposed to putting it on a plate.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantI’m not sure if it’s funny or not but many people don’t mute their sound and everyone ends up hearing everything. One person was calling someone else (both were also on Zoom) and kept telling them to mute, while this person also hadn’t muted. It’s annoying that Zoom automatically switches to whoever is talking and that just becomes confusing if multiple people are all talking at once. Also the person who is blowing their nose unmuted. Yoish.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantRead the new MIT study. Sneeze or cough goes 26 feet. And afterwards it lingers in the air like a cloud so you can walk through it. Just stay home. Ones Rachmona Patrei. The Torah wants us alive to do more mitzvos when this is over. Stay home.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantTypical shul: many unrelated people walking around, touching things, sharing things, talking to each other. Rarely are surfaces sanitized. Spreading viruses (potentially)
Typical restaurant: families sit together a distance from each other. Don’t walk around. Don’t share things with other tables. Surfaces regularly sanitized.
See any differences?
(Happens to be I think Shuls should stay open and follow common sense cleaning and cleanliness and sanitization)BaltimoreMavenParticipantIt is practically impossible to keep kids away from each other out of school. In many ways the sanitary conditions in school are better regulated and easier to control than at random homes. Kids should be in school. Especially bochurim.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantIt’s unreasonable to insinuate that I’m either counting chickens or knocking anyone. You can’t dispute they are in decline but I think it’s Hashgocha Protis that this building (and their prior one) are both in Orthodox hands rather than the churches or mosques which also bid on them.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantIronically the “frumme” have now purchased both old Har Sinai buildings. It’s like they are building them for us.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantGadol: yes. Google Owings Mills Synagogue. It’s on Walnut Avenue up Greenspring. Right near Bais Yaakov. Hamayvin Yovin that “membership” doesn’t require you to daven there daily. And most people in Baltimore actually belong to multiple Shuls anyway.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThis shul and wedding hall were recently purchased from a Reform temple that spent a lot of money making it beautiful. The cost of membership is included in the cost of the Chasuna I believe. The Chasuna package is one check covers everything. Wedding hall, caterer, photography, video, music, and flowers. All inclusive – for $12,500. That’s about the same as Lakewood I believe.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThere are around 4000 frum families in Baltimore last I checked. That’s around 12000 frum people (although we don’t count Yidden).
if a caterer chooses to be under OU that’s their choice. I’m sure they are good and the food is fine but in Baltimore the Star K rules. Some restaurants went OU for a while, only to switch back.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantBaltimore has a special program and lots of active Shadchanim. Shidduchcenter DOT org
BaltimoreMavenParticipantSeriously? You people on both sides are just as bad. Your own political parties can do no wrong and the other side can do no right. One side can say whatever they want. The other should be executed? Seriously? Either you believe in free speech or you don’t. The Malbim says on the possuk in Mishlei לב שרים ולב מלכים ביד ה that noone involved in politics has any bechira / free will. So all of this drivel is meaningless and a huge waste of time. Gut Shabbos.
BaltimoreMavenParticipant@CTL why not disclose the name of the hotel?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThat’s a lot to ask. What neighborhood do you want? There are three hotels along Route 1 near Shmuel HaNovi. I think Rav Landau hechsher. Prima Palace is very central and has a great hechsher Agudas Yisroel. Most places give a free breakfast that is huge but charge for lunch or dinner. I’ve seen great locations on Dira direct or Dira finder or frum house renting places. Pninat Chemed is like a hotel but doesn’t have a restaurant. But it has 6 restaurants within a 2 minute walk.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantIn Kaduri there are good places under Badatz (Atza Sushi and grill, Uri’s Pizza, some French fries only place and Shaarei Revacha Takeout). Rav Shefa Mall has parking too and Big Bite (fleishigs), Fish bite (yuck), Big Pizza (kids favorite). And a bagel place. Moti’s Takeout is under Pninat Chemed and is a partial restaurant weekdays. Mifgash Ha’Aish is also good Takeout and a restaurant weekdays. Under Rav Landau. Best Schwaof course is Halo Teiman at Knisat Ha’Ir in the gas station (like in Bnei Brak). That is Rav Machpoud. If parking isn’t an issue, runner up best Schwarma is Ma’Oz near Ben Yehuda. Silver Spoon is a food delivery place I never tried.
November 12, 2019 8:16 pm at 8:16 pm in reply to: After millions spent on promotion why are 30% of seats unsold? #1799989BaltimoreMavenParticipantWhy not have It on a Sunday when there is no traffic? Is there a football game that day?
November 10, 2019 6:35 pm at 6:35 pm in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1799104BaltimoreMavenParticipant13 houses are right now for pre-sale on Fords Lane. Very Chareidi neighborhood right next to Bnos Yisroel. They will be custom built for under $300k each with granite Kosher kitchen, deck and 5-6 bedrooms. The development is called Maple Glen. 3 minutes walk to a bunch of Shuls.
November 10, 2019 6:35 pm at 6:35 pm in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1799105BaltimoreMavenParticipantSo it’s an opportunity for 13 close friends or relatives to move all together and be close neighbors.
November 7, 2019 10:51 am at 10:51 am in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1798263BaltimoreMavenParticipantCan someone review the crime stats from the last 12 months? I’ve seen many scary muggings and other attacks in Boro Park and Williamsberg. Joseph?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantAt a minimum one should wait in place after finishing their silent Shemona Esrei and stepping back 3 steps long enough to walk 4 Amos. Otherwise they appear like a dog returning to eat his own throwup. That’s the language in the Gemora.
October 30, 2019 11:50 pm at 11:50 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #1795983BaltimoreMavenParticipantThe vast majority of Baltimore is Litvish / Yeshivish. BH everyone gets along very nicely. Ir HaShalom. Who cares what the President says – he says all sorts of crazy things.
October 30, 2019 7:59 pm at 7:59 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #1795956BaltimoreMavenParticipantBaltimore has Rabbi Eichenstein, Rabbi Taubs shul, Goldbergers, Sternhills, Hertzbergs and the Chassidishe Kollel. The Kollel has 31 Avreichim. Did I mention it’s drivable to and from Baltimore same day (unlike Chicago, Detroit or anywhere else)? Strong Eruv everyone holds of. And we had measles cases too so you know it’s Chassidish.
October 30, 2019 6:20 pm at 6:20 pm in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #1795925BaltimoreMavenParticipantBaltimore is the closest and most developed Chassidishe community 3-4 hour drive from the New York metropolitan area. 4+ Chassidishe Shula. Men’s Mikvaos. Chassidishe Cheder, Kollel and Girls School. Chassidishe Shechita, poskim and Rabbonim, etc.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantCTL; isn’t part of the Mitzvah of Hachnosas Orchim to serve the guests what they enjoy? If so, and assuming you have guests, and assuming further that one or more enjoy Scotch, shouldn’t you therefore buy some? At least periodically?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantSince when is Triangle K a legitimate hechsher for anything?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantSeems that Civet (cat / monkey poop) coffee, as well as Black Ivory (elephant poop) coffee are both Kosher as the coffee beans are partially digested, but are rinsed and cleaned and roasted afterwards. If you can get over the “yuck” factor, and Pony up the $50 per cup it often costs, you may enjoy it. I don’t drink coffee and this just enforces my decision not to.
June 17, 2019 9:50 pm at 9:50 pm in reply to: Whats Baltimore like nowadays.Still OOT or suitable for intown fam #1743753BaltimoreMavenParticipant“Where do the Chasidim I’m Baltimore send their kids to school? Are the Chasidim in Baltimore the same type of Chasidim you’d find in Boro Park, Williamsburg and Monsey?”
” The Chassidishe community/cheder is kind of artificial. The entire thing is a multi-Chassidus kollel supported by one guy and they also operate in seclusion with little interaction with the major frum community”
Artificial and seclusion are partly true but unfair characterizations. Khal Chassidim is a splendid place to daven and I find the Chassidim in the Kollel to be friendly and open. Their schools do accept people from the community but the screening criteria are understandably tight. I heard they have 3 grades in their Cheder and opening a 1st grade in the Girls school. One thing is for sure – they have by far the coolest playgrounds in the city/county. The community is growing – I heard Chassidim are moving from NY and other states to join this “insular” community.
As far as crime, FreddieFish should keep quiet so we can get more Chassidim to move and they can try “chapsem” on the indigenous population.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantsee this from Sefer Bayis Ne’eman:
ונציין עוד, שאף מנהג [הספרדים] אנשי ירושלים, לנהוג במנהג זה (ראה שולחן העזר, פ”ח, סעי’ ח, סק”ג). ובפרי האדמה (לרבי רפאל מיוחס, ח”ג, הלכ’ שבת, פרק ל) מביא בטעמו של דבר, על פי שיטת הטו”ז הנזכר, שאף באופנים שאין חופה מועילה, מועיל ההולכה לביתו, ולדעתו ההולכה היינו דוקא כשמוליכה בידו. ומאידך בספר שער המפקד (מנהגי ירושלים, לרבי רפאל אהרן בן שמעון, אב”ד קהיר. הלכ’ קידושין אות יב), חולק עליו, ולדעתו אין בזה משום קנין חופה, מכמה טעמים – עיי”ש. ולדעתו טעם המנהג לאחוז ביד, מקורו במנהג שנאמר אצל האבות, “ויביאה יצחק האהלה שרה אמו…”. עיי”ש רמזים נוספים.
ובשלחן העזר (שם), מביא טעם נוסף, בכדי להרוויח את קושית ‘המקנה’ (קו”א, סב, א. מובא פת”ש שם), שהקשה על הסוברין שברכות נישואין נאמרו ‘עובר לעשייתן’ לפני הייחוד, דאם זה עולה על הייחוד הלא הוה ההילוך בין מקום החופה לחדר הייחוד הפסק, כדעת הפוסקים (ראה או”ח ח) דהליכה הוה הפסק (ע”כ תוכן קושית המקנה). ולזה הנהיגו שיאחז החתן את הכלה תיכף ממקום החופה עד למקום הייחוד, שלא יהיה ההילוך הפסק.from Hidabroot:
יש מביאים, שהמנהג הוא שאם הכלה טהורה, שהחתן והכלה הולכים שלובי ידיים מן החופה לחדר היחוד (ראה שו”ת פרי האדמה חלק ג’ סימן י, ושלחן העזר דף סז אות ג, ובמה שציין בזה בספר שרשי מנהג אשכנז חלק ד’ עמודים 502-515).
BaltimoreMavenParticipantsee this from Sefer Bayis Ne’eman:
ונציין עוד, שאף מנהג [הספרדים] אנשי ירושלים, לנהוג במנהג זה (ראה שולחן העזר, פ”ח, סעי’ ח, סק”ג). ובפרי האדמה (לרבי רפאל מיוחס, ח”ג, הלכ’ שבת, פרק ל) מביא בטעמו של דבר, על פי שיטת הטו”ז הנזכר, שאף באופנים שאין חופה מועילה, מועיל ההולכה לביתו, ולדעתו ההולכה היינו דוקא כשמוליכה בידו. ומאידך בספר שער המפקד (מנהגי ירושלים, לרבי רפאל אהרן בן שמעון, אב”ד קהיר. הלכ’ קידושין אות יב), חולק עליו, ולדעתו אין בזה משום קנין חופה, מכמה טעמים – עיי”ש. ולדעתו טעם המנהג לאחוז ביד, מקורו במנהג שנאמר אצל האבות, “ויביאה יצחק האהלה שרה אמו…”. עיי”ש רמזים נוספים.
ובשלחן העזר (שם), מביא טעם נוסף, בכדי להרוויח את קושית ‘המקנה’ (קו”א, סב, א. מובא פת”ש שם), שהקשה על הסוברין שברכות נישואין נאמרו ‘עובר לעשייתן’ לפני הייחוד, דאם זה עולה על הייחוד הלא הוה ההילוך בין מקום החופה לחדר הייחוד הפסק, כדעת הפוסקים (ראה או”ח ח) דהליכה הוה הפסק (ע”כ תוכן קושית המקנה). ולזה הנהיגו שיאחז החתן את הכלה תיכף ממקום החופה עד למקום הייחוד, שלא יהיה ההילוך הפסק.from Hidabroot:
יש מביאים, שהמנהג הוא שאם הכלה טהורה, שהחתן והכלה הולכים שלובי ידיים מן החופה לחדר היחוד (ראה שו”ת פרי האדמה חלק ג’ סימן י, ושלחן העזר דף סז אות ג, ובמה שציין בזה בספר שרשי מנהג אשכנז חלק ד’ עמודים 502-515).
אולם יש שכתבו, שיש
April 3, 2019 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm in reply to: How Shidduchim became a beauty pageant contest. #1708625BaltimoreMavenParticipantI request that Haimy retract his filthy statements about the Chareidim. In our circles there is a picture sent to get a general idea if it is shayich or not. Only the mother of the boy looks at the girl’s picture. The boy trusts his parents and obviously gets the final say or not. But “Haimy” is setting up straw men to knock down. How sad.
March 13, 2019 10:41 am at 10:41 am in reply to: Can golus end but the geulah still did not arrive? #1695199BaltimoreMavenParticipantBein Hashmashos, according to Rebbe Yosi, is k’heref ayin.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantEverything is on the Internet. Even things like yearbooks or newspapers which were printed before the Internet was invented. Poland, Romania and other countries are putting their archives online. court records are online. That means if someone has been arrested or convicted, that information is online. Forever. So it is foolish for anyone to claim that they are impervious.
BaltimoreMavenParticipant1 is spouting narishkeit. “Screaming” at someone for talking in shul during certain parts of the davening is the Halocha. Straight out of the Shulchan Aruch. And many Conservative Jews go to shul every day; most go every Shabbos. It’s not Reform.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantFrumguy please request this information on Dan’s deals. United has Glatt kosher both ways from reputable Hashgochas.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantwarning for Litvaks: skip this post).
There is a section of the Zemiros we say Leil Shabbos. It says “u’miyut avonos.”. Why would we ask Hashem for only a few aveiros instead of none? One answer is that it is technically assur to clap, dance and go to mikva on Shabbos. Sechita, whatever. But what kind of a Shabbos is it without clapping dancing and a hot mikva? It isn’t as geshmack. So we ask that the Aibishter forgive us these few.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantLubavitchers hold of bor Al gabei bor. Others hold of zeria and neshika Boros. See Wikipedia or Google it.
September 4, 2018 4:43 pm at 4:43 pm in reply to: How much to tip the barber for a haircut? #1587022BaltimoreMavenParticipantAs others have said, I cut my own hair and that of my minor sons and have saved thousands of dollars over the past two decades. We cut our hair more frequently than many other people. I cut my daughter’s hair until she realized it was crooked.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThere are two types of filters. One draws water out of the mikva and recycles it through the zriah bor. The other type sits in the Mikvah itself and doesn’t draw water out at all. Most poskim hols, I believe, that for men toiveling is fine with either one running.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantThere is no such thing. Anyone can change and anyone can do Teshuva. Even Nero, Nevuzaraden, Bnei Korach, Bnei bonov shel Homan. Acher.
(of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.
synonyms: inveterate, habitual, confirmed, hardened, dyed-in-the-wool, incurable, chronic, irredeemable, hopeless, beyond hope; More
an incorrigible person.BaltimoreMavenParticipantRebbe Nachman spent the last five months of his life in Uman, and specifically requested to be buried here. As believed by the Breslov Hassidim, before his death he solemnly promised to intercede on behalf of anyone who would come to pray on his grave on Rosh Hashana, “be he the worst of sinners”; thus, a pilgrimage to this grave provides the best chance of getting unscathed through the stern judgement which, according to Jewish faith, God passes on everybody on Yom Kippur
BaltimoreMavenParticipantJeans, nail polish colors and secular videos all likely include halachic questions. Not realizing that can be a problem.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantWhy not ask your Rov?
BaltimoreMavenParticipantHave them read once a day from Praying with Fire
BaltimoreMavenParticipantLet’s ignore the poor logic employed by hoover. Not worth a response.
Allegedly the Chasam Sofer said any drosha not in Yiddish is treif.
July 15, 2018 8:19 am at 8:19 am in reply to: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! #1557762BaltimoreMavenParticipantPark Heights. Greenspring. Ranchleigh. Belzer homes yeshiva lane. Dumbarton. The community of 4200 heimishe families is growing. Chai is now less frum oriented and more old age oriented. Director is MO. The best idea is to come for a Shabbos and walk around.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantBrisk learns Kodshim.
BaltimoreMavenParticipantUnfortunately you can now buy pre-made eggs and onion. Takes all of the fun (and risk) out of it.
July 10, 2018 4:28 pm at 4:28 pm in reply to: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! #1555628BaltimoreMavenParticipantTOP – the prices are going up in part because the Chassidishe Kollel and other people are moving in. Rabbi Tesser and others have established new young vibrant shul’s. The neighborhood was on the edge of decline only a few years ago. That being said you can still buy houses in Park Heights for under $180k. Brand new houses on Fords lane are $250k. On the other side of the community the houses are more like 350-450 you should come to Baltimore now, buy up a lot of property, and get in on the ground floor. The only directions at property values are going is up! Don’t forget that we have for ambulances with Hatzolah. A solid Eruv etc.
July 9, 2018 2:46 pm at 2:46 pm in reply to: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! #1554433BaltimoreMavenParticipantMidwest 2 +1
I could not have said it better myself.July 9, 2018 10:32 am at 10:32 am in reply to: Baltimores chassidish community is growing by leaps and bounds!!!! #1554169BaltimoreMavenParticipantYes Baltimore has chassidishe shechita.