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  • in reply to: Beautiful Men #2182828

    Addict – it does but it’s also an interesting standalone issue

    in reply to: Beautiful Men #2182826

    Avira – pretty much everything goes after the intentions. Point being that it can be permissible but the mailbag letter indicated it was never permissible. Just saying.

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2179212

    Not true. A million Russians came and did fine. You can roo.

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2178646

    למקור המאמר עתידה ארץ ישראל שתתפשט בכל הארצות, יעיין פסיקתא רבתא דשבת ור”ח פסיקתא דרב כהנא (פסקא רני עקרה), ספרי דברים א’ ילקוט ישעי’ רמז תק”ג שו”ת באר משה לר”מ ירושלימסקי עמוד ע”ר

    in reply to: Erez Yisrael or stay in Galut? #2178610

    I’m pretty sure the Midrash says that when Moshiach comes, Yerushalayim will spread out to envelop the entire land of Eretz Yisroel and that EY will spread out to the entire world.

    in reply to: Flying to Israel #2175665

    United United United!!! Their fresco kosher meals are amazing. They are the only airline that never stopped flying during covid. They fly 2 daily nonstop from Newark and allow minyan.

    in reply to: Herring #2163168

    What does herring on sugar kichel taste like?
    Depends which type of herring. I’d go for Schwartzs original Sweet shtiglitz

    in reply to: Calling Israel #2156964

    I use an app called Keepcalling. It’s simple and cheap

    There is also a service st onesuite DOT com where they give you a USA number which you can forward to any Israeli phone number.

    In Israel they get plans with a USA number already assigned to ring on their phone

    in reply to: Place to stay in Yerushalayim #2156593

    Prima Palace was always nice and a good hechsher and centrally located. Many brokers can find you something at Kaduri

    in reply to: Jews Who Lived Under Muslim Rule #2156431

    I haven’t read this in the original or in the translation. But your own quote doesn’t support your theory.
    They MAKE themselves APPEAR poor… but are not poor?
    They go about LIKE an impoverished people… but are not actually impoverished?
    Yaakov according to meforshim didn’t need food from Mitzrayim but pretended to, so as to not arouse the ire of his countrymen.
    Same idea everywhere in Golus. We need to keep a low profile.

    in reply to: When should bochurim start dating? #2153371

    Why are we having polls and voting if the Gedolim have already spoken om this numerous times???

    in reply to: Derech HaLimud of the Vilna Gaon #2151254

    Anonymous Jew(hater):
    The Vilna Gaon had many different minhogim. As did the Arizal. Why blame Chassidim?

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148520

    When I was a chosson I davened at a yoshiva in flatbush during Sheva brochos and I was asked to step out so they could say tachanun. Turns out there was a bris.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148308

    Rashi in Meseches Yevomos68 states that the yartzeit of a tzaddik is a regel, and some poksim say based on this, no tachnun is recited on this day.69

    68. 122a “Tulsa.” Refer to Meshmeres Shalom 12:4, Avodas Ephraim 2:pages 510-515 on why some have the custom not to recite tachnun on a yartzeit of a tzaddik. Some say a yartzeit is like a chasuna (ibid). See Kaf Ha’chaim 580:24 who brings that the day of a yartzeit of a tzaddik is a day to fast not a regel. Refer to Shem Aryeh O.C. 14.
    69. Meshmeres Shalom ibid, Ketzos Hashulchan 24:badi 19.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148307

    The Mishmeres Shalom Siman 12:4 explains that it is only for those who learned from that Tzaddik and had a connection to him. He derives it from the Rash”i In Yevamos 122B who uses the word “Regel” to describe a yartzeit;

    תלתא ריגלי – שהיו תלמידי חכמים נקבצים לשמוע דרשה הלכות פסח בפסח והיתה שואלת מהם. ובתשובת הגאונים מצאתי כל הנך ריגלי דאמוראי היינו יום שמת בו אדם גדול קובעים אותו לכבודו ומדי שנה בשנה כשמגיע אותו יום מתקבצים תלמידי חכמים מכל סביביו ובאים על קברו עם שאר העם להושיב ישיבה שם

    The Ketzos Hashulchan 1:24:5 says that not saying Tachanun is all based on Minhag. In the Badei Hashulchan 24:19 he mentions a minhag in Egypt to not say tachanun if there is a Bar Mitzvah, and in Poland if there is Yartzeit of a Tzadik.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148306

    Tachanun was never recited at a certain chassidish shteibl; each day was the yahrtzeit of some rebbe. One day, no one could think of a rebbe who had a yahrtzeit. “Whose yahrtzeit is today,” the gabbai asked. No one responded. “I demand that someone tell me which rebbe has a yahrtzeit,” the gabbai shouted. No response. “Do you mean to tell me that not one rebbe ever died on this day?!” the gabbai thundered! Its amazing! What a special day!. “No tachanun! Yisgadal!”

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148300

    hundreds of kehillos kedoshos not saying tachanun by mincha every day would constitute a source for this minhag

    The minhag of many Chassidish kehilos is not to say tachanun at mincha. This minhag is recorded in many Chassidic and Sefardic sources. A number of explanations are offered:

    1 they often daven until after shkiya, and according to many opinions tachanun may not be said after shkiya, so a blanket rule was instituted so as never to come to saying after shkiya, which in some kabbalistic sources danger is associated with this practice.

    2 tachanun by mincha requires intense concentration, which most people don’t have in the middle of their day

    3 after it is night in Israel tachanun should not be said even in other parts of the world

    Sefer Nimukei Orach Chaim, Shu”T Dvar Yehoshua Y:D 3:74, Zivchei Zedek siman 9 [minhag bagdad], Sefer Shulchan Hatohar Siman 22.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148276

    The almost universal minhag of Chassidim is to not say tachanun by mincha. Of course, mincha is typically davened by them at or after shkiah and tachanun isn’t supposed to be said after shkiah.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148180

    Also I davened at a Chassidishe minyan yesterday and today and tachanun was said both mornings. Much to my chagrin.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148178

    I can show you the text of tachanun in every nusach Sefard siddur, every siddur used by every Chassidishe Rebbe and by all Chassidim. They do day tachanun regularly. They also have minhagim hundreds of years old to refrain from tachanun on certain days. Lav Davka Mondays and Thursdays. Many Rebbes would ask mohelim to daven elsewhere so the minyan could say tachanun. So yiu are just misinformed. And plain wrong. And motzei laaz on an entire sector of Yidden.

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2148080

    Is Nodel a troll?

    in reply to: Who said tachanun today? #2147907

    @Nodel please stop making fun of people you disagree with, don’t understand and don’t want to try to understand. If you lived in the tines of the Tannoim or Amoraim you would have gone meshige. See yaknehaz sugia, for example. Minhag Yisroel Torah, even when it’s not YOUR minhag

    in reply to: Siblings’ machatonim on shidduch resumes #2142761

    I found it enjoyable to speak with current machatonim. They confirmed what we already knew and we got to know each other a little through the process. It gave us stuff to talk about at the Shabbos Sheva brochos.

    in reply to: How smart are u? #2140490

    1) why do we pour water from becher into wine bottle before kiddush?

    First let’s explain that one must rinse out a Kos before using it for Kiddush. The Gemora in Pesachim explains 10 things relevant to a Kos, some of which are meakev. Rinsing inside and out, shtifa and hadocha, are required. Usually some water is left in the Kos rather than emptying it all out after the Rinsing.

    One reason was given, in case the wine in the bottle is pogum, since adding water to pogum wine allows us to use it for Kiddush. Pogum wine cannot be used for Kiddush.

    A second reason is that, kabbolistically, the wine represents Din as it is usually red, and water represents rachamim. We want to be mamtik the din with chessed and rachamim so we add some water from the Kos to the wine.

    Added bonus questions:

    How many segulos for Parnossa or hatzlocha do we find in the Mishna Berura, which is a halocha sefer?

    in reply to: BJX Shabbos Project #2138283

    Avira – not that I disagree but do you know about the Chazal that say a person who puts on Tefillin just once in their life its a huge zechus?

    in reply to: Online Gemara shiur #2132864

    Doing a daf in 30 minutes requires talent and expertise. Don’t belittle it by comparing it to speeding up a shiur so the Rov sounds like a squirrel.

    in reply to: Online Gemara shiur #2132835

    If anyone is interested in an emailed daf yomi daily that takes about 25 to 30 minutes on average, and does every single Rashi inside along with selected other meforshim, please email KaduriRental AT

    in reply to: Zos Habracha – Burial of Moshe Rabbenu #2131808

    The Ben Gorni explains that Eliezer Eved Avrohom went into Gan Eden alive. How is that possible if Avrohom Yitzchok and Yaakov didn’t? He explained that any tzaddik could go into Gan Eden alive since they have sufficient zechusim. The Avos, however, chose to leave over for us zechus Avos so they didn’t have enough to go in alive. Eliezer didn’t care about his eineklach so he kept his zechusim all to himself.

    The question then becomes…. what about Moshe? He clearly had enough zechusim to get in alive even after leaving over for us zechus Avos. And that is why the Torah says Kevuraso – it’s a wonderment how he was even buried.

    in reply to: Zos Habracha – Burial of Moshe Rabbenu #2131649

    Here is a question…

    The possuk says that Noone knew קבורתו, which means his burial, not קברו, which means his kever. So what does it mean that Noone understood his burial, ie why or how he was buried, as opposed to where he was buried (which is not the word used)

    in reply to: ספר recommendation #2130297

    Why wasn’t my response posted?

    in reply to: Succos In Israel-whose money? #2126878

    Hypothetically, if a person gives 35% of their BH hyper high net income to tzedoka, and still has enough left over to live comfortably, you begrudge them a fancy vacation? How about 50%?

    in reply to: Stem or not? #2125675

    There is a syle of kiddush cup with a unique design which is attributed to the Ruzhiner Rebbe but which may date back to the Maggid of Mezeritch. Google “Ruzhin Sterling Silver Kiddush Cup bidspirit”

    in reply to: The best white shirt. #2125023

    Adonis non iron are the softest shirt i could find. They carry them in The Mens Collection in Bork Park. And they come with or without front pockets

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2121482

    AAQ is just plain nasty and is showing their true colors in this entire line of postings.

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2121427

    Why not move to Baltimore and buy a huge lot so far from neighbors that it won’t matter?

    in reply to: Bird Feeders #2121152

    Earplugs. White noise machine. Loud music.

    in reply to: BTL degrees #2117425

    Ner Israel in Baltimore gives a highly regarded BTL and has good relationships with many local Baltimore universities.


    She should call 1-800-DISCRIMINATION

    in reply to: “Frum” female singers on YouTube #2111238

    I believe Lifnei Iver applies only when there is only one possible supplier of the assur product. Otherwise it’s mesayahu lidvar ha’assur which is drabbonon

    Our chasuna videos have separate sections for men’s dancing, with the entire chasuna, and an entirely separate video which includes women’s dancing

    I’m not sure how the YouTube issue differs from the sale of women’s only DVDs. Just don’t watch them.

    in reply to: Clarification regarding Syrian Jewish Community and geirim #2109509

    Isn’t such an across the board takonah a violation of several Torah mitzvahs?

    in reply to: anybody heard of new heimish/chasidish community in Ramat Shlomo #2107139

    @s1234567890 you didn’t mention a particular snif of Chassidim originally. My observation is that chutznik Chassidim mix with Israelis. I’m unaware of any neighborhood that is even mostly chutznik Chassidim. Maybe in Beit Shemesh. What’s wrong with Romema? Did you try Kaduri? Or the new Televizia buildings?

    in reply to: anybody heard of new heimish/chasidish community in Ramat Shlomo #2106693

    There are tons of Chassidishe families already there and with all of the building and nowhere to go it’s getting more Chassidish. The Kopishnitzer Rebbes oldest son lives there.

    in reply to: Yeshivos for Adult Beginning Learners #2106695

    Ohr Somayach Monsey

    in reply to: looking for an apartment to rent in israel #2100279

    Givat zeev

    in reply to: Davening on purim #2067876

    The point of the story was that wherever we see a gezeira of being shikkur, it’s because there is a tremendous koach of tefillah. So on Purim where we all have to get shikkur we all must have a huge potential in our davening that day so don’t waste the opportunity.

    in reply to: Quick & healthy Friday lunch #2059904

    Why not engage in chinuch and teach them to enjoy Toameha? Our kids have shnitzel, potato kugel and cholent for Erev Shabbos snack.

    in reply to: Purim in Israel #2057710

    It’s addressed in the halocha.
    Some would say כל המרבה.
    I did hear that anyone who might have some depression or anger, Chas vshalom, during a Jewish leap year can rest assured that it’s בטל בשישים because we have about 60 days of Adar wherein we need to be בשמחה.

    in reply to: Rapid testing for flight to Israel #2051101

    Google this for an article on Dan’s Deals

    My Experience Using An eMed/Abbott Telehealth Antigen Test For Entry Into The US

    in reply to: Golem of Prague #2048868

    Of course the Maharal made a Golem.
    The goyim in Prague also believe it.
    They will tar and feather any denier.
    Unfortunately all of the Jewish tour guides we’ve had in Prague were Golem deniers, anti-Golem.
    My wife is an einekel from the Maharal but not from the Golem.

    in reply to: Get Over Ended Shidduch #2047061

    It’s not uncommon for the side which ended it to come back later and say yes, and for the marriage to be long and happy. I’m aware of such situations. In other situations the side that ended things ends up recommending a friend or family and it works out. Lesson?
    Never burn any bridges.

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