Baal Teshuvah

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  • in reply to: COVID Vaccine and Fertility #2008244
    Baal Teshuvah

    Have any vaccines every been shown to affect fertility? If not, why would this one all of a sudden? And if your response is that you’re worried about mRNA, go get Johnson and Johnson!

    in reply to: Biden’s Vaccine Plan #1936711
    Baal Teshuvah

    Meno, I would agree with you though that relies on the assumption that our vaccination capability does not increase. I would expect that vaccination capacity will increase greatly over the next few weeks, for instance if de Blasio can implement his mass vaccination facility plans (though given that it’s de Blasio planning it I don’t have much faith). I hope that Joe Biden has enough sense, or at least enough sensible advisers around him, to not distribute the vaccines if there is not the capacity to actually vaccinate.

    in reply to: Are YWN liberals “woke”? #1907312
    Baal Teshuvah

    1 – It’s truly incredible how people on this site, quite nicely embodied by you in your most recent post, in response to a very thoughtful and detailed argument from yichusdik invoke the bogeyman of the “radical left” as if that is the be all and end all of arguments. Perhaps that strategy worked in elementary school but it doesn’t (or at the very least it shouldn’t) work anywhere else. I admit I am concerned about the direction that the Democratic party is heading. But just as I scoff at the liberals who warn of the imminent descent of America into fascism and race war, I scoff at those on the right who warn of Biden and the other leaders of the Democratic party conspiring to turn America into the Sanders Soviet Socialist Republic.

    in reply to: Are YWN liberals “woke”? #1907208
    Baal Teshuvah

    Republican/Conservative here who will be voting for Biden. I don’t particularly support any of the things you mentioned (I think there are some merits to a “Green New Deal” but in a much different form than what is currently being proposed; for instance ending subsidies to the fossil fuel industry etc…). First of all our votes don’t exactly matter in New York. Second of all, when did the presidency become the be all and end all of American politics. Why can’t we focus our attention maintaining a Republican majority in the Senate or flipping the house? I am tired of the circus that has become American politics (admittedly this started before Trump, he has merely amplified it). Removing Trump is merely treating a symptom of a larger problem but that’s a treatment I am happy to prescribe. Just like Trump did not “make America unrecognizable” in four years as so many warned, neither will Biden and the “radical democrats”. For one thing, when you actually have power and the responsibility that goes along with that, you realize that some of the crazy things you said are unreasonable. So yes, I am perfectly happy to tolerate a Biden administration for four years (ideally while holding at least one house of the legislature). And in 2024, if Biden proves to be as disastrous as you expect him to be, I am sure we’ll all be happy to vote for Nikki Haley or whomever else the party nominates. And if the Democrats pack the courts, we’ll pack them right back.

    in reply to: President and the Coronavirus #1906873
    Baal Teshuvah

    Syag – And to say such a thing on Erev Yom Tov!

    in reply to: Joe Biden seemed to be using some sort of earpiece during the debate #1906348
    Baal Teshuvah

    Based on your inability to spell properly, I shudder to think that anyone is entrusting you to diagnose patients with dementia.

    in reply to: QAnon #1897401
    Baal Teshuvah

    Milhouse – Generally when people start talking about a cabal of global elites controlling everything that’s going on in the world, they’re talking about Jews.

    in reply to: Nazi guard scientist statues. #1879847
    Baal Teshuvah

    Schnitzel Bigot, so should Lincoln have not fought the war? Should he have let the South secede and not defended Fort Sumter?

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