Joseph / bezalel

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  • in reply to: Petition to get real-brisker unblocked #843046
    Joseph / bezalel

    Joseph – Thats not the way the CR works here.

    OK, I’ll explain how the CR works. If a user gets blocked they are blocked at the cookie level and are told to contact a moderator. As you know contacting a moderator is no trivial matter. Officially (although there are reports that it isn’t so) each moderator has an email address based on their number but the only way to find this out is by browsing a site that you can’t browse. Even if you manage to know how to contact the moderators you still don’t know which moderator to contact and moderators seldomly get involved with matters involving other moderators, leaving the best solution to be deleting the cookie (or all cookies if you don’t know how to delete a single cookie, losing preferances for countless sites in the process) and creating a new account.

    This may not be what the designers intended but it is how it works.

    Okay, but why would you want to have Joseph as a screen name? (Or are you saying that the mods aren’t giving you any choice…?)

    If a mod gives me permission to answer that then I will.

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