Forum Replies Created
November 22, 2009 11:14 pm at 11:14 pm in reply to: What Newspaper / Magazine do You Read / Trust Most? #681659aziParticipant
Time Out New York.
I submitted a response to your post but one of the moderators, the great defenders of our faith, sitting in a basement somewhere reading all our thoughts, decided that your argument should go unchallenged. You truly have some important friends in high places.
Well, azi, your logic got to me. So the post you speak of has been undeleted. All the readers of this thread can now read your challenge to his argument. They might also get an idea of why you started this thread. I did delete most of the insults though.
I didnt write that i dont know how to responde to those comments, what i wrote was that i agree with them.
I honestly tried reading through your EDITED here, but I dont know what your point is. the first half seems to confirm the first comment i quoted. You are very EDITED and EDITED.
EDITED but that should not transilate into your behavior and how you treat people.
Secondly, you’re saying something about Israel. The comment has nothing to do woth Israel vs Palestine. It was just that Jews riot in the streets of Jerusalem when they dont get their way.
As far as your TV comment, that just is an example of the EDITED that that make non Jews so turned off by frum Jews. You’re EDITED and EDITED. You probaby EDITED. And if you dont employ one than all I can say is baruch hashem, because EDITED.
aziParticipantI dont want any glasses to spin my view of things. I like to look at things with my naked eyes.
All of your points are nice and fine but it doesnt matter much when people on the outside see us exactly the opposite. What you think doesnt matter, its what they see. Meaning your response isnt a good argument because it doesnt properly counter their claims.
aziParticipantIf you are interested in long distance lenses, focus more on a higher optical lens then a digital, digital is grainy. I have a digital camera with a 10x optical and i dont even have the digital zoom turned on.
it’s one in the same. You have to read between the lines.
aziParticipantI am always nervous about these rented water parks. It may be dangerous for the children. the renters should be careful who the monitors are that are watching the kids.
I dont think its the kind of thing anyone would need to ask their LOR about. Either way you pretty much plum.
Also, the Rashba may speak quite approvingly of minhag nashim, bur I think that when we stopped marrying girls off with the promise of a fatty cow to come along with her, we stopped referring to things, in all honesty derogatorily, by calling it a minhag nashim. Or at least people should have stopped.
aziParticipantJothar, we aren’t talking about whether its a nice thing to do or if there is an actual source for it, which there is not.
There is a story that the Chasam Sofer davened in some shul somewhere and during Aleinu the congregation turened around to say it. After some investigation he found out that many years prior there were not enough sidurim in the shul and so they placed a large sign with the words for aleinu on the back wall. So even after the signs were taken down people kept on turning around – with their siddurim – do say aleinu.
The point is people do things with no rhyme or reason. And sadly these are the types of nonsense things that people fight for while overlooking actual halochos.
The gemorah in pesachim says that if someone is noheg a minhag shtus (if someone has a custom that is complete nonsence) you could/should tell them to stop. and you certainly dont have to follow the minhag hamokom. (which people dont seem to care about these days anyway)
yes, sorry, you are correct. the only thing the mishna berura says one should stand for is the brochos. and the stading for a moving sefer torah is kovod sefer torah.
That is why it isnt necessary either to stand when a aron is opened, since the sifrei torah are in a different reshus. It is just our own choice to show kovod by standing then but it isnt required. The only times during the laining process that there is a reequirent to stand is as the torah is being carried from the aron to the bima.
you made an important point. It is true that the whole torah is equal and it is not proper to only stand for the aseres hadibros as if its more importnant then other parts. that is why R’ Avodia Yosef paskens that s’fardim should not even stand for that part of laining. He writes that those who are in a shul of ashkenazim and ashkenazim themselves if they choose to stand during the aseres hadibros should stand from the begining of the aliya intil the end in order not to show any deference to one part over the other.
aziParticipantFeif Un
Just look at what happened with Streits Matzah in the 5 towns this pesach. Its a perfect recent example of what you referred to.
aziParticipantproud tatty
Wow! That’s a first. I am a sick individual. Maybe if you heard all the stories about how some hechsherim are the modern day Italian mafia minus the murder you too would want to limit their power.
The qaulity of the hechsher were i live is very high. There is an entire comminty of thousands of frum Jews who rely on it as well as many people who come from neighboring places.
I believe that as more and more hechsherim start charging more and demanding more from stores, there will be more and more stores without hechsherim. Or they will hire single rabbis who may or may not be familiar to people. I would rather my store be highjacked by the mob then by a rabbi. Because at least with the mob i would get protection.
aziParticipantA rabbi in my community was forced to resign because he wanted to require dress codes for store workers to get a hechsher from the vaad.
Stay out of people personal lives. Its bad enough that a lot of these hechsharim are run like mafias, now you want them to get involved in issues that are not relevet to food! Chill out.
aziParticipantanon, do you use the carcass of the chicken or of someone who ate the chicken?
Really who uses the word carcass in reference to roasted meat?
aziParticipantAn alter bocher is anyone over 18.
aziParticipant*****************Chocolate-Blueberry Soup*******************************
2 bar dark chocolate
1 container of fresh blueberries or 1/2 bag of frozen
1 fresh lemon squeezed with lemon peel saved
1 cup of plain yogurt
1 banana cut into small pieces
melt chocolate over boiling water, once melted mix in blueberries mixing till they start to fall apart. add lemon and banana cut into small pieces. place contents of bowl into blender and blend till smooth and almost loose. mix in yogurt and put in fridge to cool.
can be soup before meal or for dessert if you let the fruit remain chunky.
aziParticipantI have a great recpe for a chilled summer soup. Its my aunts Chocolate-Blueberry soup with a duck broth base.
I will try to get the exact recipe if anyone is interested in this type of soup. Just let me know.
aziParticipanti know a guy who not only began dating while in the freezer, he also got married in while in the freezer.
Also, many people are only in Lakewood until they get married because they plan to go to Israel or some smaller kollel. Those people have nothing to lose and should date anyway.
And now my thoughts: There are several instances where we find that the halacha makes an exception for the marriage of a bachelor. For example a wedding on chal hamoed can’t take place unless the chosson was never married (without children). But some people in Lakewood, NJ decided that its not a big deal to prevent hundreds of bachelors from marring for several months! Pretty dangerous stuff. My rebbi zt’l in Israel was very much against it. There is even a great story about a conversation he had with R’ Malkiel about it.
aziParticipantIf there is an uprising it would probably end like Tiananmen Square.
aziParticipantThe farther away, time wise, from seminary a girl gets the more she moves away from wanting a long term learner and prefers a earner learner or a man with a job who is koveah itim. The sad part is when these girls get married very quickly after seminary before they had a chance to differentiate between what they were told to want and what they actually want and they are stuck with their premature decision.
There are also a lot of guys who are learning but would rather be working too. It is just to difficult for most to make the move. There is pressure from parents, friends and society. Guys should build the courage to be able to make the break and get an education.
June 14, 2009 2:52 am at 2:52 am in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697445aziParticipantA, if you are implying that they come from my yeshiva then you not correct. I don’t think there are to many guys from my yeshiva there or at least there souldn’t be.
June 12, 2009 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697441aziParticipantA, you have siblings that are there or went there?
June 12, 2009 5:19 pm at 5:19 pm in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697439aziParticipantMuch younger. I graduated 6 or 7 yrs ago. One was a rebbi when i was there and the other I just knew who he was because of his father and sibling who i am friends with.
June 12, 2009 5:06 pm at 5:06 pm in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697437aziParticipantI have never been in that industrial village, however I met many talmidim from there over the years. Plus both Roshei Yeshivos started out in the yeshiva I went to (one as a rebbi the other as a talmid.
June 12, 2009 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697435aziParticipantoutoftowner,
you are right especially about the “close knit” part.
June 11, 2009 8:48 pm at 8:48 pm in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697432aziParticipantI was referring to the fact that they are very warm and friendly syag
June 11, 2009 4:01 am at 4:01 am in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697429aziParticipantoutoftowner,
they all ended up there for a reason. also you probably dont know to what I was referring.
June 10, 2009 11:12 pm at 11:12 pm in reply to: Waterbury Connecticut: The �In Town� Out of Town Alternative #697427aziParticipantIts probably a great place to live. and not to far from NY. I have always found that Waterbury guys don’t have that certain thing that in town guys do. It’s very refreshing.
I have had short stories published in local papers. They are always looking to fill space. Of course I did not get payed per word or at all for that matter. It was more just for my enjoyment.
If you are interested in working with Jewish newspapers, you should think of some ideas for a feature series. Give specific ideas. I have done so with one paper and was given the go ahead, although I have not done it yet.
What you seem to want to do is to get into the ad business. I don’t know how you would go about finding a job in that industry. I would suggest checking listings on or The latter is probably a better place to search.
aziParticipantThe rebbe had zero right to take your sons phone for longer then that days class.
aziParticipantFreedom is an application that disables networking on an Apple computer for up to eight hours at a time. Freedom will free you from the distractions of the internet, allowing you time to code, write, or create. At the end of your selected offline period, Freedom re-enables your network, restoring everything as normal.
aziParticipantI only daven beyechidus on a plane. i would not even complete a minyan on a plane.
aziParticipantTheodore Herzl said that we will know that Israel has made it as a county when we have a Jewish criminal arrested by a Jewish police officer and brought before a Jewish judge.
aziParticipantMr. Breslauer,
type this into google: Daniel Breslauer YWN
now you know why people dont use their real names.
aziParticipantI am going to Pago Pago.
aziParticipantmamashtakah, but if they are mass murderers its not a problem.
aziParticipantWhat about drinking on a date. I would love to order a drink in a restaurant. every single human on this planet gets wine or some other drink on a date to make the date more enjoyable and easy going (please dont say “oh it should be enjoyable without it” it shouldnt, its a pretty normal thing). these girls are made so nutty by their teachers in israel, you would think they come from a different planet.
aziParticipantmoish01, What i am saying is i understand the girls who dont want to date smokers, since i would be the same way. you’re right ill rephrase it: as a guy what i would look for is not someone who smokes, which is usually guys.
aziParticipantmoish01, what i meant was, that even as a guy, usually the ones who smoke, i would not date another guy if he was a smoker.
aziParticipantI am a guy and i would never date a guy who is a smoker.
May 1, 2009 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: Frum Girls Dancing on the Dance Dance Revolution at Arcades #689425aziParticipantThe thing about the charei “uniform” is that its just like many other groups who often dress in a similar manner to show that they are part of the larger group. Its part of the human condition. People need to feel like they belong. Most groups develop a similar mode of dress for that reason.
For example hipsters in Williumsburg wear thick black glasses and skinny jeans, and all the punks in NYU die their hair pink or blue. academics wear tweed jackets with elbow patches. Students at Harvard wear harvard t-shirts and students at Brown U wear brown t-shirst. Even modern orthodox who do wear normal clothes still wear a unifying item, which is the kippa serugah.
Clothing is about in many ways a way to identify a persons alligance. The problem is when it becomes more than that. If modern orthodox want to wear white yalmukas to show they are are part of that group thats all its about, they don’t prescribe any special meaning or value to it. That many frum jews have turned their clthing into a “frum” thing and a spiritual thing, I feel, is well beyond what reasonable and rational. Its actually just part of the large issu that is plaging Jews today which is the focus on externals and unimportnats things in yehadus, instead on the interal and true halachas. The same reason why a frum jew could make his family nuts trying to be extra makpid with gobroktz and and the same time sit at the table and speak loshon hara, or any other possible thing is the same reason why clothing has become such a big issue. Its just people focusing on the wrong thing.
May 1, 2009 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm in reply to: Frum Girls Dancing on the Dance Dance Revolution at Arcades #689422aziParticipantWho ever heard of people trying to get a post shut down in a forum? its a little nutty. Beacon, if you dont like the conversation some group is having go to a different post. How is it your business or your right to decide what others can talk about.
April 29, 2009 11:31 am at 11:31 am in reply to: Frum Girls Dancing on the Dance Dance Revolution at Arcades #689396aziParticipantI have always said that an obsession with avoiding woman is still an obsession with woman. Just think about what “very” frum men have on their mind:
1) Is this woman wearing appropriately thick or flesh tones stockings
2) How much of her hair is showing out of her shaitel
3) How tight or lose is her clothing
4) open toed shoe, dangling earrings, too much makeup
5) Can she wear pants under her skirt or not
6) Should a woaman go horseback riding
And the worst of all is how may think in these terms about children. Its perverted. For anyone to think of a child in those terms is sickening. I have no words to describe how disturbing it is that many newspapers block out pictures of five, six year old girls. Its not an impressive thing. That they feel they “need” to do it is just very scary.
A goy, or even a jew who isn’t carefull may notice a woman for a second and move on. They dont spend to much time on those womens personal issues. That all these frum guys are sitting around and discussing the fit of a womans blouse is horrible. I venture to say that they are the worse ones, not the goy.
A posek who must address these issues for woman to know what to do is a different issue. Thats their responsibility and extremely appropriate.
aziParticipantposek hador
I think that “gvir” has a very self-righteous attitude.
They don’t have to collect all togehter. If the yeshivos want to take advantage of their bochurim they cant be to demanding. Its their purim, they can do it however they want. Dont like it, dont ask them to collect.
February 27, 2009 4:52 am at 4:52 am in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111301aziParticipantJoseph
“Decrees”. Really?
get a clue
aziParticipantI’m all for the limos. It’s no different than a regular collector from an Israeli yeshiva who’s plain ticket, hotel and food is payed for out if what he collects. Yehsiva bochurim are not bums who can be pushed around and manipulated by others. If you want them to collect for you then pay the price.
As per your request I reread the post.