The Harry is typically someone who did not grow up attending yeshivish institutions and comes from an MO background, but later in life attempts – ususally very sincerely – to mimic the ways of the native yeshivish in dress, speech and mannerisms. The Harry is usually somewhat successful in blending in with the yeshivishers, but often stands out because he can’t get it 100% right(usually you can tell by the odd-looking perch of the ill-fitting hat or the white socks with dress pants/shoes). The Harry is not to be confused with a BT, which is an entirely different species. Women and girls cannot be Harrys. The Harry is generally accepted by the yeshivish community, and will integrate fully in some cases. However, the Harry often takes things too far, like shushing others in shul or stopping people from speaking lashon hara in the middle of a geshmake conversation. This is not appreciated by the native yeshivishers, and hence the Harry is often excluded or derided by them, for being such a Harry.