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  • in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720496

    TMB: tha’s only half the equation. Popultion growh is the other. Since we don’t plan on changing that (i assume), inevitably it will be necessary to work on the girls end as well-indirecttly of course. Thus the concept of gettig more attention for the slightly older girls comes into play.

    Klac: Because that is a total fabrication though i won’t go into it in this forum. And it’s something that many R”Y would like to see changed for numerous reasons.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722974

    Hereswhatisay: which idea are you reffering to?

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722972

    It not you- YET 🙂

    when your community sees how effecitve it is in the other communities they will not doubt adopt the concept…

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722970

    The communities/schools who have done it as well as those who are planning on starting are not a secret but they asked not to be mentioned by name in a public forum.

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720492

    TMB: And i pointed out the inacurracy of your statment. Family sizes have exploded Bla”h in the last 20 years and that causes a signifciant differential for each year younger the girls are in relation to the boys.

    In additon the dating structure is more rigid now and thus far far more boys only begin dating closer to 23 whereas 15 years ago far far more boys where dating at 21.5 and 22 etc….

    Fell free to contact NASI and they will furnish you will the accturarial study.

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720489


    feel free to review old threads and posts where this exact issue was disucssed in great detail.

    In a nutshell

    1. The percentage of unmarried young frum women reaching their thirties and mid thirties has exploded in the last few years

    2. It has nothing to do with BY graduates more than girls from other schools, (in fact the right wing schools actually have a slightly better marriage percentage for their alumni)

    3. What these girls will do (or have done) when they realize the situation they are in is a very scary thought….

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722966

    APY: The compensation would goes to the shadchan in recofnition of their time and effort. It is awfully hard for a shadchan to get convince someone who is a firm no after date number one to get to date #4.

    this is why the dates where #2/#4. Date number 2 really means a decent idea. Anything that’s not a absolute ridiculous idea the shadchan deserves to get compensate $100. To get to date #4 means that it was certainly a solid suggestion and therefore the shadchan would be appreciated that much more.

    Of course anyone abusing the project (shadchanim pushing dumb ideas just to pocket money) would be disinvited by that community to partake further.

    So far in the communities where it has been implemented that hasn’t happened even once!

    Any further questions you honor?

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720487

    Ofcourse: Thank you for confirming what I have been trying to explaing for a LONG time…

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722964

    GAW: correct, i wouldn’t say ONLY older girls are serviced, people can redd shidduchim to whomever they want. It will give significant more attention to the slightly older girls.

    APY: I beg to differ. Since we have a imbalance, the long term solution is by increasing the number of boys who beging dating each year and decreasing the number of girls who beging dating.

    THAT IS THE SOLUTION. The difficult part is to make that happen. Change is hard, big change is very hard. To make that happen in a way that will take hold is the key issue.

    This specific project of compensation for date #2/date #4 for slightly older girls is a key part of that big picture solution. The other parts are being worked on as well.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722961

    TMB: The concept is for communities, shuls, classmates to look out after their own and set up a systemt where people who get the slightly older girls quality dates receive compensation.

    Cost effective and tremedous amount of attention for slightly older girls.

    Not sure what you mean by pay-to-play, to me it sounds like pay for service rendered and benefit received….

    the reason why the proper way to set it up is via communities/shuls classmates as opposed to the individuals and their parents is because this eliminates the danger of people not proceeding in order not to have to compensate.)

    Clear enough?

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720484

    TMB: we have discussed this point at lengnth in previous threads ad nasuem and there is a letter from 70 R”Y attesteing to the obvious truth. The explanation is

    1. Our communitites growth rate dwarfs previous generations bli ayin hara. As such the differentail in class size between grades 1 and grades 5 is very significant, with younger grades being by far larger do to population growth. Similarly the differential between age 19 (when the girls start dating) and age 22.5 (when the boys start dating is very significant as well.

    2. This automatic result is that the numbers of girls entering the shidduch pool each year far outnumbers the boys entering the pool. Thus we are faced with a cruel game of musical chairs with the boys being chairs and the girls being the participants.

    Are we clear?

    If you like the accuratial report that documented these findings feel free to contact the NASI organization and I’m sure they’ll oblige. (to contact them i would recoomend calling the Yated and they will give you their number. They do not have a website, and I obviously can’t post their email in this forum)

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720478

    GAW: all things being equal the goal is to get extra attention for the slightly older girls. So long as all girls are equal we will continue to have the situation we presently find ourself in.

    Boys get married/girls stay single.

    this is a method that really helps the slightly older girls.

    stay tuned coming to a commuity near you…

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720477

    GAW: why would a kehilla offering to compnesate for date #2/#4 only offer it for the wealthy girls? i fail to understand. I think you still don’t understand the concept that has been tried tested and in the process of being expanded.

    In fact it can potentially put the girls with less going for them in a better position as communities could/wil reach out to the appropriate people and egender more attention for those girls who all things being equal would have tended to get less attention.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722958


    Please explain how minimal compensation for spending hours upon hours trying to help someone is price gouging???

    i think the present system is simply taking advantage of people (the shadchanim) and driving many many people away from devoting the necessary time and effort to make shidduchim.

    It’s very interesting the sense of entitlement people have when it comes to the hours upon hours that shadchanim invest trying to help thier children.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722956

    APY: boys 18-22….. ummm last I checked boys 18-20 weren’t even in the parsha and in many circles till 22…. hence what we call age gap… you are saying it without even realizing it….

    we can discuss why they aren’t dating before 22, but the point is so long as they are not we have a serious shortage of males in the game.

    APY: and why do you think any boys mother would answer your phone call?

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720470

    GAW: I see you still haven’t understood my concept. It IS a kehilla arrangement. Instead of hiring one shadchan it invites and motivates tens of people to focus on the slightly older girls in that specific community.

    It costs less and produces more than hiring a shadchan

    Midwest2: your comment is on the button and extremely scary. The ramifications are trully seismic…

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720461

    GAW: glad to see you’ve come around.

    One slight correction, even if/when the idea becomes widespread, it would hardly be a parnassah, but it would be sufficient to keep people motivated and involved.

    in reply to: Finding girls Shiduchim should be attended to as seriously as Kiruv #720458

    Of Course:

    I’d like to think that NASI has spent alot of time, and energy, and has been very effective to date. I assume by “little action” you meant aside from that wonderfull (very NON PROFIT) operation.

    GAW: Billion Dollar Business????

    Please explain where that comment comes form. Reasonbable relatively small compensation for achievable resutls is NOT expensive and it is very effective.

    But Of Course is 100% correct! If it would take a billion dolaar operation then we must do it.

    Thankfully it won’t. As OC well understands.. close the age gap and we won’t have these girls becomine less frum which is a true tragedy of the situation…..

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722952

    APY: The current “societal norms and expectations” are all messed up and is the cause of all our problems.

    That is exactly what i meant by age gap… current societal norms that dictate that 23 year old guys are dating 19 year old girls.

    change that and you have solved the crisis. (B”H much progress has been made and shadchanim report that the stigma againgst boys dating girls thier own age or slightly older has been broken, as such they are easily able to redd shidduchim that a few years ago the mothers of boys would have hung up on them for suggesting.)

    garnering tremendous amount of attention for slightly older girls will have that effect-hence my enocuraging the compensation for achivable results.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722951




    and everyone else…

    The concept of paying for achiveable results should (and has already being done) on a community level.

    Thus there is no concern of the individuals saying no to a further date based on that concern.

    the effective way to do it is

    on behalf of girls

    21-24 $100/$350

    25+ $250/$550

    (obviously these specifics could be adjusted. In yeshvish circles it would be date #2/date #4 in communities where date number 8 is just getting to know someone then it would be adjusted. I have simply presented a framework that has been implemented effectively)

    This will result in a tremndous amout of attention showered on theres girls. Most likely the poeple to go the extra mile will actually NOT be the extremely busy shadchanim but rather the fellow alumni, shul goers, friends acquantancies that may have dabbled in shidduchim only to quit out of frustration etc….

    This will empower a army of capable poeple to look out for their own. People who are treated like success will feel succesful and succes of course breeds success.

    I would encourge, shuls, classmates, communities to do it. there is no tax (tzippy), it is simply a effective (and inexpensive) way of generating alot of quality dates for their girls. Any group that does it will benefit. Simple as that.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722938

    APY: A shadchan makes a reasonable suggestion. it is up to the individual sides to do their own reasearch to to see if they want go ahead. The miserable situtation for the girls that you descirbie is a direct result of the present shidduch crisis where the boys hold a huge advantage.

    B”H much progress has been made (with a lot more still to go).

    I’ve said it once i’ll say it a million times, equal out the numbers and you’ll solve this problem as well problem…..

    The suggestion of compensating for date #2 date #4 will go along way towards equaling the nubmers and from a societal point – as opposed to structural change that needs to come from the top and is being worked on- it is the most effective idea on the table.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722935


    I understand you clearly and I feel for you and all the other single girls (that’s why i have spent so much time over the last three years working on the issue).

    I don’t like the idea and I wouldn’t encourge individual girls to pay to meet. But as has been mentioned in this thread it’s a free economy. A shadchan is well within their rights to ask for a fee to meet with a single and the single has the option to accept or decline. I would reccomened that if the single accept there should be a clear understanding of what the single can expect as a result of the meeting, but in all liklyhood they will become another person that the shadchan genuinely tries for. Unfourtanately the reality is that shadchanim can not possibly cater to everyone in their files.

    To be clear those that charge to meet (and I’m not a advocate) is NOT because they are making it a business, it is by and large the groups of shadchanim and they have overhead that they need to cover to enable them to attempt to help as many singles as possible. They need to pay for their computer systems, electricity, software. Some of the shadchanim in these groups get small salaries, etc. Who is supposed to cover this?

    Thus they charge for the meeting. This is a fair explantion, but in my mind not a sound practice.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722933

    GAW: you got it…..


    I’m not sure what is hard to undersatnd.

    1. far far more shidduchim are made by non proffesinals than are made by proffesinals.

    2. Thus there is a unlimited number of people who potentially could be invocled in redding shidduchim

    3. look around at how hard it is for girls to get attention. obviously. Clearly these non proffesionals aren’t working at it enough. If they where every girl would be innundated with tons of suggestions from her family members, family shul chevra, classmates husbandss etc. How is it that girls go months with out the phone even ringing???? Sure once in a while these “non-profesionals” if they have an idea they’ll try. That’s not going to cut it for the community at large. Hence girls are stuck practically begging for attention from shadchanim. My concpet will have these ppl looking out for their classmates, family friends etc. in a serious way.

    Tzippi: I’m sorry you are confused, try re-reading my posts.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722928


    To clarify: my concept is NOT about shadchanim who charge a fee to meet, it’s compensating after they set up a quality date.

    1. It is for this reaon why this plan is being implemented on a community, shul, classmates level. That way it doesn’t factor in a decision whether to go on to the next date.

    2. The slightly older girls will always have the advantage because all things being equal it is the slightly older girls who will be ready to compensate for date date #2/#4

    3. It is NOT a lot of money. The community that has implemented it has been excastatic with the results and the small amount of money it has cost.

    4. most girls are married before they date 7 guys of which maybe 3 of them go to date #4. you do the math. maybe 2k for the entire dating career? that’s a very very small price to pay to get to the chuppah….

    Simplyl put it works and it will be come the new way of doing things. Be proud you’ll be able to say you heard about it early on in CR….

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722927


    of course we want and need people who are not proffesional shadchanim to get involved. That is exactly my point. the overwhelming majority of “non-proffesionals” quit not long after they start….

    Of course when you make a shidduch you feel like a million bucks, but most people quit and never get there… and if they make one they will quit before they make their second……

    I am NOT advocating paying a meeting fee (i actually it’s dumb and not prodcutive for the girls for all the reasons mentioned). I am advocating compensating whoever it was that got a girl to date #2/date #4.

    Pay for the “service provided” after the service and you will have far far more people gettign involved and STAYING INVOLVED in the process of redding shidducim, and YES you will have a better chance of finding your bashert because will like to look out for those who appreciate their efforts.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722923

    GAW: now you’ll begin to get it….

    1. communites, shuls, schools (classmates) that implement it will (are already) of course do it for the girls that are slightly older and not for the 18/19 year olds.

    2. If/when it gets to the point that parents themselves do it, inevitably – over all – it will be the parents of slightly older girls who will do it before parents of the 18/19 yr olds do it.

    Thus this will create a tremendous amoutn of foucs for the slighlty older girls and it’s extemely cost effective as the money is only spent after the results are produced…

    (it’s actually brilliant if i must say so myself…)

    in reply to: A Radical Solution to the Shidduch Crisis? #719419


    Is guys 22 – girls 20 soooooo unreasonable……

    I think not….

    and that would save a thousand girls +

    Sounds to me like it’s worth implementing….

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722918

    1. It is NOT greasing the rails

    Havesomeseichel & TMB:

    This has nothing to do with professional shadchanim. Why is it that the vast majority of young couples dabble in shidduchim when they are newly married, yet within a year they drop out i.e. QUIT.

    The answer is because no sane person likes feeling like a failure.

    I am advocating a concept that will encourage classmates, friends, acquantacnes to stick with the program and look out for those they know and care about. If they are treated like successes for their valiant attempts, They will stick with it. If they are treated like failures they most certainly will quit

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722907

    Tzippi: As an aside, I’m not sure where you live (though it sounds like out of town) but i didn’t know you can buy a house for 60k.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722906


    1. communities hiring shadchanim cost much much more (aprox 3k per month) and produce much less results.

    2. A community with 100 dating girls hires one shadcahn. A very good shadchan can focus and work on EIGHT girls at a time. What about the other 92 girls. It doesn’t work. In a small community with 20 girls it might work. Though I’m not sure where they get the money to pay a shadcahn 30k just just for 20 girls.

    3. Communities that have implemented the date #2/date #4 are excastatic with the results and it has cost a fraction of the cost of hiring a shadchan.

    4. As far as abuse on the part of shadcahnim. it is easily prevetable by implementing the plan properly as has been done and is imy”h being expanded to other communities.

    5. This has NOTHING to do with greasing palms. This is all about getting attention for sligtly older gilrs and encouraging people who have tried their hand at shiddcuhim to stay the course and not quit.

    5. The shadchanim I have dealt with are unbelivingly dedicated, true saints!

    in reply to: A Radical Solution to the Shidduch Crisis? #719389

    Sorry to burst your bubble:

    As discssed at length the reason for the present crisis has very little to do with the stlye fo dating. as such changing to the chadisshe model (even if it happened) would do little to alleviate the terrible situation.

    Unless you mean to change to the ages at which chassidim start dating….. short of that it won’t help much….

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722904

    Whaleboy: Thank you. Althoug i would strongly recommend what you did (compensate after having gotten set up) in place of paying the fee up front.

    As i have mentioned numberous times, compensating them and treating them like a success when they set you up to date #2/#4 will do wonders for your relationship with them. They are human like the rest of them.

    Coffe Fan: I feel for you, however most people are not nearly as considerate as your are in temrs of how when they contacrt and treat shadchanim. As a result, unfourtanetly there are some shadchanim that that due to the tremendous abuse they take have lost some of their idealism that they had when they started. If people started appreciating them for their time efforts etc. you can be sure what happened to you would happen far less, and there would be far far more people who get involved and stay involved.

    Of Course: You are sooo correct!

    Those that get it- get it. Those that don’t think the wolrd would be a much bettr place off if all the hardworking shadchanim quit. How wrong they are, but I wouldn’t waste my time trying to convince them.

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722898

    Coffe fan:

    Since when do people have a right to call shadcahnim at all hours of the day and night to ask for their assistance in shidduchim? And I mean, ALL hours.

    Since when do shadchanim (who don’t take money up front) owe anyone anything?

    Since when do people have a right to go over to prevent shadchanim from ever enjoying a simchas by approaching them one after another after another to introduce them to their daughter etc….?

    Clearly the present system is broken.

    Realize shadchanim (who don’t take money up front) owe you absolutely NOTHING.

    Realize that the shadchanim who take $150 up front (some organizations), is simply to put you on their database and they will try. They offer nothing more nothing less. (They should say so up front).

    It’s your decision if you do or do not want to pay them for that. (I for one would NOT.)

    FYI- I am NOT a shadchan

    in reply to: This week's Yated Shidduch Forum… #722896

    The proper system is to compensate date #2/date #4. That way it is measurable what the Shadchan has provided (a quality idea), and shadchanim are treated as succeses for prodcucing that which is in their hands.

    This method is by far the best way to

    1. Encourage all the people (especially young couples) who dabble

    in shidduchim to stay the course and not quit.

    2. To encourage those already involved in shidduchim to focus on the slightly older girls.

    It has been tried tested and is the process of being expanded.

    in reply to: One Bashert? #718177

    For all intents and purposes this is a totally irrelevant question

    in reply to: Older Singles #716578

    Of course:

    Your chizuk is greatly appreciated as is your clear accurate adn accurate presentation of the change that has been ongoing in the dating scene B”H.

    However much work still needs to be done untill we can say that we have really got the situation under control.

    A good start would be for shuls, communities etc to implement the concept discussed earlier.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716572

    Of Course:

    Thanks for the plug but how would you know me other that from The CR, and other than the fact that people in the CR have come around in a big way, what other results do you speak of.

    Please share… it’s helpful for people to be made aware of the progres that has been made…

    in reply to: Older Singles #716567

    1. I fail to undersatnd the question? why do you think i should be one.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716565


    1. For that exact reason the concept will first be implemented by shuls on behalf of their congregrants, classmates on behalf their still single friends, communityes on behalf of their daughters. This way there is no financail deterrent on the individual to continue.

    2. It is extremely inexpensive. Most regular girls do not date even 4 guys four x’s each.

    3. It will bring tons more people into in the field of redding shidduchim as people tend to get involved in activities where they feel succesful, appreciated and thanked

    in reply to: Older Singles #716558

    PBA: I don’t know which yeshvia you went to, and if the boys don’t start dating before 23 then they obviously won’t be married befor 23.

    Please note that in the largest boys yeshiva in North America the average dating carrer is under one year, and within 3 years of starting to date almost ALL the boys are married.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716557

    netazar: lets assume each shul has 10 girls between 21-30.

    It’s a few thousand dollars and they will garner tremendous attention for their girls. Let each shul figure out how to make it happen. But it should happen asap!

    Ofcourse: you are sooo correct it is scary. Data was collected from a wide variety of girls HS across North America, girls who have been dating 5+ years and the number still single is shocking. We are way past debating if the tragedy exists. We are focusing on effecitve implementable soultions.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716550

    PBA: I want to help ALL girls get married!

    I assumed TMB line about 17 year olds was cynical.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716548


    you being cyinical or serious….

    in reply to: Older Singles #716546

    Of Course:

    Every shul should institute for their girls

    girls 21-24 date #2-$100/date #4-$400

    girls 25-20 date#2-$100/ date #4-$400

    they should have a volunteer who serves as a liasion for anyone needing info on the girls and/or their familiers.

    it’s cost effective/produces results and most certainly NOT a fantasy!

    in reply to: Older Singles #716544

    The traditional shadchan route will no longer work. There are simply far to many people who need to get married and not nearly enough insane people who are ready to take on the thankless job of being a shadchan.

    It’s high time shadchanim (and anyone else who dabbles) is rewarded for their efforts even when a couple doesn’t get engaged.

    A Shadchan can NOT get anyone engaged. Due to the NASI’s projects access to many shadchanim they were offered on more than one occasion 50k to get a specific girl engaged.

    Their response

    “Give it to G-D, HE’S the only one who can get your daughter engaged, unfortunately (for you) HE doesn’t care about your money”

    All a shadchan can do it get girls/boys attention, quality dates. a few quality dates and most are engaged.

    When shadchanim (and regular people) are treated as successes for getting a couple to date #2/date #4, then far more people would be involved.

    So long as you are (treated as) a failure unless they get engaged,,, well then we will continue to only have a handful of borderline insane people who willingly subject themselves to failure, abuse and harassment….

    When shadcanim are truly appreciated and compensated (it’s actually very very cost effective as proven by the Montreal Project) for their tireless efforts, time commitment, and total dedication, we will have a army of people ready to get involved.

    in reply to: Older Singles #716543

    Of course:

    i will respond to your points by the numbers

    1. we must travel in very different circles. the tens of shachanim i speak do must definitely deal with plenty of “regular” folk.

    3. there is certainly a burnout/frustration on the part of many shachanim. Unfortunately it can carry over to their interaction with the hordes of people they try to help. That is a direct result of the constant abuse/harrasment the endure. As someone who has set up hundreds of shidduchim you well know what’s its like to field calls non stop ALL hours the day.

    4. Shadchanim owe nothing to anyone, they should certainly try their best and middos always comes first but it has reached a point of simply unbearbale for anyone who is even a part time shadchan. They have no family time, no down time, can enjoy a family simcha, etc…..

    5. I apologize! Kol Hakavood

    As for the solution……..

    it’s quite simple

    in reply to: Older Singles #716538

    1. how would you or the other singles know who shadchanim have set up.

    2. of course (no pun intended) the big names get attention…. but to brush with the broad strokes you are using is simply incorrect and unfair.

    3. try getting a list from the shadchanim “on the right” of the shidduchimn they have made in the last 2 years. I think you’ll be quite fascinated.

    4. here’s a little secret. shadachanim focuse on the girls whom they can get dates for, afterall they are in the business of making making shidducim. if a girl and her family are easy to deal with they will look out for her regardless of the family standing.

    5. if you’ve set up hundreds of couples in the last few years, KOL HAKAVOOD. you would certainly know the work that goes in to getting it there. (i find it hard to beleive that you’ve set up hundreds of dates and have made one shidduch. something doesn’t sound right.)

    in reply to: Older Singles #716536

    Of course:

    As for your point that we need more shadchanim.

    MOST Certainly.

    many many (perhaps even most) young couples certainly try and dabble when they first get married. Yet within 6 months, 99.5% quit the “proffesion”.

    Ever wonder WHY?

    Here’s the secret. NO one likes being a failure and/or being treated like one.

    The most prolific shadchanim set up 300 plus different dates (lets say 350) a year and max 25 get engaged.

    that’s 325 failures…. Right???

    that’s how our community treats a shidduch that falls apart after 2/3/4 dates.

    as long as that’s the situation, rest assured you won’t have people running to devote the hundreds of hours it takes to pursue the thankless, abusive “chesed” of redding shidducim.

    Emotionally healthy sane people distance themselves from feelings of failure, and the typical shadchan is treated that way day in day out.

    The day that changes, is the day you will fulfill your dream of having enough shadchanim out there that each and every girl will have whom to turn to.

    Go For It!

    in reply to: Older Singles #716535

    Of course:

    Off the top let me state clearly, I am not a shadchan.

    Having been heavily involved in the issue for the 3 years and counting, and having been in frequent contact with tens of shadchanim as well as parents and singles in the parsha, allow me to point out the inaccuracies of your comments as well as make suggestions as to what actually works and what doesn’t work.

    1.Shadchanim don’t return phone call.

    The shadchanim you refer to receive 100 new phone calls a day. They are empoyed by no one and have no secretary. Do you think it’s feasable to return all the phone calls? Do you thinks it’s even smart. They call the people that they have tachlis to tell. Obviously someones getting calls, they are setting people up and people are getting married.

    Here a little experiment. Ask those shadchanim who you are lambasting for a list of the shidduchim they have made in the last year or two. I can gurantee that the overwhelming majority of the girls whose shidduchim they have made would perfectly fit your description of regular nice middle class girls.

    BY FAR the overwhelming numbers of shadchanim are kind and genuinely trying to help whomever the can and are fair minded.

    4. Impossible to get a Shadchan list

    5. Shadchanim today work much harder for their rich clientele than the middle class, see what I wrote to question number 2.

    in reply to: Age Difference in Shidduchim #1097164

    mox: Thanks. its taken a lot of hard work but B”H results are being seen.

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