Forum Replies Created
Avram in MDParticipant
“what does everybody think of this”
I saw in the media that the sleep “–>Experts®™©<—” [insert gong and angelic choir sounds] have said that eliminating the bi-annual transitions is a good thing, but that we should go to full-year standard time, not daylight time, as the former is better for sleep. Sorry folks, but Science hath Spoken, and thou must Believe in the capital-S Science and Listen to the Experts, for anyone who dost not obeyeth is a heretic and must be banned from public life. Shuls should check the watches of mispallelim at the door and turn away any who have their watches set an hour ahead of standard time, for they have had less sleep and are more likely to get into accidents and are a clear and present danger to society.
Keep midday Noon!
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I apologize if I offended you or someone else.”
I confess that I was bothered initially by what you wrote, and that may well be my own problem. But just in case I am mochel you, and I hope nothing I have written has caused you pain or offense. I know we’ve disagreed sharply at times, and I try hard to focus on what we’ve written and not say anything personal, but I may not always succeed.
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
Thank you for sharing those sources. They seem to fall into two distinct categories:
1. It is forbidden to call one’s parents by their names.
2. How to handle disagreeing with your parentsAviraDeArah’s hypothetical child certainly didn’t violate #1. Did he violate anything in #2? He didn’t disagree with any position held by his father, nor did he affirm his father’s words. In fact, the hypothetical father stated no opinions whatsoever, nor did the child. He simply asked a question: did you ever get that garment checked? It says wool on the label. The source you brought that has the closest relevance to AviraDeArah’s example was the Prisha: “But if there is definite proof that a mistake was made in religious matters, then one is obligated to point this out.” Not getting a wool garment checked for shatnez is a mistake in halacha which led to a clear and definite violation of halacha in AviraDeArah’s hypothetical. Perhaps you can say the son was not sure, but the son did not disagree or level an accusation against the father, or “correct him” as you wrote – he asked a question! Did you get this garment checked?
You leveled some serious charges against AviraDeArah due to his example which by even your own sources doesn’t appear to violate any clear issur in kibud av, and then implied that I look for excuses to get out of observing mitzvos bein adam l’chaveiro when I defended AviraDeArah from what I thought was unwarranted and harsh criticism. I think it’s possible you’re reading way more into the example than was actually there.
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I don’t want to throw quotations at you, I suggest you yourself look up halochos of talking to a parent and tell us how this matches.”
By all means, bring ’em!
“But as usual, somehow the first instinct in bein adam l’havero is to find an excuse why not. Not healthy.”
So explain to me how you can frequently assume the worst about people and then lecture them about bein adam l’chaveiro?
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“speaking respectfully with your parent is as basic halakha as keeping shabbos.”
What is considered respectful and what is not is highly subjective and depends on the parent and child in question. I did not find AviraDeArah’s wording to be disrespectful. Some may find “ta” rather than “totty” to be disrespectful, but Avira’s father may not. It seems that you’re more interested in the fun of trying to hit Avira from the right, so I’ll join the fun. How could you give an example of a child referring to his father in the 2nd person as an example of respectful speech? There are children in some Jewish families who wouldn’t dream of such chutzpah! You should have written, “Totty, how is shatnez checked in a bekesha?”
“Your kid should have just switched it off first, of course.”
You’d want your kid to walk into a kitchen that is ON FIRE to turn off the stove? I’d want my kid out of the house as quickly as possible.
Here’s the thing: Avira and I both brought stories in an attempt to show that nobody is perfect, mistakes happen even with the best intentions, and the right thing to do is to correct the mistake and keep moving forward and not let yourself become derailed – while also saying that it’s possible that no mistake was made at all. I’m not sure why that message bothers you, but by Avira’s story you went off on a tangent about how kids these days become frummer than their parents and disrespect their mitzvah observance. Perhaps that’s a worthy topic to be discussed separately, but how is it relevant here? And furthermore, Avira’s story was talking about wearing straight up shatnez, not a chumra such as gebrochts that might cause a child to stop eating at his parents house. So the tangent was not only irrelevant, but inappropriate to the example.
As for my house-on-fire story, my point is that there are times for polite obfuscation, but there are also times that true respect calls for a shorter and more direct statement. If I’m about to accidentally put a piece of bacon in my mouth thinking it was kosher corned beef, I hope my kids stop me directly rather than blathering about how they learned in school that bacon was unkosher, or how to tell bacon from corned beef while I’m eating it. Their misguided “respect” would have caused me to unintentionally sin!
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
Are you still reading this thread?
Avram in MDParticipantcoffee addict,
“I’m joking, but in essence Hashem looks into our kavanah”
“As kids “learn” to be “better” than their parents, then most of parents’ mitzvos will be found to be pasul”
It would be the height of nachas for my children to exceed my levels of avodas Hashem, and like I huff and puff after them while they play now, I daven to have the strength to huff and puff after them in spiritual growth then.
“A chachan, or even a tam, son should have said – Ta, how do you check bekeshas? Or, I learned today that bekeshas need to be checked.”
So the other day I left a stove burner on, and the kitchen caught fire. My child came to me and said, “Ta, I learned in cheider how important it is to make sure nothing is left next to the stove.” I said, “that’s a nice safety lesson, kol hakavod!” He paused, then said, “Ta, can you show me how to turn a burner off on the stove?” I said, “sorry my dear, I’m working right now and I don’t think you’re ready to do things on the stove.” He paused again, and then said, “Ta, can you show me how to use the fire extinguisher?” I said, “why do you ask?” And then we both collapsed from smoke inhalation. Just kidding like coffee addict, thank G-d. But I don’t think Avira’s wording was necessarily rude given the situation in his hypothetical.
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
“So, by doing so, for years, I have been mechalel Shabbos every time I davened for the amud on Shabbos mincha.”
Did you read the rest of AviraDeArah’s post?
Even if it turns out to be 100% hachanah and assur, or worse, the bookmark sent wireless signals to a remote controlled robot programmed to start every car in the parking lot, chop and gather wood, and sort all your kids’ lego by color when placed in contact with the first page of the weekday maariv, I think you’ve received a blessing with your realization. We are supposed to keep growing and improving ourselves, and you have an opportunity to do just that with a very small but meaningful act.
There’s a well known story of a chossid who had a precious set of tefillin written by a renowned sofer, who was makpid to get them checked frequently. When he was elderly, a routine check revealed something that meant the tefillin were always possul, like a misspelled word or something. His family expected him to be crushed – he was so proud of and careful with the mitzvah of tefillin, and now it’s become clear that he’s never fulfilled it properly in his entire life! Instead, he started dancing. He told his family that, no, he was not out of his mind. But rather, for some reason, it had been ordained that he not get the merit of fulfilling the mitzvah of tefillin, but Hashem had now given him the opportunity to do so before he left this world.
Avram in MDParticipantujm,
“there’s a chiyuv to get stone drunk on Purim?”
What does stone drunk mean? Throwing up? Needing to go to the ER for alcohol poisoning? Passing out and missing maariv? Missing shacharis the next morning because of a hangover?
“this year you can’t fulfil it on Stoli from moris ayn.”
You can’t fulfill it on hard liquor any year. We drink wine, as wine was involved in our salvation. Esther did not invite Achashveirosh to a vodka party.
Syag Lchochma,
“and your attempts to be extreme for it’s own sake continue”
He’s not trying to be extreme. He had a bit much to drink one Purim and couldn’t tell the difference between Hebrew letters and Greek, so he inadvertently spent 20 years learning in a college fraternity house thinking it was Yeshiva.
March 14, 2022 10:02 am at 10:02 am in reply to: How much hand shmurah matzah should I buy? #2069076Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“this thread should be useful for economists to track inflation (or affluence of Yidden). Assuming 2% inflation for 10 years and 10% last year, the price is still 30% higher. So, B’H, Yidden are ready to pay for mitzvos.”
Brand and location also play a big role in the price.
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“Maybe it is a good thing that world has a moment of clarity in the face of evil, and we need to acknowledge that.”
I acknowledge it.
Avram in MDParticipant2scents,
“For the reaction (sanction and boycotts) to be effective, they needed to be deployed rapidly.”
I agree with this and everything else you wrote. It was just that the rapidity surprised me, and from my perspective the impetus largely came from social media pressure rather than governmental decree, which is a new phenomenon. Jackk and Always_Ask_Questions would argue that it came from a recoiling from Russia’s brutality towards civilians. I think that became increasingly true, but a lot of the initial coordinated cancelling came about while Russia was still seemingly utilizing surgical strikes and targeting mainly military infrastructure.
Avram in MDParticipant2scents,
“We cannot have it both ways, we cannot cancel companies for assisting or being contracted by Hitler and yet complain when companies are being pressured to cease doing business with or even in Russia.”
This is a really good point, and I agree with you. Let me clarify that in my OP and subsequent posts I am not meaning to argue against boycotts in general. I personally can’t think of any better ways to handle the current situation, given the peril to the world of direct confrontation between nuclear powers. What I intended to point out was how coordinated, rapid, and policed this boycott was from the outset and at a point in time when information was more scarce.
Avram in MDParticipantLostspark,
“I wonder what Russia did to have such a zechus to not have McDonalds, CNN, Facebook, etc no longer foisted upon their population.”
That’s funny.
“Sometimes I think EY could use these corporate entities cutting them off so they could see the left is no friend of the Jew any longer.”
I’m not much of a fan of the school of hard knocks, and I like the chocolate chunks in Phish Food.
“I’m afraid if this continues America’s soul searching will send us careening in the opposite direction which is just as terrible if not worse.”
I agree 100%.
“The two poles right now are Volkish right and Boleshivik left. Appealing to either side of this will have consequences that are not good.”
Yes the middle has fallen into the abyss in American politics and cultural debates, and interestingly those who try to stake out a middle ground are harassed with much more vigor than the extremists (examples: Simena, Manchin, and so-called RINOs).
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“Avram, I think I understand what you are saying, but I think fretting about these possible side effects is sort of inappropriate in the view of ongoing carnage and risk of escalation.”
How exactly is this discussion inappropriate? I’m not providing succor to Russia, nor am I minimizing or denying the suffering of Ukrainians. Russia is committing atrocities and must be stopped. All I’m doing is pointing out the existence of a new weapon/technique/front of warfare that has been deployed. I thought this thread would go in the direction of a commentary on the increasing power of media, social media, and viral shaming to direct public behavior in a highly coordinated fashion, but it seems that discussing it at all must mean that I support the supervillian in a war of good vs evil, and thus am evil myself. What a distortion. On the contrary, you and jackk have convinced me that this topic is imperative to bring up.
“There are so many real issues here.”
Relative privation fallacy.
Avram in MDParticipantjackk,
“I extend my hand to you to retract your support of Putin today or you can wait for the War Crimes Tribunal.”
Also, is that an attempt at a veiled threat?
Avram in MDParticipantjackk,
“I extend my hand to you to retract your support of Putin today or you can wait for the War Crimes Tribunal.”
This has no relevance to my points, and I am not a Putin supporter. We don’t seem to be communicating very well, so let me try the risky venture of using an analogy.
Let’s say there’s two fictional island nations: Lilliput and Blefuscu. One day, Lilliput launches an unprovoked and violent assault on Blefuscu because the Lilliputians don’t like how the Blefuscans open their eggs. Suddenly, all of the other nations in the world deploy a new ray gun that zaps the water around Lilliput, instantaneously creating a massive whirlpool that no boats can cross.
Now the actual act of using the ray gun against Lilliput was justified and correct in this situation – Lilliput needed to be stopped, and surrounding their island with a whirlpool hurt their war effort. But now I’m pointing out how scary a weapon that ray gun is, and I’m worried about how it’ll be used next, and you’re telling me that there is no ray gun and that the waters just frothed up by themselves because the ocean was mad at how evil Lilliput is, and if I don’t accept that, I’m a Lilliputian supporter.
Avram in MDParticipantLostspark,
“How much do you want to bet moral posturing economic warfare will be used on EY the same way it has on Russia?”
This is one of the reasons I wrote my OP. Israel’s opponents have tried to use these tactics for years, that is what BDS is all about, but it has not been anywhere near as effective as this campaign launched against Russia. Part of the reason for the ineffectiveness is Israel’s ability to get its own message out to the world. What if that changes?
You know the corporate stooges will go for it if it makes the blue haired mobs spend money.
I think they fear the stick more than want the carrot. Social media has opened up a new frontier of engagement between businesses and customers apart from selling and purchasing products. The by-product of that is now people don’t just want a burger, they want to make sure the burger place supports their political views. And if it doesn’t they’ll use social media to shame anyone who eats a burger from that place. Now businesses are wading into issues where they have no expertise, and the marketplace is fracturing along political fault lines, with some brands supported by Democrats, and other brands by Republicans for example.
Avram in MDParticipantjackk,
“And the complete reversal of the Republican party from a healthy distrust of Russia to a almost adulation since the 2010s has really taken me by surprise.”
It is surprising to me too, though it seems to be coming primarily from a right wing faction of the party, whereas most other Republicans such as Lindsey Graham are advocating for straight up brinkmanship policies with Russia, including establishing a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Trump’s own relationship with Russia seems inconsistent and chaotic, alternating between fawning over Putin and advocating European NATO members to up their military prowess and limit reliance on Russian energy resources. I do not know what motives or connections Trump has to Russia, but he likes to flatter those he cannot control, and daunt those he can.
As for support for Russia in some right wing circles, it could be due to Russian propaganda infiltrating into parts of right wing media, or white supremacist ideologies calling for the uniting of “white” nations. Putin is also cast as a foil to western globalization and liberalization efforts.
Avram in MDParticipantjackk,
“I never heard of Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his spreadsheet.”
I imagine a few activists and social media influencers do.
“The size and amount of international companies that are partaking in this boycott and the speed it was done leads me to believe that they had good intentions and were not forced by fear of a backlash.”
The complete reversal of Democratic Party politics from a healthy skepticism and distrust of large corporations prior to the mid 2000s to almost adulation since the 2010s has really taken me by surprise.
“But, I think that this is a clear case of an aggressor doing very bad things and it would be very hard to enact where this isn’t the case.”
That I think is one place where we really disagree.
“So far, it has not stopped Putin.”
It’s a risky gamble, because turning Russian citizens into pariahs could indeed incite anger against Putin and lead to his removal, but it could also backfire and stoke a wave of Russian patriotism and nationalism. Also, Europe continues to buy huge amounts of Russian energy resources, and with prices rocketing through the stratosphere, that may be temporarily offsetting some of the bite of sanctions.
Avram in MDParticipantjackk,
“I also disagree with your definition of cancel culture.
Sanctions on enemy countries has been a long standing policy in Foreign Affairs. There are many countries that it is illegal to do business with. (Iran, the Taliban , NK for example.)”Correct, and I even wrote “propaganda, sanctions, and boycotts have always been a part of warfare” in my post you are responding to. The difference here, however, is that much of this economic warfare has been waged by private companies and citizens who were not under legal obligation to stop doing business with Russia. They were doing it themselves in response to media reports and social media backlash.
“It is not due to any pressure, media or cancel culture. It is due to a fellowship of humanity.”
I think you want to deny the existence of this weapon because you support what it’s doing right now. Yale University publishes a spreadsheet of companies that continue to do any business with Russia, maintained by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his research team. On the Yale Web page, we see this blurb:
“Nevertheless, some western companies have continued to operate in Russia undeterred; we identify several dozen companies with particularly significant exposure to Russian markets. In the days since we initially published our list, many of the “remain” companies have responded to public backlash and decided to withdraw, and we are continuously revising our list to reflect these decisions as they are made.”
In a Washington Post article covering this spreadsheet, Sonnenfeld reports receiving calls from CEOs asking him what they need to do to get on the “right” list. So we have a Yale professor publishing a list of entities directing where an angry public can vent their social media wrath after watching media coverage of the war in Ukraine, with the openly stated purpose of coercing them to participate in economic warfare against Russia.
Make no mistake, this is 100% a weaponizing of cancel culture, unleashed with breathtaking speed, scope, and coordination. I am not trying to argue with you whether it’s the right thing to do in this particular situation or not. If Putin is a mini-Hitler as you say, then getting Russians to remove him from power themselves may be the only way to avert direct conflict between Russia and the West. I am simply pointing out the existence and power of this unconventional weapon, and expressing fear that it could be easily misused, e.g., to persecute Israel or suppress dissenting viewpoints even in vibrant democracies. It is BDS perfected.
Avram in MDParticipantjackk,
“If you would have written this before the first day of the attack , I could understand your questioning about a “balance”
1. The lack of coverage of the Russian position predated the invasion. There was widespread coverage of the Russian military buildup along the Ukrainian border and the threat of war, but very little coverage of why the buildup was occurring. Therefore Russian atrocities did not cause the lack of balanced coverage.
2. I think you misunderstood my intention with the OP; maybe I didn’t write it clearly. In many cases when the media gives equal coverage to both sides in a conflict, I 100% agree with you; it actually creates a coverage imbalance when responsibility for the violence is not symmetric. The media invariably plays this equal coverage game during conflicts between Israel and Hamas or Hezbollah, with the result of elevating terrorism and creating a false narrative of a “cycle of violence”. My point in the OP is that with respect to this conflict in Ukraine, the media has departed from the both sides covered equally philosophy. And this has given moral cover (and pressure) for governments and corporations to launch an astonishingly coordinated and rapid removal of Russia from global society. Propaganda, sanctions, and boycotts have always been a part of warfare, but it’s the global extent, speed, scale, and coercive nature of these tactics in this conflict that have surprised me. And made me wonder who they’ll be used on next.TL;DR, Russia deserves the cancellation it’s getting, but the machinery of this cancellation itself is rather frightening. It’s the first time global interconnectedness has been weaponized to this extent and speed.
“Plus, the media has covered Putin’s public pronouncements. So , they have given his side of the story.”
They have covered his statements insofar as to make him look deranged and unhinged. Which he may be, but I think is unlikely given his long history of cold, calculated patience. My best guess is that he was hoping to replicate the United States’ 2003 shock and awe campaign against Iraq to demonstrate Russia’s military might to the world, followed by a rapid invasion to topple or exile Zelenskyy’s government as the US then did to Saddam Hussein. Then either negotiate a demilitarized Ukraine or install a pro-Russian government and leave it to fight any insurgencies with Russian backing. I think he believed the world was resigned to this outcome. But unlike the US, Russia did not immediately achieve air superiority, leaving its invasion forces vulnerable to attack from the air, and its multi-pronged invasion was poorly coordinated, poorly supported, and the troops poorly trained.
“If NK would attack SK would you expect the media coverage to be balanced?”
No, but I think I’d expect to know why NK attacked at that particular time.
“If NK attacked SK and started killing civilians , caused millions to become refugees, and destroyed cities do you think the media should be fair to what Kim’s reasons for wanting SK ?”
It’s not about fairness, I never wrote fair. It’s about knowing what’s going on in the world, and getting a better handle on the complexity of the situation beyond “he’s the devil, you must hate him or you’re a bad person yourself.”
March 3, 2022 4:47 pm at 4:47 pm in reply to: Are we tarnishing our Mitzvos with falsehood? #2066027Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“Rav suggested not to refuse at all, but “give a dollar”. Then, I realized why he is always getting money out of the same drawer to give – this is where he had single dollars.”
I think this is an excellent practice.
Avram in MDParticipantArtscroll is crisp, clear, and easy to follow, and the siddurs are well made with strong paper and a binding that can take years of use yet allows you to lay the siddur open flat on a table and keep your page. I davened from the Yitzchak Yair until several years ago when I switched to…
Siddur Tefillas Shai. It matches Artscroll’s crisp clearness, and uses a beautiful, unassuming font that’s my favorite I’ve seen. Unlike my argument here, I have completely come around to having vehi noam tucked right into the weekday maariv before aleinu. The binding is strong, but unfortunately it doesn’t lay flat so well, so I lose my page when gathering the tzitzis for Shema. Also, only the tiny 5″ size is seemingly still in print. I managed to get a larger version a year ago, and hopefully over time it will start to lie flat on the table or shtender. This is my favorite siddur at the moment. Other than not lying flat, my only quibble is that some of the text is very small, which is difficult to read in poor lighting.
Aliyos Eliyahu – I grab this siddur in shul when I don’t have my own on hand. It has large, readable text, and stretches letters rather than spacing to achieve column uniformity, similar to a sefer Torah, which is a fun touch. It uses a different, neat looking font for pesukim, which clearly identifies them. It also lies perfectly flat on the table or shtender. It follows the nusach of the Gra, so there are some differences from how I daven nusach Ashkenaz.
Tefillas Kol Peh – I have a pocket sized version. It has an old fashioned feel to it which is nice, and I like the font, though sometimes words run together with no spacing. Rightwriter mentioned how the font size changes from paragraph to paragraph, and this feature is really nice in some places such as enlarging the 4th brachos in each of the Shabbos tefillos, but on the downside there are a lot of important tefillos that get squeezed in with tiny, hard to read font sizes, even paragraphs of krias Shema. Also, while I understand space saving, I personally don’t like when mincha and maariv are squished together with the ashrei of mincha spread out over like 10 pages with 2 lines on each page, with maariv underneath. Others may prefer this.
For someone new to davening, I would recommend Artscroll’s “Kol Yaakov” English/Hebrew siddur. It’s a lot of page turning, but it includes a bunch of helpful instructions (where/how to bow, when to say amein or not, etc.) and it marks out the points in each paragraph where the shaliach tzibbur usually picks up. It also marks where the shva na’s are (so do the Yitzchak Yair, Tefillas Shai, and Aliyos Eliyahu).
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I encountered one at a simcha, where there was a specific request to only have vaccinated people (due to a medical condition of the baalas simcha, that many might not have known about) – that, at the time, meant no children. Hundreds of people followed the request, while generally not adhering to any precautions, including ambushing the lady who was trying to avoid that. Then, I see a family with a kid.”
The baalas simcha was in more danger from the hundreds of vaccinated people milling about than the lone kid at the buffet. And honestly I find it hard to believe that you were in attendance at an event with hundreds of people prior to October 2021, when such gatherings were strongly discouraged. Maybe you should’ve stayed home and watched via Zoom.
February 14, 2022 10:12 am at 10:12 am in reply to: Danger of Talking on Cellphone When Driving!! #2060151Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I think mandates is a manufactured political topic.”
Incorrect. Mandates are a real life policy implemented by those who have more power on those who have less, and I am asking what your opinion of it is. Sure, politics may be the motivating factor behind the mandates, but it doesn’t make them any less real. You carry yourself as an expert on every single topic under the sun on the CR, with an opinion on each one of them. Why does this question make you wriggle?
“It is an unfortunate side-effect of democracy that politicians are using every issue to their advantage.”
So what do you propose in its stead?
“USA lost 2x more people comparing with similar developed countries, mostly due to slow government and inability of the society to focus on what is important.”
Slow government response I’ll agree with, but not your criticism of “society”. That’s an opinion promulgated primarily on the left, who have tried to blame the citizenry for this virus at every turn. The demographic and societal makeup of the United States is quite different from the European countries you use as a comparison. A few examples: the U.S. has large Hispanic and African American populations, and the risk of hospitalization and death in those communities are roughly twice that of the white, non-Hispanic populations. Access to quality healthcare varies significantly in the U.S. depending on where you live and how much money you have. So perhaps more time should be spent addressing these structural inequalities than screaming at Jews or DeSantis.
Avram in MDParticipantParticipant,
“I achieve the same thing with about a twelfth of those words.”
Do you yell, “AIYEEEEE!!” and then shoot staples at them?
February 7, 2022 12:40 pm at 12:40 pm in reply to: Danger of Talking on Cellphone When Driving!! #2058217Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I don’t have an opinion on mandates. I am blessed not to be a congressman, a policeman, or a school principal, so I don’t have to make decisions on that.”
Balderdash. You’ve expressed opinions about almost every single topic here on the CR, including many topics that don’t pertain directly to you (e.g., full time learners in kollel). Why the sudden reticence with respect to mandates?
“Enforcing rules is a very delicate area and there are a lot of gemoras discussing whether society will accept, whether people will be confused or negligent as a result.”
Sounds very relevant.
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“If you are forced to be in a place with strangers, maybe think about them as family, and count time you are talking with them as [chessed] ( and talk accordingly)”
I agree with you to a point. Greeting people is a mitzva and I think a few minutes at the start of a work day or during breaks exchanging pleasantries with those around you is reasonable, expected by normal managers, and is good for productivity. I think Participant is dealing with frequent interruptions while he is deep in the flow of his work (e.g., when I’m working I call it a coding trance or the coding zone), which not only wastes time during the interaction itself, but also the recovery time afterwards where he has to pick up where he left off. This can be very challenging. I like your idea about putting on headphones, but it seems that Participant’s co-occupants aren’t getting that hint. In that case, I’d add a humorous sign to the back of the chair letting people know you’re busy and would prefer not to be interrupted. One of my favorites I use when working from home came from a cartoon I like: “Hush, I’m coding. You ate yesterday.”
“One of the baalei musar was overheard asking a farmer about his chicken and at the same time murmuring gemora to himself”
Here’s the problem: the vast and overwhelming majority of us do not have the brain power of a gadol, and we cannot effectively do multiple things at once. If I’m thinking about learning or work while trying to talk to someone, either the thoughts or the words coming out of my mouth will end up nonsensical.
Also, I can’t resist asking a question about your consistency in halachic application. I’m wondering why you seem so makpid about the time and resources a learner spends when he is supported, to the point that someone supported in kollel should ask permission to get gas, etc., yet here by an employee who is on the clock, you seem unconcerned about geneiva, even when the OP states that the interruptions are reaching the level of harming his expected productivity.
Avram in MDParticipantanonymous Jew,
“GH, I dont recall your objection to local District Judges issuing national rulings to stymie Trump actions”
I don’t think she was objecting to the district court judges issuing injunctions. On the contrary, her complaint is that they don’t act fast enough to review obviously illegal executive orders, and her example was an EO issued by the Biden Administration.
Avram in MDParticipantakuperma,
“A president who rules by decree reduces the utility of any politics other than the election of the president.”
Avram in MDParticipantubiquitin,
“if the minority party says we will obstruct no matter what. The only way to govern is by fiat”
It’s a bit of the chicken and the egg, but I think part of the cause of obstructionism in Congress is because of the outsized importance placed on the presidency, and the resulting fear of what a president in the opposition party can do. Congress drafts and passes laws, but the credit is given to the president.
February 2, 2022 11:33 am at 11:33 am in reply to: Danger of Talking on Cellphone When Driving!! #2057059Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I am glad you are getting on board!”
So I take it from this response that you are a supporter of draconian mandates imposed with little to no information on their effectiveness, citizens informing on each other to the authorities to uphold the mandates, groupthink, crushing dissent, and the veneration of a single issue at the expense of all others?
February 1, 2022 4:09 pm at 4:09 pm in reply to: Danger of Talking on Cellphone When Driving!! #2056755Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
Oooh, clumsy analogies, what fun! I can do it too!
Vehicular accidents kill people. We are implementing a Zero Vehicular Accident policy. Effective immediately and for an indeterminate length of time, a walking-only mandate is in effect. Nobody is allowed to use a vehicle. Citizens are encouraged to call the cops on anybody they see and think may be violating this new mandate, because a nation of informants is a happy nation! See that group of people over there who disagree with this mandate and want to find different solutions to reduce accidents? EVERYTHING THAT IS WRONG IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS THEIR FAULT! BE ANGRY WITH THEM! HATE THEM! BAN THEM FROM SOCIETY! Nobody would die ever if they didn’t exist. Because the Holy Venerated Experts Say that if nobody drove vehicles, nobody would die in vehicular accidents, and the most important thing in the entire universe is to make sure there are no vehicular accidents. Nothing else matters, because we are talking about LIVES HERE! LIFE AND DEATH! And if you disagree, you are pro-death and must love accidents.
Avram in MDParticipantWell I hope it comes back up soon…
Avram in MDParticipantujm,
“Wearing a Talis 7 days a week, 354 days a (Jewish) year, you’d surely notice it on yourself”
Try wearing a real tallis instead of the little Reform scarf thingy, and you’ll see it does slip off the shoulders a lot.
Avram in MDParticipantStop trying to sow discord here.
Avram in MDParticipantAviraDeArah,
“i didn’t mean blood and guts stam azoi, i meant they can talk about sugyos like zerikah, shechita, simanim, and tons more”
Understood, sorry for misunderstanding before.
Avram in MDParticipantujm,
“A small minority of them. Additionally, I’ve started very many more threads on Zionism (among many more topics) than this; should I supply that number as well?”
Nah, whatever. OPs aren’t very representative of participation in any given topic, my comment was in jest, and if you’ve got time to compile random CR posting statistics, I do not.
“Why is it that this particular topic makes people nervous?”
I’m not nervous about the topic at all. There are appropriate times and ways to discuss certain things, and there are inappropriate times and ways to discuss certain things. This thread falls into the latter category. If you bring your tefillin into the bathroom, I will object to you having your tefillin in there, and it isn’t because I don’t think tefillin are an important mitzvah and that you should have tefillin.
“I submit that this is directly because the difficulty many have (both female and well as male head of households who carry the sacred obligation of enforcing them) in complying with the laws on the issue of tznius. And that’s all the more reason to discuss it.”
And I submit that the manner in which you bring up this topic is itself a breach of tznius. When I see rabbonim talk about tznius, it is to men or women separately, and there’s no exhaustive review of all the problematic garments. When I see flyers or signs, the positive (dress this way) is emphasized, not the negative (don’t wear this or that). To do otherwise lacks eidelkeit.
” “In my experience, men in the real world do not sit and schmooze together about this.”
I can’t speak about your experience, but in the densely populated centers of Judaism, such as in Eretz Yisroel, New York and elsewhere, this topic is very much and often raised by Rabbonim in droshos to both men and women, as well as reminders placed on posted notices in the communities”
Drashos and signs are not sitting and schmoozing. Those are appropriate venues. And I bet the signs describe the appropriate way of dressing, not the inappropriate, which you have done. There is a world of difference.
“and is certainly often discussed among the Klal and Yeshivaleit as a topic of Halacha and Limud Torah.”
If you think this thread is an example of a halachic discussion or proper limud Torah, then I don’t know what to tell you.
“I don’t recall you objecting to discussions here of other halachic topics.”
I’ll let you do the research on that for me.
Avram in MDParticipantAviraDeArah,
“Bored; men talk about blood and guts while eating supper in yeshivos, and plenty of other stuff that would shock you”
We’re not talking about teenagers here. And if my sons were to start talking about gross or inappropriate things at the table I would correct them. And Yeshiva boys speaking inappropriately at the table or in the beis medrash or at any other time should also be corrected by their rebbes/menahels.
“gemara snd halacha discussions don’t phase people who are learning. I understand that it’s something that can make you feel uncomfortable, but in the context of everything else lomdei torah talk about”
We are not learning maseches Brachos on this thread. This is not a beis medrash, and this is not talking in learning. We are on a public internet forum with a mixed audience of various ages and backgrounds. And the idea that lomdei Torah would speak in a way that makes others uncomfortable is motzi shem ra.
“it isn’t necessarily creepy. “
Creepy to the max.
Avram in MDParticipantbored_teen,
“I barely read ant of this but I’m totally creeped out that this is a topic that men sit and schmooze about.”
In my experience, men in the real world do not sit and schmooze together about this. There are a select few male posters on the CR who really like to bring these topics up.
Avram in MDParticipantn0mesorah,
“When I cross the street, I attempt to keep my mind on crossing the street”
“Driving on rural roads, NYPD horse patrols are far from my mind.”
“Definitely possible. Father and brother too. What they would be doing out here, is anybody’s guess”
These are some good examples of anecdotal argumentative fallacies. Not everyone requires all of their brain power to cross a street. Not everyone lives in a rural area. And you should probably be paying more attention to what’s around you while behind the wheel or you may blow past a flagger at a construction site and CV”S kill a construction worker, or be one one of those drivers who doesn’t help someone who’s in distress.
Also, passing someone on the street is only one example of everyday human interaction, so it’s interesting to me how that becomes the de facto tznius paradigm on the CR.
Avram in MDParticipantujm,
“I just counted the tznius threads in the coffee room. In the over 13 years the coffee room has existed, there is less than one thread per year, on average. “
What percentage of those tznius threads did you start, not necessarily as ujm?
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“Logically speaking, yes. First time this would be a shogeg, but if I continue, it would be mazid.”
What aveira would it be that was committed, and how can a Jew who is a baal hanefesh function in the world at all when the random reactions of strangers cannot be predicted and can cause him to become a shogeig?
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I am not “against the Jews”, I am simply trying to extract a lesson for us from this to grow”
And I am simply trying to extract a lesson about dan l’kaf zechus and regarding your fellow Jews with basic respect. How can you declaim any of the lessons you think the Jewish people need to learn from you when you can’t even get the facts of the case straight?
“rather than getting warm satisfaction from how good we all are against a hostile world”
I haven’t written or read anything self-congratulatory in this thread. The discussion is what constitutes a kiddush Hashem, specifically whether the simple public performance of a mitzvah is a kiddush Hashem even if bystanders are bothered by it. Some posters are insistent on finding faults surrounding the mitzvah observance to show it is really a chillul Hashem and the basic question went unanswered, so I tried to clarify the question by presenting a case where those faults were absent. Like an undergrad physics student working Newton’s Laws on a uniform frictionless plane. This seemingly blew such a fuse in your mind that it took several posts to get you to stop inserting imaginary faults onto the Jew in the example, and even then you couldn’t accept the example as stated and give a straight answer to the question I asked. Well, I guess you begrudgingly did in the end after declaring that the flight attendant must be evil or deranged and that the example was not plausible anyway.
“And again, taking your description at face value, I am not even sure why he is being arrested – he is not doing anything, he is simply not replying. I don’t think this is illegal.”
Fine, say rather he was removed from the flight, questioned, and then released without charges. That better matches the real-world case I based my example on.
“As to people reacting to tefilin, whenever I had to daven shaharis before an early flight, I either did it in the car at the airport or spent several minutes looking for an empty corner, so never encountered strong reaction.”
And if someone saw you “acting suspiciously” in the parking garage or a quiet corner of the terminal, reported it, and a security brouhaha ensued, would you declare that being secretive about praying was an aveira and you should’ve done it more publicly so as to not look suspicious?
December 8, 2021 11:14 am at 11:14 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039488Avram in MDParticipantcommonsaychel,
“none of those are trying to compete with old st nick, I started this tread because I find those actions cringworthy, I dont care if it was Satmar, Brisk or Breslov its way too in you face.”
All of those examples are very “in your face”, but you only have a problem by Chanukah. The local Chabad here even did a loud music drive by through the neighborhood last year on Lag Baomer, so the motorcades aren’t an imitation of some sort of Xmas ritual. Xians don’t even do motorcades to celebrate Xmas. They frustrate themselves untangling strings of lights, slip on ladders, and then go fight in the malls. It’s too bad that Chanukah falls in close proximity to a major non-Jewish holiday, but is that Chabad’s fault?
“I find those beyond repulsive but this is a natural next step in the progression downward, so thank you minivans.”
Natural next step? Seems incongruous to me.
“I still cant understand the purpose of the motorcade driving in Manhattan, was it to be in your face? I am serious I am trying to understand the thought process.”
No dice. By the political minivan motorcade you simply asked for the purpose and thought process. By the Chanukah minivan motorcades you called it “idioticy” (sic) and presumed the purpose (who are we competing with?). My question to you still stands. Maybe you cringed a little by the Trump motorcades, but Chabad’s Chanukah shtick really gets your blood boiling. Why?
From the back and forth it seems that a likely reason is you perceive it as an imitation of Xmas. So why not make that the focus of the conversation if that’s the biggest deal? I personally fail to see it as imitation. Those who “motorcade” for Chanukah (*cough Chabad *cough) “motorcade” for every Jewish holiday. And those frum Jews who do not go all in-your-face for Jewish holidays don’t for Chanukah either. If you were to ask me, it’s the involvement of politicians in the Chanukah “motorcades” that makes me cringe.
Avram in MDParticipantAlways_Ask_Questions,
“I am saying that if there is a trace of inappropriate behavior in the man, that he is doing some aveira, however slight. Even if he is in a window seat.
If you are suggesting a Zeresh character … “
You condemn the Jew and absolve the Gentile to the point where it must be the Jew’s fault unless the Gentile in the example is literally akin to one of the most evil people in history or deranged. This is Olympic level contortion. We are commanded to dan Jews lkaf zechus.
“Look up my posts above and review references therein of multiple gedolim pointing various nekudos what can be inappropriate”
Yeah, and my example preemptively fulfilled all of them yet you still cannot bring yourself to side with the Jew.
“but you seem to be more interested in a hypothetical crazt flight attendant rather than in typical cases.”
The case I described is fairly similar to an actual incident that happened a number of years ago involving a frum teenager. I have also personally encountered strong reactions to my tefillin from non-Jews when I’ve donned them outside of shul or home.
“Again, this presumes I understood the halakha properly that it is ok/desirable to sit down.”
Again, the man in my example was davening in his seat, which presumes sitting. How can you judge correctly if you cannot even ingest the basic facts of the case? Your prejudice against Jews is astonishing given that you seem to be Jewish and know a lot about Judaism.
“That is why I brought those quotes.”
They were irrelevant.
Avram in MDParticipant“Also, everyone, his name is Avram.”
December 7, 2021 2:14 pm at 2:14 pm in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039102Avram in MDParticipantcommonsaychel,
“I hope this thead does not morph into a anti Chabad forum”
Yet you started a thread attacking what they almost exclusively do. Troll meet thyself.
“my issue is with people competing with santa and xmas tree lighting that was never done since we established chanuka, not Chabad per se.”
So go after the people who put those giant blow-up bears with kippas and dreydels in their front yards, or those who do the laser light magen davids dancing on their houses under twinkly snowflake decorations next door to the houses with Xmas lights. I’ve never had the sense that the Chabad menoras on minivans shtick is competition with Xmas. They do sukkos on pickup trucks, lag baomer barbecues with bounce houses and loud music, and they stand outside sports stadiums with tefillin. They make a pretty big spectacle about everything.
“FYI I wrote quite a number of post negitive of the need to have frum people make a motorcade for trump and frankly that is a few people gping overboard in voicing an opinon for a political candidate.”
Can you show me links to these posts? Must’ve been somewhere other than the thread you started to specifically talk about the level of support for Trump.
December 7, 2021 2:13 pm at 2:13 pm in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039099Avram in MDParticipantcommonsaychel,
“@avrahm in md, I was puzzzled by the level of support and I said so in the post, I also wrote in a other post I found the frum trump motorcades cringe worthy.”
No dice. You didn’t speak out against the “motorcades” once in that thread, and even downplayed them as “beeping minivans”. Nowhere in that thread do I see any criticism of the motorcades from you. Yet here you utilize strong language: absurd, dorf, guise, ragtag, hollering, and then finally you get to the minivans. Even if somewhere else you called the political motorcades cringeworthy, that is paltry compared to the rhetorical condemnations you brought here against Chanukah motorcades. My question to you stands.