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Avram in MDParticipant
So why does the Frum community have so many childbirth related calls? Simple -because they are uneducated.
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Avram in MDParticipantsoliek,
um…youre all arguing with not enough information…2 questions seem germane…
Do we ever have enough information about a situation we’re debating here? 🙂
1) how much did the vaad want from the restaurant
The OP did not explicitly say that the vaad was demanding too much money. His/her main contention was that the vaad did not agree to be paid in installments rather than up front.
2) how much is the going rate
Can this be determined?
Avram in MDParticipantI am not a doctor, but I am a GERD sufferer and have been to a GI (so please take everything I write with that grain of salt!). Barrett’s Esophagus is abnormal looking cells caused by damage from repeated acid reflux into the esophagus. The doctor diagnoses it after performing an endoscopy. Since Barrett’s Esophagus is tied to a greater change of getting cancer of the esophagus (Heaven forbid), while the treatment plan might be no different than treatment for GERD, the GI will likely want to have more frequent endoscopies performed, perhaps once a year. Treatment is preventing heartburn.
I was told by my GI that it is safe to take prilosec (omeprazole) or previcid (lansoprazole) daily on a continual basis (it’s certainly safer than repeated heartburn and its associated damage!). One primary reason the OTC versions have a 14 day limit is to get people who have frequent, repeated heartburn in to see their doctor.
It’s also a good idea to make lifestyle changes that help prevent heartburn… avoiding lots of spicy or greasy/fatty foods, coffee/chocolate in high quantities, not lying down right after eating, elevating yourself, etc.
Avram in MDParticipantkfb,
I thought the vaad was supposed to help restaurants..
The vaad is supposed to ensure kashrus, which requires a mashgiach on site. The mashgiach has to eat and support a family, too!
November 28, 2011 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835817Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
[in response to popa_bar_abba:] Why is it so difficult to believe that, at the very least, I truly believe this?
Because you’re smarter than this.
I ended up speaking with someone about this situation.
Who, mosherose?
I’m not sure why your game bothers me so much. Maybe it’s because, in some areas (as far as I can determine through your posts), we think in similar ways. You seem to care about your beliefs being logically consistent and despise anti-intellectualism or fallacies. Yet in threads like this, your arguments are rife with blatant fallacies, including (in just this thread alone):
Sweeping generalizations (a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid – you ignore universally acceptable exceptions to rules). For example, if state law said, “entering into a private domicile without consent of the owner is illegal”, I can see you writing an OP saying “I deserve to go to jail because I entered into someone’s house without permission yesterday…by the way, I’m an EMT.” The funniest example of your use of this fallacy is your, “I’m a sinner because I talk during leining (I’m the ba’al koreh)” shtick. This mechalel Shabbos one’s not so funny, however, because it can add stress or misery to a person who is depressed, doesn’t see the fallacy in your argument, and might take you seriously.
Appeal to anonymous authority – “I ended up speaking with someone about this situation”, and somehow this random person becomes the final word, ignoring what everyone else said on this thread. Also apparent is that you likely did not give this person all of the relevant information, which is not in the spirit of ????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????
False dilemmas – either you’re never sad on Shabbos, or you are a mechalel Shabbos who cannot cook for other Jews or handle wine, or say vayechulu with the tzibbur. No different than saying that someone either supports all of the president’s policies, or he is a traitor.
So, as popa_bar_abba asked, what is behind your drive to take every generalization, apply it rigidly or absurdly to your personal situation to come up with faux aveiros (which is not how a rav would operate IRL), and then parade your “shame” publically in the CR? Are you trying to bait extreme posters like mosherose to give crazy responses so you can prove their ignorance or have fodder for your blog? Are you trying to make halacha and/or Orthodox Jews look bad? I can’t understand it. But really, given how much knowledge you obviously have of Jewish law and tradition, I can’t possibly accept that you are being serious with this.
Avram in MDParticipantShticky Guy,
Didn’t you know? popa_bar_abba is mod80:-)
Avram in MDParticipantSyag Lchochma,
I am certainly no expert on IT security, and I don’t know anything about what’s been going on behind the scenes here on the CR.
I personally would not expect an unsolicited e-mail from someone in the CR. If I received one, I would assume that someone hacked the CR’s data, and would report it to the editor. I personally would not respond to the e-mail. Nor would I respond to someone’s request to e-mail them.
Now, if someone I know personally (as in, I know them and their e-mail address personally) e-mailed me and said, “are you Avram in MD in the CR?” I would respond.
If someone claimed to be a person I know but was writing from an unfamiliar e-mail address, I would be more suspicious. I would probably write an e-mail to the address I know for that person, to confirm it really is him.
As far as banking account information, as long as you’re not using the same username and password for the CR as you are for your financial institutions, I think you’re fine:-) Of course, keep in mind that your financial institutions will never send you an unsolicited e-mail prompting you for personal information (e.g., “Your account has been locked, click here to log in and resolve the problem!”). I’d also keep your true PII (first, last name, SSN obviously) away from the CR, and write to the editor/mods if you feel like someone is trying to “out” you.
Avram in MDParticipantI thought that Pluto wasn’t a planet anymore…
Avram in MDParticipantcoffee addict,
that’s true if the chasuna was in St. Louis however if it’s Brooklyn or anywhere else in the NY/NJ area I think it’s fine to name the city
This is the kind of discussion/back-and-forth I was hoping to see with the other security thread… rather than what it devolved into.
I would agree, that with no other details, that naming the city wouldn’t necessarily be a problem. But combined with perhaps a specific detail of something that happened during the wedding, another poster may be able to determine which wedding it was. I’m not saying that those details shouldn’t be posted, but the poster should be aware of what they may be giving away.
Avram in MDParticipantZeesKite,
Congratulations! You are good at protecting your PII in the CR. Therefore, the messages of caution do not apply to you, and you can feel free to ignore them.
Not everybody has been as successful as you are.
Avram in MDParticipantsoliek,
It seems to me that the two “sides” in this security debate are converging towards agreement.
I mostly agree with your blame-the-one-who-foolishly-gives-out-too-much-personal-information-and-let’s-get-on-with-it argument, but there are some cases where posters, especially younger ones, may not realize they are giving out enough information to uniquely identify themselves. This is where I see a place for the security discussion. Not witch hunts, not Joseph-hunting (he’s certainly not the only sock puppet maker here!), but just gentle words of caution. Like suggesting one write, “I was at my cousin’s wedding recently…” rather than, “I was at my older cousin’s wedding in St. Louis last night…”
Avram in MDParticipantHaLeiVi,
Just delete the whole thread. That conversation got nowhere, anyhow.
I think the conversation (assuming you’re talking about the “Be aware of stalkers/info stealers” thread) was an important one, but got seriously off track with the AYC/Joseph stuff. I agreed with what Jothar initially wrote:
Unfortunately, this has happened here in the CR, no need to mention names[emphasis mine]
So I feel the thread itself should stay, but all of the personal stuff should be deleted, including not only the things written about AYC, but some nasty stuff written about Jothar, too.
Avram in MDParticipantZeeskite,
And no, Joseph is NOT a dangerous person, right Joseph?
I confess that I have been interested in exposing the “Joseph” sock puppet accounts in the past, but stopped for two reasons.
1.) I realized after mistakenly labeling a poster as “Joseph” while following a mod’s lead in the past (sorry again, real-brisker!), that one of his tactics is to ensure a lot of collateral damage if anyone ever makes a concerted effort to find all of his screennames. Unfortunately, Am Yisrael Chai is probably the greatest victim of this collateral damage (Shticky Guy makes this point well when he notes that the mods suspected Joseph).
2.) Around the same time, I tried direct questions to Joseph because I wanted to know why he played his games, and got this creepy response.
As for why I was interested in exposing the Joseph sock puppets at all, I felt offended because he purported to be “defending” the Torah’s honor through using his less than savory methods, which undercut the message and ultimately was a chillul Hashem. I also feared that he was launching a straw-man sybil attack on Torah values – drumming up opposition to Torah true positions by presenting them in a confrontational, inflammatory manner.
To me, disrupting the CR and causing chillul Hashem is “dangerous” enough, but apparently other things have been going on behind the scenes as well.
That said, while I have obviously been on the side of those urging caution on the CR, I did not feel that the matter with AYC should have been handled in such a public manner. I agree with YW Moderator-42’s new position that suspected sock puppet accounts will be dealt with silently and via e-mail correspondence. I also agree with those who have said that threads more conducive to sharing personal details (rather than opinions/positions on issues) should receive more special care from the moderators, and perhaps a notice in the thread if things are getting out of hand or seem “off.”
Avram in MDParticipantHi mik5,
I am also a BT, and used to daven mostly in English. I transitioned gradually to davening in Hebrew by:
1.) Learning to say the ending sentence of each paragraph/psalm, e.g., where the diamond-type mark in the Artscroll is to the end, in Hebrew. Since that diamond mark is where the chazzan typically begins reciting aloud, learning those sentences first really helped me to figure out where the tzibbur was in davening, and that made me feel a lot more comfortable in shul. I started with the the ending sentence of each bracha in Shemoneh Esrei, then the final sentences of the brachos of kriyas shema, and then did final sentences in pesukei d’zimra (the psalms/verses recited before shema during shacharis). Pretty much all the rest I did in English (unless I happened to know some of the Hebrew from my non-Orthodox Hebrew school upbringing).
2.) I gradually added the first sentence of each paragraph in Hebrew, slowly so that my davening didn’t become excessively long. Once one Hebrew sentence became quick and automatic, I’d begin working on the next.
3.) Once everything was “up to speed”, I’d add the second sentence of a paragraph, and the second to last sentence, etc. until eventually I was doing almost everything in Hebrew.
As I did this, my reading skills dramatically improved, so my rate of progress increased as I continued adding more Hebrew to my davening.
Regarding understanding what you are saying: I found that I learned a LOT of Hebrew words during the transition from reading in English to Hebrew. When I daven Shemoneh Esrei, for example, I understand what I am saying in Hebrew. The area that is still a challenge for me to understand each word is pesukei d’zimra, but I understand parts and keep the theme of each psalm in mind as I recite it. Sometimes I will also take an English siddur and review the psalm in English, so that my understanding is fresh.
I hope all of this is helpful to you!
Avram in MDParticipantShticky Guy,
I have a big problem. I have received some emails from friends over the last few days. But are they posters here at ywn or not, if yes then dont I have to report them?
Surely you can differentiate between an unsolicited, unverifiable e-mail and a normal e-mail from friends. This seems like an attempt to discredit the appeal for greater caution through a straw man fallacy.
That said…
Is it possible to stop the conflation of the Joseph/AYC/speculations issue with the real issue of poster safety which is what prompted you to open this thread in the first place (note your OP says “no need to mention names”)? The title of this thread, Be aware of stalkers/info stealers is important to discuss and can be done without naming names. This needless speculation about specific posters only adds fuel to those criticizing greater caution because of the Orwellian feel, and brings people who would otherwise agree with the message of caution to the other “camp”, since the caution appeal becomes associated with personal attacks.
If the moderators suspect a specific poster of harassment, perhaps they can close the problematic thread with a note saying, “if you have been contacted by posterX, please e-mail the moderators.” Nothing more. As for this thread, perhaps rather than focusing on specific posters, we can discuss more general things like warning signs that an e-mail may be phishing, posting with caution, etc.
November 17, 2011 9:43 pm at 9:43 pm in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835813Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
It is forbidden to have certain bodily functions occur while wearing tefillin… to the point that if a person has a GI ailment which makes it impossible to control the body in that manner, he is exempt from tefillin.
Now, if I heaven forbid had a chronic GI issue which prevented me from wearing tefillin, should I take myself to the doctor and get the illness treated, or should I come onto the CR and declare publicly that I’m a sinner because I don’t lay tefillin?
In other words, if your sadness is truly bothering you as you claim, and you feel distress at not being able to follow the halacha as you see it, shouldn’t you go and be seen by a health professional, rather than coming to the CR to make halacha look heartless, CV”S?
Avram in MDParticipantBTGuy,
A thread topic could be about how grow vegetables indoors during the winter. People would make interesting suggestions about what grows better, and I can read with interest. Then I will see the Jothar post and it has nothing to do with vegetables. You know what the subject would be. lol
Can you provide me an example or two of where Jothar did this? I think your contention is exaggerated. There is way more disruption in the other threads from Jothar’s detractors.
Avram in MDParticipantchocandpatience_,
The CR is no longer the cosy, friendly place I discovered 18 months ago. That’s a shame.
I’m not sure if we have been reading the same CR. I have been reading posts here for several years, and there have always been mean spirited, flaming posts and threads with personal attacks, as well as warm, nice threads. I have seen a thread dedicated to banning posters based on their viewpoints (naming names), and instances of harassment against single posters. Why do debates on this one issue suddenly change the tone of the CR for you?
I once posted in another place I found through interactions on the CR, and very quickly a “troll” poster tried to reveal who I was (but s/he was completely off the mark) and asked me to send him/her an e-mail. Many threads here have a “weird” feel to them, with attempts to pry information out of other users. There has also been a lot of sock puppetry, not just from Joseph. I have kept a lower profile because of all of this, and even regret what small amount of personal information I did reveal.
All that said, I agree that witch-hunts are not the way to go. Randomly attacking other posters with accusations of stalking not only disrupts the CR, but it weakens the valid case for greater caution. My feeling for this is to encourage safer posting, and let the moderators do the rest. If a poster has a concern with something going on, it should be e-mailed to the moderators rather than spread on the thread. Most of this should occur behind the scenes. It’s interesting to me, however, that the opponents of greater caution are primarily the ones keeping the discussion going…
Avram in MDParticipantAm I the only one who’s starting to think that the whole “fight” between Jothar and BTGuy and their teams of allies itself sounds strangely artificial?
Avram in MDParticipantHaLeiVi,
I agree that the scenario I described is not a likely vector to obtain someone’s identity (but not an impossible one). I was working with the object lesson that YW Moderator-42 set up.
Would you agree, however, that there are more likely scenarios where CR users can ascertain the identities of other posters? It has happened several times, such as when cantoresq’s niece figured out who he was (which was benign), or when mosherose allegedly harassed WolfishMusings in real life, because he gave very specific details about a shiur he was attending (certainly not benign).
I am not promoting or agreeing with hysterical suggestions to sacrifice the free flow of posts in the CR on the altar of security such as verified screennames or the like, but I strongly agree with the words of caution, which weren’t excessive. I was also surprised by the posters who objected to even that (claiming it disrupted the flow of threads).
Avram in MDParticipantI don’t think there is anything wrong with rooting for a sports team, though with several caveats:
1.) Proper context and perspective must be maintained. Many sports fans feel jubilant after their team wins, and depressed after their team loses. Some people feel real hatred towards their team’s rivals, or the rival team’s fans. I think all of this is wrong; it’s just a game, and should be seen as such.
2.) I think a person should root for their team, but not wrap their identity up into the team. This goes for other things too, such as career, school, etc.
3.) Watching a game on television or attending a game can be problematic, due to exposure to pritzus or coarse behavior. This might be a problem with some sports (football) more than others (baseball?).
I personally do follow several teams, but I don’t watch games on television (don’t even have cable/antenna television). I read the recaps and analyses, and sometimes watch the highlights online.
Avram in MDParticipantI have liked bash shell.
I have had some problems with CSH… for example, you can’t redirect STDERR to files or /dev/null in the way you can with Bourne-type shells like bash.
Avram in MDParticipantDon’t accept the label. Only you can say what you are. If you don’t want to be a nerd, then you are not a nerd!
Avram in MDParticipantmoi aussi,
If I say I’m related to Rockefeller, or the Sultan of Brunei or lehavdil the Belzer Rebbe, have I caused any DANGER????
I think YW Moderator-42 is attempting to demonstrate the danger. Consider the following sequence of events:
1.) Poster “YoungPerson” mentions that she is from prominent family X.
2.) Poster “OlderMan” contacts someone in family X, stating that he is involved with IT security, and that someone in the CR is claiming to be from family X, which concerns him, and to confirm that YoungPerson is legit.
3.) Family X investigates and finds out that a young niece is posting in the CR, so they contact OlderMan to let him know who YoungPerson is, and that she’s legit. They thank OlderMan for his concern for the family’s privacy.
4.) OlderMan now has YoungPerson’s full name, and can easily deduce other details such as address, age, school, etc.
Avram in MDParticipantIt seems possible to me that YW Moderator-42 is using an object lesson to make a point to am yisrael chai, that revealing personal information in the CR (e.g., that am yisrael chai is a Kletzky) can lead to real life ramifications (having the Kletzky family contacted regarding the CR posts).
That’s all I think this is; after all, if AYC’s account was really locked, YW Moderator-42 would probably have noted such in his/her screenname subtitle, as is commonly done when other posters have their accounts locked.
Avram in MDParticipantBTGuy,
Despite the fact that I really like fish, I am not Jothar. I just happen to agree with one point he has been making: that users on this site should be more careful with personal details, and moderators should be on the lookout for suspicious behavior. Nothing more than that. I have no other intentions.
Avram in MDParticipantZeesKite,
Please, let it rest. You are generating much more disruption with this issue than Jothar is.
As far as a phone-call verified screen name, I personally don’t think that it would be feasible. In general, security and usability are inversely proportional, so a proper balance needs to be attained. Also, I feel that providing personal information such as a phone number to a Web site is in itself a security threat for the user.
I think the best path for greater security lies in the existing features of the CR: the posters and moderators. Posters should guard their personal information more closely, and moderators should be on the lookout to edit/delete posts that may compromise someone’s personal information, especially if the poster is young.
Avram in MDParticipantZeesKite,
Why are you so bothered by Jothar bringing up very real online privacy issues? You have been calling him out unprovoked in several threads.
I don’t know anything about the law enforcement issues Jothar and the moderators are alluding to, so I am not commenting about that.
Avram in MDParticipantBTGuy,
You are sloppily creating loshon hora and dan lekaf zcheus issues for all of us by not handling your suspicions behind the scenes with email warnings or waiting for a real problem.
From what I’ve seen, Jothar has been making a case for better protection of users’ identities by pointing out threads that might be problematic, not posters, and making general recommendations to not share PII or other seemingly innocent information that can be combined to make PII. I read more than I post, and I have seen several instances in the CR where a poster attempts (or threatens/claims to attempt) to harm another poster “IRL” after the latter poster revealed enough information online to provide an identity. One example was an attempt by “mosherose” to have another poster thrown out of a shiur in real life (see I don’t think such behavior is ok, do you?
Avram in MDParticipantMod80,
The features that will cause Katia to turn (a break in the subtropical ridge and a large trough over the eastern U.S.) are already in place. At this point the situation is similar to watching a cork floating in a stream, and noticing a change in the current downstream. Of course the currents can change, but it is highly unlikely.
Don’t forget that there is a vigorous tropical disturbance to Katia’s southeast, about midway between the western coast of Africa and the lesser Antilles. There’s a good chance that it will become TS Maria soon.
Another interesting tidbit: the name Katia is the replacement for the now retired Katrina.
Avram in MDParticipantkol daveed,
Thanks for your response. I agree with all three of your points.
Avram in MDParticipantStamper (or Hacham),
daven for a sport team to win? I sincerely hope you are kidding.
Just to get clarification of your position(s), which would you say is worse… davening for a sports team to win, or not davening at all?
I do understand that some things a person may daven for are foolish, but is it assur for a fool to daven?
Avram in MDParticipantIf a missionary comes to the door, do not accept any of their materials, even if you think it would get them to go away faster, and even if you intend to throw it out right away. No matter how “resistant” you appear to their proselytizing, the missionary will mark your address down for a “follow-up” visit if you accept their materials.
August 1, 2011 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm in reply to: Tipping when the service is terrible. (or not there at all) #792698Avram in MDParticipantA few points that come to my mind:
1.) It is likely that many common restaurant inconveniences are not the fault of the server. Food coming late to the table or meals arriving at different times may reflect a kitchen issue rather than a server issue. Even mistakes in the order may be a kitchen issue. Unless the server did something obviously wrong (e.g., rudeness, inattention), I wouldn’t punish him/her for a problem that may well have been out of their control.
2.) A restaurant inconvenience may be a good opportunity to exercise our ability to have hakaras hatov and dan l’kaf zechus; isn’t that worth a few dollars?
3.) A polite word with the server may completely resolve the issue while avoiding the sting and loss of withholding the tip.
4.) I think stronger action (withholding a tip, complaining to the manager, etc.) should only be considered if I felt the problem was significant enough that I didn’t want to return to the restaurant in the future. Since I’ve moved into my present community which has numerous restaurants, that threshold for me has been met only once, and the restaurant closed very shortly after the incident, before I even had the chance to contact the manager.
Avram in MDParticipant“Victory for the Sun”… that names sounds Xian to me, as did a lot of the terminology Basket of Radishes used.
Avram in MDParticipantbasket of radishes,
I’ve observed from your comments here, including the fact that you wear tzitzis “out” but not in the house, and denigrating those who tuck them in (which I don’t, by the way), that you view the tzitzis as a sign for others of your Jewishness. When giving the mitzvah of tzitzis, however, the Torah says ?????????? ????? – and you will look upon them. The reality is that the tzitzis we wear are not for others to see and recognize that we are Jewish, but rather to remind us constantly that we are Jewish and have an obligation to fulfill Hashem’s mitzvos. In that respect, I can’t think of a more important place to wear tzitzis than when at home.
Also, speaking as a person who also became frum in a tiny town with a rav and his family being the only other frum Jews around, I cannot adequately express how different it is to live in a community with other frum Jews. Being frum alone is like lighting a candle in a dark forest. Being in a supportive community is like joining thousands of candles together into a great torch that is so much brighter. Please try to understand that before you knock your fellow Jews for “conforming” in their communities.
July 20, 2011 2:34 pm at 2:34 pm in reply to: How do you tell a good friend you no longer want to eat at their home? #1051849Avram in MDParticipantFeif Un,
Out of curiosity (I’m intending to ask, not challenge), what does/would the Rav say regarding the maris ayin of putting items into a turned-on oven on Shabbos, thus giving the appearance of baking on Shabbos? I remember learning that a big part of the reason for having a blech, for example, is so your action does not appear to be cooking. I can understand that, by taking things out of the oven by hand, it is obvious that they are not above yad soledes bo, but what about putting them in?
Avram in MDParticipantbasket of radishes,
I follow Jewish law that makes sense
Refraining from eating pork makes no sense to the human intellect, so would you throw that out?
Do you honestly think that you can sit in judgement of our Torah and decide for yourself what makes sense and what doesn’t?
You claim to be far from “reform”, but your ideology 100% fits the bill, or perhaps you are a Karaite?
Avram in MDParticipantWow, this debate is surprisingly cantankerous.
Can someone please explain why Rav Moshe Feinstein zt’l in Vol. 2 Siman 95 of Orech Chaim in Igros Moshe says its worse to take off a yarmulka when going into a movie theater than to c’v go into a movie theater with a yamulka?
When a Jew wears a yarmulke into a place where he should not be, he begins to feel very uncomfortable. At that point, he can do one of two things: remove the yarmulke, or realize that if he’s uncomfortable wearing a yarmulke in that place, then perhaps he shouldn’t be there and leave. My guess is that Rav Moshe ZT”L preferred the second choice.
A yarmulke is like a megaphone for the neshama, it’s an amazing thing.
Hopefully I’m not wading into dangerous waters when I say this, but the MPAA ratings system is not really in “sync” with Jewish values. A rated “G” movie, while considered innocent and suitable for children by the surrounding secular culture, often contains ideas and images that are antithetical to Torah concepts, such as children rebelling against parents, shallow mindsets, immodest dress and behavior, etc. I know there are some films out there that may be fine for many, but we cannot rely on the MPAA ratings to protect our values.
July 14, 2011 3:30 pm at 3:30 pm in reply to: Changed Topic of Shiur – Do I Have A Right To Be Disappointed? #788265Avram in MDParticipantI forgot to mention that the reason I agree that you shouldn’t say anything in the shiur case (unlike the free item case I imagined above) is because of the niceness of what the shul is doing.
In other words, I feel that your disappointment is justified, but given that the shul is going out of its way to do something nice for the community, it’s a good thing that you cut them slack.
July 14, 2011 3:21 pm at 3:21 pm in reply to: Changed Topic of Shiur – Do I Have A Right To Be Disappointed? #788264Avram in MDParticipantI think you do have justification for feeling disappointed, though given the fact that the shiur was free as a public service, and the possibility that there may have been a miscommunication between the organizers and the presenter, I think you are also correct that you probably shouldn’t say anything.
I feel that the reason you may question whether you have the right to feel disappointed comes because what the shul is doing, offering a free shiur to the whole community plus dinner, is a very nice, upright thing to do. That factor acts as an emotional counterweight to your disappointment.
So here’s a parallel situation. Suppose I advertised in a paper that I wanted to give away a certain rare item for free . You have been interested in acquiring that very item for some time, so you make a long schlep over to my place to get the item (let’s assume you didn’t call to confirm, but somehow knew the item wasn’t taken yet). When you arrive, I say that I’ve changed my mind and want to keep the item, but here’s a different item for free that has the same monetary value. Would you feel disappointed? Would you have the right to? After all, your time was spent in getting there.
In the above case, I wouldn’t think “damages” should be paid, but a statement of “I came a long way and unfortunately this wasn’t the item I was expecting” followed by an apology to you would seemingly be justified. After all, it was my advertisement that was responsible for bringing you out.
Avram in MDParticipantThe Goq,
Yes the everglades can be very bad for you dont swim in them
The Everglades are fine, it’s the gators, snakes, and leeches in the Everglades that’ll getcha. 🙂
Avram in MDParticipantZeesKite,
For some reason, I think that most moderators shy away from undoing changes made by another moderator. For example, if one moderator rejects a post, it’s unlikely that another moderator will come and unreject it. There may, however, be a way around this in the case of your subtitle.
Try posting to the request-a-subtitle thread from a while back, and specifically state what you want your subtitle to be. That way, the moderator won’t be “undoing” another moderator’s changes, but rather fulfilling the wishes of the user.
Avram in MDParticipantTo all:
As a side note, I read in the news that a Goy who is 51 just got married to a 16 y.o. girl. And Goyim have no Chiyuv to get married!
And we want to base our decisions on what the goyim do why?
Avram in MDParticipantminyan gal,
Avram: Am I correct in assuming that you are a meteorologist?
Yes. I am not a television weathercaster, however, nor do I work for a television or radio station.
Avram in MDParticipantWe were actually learning this sugya in my gemara shiur recently.
There is a difference between V’sein Bracha and Ya’aleh V’yavo, in that the former is said during the “middle” supplication portion of the Shemoneh Esrei, while the latter is said as part of the final three brachos (e.g., R’tzei through the end of the tefilla). Thus, for V’sein Bracha, you can make it up through Shomeah Tefilla, but afterwards you must repeat your tefilla. By Ya’aleh V’yavo, you can make it up as long as you have not finished your tefilla. If you finished, then you must repeat.
The Gemara has a discussion clarifying what the end of the tefilla is. It could be at the end of the bracha of Shalom, when you take three steps back, or at the end of your personal supplications if you have a minhag to add them. A further discussion is made regarding supplications before the three steps vs. after the three steps. The last opinion stated holds that customary supplications made before the three steps back (e.g., Elokai n’tzor) are considered part of the tefilla, and thus you can go back to R’tzei and say Ya’aleh V’yavo if you remember during Elokai n’tzor, but once you take three steps back, you have to repeat your Shemoneh Esrei, even if you haven’t said Y’hi Ratzon (the supplication after the three steps) yet. We didn’t discuss this in the shiur, but I would imagine that the above wouldn’t apply to supplications that you don’t normally say, even if you said them before the three steps. I have a recollection that the Artscroll says to repeat if you’ve said Yih’yu L’ratzon (the final sentence of Elokai n’tzor), which would make sense given the above.
One big exception to this is the Ya’aleh V’yavo of ma’ariv on Rosh Chodesh. Here, you don’t go back to R’zei, even if you remember in the very next bracha!
I have not yet learned the answer to the second question (how late can you repeat if you remember later), but since your first tefilla did not “go up”, then I don’t see why you couldn’t say another Shemoneh Esrei if you still have time – as opposed to waiting until the following tefilla, since a tefillah bizmana is better than a “make up” tefilla. I’ll ask a question about it at my next shiur!
Avram in MDParticipantOne of the few jobs you could have that being wrong won’t cause you to lose your job. I wonder if managers even have to do annual performance appraisals
Actually, any forecast can be quantitatively verified, so managers can indeed see who is skillful and who is not.
The problem is, meteorologists issue probabilistic forecasts (50% chance of rain) that the public interprets as deterministic (it WILL rain), so when it doesn’t rain, the meteorologist is “wrong.” Better communication of forecast data to the public is a big concern of meteorologists.
Given the Alabama tornadoes a while back as an example, meteorologists in Norman, OK, indicated a risk for a severe weather/tornado outbreak 5 days in advance. The day of the outbreak, they issued a “high risk” outlook for violent tornadoes, and issued “Particularly Dangerous Situation” tornado watches. When the tornadoes developed, I think there was an average of more than 20 minutes of warning before the storms arrived. I’d say that was a pretty good forecasting job.
I’ll admit though, I am biased.
Avram in MDParticipantSweet corn (the type we boil or grill to eat as “corn on the cob”) I believe is a different variety than most of the stuff you see growing in the vast corn fields of the midwest (a big component of which is animal feed).
June 20, 2011 4:10 pm at 4:10 pm in reply to: who do u think has 2 names in cr and wat r they? #780303Avram in MDParticipantIt doesn’t seem to me that real-brisker and Joseph have matching posting styles.
why is it not honest to have more than one screen name? this is all supposed to be anonymous anyway. so what’s the diff?
A user with multiple screennames can hijack forums – giving the impression that the “masses” hold one view, for example, or attacking an opposing viewpoint through use of a straw man sockpuppet (e.g., creating a username that “holds” the opposing viewpoint but makes stupid, irrational, or hateful comments and arguments, with the goal of stirring up animosity towards that viewpoint through guilt by association).
This is (mostly) an anonymous forum with respect to the real world, but it is not anonymous within its own context – users tend to associate each screenname with a unique individual, so if someone uses multiple screennames, he dishonestly creates the impression that multiple people are posting.
Avram in MDParticipantminyan gal,
Well, I just checked the Weather Channel. There is a picture of the sun with raindrops beside it. So……… will be sunny with a chance of rain OR rainy with a chance of sun.
Precipitation forecasts are probabilistic due to uncertainty. Behind that sun with raindrops (understandably confusing – not the National Weather Service’s fault, though, rather the Weather Channel’s) is a forecast that might read something like:
Today: Partly cloudy with a 40% chance of showers and thunderstorms, mainly after 3pm. High in the upper 80s.
What this forecast means is that at any given location in the forecast area, there is a 4 in 10 chance of getting rain, and the possibility of this rain will start around 3pm. It’s not as satisfying as a simple yes or no to the “will it rain” question, but when dealing with summer time convective patterns, some areas will get rained on while others do not, so this is the best forecast possible.
These forecasts can still be used for decision making. For example, I usually carry a small umbrella in my bag on weekdays. If the rain chances are 50% or more, I might consider bringing a larger umbrella that I have to carry by hand, or a poncho that takes up space in my bag. If the rain chances are 80% or above, perhaps I’d drive instead of walking, or reschedule outdoor plans, etc.
I definitely recommend reading the text portion of the forecasts… you get much more information than from the cartoon sun and clouds.