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Avram in MDParticipant
well, here’s what I think. For most people, daf yomi is a waste of time.
I would be very careful about bashing other people’s learning like this. If my toddler gives me a picture of me and her holding hands, and in the typical toddler style they are two heads with long stick legs sticking out and the arms coming out of the sides of the head, and I know it took her only 5 minutes to draw it, I would be delighted by her attempt to connect with me in her own way. If an older sibling insulted the picture in front of her – after all, there are much better ways to draw a picture – I would feel upset with this sibling.
Yes, I understand and even agree with your concerns. One should not stand in place, doing nothing to rise higher. One who CAN learn on a deeper level should. The 15 year old shouldn’t think that a 5 minute stick figure drawing fulfills his obligations towards his parents. Still, the way you worded things was hurtful and derogatory towards those engaged in the study of Hashem’s Torah, and I don’t think that’s what Hashem wants us to do. There is a reason, after all, that the rebbeim you know are discreet about their concerns.
For people who don’t spend all day learning the daf-in depth and until halacha l’ma’aseh(and that’s the vast majority of people) it is an illusion created by he yetzer hara.
These are pretty strong words. Are you implying that the gemara should be closed to those who don’t have all day to learn it?
A person thinks he is ‘finishing’ masechtos when in truth he knows almost no Torah at all.
This may be true for some. It may not be for others.
How many people making the ‘siyum’ on shas will actually know shas, or even one masechta, or I dare say-even one perek?
I think that to put siyum in quotation marks is quite derogatory and uncalled for.
Instead, the precious time spent daily on Torah study should be focused on aquiring knowledge of halacha l’ma’ase like shabbos ribbis issur v’heter ona’ah yichud tahara brachos etc.
This is a valid argument, and I’m sure that a person serious about his learning discusses his learning with his rav.
Slowly, day after day, with a serious commitment, one can become a very real talmid chacham.
This is also a goal that can be corrupted by the yetzer hara. The ultimate goal of Torah learning is to come closer to Hashem, whether or not you have the ability to become a talmid chacham.
The yetzer hara knows this and therefore gets people to ‘learn’ daf yomi, make siyumim, and provide the illusion of knowing vast amounts of Torah, when in truth one remains more or less the same am ha’aretz he was 7 and a-half years ago.
It’s not the daf yomi that causes this, but rather a person who doesn’t grow from his learning. Some may grow learning the daf, others may need to use a different approach. Interestingly, there was a thread here in the CR a while back where the OP complained of the exact opposite: of yeshiva classes that “kvetched” over a single sugya for the whole semester, leaving the rest of the gemara a closed book.
I personally lean towards the more in depth approach. For me, I find it more important to make a piece of gemara mine, to get it down and understand it, then to cover a lot of ground. I certainly wouldn’t bash other people’s learning, however.
We are not fooled or impressed by grand ‘siyumim’ at big stadiums or ‘frum’ newspapers and magazines and organizations telling us what a big kiddush hashem it is.
I think this comment risks being an insult to the gedolim who attend the siyum, and who consider it a big kiddush Hashem. Are you smarter than them?
Instead I suggest we start having shiurim on halacha topics that matter, mixed with words of aggada and yiras shamayim
I think this is a great idea, and there are such shiurim in my community (and they don’t compete with or have rivalries with the daf yomi shiur, either).
as all jewish communities did from time immemorial until recently when this was all substituted for the daily daf.
Gemara wasn’t studied in previous Jewish communities?
It is time we stood up for the honor of Hashem and the honor of his Torah.
These are nice words, but make sure to not stand up for your ideas of honor while stomping on others’ honors to Hashem and His Torah.
Avram in MDParticipantLogician,
GAW – excuse my ignorance. “Poe” ?
Poe’s law claims that, in an Internet discussion, a deadpanned parody of a fundamentalist argument will always be taken seriously by someone. For example, the poster mosherose made a lot of Poe-style posts. In this thread, gavra_at_work has applied this law by making fundamentalist-sounding arguments bashing rabbis which, in light of his other posts, are parody, yet he is garnering outraged responses.
I personally think that some of the “outraged” responses we see in the CR are themselves parody, with the intent of portraying the fake fundamentalist argument as a real viewpoint (as opposed to responding “you must be making that up, because I’ve never heard that before”), thus turning the Poe into a straw man.
Avram in MDParticipantgabie,
Avram: Have you often seen topics of discussion here be used externally from this site as fodder to attack the frum or make us seem backwards?
Often, no. Sometimes, yes. I’ve also seen it here.
Avram in MDParticipantfar east,
Can someone please explain to me why there is so much hate when posters start controversial topics, i mean is’nt that the point of the CR, to be a place where anything can be discussed freely and with respect. Why is it a problem among certain posters if the topic generates a heated discussion?
While I have never expressed or felt “hate” when a poster started a controversial topic, I think I understand why it may bother “certain” posters.
Some topics are inherently inflammatory due to the makeup of our community. When an OP poses a statement or question that is likely to inflame or arouse the trolls among us and then refrains from posting again, it gives the impression that the OP was not interested in an answer to the question (otherwise s/he would have provided feedback to the respondents) or to engage in discussion (otherwise s/he would have engaged in discussion), but rather to watch and laugh at the fireworks which sometimes results in hurt feelings among posters and provide fodder for anti-frum elements.
A related but more complex issue that does bother me is the subtle use of the CR to make attacks on the reputation of frum communities. This activity usually takes the form of:
OP: What does the oilam think of [insert controversial, rare, or even made-up-but-frum-sounding chumra forbidding X, almost always related to male-female interactions (and certainly not something obsessed over in real life) here]?
Real poster: Oh boy, here we go again.
“Right wing” troll: X is *** –> –> Absolutely <– <– *** forbidden. No. Exceptions. At. All.
“Left wing” troll [feigning outrage]: Ugh, another crazy chumra, I can’t believe such and such and so and so… I’ve seen such and such and so and so… anyone who thinks they need such a chumrah is crazy, [huff huff] even though I’ve never personally been impacted by this [huff huff], I’m sooo outraged!
Stoking-the-flames troll: What can X lead to?
etc. etc.
X becomes seemingly a big controversy. Rumors and posts get repeated as “I have personally heard that…”. Our community is made to look fractious, backwards and petty, and bloggers pretend that the discussion has legitimacy and use it to bash Orthodoxy in general.
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
The only reason that the siddur (in your case) is special, is because it has sentimental value *to you*.
Actually, the OP made no mention of emotional attachment. He provided two examples of why he thought a siddur was a “davar kedusha.” The first example implied an emotional connection. The second (using a shul siddur that others have prayed in) did not. I don’t think he intended his two examples to be exclusive to others as to why a siddur is a “davar kedusha.”
However, based on your argument, I should only daven from sidduring in which I have an emotional attachment and not any old siddur “off the shelf.”
Can you really show that from the OP? Seems like you are drawing inferences from the OP based on projections of your own bias. Especially since the siddur “off the shelf” was his second example.
In fact, the siddur I use was one I bought new in my teens. I still use it today because about 17 years ago, my son got a hold of it and scribbled on some of the pages. Now, whenever I use it, I have a very visible reminder of what I need to daven for.
Very nice.
However, according to your theory, I should not have this because when I bought the siddur it was new and did not have the emotional attachment equating to one that my grandmother cried in.
Again, creating an argument based on a theory that didn’t exist in the OP.
The Wolf (who is *sure* that someone’s going to tell him that he’s disrespecting HKBH by using a siddur with a child’s scribbles in it.)
Unwarranted assumption from bias. What makes you so sure?
Avram in MDParticipantcoreytothecup,
so why does hakaros hatov only seem to be a chiyuv when something GOOD happens to you? it should also be for when someone does something BAD?
Note the change from “something” to “someone.” I would have agreed with your statement had it read, “it should also be for when something BAD happens to you.”
To put it another way, there are two kinds of hakaras hatov: gratitude to Hashem, and gratitude to creation, e.g., people. We should feel gratitude to Hashem for everything that happens to us, because He is in control of everything and knows what is best for us. This is not the case with people, however. So if someone were to heaven forbid hit me, I think it would be amazing and right to show hakaras hatov to Hashem, who is acting for your best interests, but not to the hitter, who was certainly not acting for your best interests. Otherwise, as miritchka pointed out, you would be expressing gratitude for a sin, which is not appropriate.
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
Here’s what my personal translator/ellucidator came up with:
I am a [untranslatable] Jewish and religious teenager in a Jewish and religious high school. [Due to the fact that I attend this high school,] I feel that I’m not accomplishing [as much] chessed as a girl [my age] should be accomplishing. [This lack of accomplishment is because] I’m too busy with my studies. not quite sure whether I should [accept this and] focus [most of my time] on my studies now and [make up for lost chessed time by] focusing on chessed after my [graduation from] seminary, [or whether I should decrease my focus on my high school studies to make more time for chessed now]. I’m not sure if [the readers of this Web site] understand [my] question [above], but let me know [through responses on this thread] what you think.
Let me know if that is helpful to you 🙂
Avram in MDParticipantAinOhdMilvado,
I once read that you should NOT return the key cards because they are programmed when they give them to you, with NOT ONLY the data for the lock for your room, but also with PERSONAL information, like your credit card info (that you are using to pay for the room).
This, I believe, is an urban legend (Snopes labels the claim false). The hotel retains your personal information in their database, so it would be redundant to store it on the magnetic key card.
Avram in MDParticipantFeif Un,
Would you wear your pajamas to work? They’re quite comfortable…
Avram in MDParticipantI’m not getting it, just coz a bochur is in yeshiva they can’t wear comfortable clothing?
I don’t find jeans to be comfortable. The material is stiff and thick. If you want comfortable, try sweat pants. Not sure that the reaction at work to my sweat pants would be a good one, though. So maybe we should blame the high unemployment rate in this country on the lack of tolerance for comfortable clothing in the office:-)
Avram in MDParticipantThese are just my opinions:
1.) The hotel provides soap and shampoo for its customers to use while they stay in the hotel. The cost to provide these amenities is NOT trivial.
2.) For sanitary reasons, once a bottle of soap or container of shampoo is opened, it cannot be reused and will be thrown out.
Therefore, one should only use the amount of shampoo and soap needed to shower. I think it is petty theft to hide or pack unused shampoo or soap each day (whether opened or not) so that the staff provides new bottles that they otherwise would not have provided. On the last day of the stay, however, any remaining unused shampoo or soap is ok to take, since it is effectively garbage to the hotel. If you are unsure about this, ask the front desk. I think the same principle applies for condiment packages in restaurants (e.g., ketchup packets). The condiments cost a lot of money, and are provided with the intention of use with the food you are buying right then from the restaurant – not to stock your kitchen.
As for the magnetic key cards, the hotel can reuse these and they should be returned unless you are told otherwise by the staff. I once accidentally took a magnetic key with me. I called the hotel from the road (wife was driving, don’t worry) to ask for their mailing address, and they said not to worry and to keep it.
Avram in MDParticipantLogician and Feif Un,
I can understand where you are coming from. The truth is, however, that we really do not know why many things happen to us. The story told by getzel1 was intended to help a person reframe their attitude and to feel gratitude to Hashem – not to ascribe absolute meaning to the events of a day. Maybe you’re right, maybe getzel1 is right, but the bottom line is that Hashem cares about us, and it’s easier to see that when things are reframed positively. Why should everything that happens to us be a potch from Above and not a yeshua?
Avram in MDParticipantCtrl Alt Del,
Avram, my point is valid either way.
I’m not sure about that. You posited that our sages brought the 18 vertebrae of the spine as a motivator to the stupid masses for davening Shemoneh Esrei – but it was not meant as a motivator at all, just a connection (or an explanation of bowing during the Shemoneh Esrei). Nothing was said to the effect of, “you should daven all 18 brachos because they represent your spine…” That’s a straw man you made up.
Iss shver tzuzein a yid back then too.
Actually, I disagree with this premise too. Literacy rates for Jews was quite high, certainly much higher than in the surrounding populace. In places like Vilna even the simple Jews were engaged in learning. This is not to say that there have been periods and places where education suffered tremendously, but I would think that someone learning Gemara (where you would come across this vertebrae reference) was not a “schlep”, especially since, a few pages before the vertebrae reference, the Gemara discusses the very reasons for our tefillos (in place of the korbonos) that you claim the schlep couldn’t understand.
Yes, they didn’t have x-rays back then so they did the best they could.
I think it’s incorrect to assume that the slope of technological and scientific advancement with time was always positive (e.g., the further back in time, the more ignorant). During the time of the Gemara, batteries were in use across the Middle East. The Romans had indoor plumbing. Egyptians practiced surgery. The period right after the Middle Ages was called the Renaissance, meaning a revival, because a lot of the advancements came through rediscovery of things the ancients knew but were subsequently forgotten. I think it’s quite reasonable to assume that the sages of the gemara knew what a human spine looked like – and that we are simply unfamiliar with their particular method of categorization.
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
Saying that Chazal were right is Kefirah??!!
Man, I *really* can’t do anything right, can I? I ought to just give up and cash it in now.
And why do you presume that 2scents was referring to you?
It seems to me that you want people on this site to call you a kofer. Why is that?
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
My belief in Judaism is quite strong.
according to that opinion
there were some people who felt
I’m sure that someone will tell me that I’m transgressing
I doubted a story about a woman being in a coma for 73 years and was called a Kofer for it
Because I’ve been told that all of those are violations of halacha in one way or another
This may come as a surprise to you, but Judaism is not defined as:
if(someone’s opinion is different from WolfishMusings’ opinion) {
WolfishMusings is doomed.
if(someone is an internet troll on YWN yelling “apikorus”) {
someone is a spokesman for authentic Judaism
see above
Avram in MDParticipantKeenObserver,
It’s actually 7 cervical + 12 thoracic + 5 lumbar (you missed those). The 5 sacral vertebrae are fused into the sacrum in adulthood, so you might count that as one bone. The coccyx is also made of several rudimentary vertebrae, which are generally fused in adulthood.
So it’s at least 24 + 1 sacrum + 1 coccyx = 26, and possibly over 30 if you count the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae separately.
From a picture on Wikipedia, it looks to me like the 7 cervical vertebrae are in the neck/by the skull (i.e., not in the back). That would leave the 12 thoracic and 5 lumbar and the sacrum/coccyx in the back… which would add up to 19 (18 if the tailbone was not considered to be in the back). Perhaps this is how our sages were counting?
Avram in MDParticipantCtrl Alt Del,
I think I saw the reference to the 18 brachos of Shemoneh Esrei corresponding to the 18 bones in the spine brought in the Gemara (4th perek of Brachos), which would not make it some middle ages mystical thought to have. As I recall, the reference to the spine was brought in a discussion of how to bow during Shemoneh Esrei (if physically capable, one should bow deeply enough so that the bones of the spine in your back protruded).
Now, I doubt that the Tanaaim were unfamiliar with the human spine. How they were counting was likely different than how we count today (perhaps they didn’t count the portion of the spine in the neck as part of the 18, for example, since we were talking about the position of the back when bowing). I’m not an expert on anatomy.
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
Because then, according to that opinion, I am, once again, doing something wrong.
To take this one step further…
According to some, it is not ok to eat gebrockts on Pesach because of the concern that some flour left on the matzah will become chometz once the matzah is made wet. According to others, there is no concern about this, and on the contrary, to avoid gebrockts is wrong because you are reducing your simchas hachag.
According to some, a married woman should not cover her hair with a sheital, because others may confuse it with her own hair. According to others, a married woman should wear a sheital, because (as I heard it), if the president of the United States came in the room, a woman in a tichel would be tempted to remove it so as to not look foreign or strange in front of somebody so important, but a woman in a wig would not dare remove the wig, which would be incredibly embarrassing.
When Pesach comes, you have to eat something. When your wife goes out, she has to have something on her head. Can’t please everyone all the time!
For some reason, I don’t feel that such contradictions threaten my belief in Judaism. So what if somebody down the street things I’m doing something wrong?
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
Because then, according to that opinion, I am, once again, doing something wrong.
Ok… but why would that bother you?
February 15, 2012 2:39 pm at 2:39 pm in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852039Avram in MDParticipantDoswin,
Avram’s point was your family would be scared for *your* welfare. Doesn’t that concern you?
Yes, that was my point.
so an invitation to do justice upon you
Technically, I don’t think the OP’s point was to say that a beis din should beat people who have done [insert activity here], which is purely retributive, but rather to discuss the permissibility of a beis din using beatings to elicit future compliance with halacha, which, when it was in effect, was probably an exceptionally rare occurrence. This is splitting hairs, I know, but the distinction is important.
This is not to say I agree with or support the OP, on the contrary, I think s/he was trolling to garner outraged responses at the expense of halacha, and was richly rewarded.
February 14, 2012 7:16 pm at 7:16 pm in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852036Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
I’ve given you plenty of reasons to come beat me up above in this thread. Form a bais din and come do so.
I don’t know about your family, but my wife would be pretty upset with me and scared if I posted something like that to the Internet where potentially unstable people could read it.
Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
The wolf: what tune to sing is not a minhag – be my guest and change to a new tune every year…
I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some people who felt it was.
And why would this bother you?
February 13, 2012 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851427Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
If something that is said regarding rabbiofberlin can be applied to you (ROB = X, Wolf = ROB, therefore Wolf = X), then it follows that things said regarding you can be applied to others.
Avram in MDParticipantaidel_maidel,
To get them like store bought, you’ll probably need a deep fryer.
February 13, 2012 3:39 pm at 3:39 pm in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851424Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
I doubted a story about a woman being in a coma for 73 years and was called a Kofer for it.
You are rabbiofberlin? (since in the post you linked us to it was ROB who was called the “koifer”)
Avram in MDParticipantZeesKite,
I think we are in agreement here (other than you thinking my last name is Aveinu:-). I feel like I posted perhaps one too many times in “that” thread, and even if the mods had not closed it, I was ready to call it quits.
Avram in MDParticipantI think graphology is a fun recreational activity (e.g., analyzing each others’ handwriting at a party for laughs), but it really is so subjective and that I don’t think it should be used beyond games. Just imagine a scenario where an employer rejects an applicant because of “something” he or she saw in the applicant’s handwriting sample.
Avram in MDParticipantWow, ZeesKite, I’m on your radar screen? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
PS – Have I insulted anyone in that thread, or do you feel it is wrong to be passionate (or heated, if you will) about an issue in general?
Avram in MDParticipantIf it offended you, I apologize for my “doodyhead” comment.
Once things sunk to that low, I thought that perhaps the mods should institute a nap time after apple juice and snacks 🙂
Avram in MDParticipantZimri ben Salu was a prince in shevet Shimon, and Cozbi bas Tzur was a princess of Midian. How exactly do they compare to a little Jewish girl?
Avram in MDParticipantAlso, why do we venerate Pinchas ben Elozar ben Aharon ha’Cohen? Was not he very violent? What about Yehoshua bin Nun, who presided over the slaughter of the freedom-loving(read: aveiros-loving) Kena’anim?
Irrelevant comparisons unless you are suggesting that Pinchas ben Elazar spat on an 8 year old Jewish girl who had committed no sins, or that spitting on a modestly dressed girl is codified in the Torah, heaven forbid!
Avram in MDParticipantHealth,
This [why men who supposedly care about shemiras einayim would congregate around a girls school with improperly dressed girls/parents for any reason -recap mine] is a logical question. But I’ve posted here a few times -there is a reason and s/o should start a topic about it.
Please, provide me a reason. I cannot think of any.
Noone here defended the spitter.
I don’t know what you are talking about -name s/o who is afraid to condemn it?
Not defending the spitter, but his spitting was a reaction to the provocation.
This is a defense of the spitter… providing a justification. Your adding “not defending the spitter” to this defense of the spitter does nothing but make an oxymoron. Like when the P.A. says, “oh, we condemn suicide bombings, but the suicide bombers are just reacting to Israeli oppression…” No, the spitting was not a reaction to any provocation. It was an act of abuse, an assault, pure and simple.
You are starting to sound like the Freye or MO haters.
I’m not afraid of your threatened labels.
Every single Charedi must proclaim from the rooftops and scream we are against spitting or we all are complicit with the spitters.
Typical double standard!
As a Jewish male who cares about guarding my eyes, this was a crime that was committed in my name, in my defense! So yes, I or my leaders have a responsibility to speak out. If someone heaven forbid killed a motorist and told the police that he did it so that “Avram in MD” would have a quicker commute, you’d better bet that I’d condemn it!
Does Every Single MO or settler condemn publically the desecration & burning of Mosques and attack on soldiers?
The Yesha Council and Im Tirtzu, among other prominent officials in that movement did unequivocally condemn the violence.
Does Every Single Freye Jew (Chiloni) condenm the crimes that occur daily amongst them?
Should we follow their lead?
Avram in MDParticipantThis is nuts, absolutely nuts.
I care about shemiras einayim and hilchos tznius. I am personally bothered when people are lax with these halachos. But these protesters are so warped in their actions that I can’t believe anyone here is attempting to mount a defense for them.
Let’s not even get into the spitting on an 8-year old yet. That’s in a league of its own. Why are these protesters even there? If what “Health” says is true, that they can see immodestly dressed women from their windows due to this school, how on earth can they justify running up to the school to get a closer look (while yelling at them of course)? Would a person concerned about exposure to radiation protest a nuclear power plant being built across the street from his house by running into the radioactive core? Pure shemiras einayim cannot be their motivation, because if it were, it would be their WIVES out there protesting. The men would stay as far away from the school as they could, choosing instead to complain through other channels. My wife would never want me to place myself in a situation where it would be certain that I would see pritzus. In fact, to do that is a violation of halacha.
Now for the spitting. Some (or one) here have attempted to say, “the MO started it, so they have the blame for inflaming the crazies.” Excuse me? That’s an argument little children use. Real adults take responsibility for their actions, no matter what instigated the situation. If I assault a guy who cut me off in traffic, do you think the cops will excuse me if I said, “but he started it, he had it coming! He shoulda known that there are crazy people around!” Another argument made here to defend these men is “maybe the children are dressed ok, but the problem is the mothers walking the children to school are immodest…” Well then, why was it the 8-year old girl who got spit on? Did the monster miss the mother and hit the girl by mistake? Maybe he was accidentally facing children when hurling epithets and meant to face the mothers? I don’t think so.
Unfortunately we do have a tznius problem, and I think some people here are afraid that if they fully condemned the spitter, they would somehow be yielding ground in their argument. But this crime was not about tznius. If we allow tznius to be co-opted by sheer perversion, to be used as a weapon by debauched individuals to violate women with the veneer of “holiness”, then we lose everything.
Misogyny is not a mitzvah.
Avram in MDParticipantWolf,
There are a lot of people who “lip-sync” during Simchas Torah, either because their voices get tired, or they aren’t sure of all of the words of the song, or perhaps for your reasons, yet they still want to participate as much as possible.
Are you therefore to say that all of these Jews do not merit the Shechina’s presence? What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Don’t give us the “this only applies to me” stuff. Sheker is sheker, no matter who does it.
As someone who has lip-synced during Simchas Torah for several of the reasons I mentioned above, I am bothered by this trolling thread.
December 19, 2011 2:00 am at 2:00 am in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835828Avram in MDParticipantHi WolfishMusings,
I was wondering if you had any responses to my replies to you here.
December 15, 2011 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm in reply to: Aside from Michael Savage does anyone else see that there is something wrong wit #837384Avram in MDParticipantpopa_bar_abba,
I couldn’t agree with you more.
Also, regarding the early Chanukah party, many offices host their “holiday” (read: Xmas) parties at least a week before the holiday, because many employees take leave during the week leading up to, or after the holiday.
Assuming there isn’t a Federal shutdown next week, I think President Obama is planning a vacation in Hawaii.
Avram in MDParticipantmoishy,
I thought you are always supposed to put the shel rosh on the right of the bag and the shel yad on the left side??
That’s actually what I do. Maybe I heard to do that from somewhere, and have long since forgotten (but kept the habit).
Avram in MDParticipantDerech HaMelech,
So you don’t put your shel yad on the same side every day?
Sorry, perhaps I left out too many words in my previous post, so what I was saying was unclear. I was only talking about taking the tefillin in and out of their bag. What I was trying to say was:
When I return my tefillin to their bag [after shacharis], I place the tefillin shel rosh [into the bag] on the same side [of the bag] each day. That way, [the tefillin shel yad will always be on one side of the bag, and] I will [successfully] remove the tefillin shel yad [from the bag] first the next morning by habit [because it will reliably be on the same side of the bag each morning and I won’t have to think about it].
Better? 🙂
Avram in MDParticipantWhen I return my tefillin to their bag, I place the tefillin shel rosh on the same side each day. That way, I will remove the tefillin shel yad first the next morning by habit.
Avram in MDParticipantSpeaking of Grieg, I like the 3rd movement to his A-minor piano concerto.
I also really like listening to Smetana’s “Moldau”.
Avram in MDParticipantBTGuy,
Great, well thought out post!
December 6, 2011 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835827Avram in MDParticipantsoliek,
i think youre overthinking all this…
Avram in MDParticipantI want to be an individual just like everyone else! (couldn’t resist)
Seriously though, are there concrete benefits for people to choose different colors for raincoats other than black for Shabbos attire? I don’t feel like a “Borg” when I wear black on Shabbos.
December 6, 2011 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835824Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
If I may be so bold, if I were in your shoes, the question I would bring to my rav would be worded along the lines of:
Rav X, I am suffering from episodes of depression. I am very concerned with not letting this condition prevent me from properly honoring Shabbos. Do you have any recommendations for me to increase my simcha on Shabbos?
December 6, 2011 2:48 pm at 2:48 pm in reply to: A Shabbos Desecrator Saying Vayechulu With the Congregation #835823Avram in MDParticipantWolfishMusings,
Thank you for responding.
Your example of an EMT (by the way, did you know that I used to be an EMT?) is not really applicable[…]
Didn’t know that… when I first typed the response I put policeman, but changed it to EMT to avoid the complications of a warrant, etc.
I’m not aware of anything that says that one is allowed to be sad on Shabbos just for sake of being sad.
That’s not the issue. If I tripped on Shabbos and fell against a wall with a light switch and accidentally turned the light on, am I a mechalel Shabbos? Oops, didn’t mean to do that… now I can’t say vayechulu with the tzibbur next Shabbos? No, because the melacha was involuntary. A mechalel Shabbos, on the other hand, does his aveiros on purpose. You, however, wrote in your response to kako above:
It is what I am, and it pains me terribly that that’s the way I am, but I am certainly not “ok” with it.
This indicates that your sadness is involuntary, which does NOT make you a mechalel Shabbos. It’s not like you wear torn clothes, fast, and wail in public on Shabbos [at least, I’m assuming you don’t!]. Involuntary sadness that affects your ability to accomplish what you want to is called depression, and if it is upsetting you this much, you should really speak to someone you trust, rather than publicly beating yourself up on the CR. I am affected emotionally by the change of seasons (likely due to the lack of sunlight), and sometimes when it’s really bad, I feel like I’m defective… like some grooves were dug into my brain that cause irrational sadness that other people don’t have. Because intellectually I know I don’t have anything to be sad about, yet I’m sad anyway. Then to make matters worse, my yetzer hara comes and tells me that I’m sinning, reminding me of the admonishment of a husband and father to not be melancholy, and so on top of sad, I feel like a bad person. That’s a trick that the yetzer hara plays, because if I feel like a sinner, then I stay sad. Now that I understand more about the physical causes of my feelings, my wife kicks me outside with my toddler in a stroller when there’s a lot of sunshine. I also try to take a walk during the day outside of the office. The extra sun exposure and exercise help with the sadness.
Any judgements I make apply to myself and myself only.
Are you saying that you’re different, somehow, from other Jews? A tzaddik who’s held to a higher standard? Again, I think this is possibly a trick of the yetzer hara.
I don’t know why you would assume that I didn’t give the person I spoke with the complete, unadulterated truth. I assure you that that’s not the case.
You told this person that you have had problems with feeling sad occasionally on Shabbos, even though you don’t want to be sad, and would like help to not feel sad, and s/he replied that you’re a sinner and should avoid saying vayechulu on Shabbos?? Sounds nuts to me.
Nonetheless, I stand by his ruling, as one does not go “p’sak shopping.”
You have not said that this person is your rav. I’d recommend getting rulings from your rav, and only after giving a full and accurate picture of your issue (e.g., not just saying, “R’ X, in theory, is someone who consistently violates a Shabbos prohibition in the S”A considered a mechalel Shabbos?” and so on).
No. You’ll notice that my blogging activity has dropped off considerably in the past year.
I have not read your blog enough to know much about your posting habits, but I have read enough to know that there you criticize what you see as craziness, and here you accept craziness and apply it to yourself.
Avram in MDParticipantHi Health,
Neither have I, but considering most births occur in the hospital -I’d say most women aren’t that negative about it as you!
Or maybe they’re just not educated enough about the issues… 🙂
So – have you even convinced your family members to go this route?
My wife convinced me.
Avram in MDParticipantHi Health,
Somehow I don’t think most people have the same negative feelings about hospitals, medical personell, esp. those in the OB Dept., as you do.
I’ve never done a poll.
Also, your assumption about treatment for childbirth -if you really believe what you posted and all others that think like you -why use them? The last I heard was this was a free country -you don’t have to go to the hospital -you can deliver at home. And esp. nowadays they have birthing centers where you are only treated by midwives and not doctors
Excellent suggestions for normal, healthy pregnancies. 🙂
Avram -So acc. to your train of thought -I personally attacked every Frum woman who didn’t always make it on time to the hospital to deliver. So I guess they should all come here and bash me.
No, I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about what you said to Nechomah:
Sorry to say, I don’t feel that you are very educated.
That was a personal attack.
Avram in MDParticipantHealth,
Avram in MD – Perhaps you didn’t learn this when you were younger, but you should read all the posts before you comment.
I did.
I had made a theory on why Frum women don’t make it on time to deliver at the hospital. I posted that they weren’t educated enough in this area.
I understand that.
I included in that theory this poster
Which was personal.
-this is Not a personal attack!
Yes it was.
Avram in MDParticipantAlso, when some OBs and hospital staff pay more attention to their watches and protocols than to the laboring woman and baby, stressing the mother out, then rushing things along for their convenience and jumping too quickly to forceps or surgery, if I were a woman, I’d probably want to wait until the very last minute to go to the hospital, too.
Avram in MDParticipantHealth,
There was nothing personal in my comments to you. You might have taken my comments personally because the story you were relating was about you -so maybe your emotions got the best of you!
Perhaps you didn’t learn this when you were younger, but to call someone uneducated is a personal attack.