Avram in MD

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  • in reply to: Dental Insurance #2176358
    Avram in MD

    Dr. Pepper,

    “they created a system that was mathematically guaranteed to fail and the states need to follow it.”

    We’re over a decade into the ACA, are we still on a trajectory to fail? What does the failure look like?

    “I got to see lots of this stuff first hand during the year that I worked in the ACA and it was pathetic to think that someone actually thought it would work. Most of the stuff is too complicated to discuss here”

    Try us. I want to know what you saw, and can handle some complexity and ask follow-up questions if I don’t understand. I don’t find the appeal to authority argument to be convincing.

    “take a look at the Risk Corridor 2014 payments catastrophe to begin getting an idea. (In short, despite promising that it’ll be paid out at 100% it was paid out at only 12.6% and many companies were shut down because of that.)”

    As far as I’m aware, the risk corridor payments only existed in the first couple of years of the ACA to stabilize the markets and prevent companies from jacking up premiums in response to the uncertainty. Is that not the case? I agree that the initial rollout of the ACA was a debacle (except apparently in Connecticut).

    “Public Schools (the ones that I’m referring to) are a huge disaster as they waste hundreds of billions of Dollars and have little to nothing to show for it.”

    Exhibit A: NYC. Maskim.

    “I believe that the same will be true if the healthcare system turns into a single payer system. In short- I was referring to the hundreds of billions of Dollars that will be wasted- regardless of who pays for it or how it’s paid.”

    Do you see Medicare as a big pile of waste?

    “I consider a huge salary to include those who work for unions and are getting paid much more than they would be getting if they were paid the going rate- especially the public-school teachers that have nothing to show for it.”

    What’s the going rate for a teacher?

    “Regardless of who is at blame, who caused it, weather you believe it or not or the amount spent on each age group- the point is that hundreds of billions of Dollars is wasted every year on preventable claims. That number needs to come down before a single payer system can work.”

    A Lancet study using 84 supposedly preventable risk factors determined that preventable illness accounted for just over a quarter of the health costs in the U.S. That is indeed very high, but how does it make a single payer system impossible? Medicare already fields perhaps the majority of these costs, as things like heart disease, diabetes, emphysema, and cancer tend to strike more frequently later in life. These are the heavy hitters in healthcare costs, not Billy Bob having to go back to the doctor because he didn’t finish his entire 5 day course of antibiotics.

    Now, I sound like I am advocating strongly for a government run single payer health insurance in the U.S. In reality, I am really not sure that I’d support one. But not because of the costs. I worry more about coercion, reduced options, and a UK NHS style breakdowns of service.

    Avram in MD


    “Sitting in an office and by a computer, is less up and about than the stay-at-home-wife, who has an outing with the kids on Sunday, meets friends for lunch on Monday, local shopping on Tuesday, mall shopping on Wednesday, and Shabbos shopping on Thursday.”

    Just curious if you have ever met any “stay at home” mothers?

    in reply to: Dental Insurance #2175932
    Avram in MD

    Dr. Pepper,

    “you’re advocating for the US Government, who failed miserably at the ACA, to be in charge of a single payer system. You need to explain why you think the same US Government could successfully run something of a much larger magnitude.”

    So the US Government does not “run” the ACA. The ACA is a conglomeration of laws that primarily expanded eligibility for Medicaid, forbade insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions, and mandated individuals to have medical insurance coverage. You might be thinking of the disastrous rollout of the online individual insurance marketplaces. Agreed that was truly bad. The blame can be spread around (some states set up their own awful exchanges, others relied on the Federal Government’s), but it was a failure to coordinate resources, share knowledge, and test systems before going live. A slight limmud zechus is that these state and Federal agencies had not put something together like that before, whereas Medicare has been a humming beast for decades.

    “I mentioned a few times that a single payer system will turn into a calamity the size of the public school disaster.”

    Public schools are not a single payer entity. The majority of their governance comes from the local and state levels of government.

    “All this while the teachers (some of them who have no business being around children but are protected by the powerful unions) are bringing in huge salaries.”

    I’d hate to see what you consider a meager salary.

    “With a single payer free health care for all, you’re going to have people who don’t take care of their (or their kids’) health, don’t follow doctors directions and end up costing the system billions of Dollars in unnecessary expenses while clogging up doctors’ offices, hospitals and emergency rooms.”

    “As mentioned previously, Medicare works because it’s for a more responsible part of the population”

    So blaming the citizenry for the sorry state of affairs may feel good (politicians used to not dare try it, but now they love to so long as they can tar their targets with the opposite political affiliation), but it’s just simply not true. Health care expenditures are higher for young children, then drop quite low through early adulthood (with higher expenses for childbearing women), and then increase along an exponential curve once you get older. Per HHS statistics, your superior responsible adults aged 65+ accrue an annual average of more than $11,000 per year, vs. near $3000 per year for the horrible no good rotten 18-44 age group (which even includes most of those childbearing women getting harassed into expensive hospital interventions).

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2175906
    Avram in MD


    “I’ve addressed most of your comments”

    No you haven’t. The only point you addressed was to acknowledge that “every community has kids at risk” (though kids assaulting a storekeeper are way beyond “at risk”). Other than that, you have failed to address my responses and have only repeated your shtus again and again.

    “However, there is a huge factor contributing to kids at risk in some communities that they refuse to address: Namely the “Only Gemara and Halacha” mesivtas.”

    Since you’re only repeating yourself, I won’t waste a bunch of words again. You’re making this up based on your MO prejudices against Lakewood.

    “And I have to disagree with you one one point. I think that people are people. Individually, thinking and intelligent, but in large groups they have a tendency to make huge mistakes then rationalize it.”

    I think you’re trying to teach me about groupthink, but not defining or describing it very well. Are you sure that individual ideas in Lakewood are being squelched, or do they just not like the ideas you think are great?

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2175833
    Avram in MD


    “But if somebody would just put out alerts without really knowing what is behind them, we absolutely should ding them for not having the clarity of the Star-K’s approach. This is my opinion. You can disagree with me on this scenario as well as the smartphones.”

    I think how I see the scenario is closer to when laypeople forward on or talk about the Star-K alerts they received, not laypeople developing the alerts themselves. I don’t think, for example, that the technology asifa a number of years ago was done haphazardly.

    “The fellow responded, the longer I keep you here the better. Because when you leave beis medrash, you”ll be looking at your smartphone”

    Was this fellow a teenager or young adult? What he did sounds immature, or more likely in jest.

    “What bothers me is that a lot of people think that there is some truth to the retort.”

    I don’t think so, especially in the mature adult world.

    “It still seems like it is presented backwards to Yeshiva Bachurim”

    This seems like a salient point.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2175141
    Avram in MD


    “And why didn’t it work specifically in Lakewood in the 21st century? Every other city, country (besides Chareidim in Eretz Yisroel), and time period in the post-Holocaust world strongly encouraged it.”

    So do you agree that the NYT-led crusade against Yeshivos in NY (Lakewood is in NJ) is completely baseless?

    “It’s an ideological thing, plain and simple. A silly, misguided, ideology that people have fooled themselves into thinking is Torah.”

    So you feel intellectually and morally superior to those “Lakewood” Jews. It’s not true, but whatever. If you have an interest in convincing someone, however, talking down to them from a place of disdain usually isn’t the way to go about it. I personally think that Jews living in Lakewood are thinking and intelligent human beings who know themselves and their community, their values, hopes, dreams, and fears better than you do.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2175142
    Avram in MD


    “Our times seems to be the first in history where [some] Jews are claiming that their mesorah is to be willfully ignorant.”

    This is motzi shem ra.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2175076
    Avram in MD


    “It just goes back to what I’ve been saying this entire time. Teens in certain communities that do not enjoy learning Gemara don’t relish the two choices placed before them: Learn Gemara (the thing you’re bad at and don’t like at all) for the better part of a 10 hour day or be a failure. So they act out. It’s as simple as that.”

    Repeating it endlessly does not make it true. A LOT more is going on with a kid who descends into drugs and violent behavior than struggling in school. And your insistence that violent teenagers is only a Lakewood (aka Chareidi) issue does a disservice to the entire discussion. It’s simply dishonest, and is more a commentary on who you hate than on how to actually help kids.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2175064
    Avram in MD


    “I think that saying, I got rid of my smartphone is only half of a success story. I got rid of my phone and am smore available for my family, I got rid of my phone and am learning more, I got rid of my phone and my davening improved, is something I can get behind.”

    Ooh, I think maybe we’ve distilled the discussion down to the fundamental disagreement. I think if someone gives up their smartphone or puts safeguards onto it because of Hashem – i.e., out of a desire to avoid sinning, that in itself is a tremendous accomplishment. A single Jew standing up to the armies of the tech companies who are besieging his home, and winning against them all. I don’t think I’m exaggerating – in pirkei avos we learn אֵיזֶהוּ גִבּוֹר, הַכּוֹבֵשׁ אֶת יִצְרוֹ, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר: טוֹב אֶֽרֶךְ אַפַּֽיִם מִגִּבּוֹר, וּמוֹשֵׁל בְּרוּחוֹ מִלֹּכֵד עִיר! Of course we should never rest on our laurels, and should put the newfound free time away from the devices into proper use, but that’s a separate discussion.

    “But the populism of the movement is just emphasizing getting rid of the smartphone.”

    I’m still not clear on what “the movement” is, but so what? Should we ding the kashrus alerts from the Star-K because they only tell us to avoid mislabeled product X and don’t also exhort us to learn more and spend quality time with our children? I think it’s a double standard you’re applying to “the movement” because you don’t like their message.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2174566
    Avram in MD


    “So I think we agree that letting go of the smartphone is not by itself a success. It is on the path to success.”

    Yes and no. I think it has a lot to do with intentions.

    in reply to: How to do teshuva for breaking shabbos? #2174160
    Avram in MD

    anonymous Jew,

    “AAQ, whatever respect I had for you is gone. Mental health is no joke, and, because of attitudes like yours, people can be reluctant to get help for themselves or a child.”

    I’m not 100% sure if he was joking or not, I mean, he wrote something in a joking way but he may have been serious with his point. I know someone who had a certain type of recurring hear arrhythmia that was misdiagnosed as panic/anxiety attacks (she was usually panicking when the events occurred – because they were scary! and were back to a tachycardic normal sinus rhythm by the time she was seen), until one day when her heart was clocking north of 230bpm and would not slow down, the paramedics got leads on her and a strip showing the arrhythmia. While managing the condition, she found that some foods could trigger the arrhythmia.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2174148
    Avram in MD


    “I am really impressed by your ability to organize your (Mine as well.) thoughts.”

    Please call out any strawmans I may have put in if you want.

    “I think you admit that smart phones are not inherently evil like AZ and GA.”

    I see them more like the path that leads past the women washing clothing. … With screaming billboards designed by psychologists to distract that jump up out of nowhere saying “HEY LOOK AT THIS!” … And a moving sidewalk that’s going the opposite way you’re trying to walk 🙂

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2174126
    Avram in MD


    “In the communities that essentially tell children that if they can’t learn for 10 hours a day and do nothing else for most of their lives that they are failures, kids who can’t do that often act out.”

    Ooooh, if we’re just gonna make stuff up about other Jews, can I join too? I thought we were trying to have an honest debate, but we could have such fun instead!

    “And we wonder why there is so much teen violence.”

    lolol teen violence only exists in Lakewood and is the fault of those horrible anti-vaxxers. I think you’ve hit all the high notes on the people you hate. Do you feel better now? Or should we blame the national debt, ozone hole, decline of morality, and growing old on them too?

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2174117
    Avram in MD


    “I wasn’t retreating. I was thinking about the fallout to the yeshiva scene in general. As we got more specific (I don’t know why you think a specific story would prove or disprove a movement.) I focused more on this one yeshiva.”

    You brought the specific story into this discussion as a proof of the evils of the “anti-tech” movement, not me. I asked some specific questions about the story because not everything you wrote was clear or made sense, and your response has been to pull back into more generalized statements that have already been made. And the specifics that were pried out seem to indicate that this example story is an outlier (e.g., even the anti-tech advocates say this yeshiva messed up), and what actual harm was caused remains unclear.

    My statement still stands.”

    Your approach to this debate has been to throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. I still do not understand what your reasoning is. Our impasse seems to be:

    n0mesorah – leave me alone about my smartphone, because I learn better than you and spend my time better than you.

    Avram in MD – you are likely a rare exception to the rule. Smartphones are addictive by design, and purposely throw unsolicited content at users.

    n0mesorah – learning is the metric of success, and bitul zman is the measure of failure. So stop talking about smartphones and tell people to learn more and waste time less.

    Avram in MD – bitul zman is greatly exacerbated by smartphones by design, and furthermore it is only one of the dangers of smartphones. They present a serious spiritual danger.

    n0mesorah – advocating for people to get rid of or filter their smartphones is a spiritual danger. Just look at what happened at Yeshiva X! The fallout was horrible. (we had a round 1 circuit involving kids jumping into drugs and violence just because meanies took their phones, but the course of discussion was similar).

    Avram in MD – what happened at Yeshiva X?

    n0mesorah – learning is the metric of success, and bitul zman is the measure of failure. So stop talking about smartphones and tell people to learn more and waste time less.

    Avram in MD – no really, what happened?

    n0mesorah – they killed a half dozen bachurim!

    Avram in MD – what happened?

    n0mesorah – lots of complaining and bad feelings and logistical inconvenience and teachers being mean. Even the anti-tech advocates say this yeshiva messed up!

    Avram in MD – ok, it does sound like they were inconsiderate in how they implemented the policy. But how were the bochrim permanently harmed?

    n0mesorah – I mean the yeshiva system was harmed. Teachers don’t listen to their students anymore.

    Avram in MD – that’s not what we were talking about.

    n0mesorah – learning is the metric of success, and bitul zman is the measure of failure. So stop talking about smartphones and tell people to learn more and waste time less.

    “Instead of just saying don’t get caught up in today’s nisayon (phone addiction), tell them what they can achieve instead (growth in Torah).”

    Are we talking about the same species here? That’s simply not how human beings work. Somebody should tell Hashem how much time He wasted (chas v’shalom) repeatedly saying to not get caught up in the nisayon of avodah zara, arayos, etc. The Torah could have been a much shorter and more positive book! I know so many people, myself included, who know they can achieve great things, but let nisayonos get in the way. What you are advocating puts a stumbling block in front of the blind.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2173671
    Avram in MD


    “They were told things like your not coming on time to seder so we are giving your chavrusa away. Unless you sign the paper.”

    Nope. Sorry, I don’t buy it. Something seems very off with this description at first blush, and I would love to hear the other side’s perspective of the conversation. Repeatedly coming late to the learning seder harms one’s chavrusa, so giving him away may well be the right call in those circumstances. And tying in some sort of evil smartphone blackmail angle seems like an attempt to whitewash irresponsible behavior.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2173679
    Avram in MD


    “The tremendous impact to today, is that made many yeshivos even more deaf to their bachurim. I wasn’t referring to just group. Though most of them wasted a lot of their capabilities.”

    This is disingenuous. Above you stated that this yeshiva “killed … a half dozen bachurim”, and now you’re retreating and making some sort of vague complaint about how yeshivos don’t listen to kids these days and it’s all the anti-smartphone movement’s fault?

    “While addictions can ruin a bachur, it takes the hanhala to ruin a zman for everyone.”

    Better a ruined zman than a ruined bachur.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2173260
    Avram in MD


    “different hashkafas have different things that put their teens at risk and have to put out different ways of helping them.”

    I’m not sure that I agree with this – can you be more specific?

    “In many MO communities, teens become too enamored with the dark sides of secular society so they have organizations like NCSY to steer them on the right path. In some communities, however, they close their ears and say “La la la can’t hear you learn more Torah!” instead of addressing the 800 pound gorilla.”

    I don’t think this is true or fair. Sometimes NCSY helps a teen connect to Yiddishkeit and steer him away from trouble. Sometimes it does not. Should an outsider to the MO community then conclude from those not helped that the MO community is doing nothing to help these troubled teens? There’s some troubled teens in my community who disrupted a NCSY social party-type event to the point that they were told to leave and (allegedly) police were called. I’ve seen those same teens attending evening youth-focused learning programs offered by a local kollel and not disrupting it. I think the big difference was in the atmosphere – one was a swarm of teens plus 1 or 2 adults there to shout a dvar Torah, and one was a beis medrash with many adults and some teens mixed in attending a shiur. Is the NCSY route really superior to the derided “learn more Torah”? And as Gadolhadorah noted earlier, studies, outlets, and activities are not sufficient to really help the underlying problems these kids are having.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2173258
    Avram in MD


    “The ludicrous assumption that the troubled kids who haven’t connected with Torah would have connected with secular studies”

    Right, when people here keep saying “outlets”, they seem to be thinking algebra and history tests. I don’t think the troubled teens would see those as “outlets”, lol.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2173254
    Avram in MD


    “Some people in chinuch dropped their own nuanced hands off approach when it came to yeshiva bachurim and their phones.”

    Hands off is not the same thing as nuanced. And in your previous post you wrote essentially the same thing, but attributing it to brainwashing from an overarching anti-technology movement. Maybe the menahel or yeshiva staff decided to give smartphones the boot after witnessing firsthand how disruptive they were, or after parents pulled their kids out because other kids were showing them inappropriate images.

    “The fall out -even today- is tremendous. The yeshiva staff did not see anything from the angle of the student body. They were continually at war with some talmidim.”

    You can’t really have it both ways – arguing on the one hand that the specter of smartphone addiction is overblown, but then catastrophizing the impact of their removal from the Yeshiva.

    “2) The boys that were not committing to permanently giving up their phone, had no one to talk to. Half the yeshiva was put on a pedestal for not having a phone”

    Were they banned, or were they not? This makes it seem like they were not banned, but rather those who opted to keep their phones were treated differently?

    “and overlooked them for everything.”

    What does this mean?

    “3) Bachurim had to get rid of their phones within a week. They had to figure out if they should cancel or not. They had to put all their info somewhere else. Some had to figure out new travel arrangements. It disrupted a lot of the routine.”

    These are reasonable points. It sounds like the Yeshiva should have been more judicious with the timing of the ban; maybe instituting it bein hazmanim to give students more time to adjust or decide what to do, and providing more resources and support for the logistical impacts of the policy. But these impacts are different than the vague and ominous “fallout” you’re referring to above.

    “And it encouraged face to face encounters that were not desirable.”

    Please explain.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2173234
    Avram in MD


    “Maybe, it is so clear to them that murders relate to drugs”

    I’ve seen other studies at a glance that suggest that drugs play a role in a substantial percentage of murders… perhaps up to 50 percent in some areas. And a disproportionate number of drug-related murder victims are young.

    “I personally would suggest a more general explanation – teens are sitting in front of the screen (possibly doing computer crimes or aveiros) rather than with other human beings.”

    So asking עוד פעם, please explain to me how smartphone screen time distractions played a role in the reduction of murders in the late 1990s, a decade before the first smartphone was released. I’m not sure that your generalization is valid or follows from this study.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2172619
    Avram in MD


    “It’s the Phone, Stupid: Mobiles and Murder Lena Edlund and Cecilia Machado
    NBER Working Paper No. 25883 May 2019
    New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago”

    Yes, I already mentioned finding this paper above. But it says nothing about smartphone distractions being the potential cause of the link between cell phones and decreasing murder rates. The rates decreased starting in the late 1990s, which was a decade before Steve Jobs walked on stage. The study authors posit that the decreased murder rate was due to cell phones changing the illegal drug economy from street corner dealing to pre-arranged meet-ups, thus reducing the incidence of turf wars. And the Brazil paper seems to refer to a change in the number of phone number digits, not the introduction of cell phones.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2172615
    Avram in MD


    “But the hanhala was told by the technology experts that it is all because of the phone. And they became conditioned to only see the phone issue and not the real issue. It got so bad, that these boys couldn’t ask for help. Some of them even knew that the phone was stopping them from worse things. It was like the biggest mitzva to get the phones out of yeshiva. Even if it killed a whole winter zman and half a dozen bachurim.”

    This reads like hyperbolic arguments a teenager who doesn’t want limits on his phone would make. It’s a fairly limited perspective.
    1.) Sure there can be a bad hanhala, but I wouldn’t assume a hanhala is stupid, shallow, and brainwashed because he made a decision regarding phones you disagree with.
    2.) What was “so bad”?
    3.) How was the winter zman “killed”?

    in reply to: Was Albert Einstein a Baal Teshuvah? #2172159
    Avram in MD


    “I think it is less understood that the opposite – focusing on miracles and special moments, while denying the logic – and laws – of the world that Hashem created – is equally bad – and is way more widespread in our communities.”

    Explain how it is equally bad.

    “At the same time, Einstein’s physics is a significant part of theory that allows for Creation … So, Einstein and other 20th century scientists helped us to finally
    win the argument”

    Yet Einstein was later than his colleagues to the Big Bang party. He initially introduced the “cosmological constant” (lamda) as a theoretical opposing force to gravitation in 1917 (otherwise, the universe would collapse), and had a hard time letting go of the conception that the universe was static, even as late as 1931. He did think through the evidence and accepted the concept of a dynamic and expanding universe, and was able to drop lambda from his equations, but I think it’s incorrect to suggest that he was trying to prove a creation of the universe through his theories of relativity. Interestingly, lamba has made a comeback with more recent observations that the expansion of the universe is accelerating.

    in reply to: Was Albert Einstein a Baal Teshuvah? #2172153
    Avram in MD

    Are Roster,

    “There is a mountain of evidence that his work was stolen from others, including from his gentile wife who he later divorced, and never gave any credit.”

    This is simply untrue. One accusation that his wife worked with him was based on a letter to her where he referred to “our” work, but it is pretty clear that he meant this as a romantic attachment. Many of his letters to her contain details of his work, but her letters to him only had general, supportive comments.

    “Physicists who “spoke to him in learning” report that his own contributions were “junk.” “

    This is also untrue. He debated extensively with Niels Bohr about quantum mechanics, and while Bohr’s views are more accepted today, their exchanges were replete with mutual respect.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2171970
    Avram in MD


    “I feel the movement as a whole is misguided. It produces a lot of of very public messaging. The main practical purpose of all their media is avoiding technology. There should be more about what is good discipline. Especially when it comes to using our free time.”

    I think the so-called “movement as a whole” disagrees with you on this. I think they’d argue that “good discipline” as you define it is tantamount to fighting a forest fire with a water pistol, and that not purchasing a smartphone at all or filtering a smartphone’s content is good discipline. This post was a recapitulation of our discussion, so we’re now going in circles. But re-reading some posts above, I have a couple more comments:

    “It is obvious to the phone addict that s/he has way too much screen time.”

    I don’t think that this is true. Some people are painfully aware that they spend too much time on their phones, but their attempts to limit screen time are unsuccessful. What would you tell these people? That they’re failures and need to try harder? That advice would probably cause them to become depressed. Others are completely unaware of how much screen time they use, and get shocked when they view the statistics.

    Also – smartphone issues and bitul zman issues are not equivalent as you make them out to be. Sure a Venn diagram would feature some overlap (the guy ignoring his kids and tapping on a phone in his living room in 2023 may have been the guy with his nose in the newspaper or watching TV in 1983), but this is not the sole issue with smartphones. And would you seriously contend that smartphones don’t seriously exacerbate the bitul zman issue? 3.5 hours a day on average.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2171960
    Avram in MD


    “About bachurim getting into trouble after giving up their phones. Their yeshiva went all in on the no phone holiness. They left some boys with an unfilled void.”

    A normal teen deprived of a phone won’t suddenly up and do drugs, alcohol, or other trouble. “They” didn’t leave those boys with a void. The void was already there. I wrote in another thread: there are boys in my neighborhood rocking the latest and greatest iPhones and still doing drugs, alcohol, and trouble.

    in reply to: Once Again, I Will Not Be Getting Drunk on Purim #2171933
    Avram in MD


    “I ended up fasting most of the day (until about 3:30PM)”


    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2171932
    Avram in MD


    “Everyone (except @ujm and @kuvult) is correct.”

    Kuvult’s post was likely to be read dripping with sarcasm.

    “Not every teenager is equipped to learning eight hours a day. When they get frustrated at the extremely limited options they are given, they lash out and become rebels… Kids need an outlet!”

    So in my community there are plenty of secular studies, sports, extracurricular activities, etc. Some boys have the latest and greatest in smartphones, and plenty of outlets. Yet there is still a problem with some of the teens who lash out, become rebels, and are violent. Why is this so? It’s fun to blame whatever hashkafa we already don’t like, but I think it fails us when trying to understand the root causes.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2171034
    Avram in MD


    “Note that google et al personalize your search results based on your history (middah k’neged middah, or they are letting you go where you choose to)…”

    They do a lot more than that.

    “for some reason, I can’t find all these nasty things people here are saying are out there on Internets – what I search for, I got scientific papers as results. (or you can search scholar google com or books google com to begin with)”

    Can you use your helige search prowess to find the paper you’re referencing and give me some keywords to find it?

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2170735
    Avram in MD


    “We don’t need to presume that the authors were stupid and do not know correlation from causation

    I’m not presuming that anyone is stupid. In my own experience with “reading something”, conflating correlation with causation is a pretty common practice, particularly in polemical pieces and news articles, so I felt justified pointing it out.

    “so it stands teiku unless you want to google and read about it”

    You’re shifting the burden of proof onto me, but I did not make the claim, you did. But I did do a quick Web search and found a news article reporting on a paper by Lena Edlund that posited that cell phone adoption may explain some of the decrease in the murder rate in the late 1990s because it shifted the illegal drug “economy” from mainly street corner dealing to pre-arranged meet-ups at secret locations, which cut down on deadly turf battles. That predates smartphones and has nothing to do with distracted kids though.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2170705
    Avram in MD


    “I know a few kids who gave up their phones and now spend their days looking for drugs, alcohol, or trouble. . But that is not really my point.”

    Do you know what motivated them to give up their phones?

    “I have come across a whole bunch of people who think it is terribly important for me to get rid of my smartphone without knowing what I do with my time.”

    One of my relatives is thoroughly secular, but has the most impressive smartphone discipline I’ve ever seen. She does not check it, but only picks it up when she wants to do something like send a message. Perhaps you are also one of those people with the innate ability to resist the pull. But this is an exception rather than the rule.

    I’m also curious about these interactions that you have with the whole bunch of people. Do they accost you and ask if you have a smartphone out of the blue? Do you spend your time with people who don’t like smartphones and pull yours out in front of them? Do you engage in debates with them? I don’t fully understand why smartphones are so front and center.

    “When I confront them with what do they do all day, their answer boils down to not having a smartphone.”

    Not that they are being polite either, but you are hitting them with whataboutisms, so I imagine they’d get defensive.

    “They will openly say, a yeshiva bachur who barely learns but doesn’t have a phone, is better than a serious masmid that has the internet in his pocket.”

    They feel an unfiltered smartphone is a spiritual danger, so I’m not surprised by this statement. This may be a clumsy analogy, but how they’re potentially viewing it is: who’s likelier to live a longer life: the guy who sits all day and doesn’t exercise, or the guy who works out 5 days a week, eats a paleo diet, but keeps a rod of plutonium in his pocket?

    “My point is that the anti smartphone movement is misguided.”

    I wouldn’t judge a “movement” based on some interactions with individuals.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2170362
    Avram in MD


    “When advocating against too much screen time, also advocate for better uses of time in general. Otherwise nobody really improves.”

    Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. Should we stop highlighting the dangers of cigarette smoking because some former smokers may keep drinking? Just because we can’t solve everything does not mean we should do nothing.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2170368
    Avram in MD


    “Also important what is the trade off between. I believe (meaning read something, but did not check) that there is a general decline in teenage crime & pregnancies attributed to teens spending times on the phone instead of in malls & gangs.”

    Another false equivalence. There’d be an even bigger decline in teenage crime and pregnancy if humans went extinct. Also, correlation does not necessarily mean causation. Violent crime among youth skyrocketed in the 1980s and early 1990s, but started declining in the late 1990s, well before the first iPhone was introduced.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2170016
    Avram in MD


    “It is obvious to the phone addict that s/he has way too much screen time. It’s not obvious to the kosher phone crusader how much time s/he devotes to a pointless crusade.”

    False equivalence fallacy. The average American screen time on a smartphone is around 3.25 hours per day, contributing to a total daily screen time just north of 7 hours per day. Do you think the average “kosher phone crusader” is spending that amount of time per day on the crusade?

    Also, I have already disputed your contention that advocating for kosher phones, filters, etc. is pointless.

    in reply to: what many people do not understand by SQUARE_ROOT #2169678
    Avram in MD


    “In the secular world, people who are the most intelligent and the most highly-educated already know this.”

    I agree with you regarding ad hominem arguments; however, why are you juxtaposing the frum community unfavorably with the secular world? Do you think that the “most intelligent and most highly-educated” frum people don’t understand logical fallacies? Or that secular online forums are not rife with ad hominem attacks?

    in reply to: what many people do not understand by SQUARE_ROOT #2169680
    Avram in MD


    I suspect AAQ had some typos in his post and meant “appropriate” instead of “inappropriate”.

    Avram in MD

    Who are “they” who are angry or not angry?

    I think the riots were a chillul Hashem.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2168265
    Avram in MD


    “My point is that instead of saying to stop looking at this or you might see this, it would be better to say put your full attention on what you are trying to be immersed in.”

    That’s nice in theory; however, it ignores the reality of how smartphones and their apps are designed. Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. have a vested interest in users spending time in their apps, viewing as much content as possible, and coughing up personal data. Smartphone apps and Web sites play on human psychology to accomplish this, providing a constant stream of dopamine-inducing stimuli in an easy to carry form factor that also has a lot of useful tools people want available (phone, messaging, flashlight, camera, etc.). A person may intentionally seek out one piece of information, but the app or Web site then throws a ton of unsolicited content back – links to other articles, pictures, etc. So is it really a bad thing that some people would prefer to stay off that battlefield?

    “I wish people without smart phones would fill the void by being more attentive. But they are just as unaware of their surroundings as when they were phone addicts.”

    This seems rather negative, and doesn’t fit with my own observations. How do you define being “aware” of your surroundings?

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2168135
    Avram in MD


    “To put ourselves in situations where the best we can do is posit ad-hoc theories about what the halacha “might” be, is to push avodas Hashem on the back burner and put our own interests first. This is what “I” want to do, now let’s see how we can fit halacha into it… that’s not an eved to a master, it’s a person who is living for themselves and trying to assuage his guilty conscience.”

    Why such hostility and assuming the worst of intentions? Going into space is likely assur for a much more simple reason: pikuach nefesh. Rockets are dangerous, as is outer space. Very few people go into space at all right now, and those who do go at most stay in a low Earth orbit. Most space tourism right now doesn’t even achieve orbit, so the whole trip takes less than an hour from launch to landing (you get to see the blackness of space and the curvature of the Earth for a few minutes, and experience weightlessness as the capsule free-falls back towards Earth).

    If rocket or novel transportation technologies become safer and cheaper, more advanced space tourism, e.g., orbiting hotels, lunar resorts, may become feasible. Large-scale lunar or Martian colonization is further off, as there is mounting evidence that the challenges are greater than previously believed, due to harmful effects of long stays in space, radiation exposure due to weak magnetic fields on the moon or Mars, solar flares, etc. It’s also possible that mining asteroids for raw materials could become big business, though I imagine that much of that work would be done by robots. So maybe in our lifetimes we’d see shailos come up about whether a 2 week vacation to the Moon is appropriate, or if a frum business man needs to take a trip to a space station overseeing a mining operation, but who knows? Nobody is trying to skirt mitzvos by taking a hyperwarp cruiser to planet Xorkon 7. It’s purely science fiction and a theoretical exercise. And the latest astronomy research has been suggesting that Earth-like potentially habitable planets are much more rare than previously thought, as the most common star type (red dwarf) likely emits atmosphere-stripping amounts of solar wind. Not that we even have the capability of interstellar travel.

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2168123
    Avram in MD


    “we indeed kept the mitzvos in the midbar for 40 years before going into EY.”

    A lot of mitzvos were learned in the midbar but had to wait until we were in E”Y to perform them. We couldn’t fulfill mitzvos such as kelayim or shemitta in the midbar, where there was no agriculture.

    “Every part of the world has a shkiah, a tzeis…and yes, living in problematic areas such as Hawaii or Shanghai are discouraged bh poskim, because it isn’t clear how to keep zmanim.”

    Not the polar regions, though poskim also discourage living there too.

    “Trees planted hydroponically or in an atzitz sheaino nakuv aren’t considered gidulei karka for things like schach, etc… according to most poskim.”

    Great points!

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2167852
    Avram in MD


    “the mitzvos are all earth-centered; zmanim, 4 minim, all food related mitzvos, etc, are all based on earth. It’s untenable that they would go to a place where they can’t keep mitzvos properly”

    Not Earth centered, but E”Y centered. Zmanim are challenging north of the Arctic circle. In past generations when transportation was harder, the arba minim were hard to come by in much of Europe, as citrus trees do not grow in cold climates. We start saying mashiv haruach by Shemini Atzeres and stop by Pesach because that is the beginning and ending of E”Y’s wet season, but Florida’s rainy season tapers off after Shemini Atzeres and picks up after Pesach. And the seasons and agriculture in the Southern Hemisphere are flipped from the Northern, meaning they plant when E”Y harvests, and harvest when E”Y plants. Your argument could be applied to living on Earth as well. And until we have the Beis Hamikdash, we cannot keep the mitzvos properly anywhere, even in E”Y.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2167843
    Avram in MD


    “are there TCim that are not ben Torah? learning well, but sometimes reads newspapers?”

    I know some. Extremely learned but a terror to their wives and children.

    “are there BT that are not TChim? guided by the Torah but not so good at learning it?”

    Perhaps, though learning Torah is part and parcel of being a ben Torah.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2166851
    Avram in MD


    I’m not sure that ranking from better to worse is the right way to compare the terms talmid chacham and ben Torah. Talmid chacham specifically refers to prowess in learning, and I think ben Torah is a broader term referring to a person who makes the Torah his guiding force in life, of which learning is certainly a part.

    in reply to: “Karen” #2166843
    Avram in MD


    “That is NOT the issue in the Karen syndrome. As I understand it, that term was originally being applied to a narrow subset of cases where individuals engaged in baseless assumptions clearly tied to race/ethnicity to summon police to investigate the innocent behavior of a minority.”

    Nah, it was a guy on the social media platform reddit who wanted to get back at his ex-wife named Karen, which then merged with older stereotypes like Becky (the privileged white woman) or Stacy (misogynistic stereotype), and went supernova because the left wing media wanted to absolutely destroy the woman who called the cops on the black birdwatcher who complained about her dog. It was never a narrow application and it has never been about racial justice. How is racial justice served by stereotyping and denigrating others? How is it served when a man follows a woman all of the way to her home because she was allegedly rude to him on the road, harassing her until she is in hysterics in front of her house, filming and doxxing her on social media, all to sell Karen T-shirts?

    “Yidden have suffered enough from stereotyping and we should avoid engaging in such behavior. That does not mean we should be discouraged from seeking assistance when we feel at risk.”

    The “woke” movement has a serious problem with sexism and antisemitism. To deal with the cognitive dissonance of hating some groups while professing to be anti-hate, women and Jews are said to have privilege while weaponizing their supposed victimhood to oppress others. Therefore Jewish college students reporting discrimination are accused of oppressing Palestinians. Women who dare tell their server that he messed up the order are called a Karen. This produces a chilling effect on seeking assistance when we feel at risk.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2166558
    Avram in MD


    It’s already Adar where you are??

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2166557
    Avram in MD


    “Please do tell what the counter obsession with the pitfalls of smartphones achieves? All I see is a bunch of people blocking out their surroundings.”

    No, rather it is a bunch of people realizing that they have a choice in what surrounds them. As for what the “counter obsession” has achieved, look no further than the title of this thread. Do you mean to argue that it is worse for a person to make conscious choices rather than unconscious ones, just because you personally disagree with the choices some make?

    “I don’t realize a difference if it’s by being stuck in technology or stuck being anti technology.”

    It’s not anti-technology. Jews are not the Amish. It’s deciding how best to integrate technology into your life so that your life is enhanced, not distracted, and elevated, not brought down. To make tech your tool, and not be its tool.

    Of course I realize that we’re talking past each other here, because we’re making different assumptions. Your assumption seems to be that advocates for filtered smartphones or no smartphones believe most smartphone users will eventually seek out inappropriate images. I don’t think that’s accurate. What I do believe is that, due to how smartphones and the Internet work, a person using an unfiltered or inadequately filtered smartphone has a high probability of unintentionally encountering images they wouldn’t otherwise seek out. Maybe a stock photo on a news article. Or a pop-up ad. Or images associated with clickbait at the end of a news article. And images are just one piece of the puzzle of the challenges smartphones pose.

    “Either way, people in today’s day are not really cognizant of what is right in front of them.

    Maybe because they’re looking down at their phones? 😛

    in reply to: “Karen” #2166544
    Avram in MD


    “The term also seems to be invoked in the context of white women who invoke racist stereotypes of minorities to rationalize their fears and accuse individuals of nonexistent crimes, invasion of their “personal space” or simply breathing while black.”

    That’s the sugarcoat that the left puts on it, but in reality the “Karen” meme is straight up misogyny. Some people can’t stand it when a woman dares speak up, so let’s call her a Karen and unleash the Internet shame machine! Now other women will be afraid to advocate for themselves, whether in a store, on the street, or in the hospital, lest they too be labeled a Karen. It’s insidious.

    Sure, there are times when women (or men) may misinterpret situations due to prejudices or even act maliciously. And that should be rightly called out. But not by generating a stereotype that can be used as a cudgel against any woman who dares stand up for herself. Note that men who do the same aren’t called “Kens” or “Roberts”, or whatever. I don’t want my daughters to be afraid to speak up if they received inadequate service, are getting pushed around by their doctor, or to hesitate for even one second to get away from a situation or call the police if their instincts tell them there is danger.

    “The tag could be used in a gender-neutral context since you don’t have to be a woman to be a Karen.”

    But it’s not.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2166169
    Avram in MD


    “That’s not what appearances mean in this context”

    I think that AAQ is closer to the mark on the context than you are.

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #2166170
    Avram in MD


    “So you don’t have a life and would spend your time looking at obscene pictures. It’s not for me and it’s not for most people. Only the extremely secular or the extremely religious normalize this garbage”

    This comment completely misses the mark. Maybe try to understand people who think differently from you before resorting to insults.

    in reply to: Different Tracks of Modern Orthodoxy #2164314
    Avram in MD


    “The reason the MO bashing is toleratated in this context is because the yeshivish or chassidish yidden who are slipping are just called not yeshivish or chassidish. It’s an easy fix which MO has been unable to enact.”

    This is not true. The difference I think lies more in what causes the slipper to be declared outside the fold. When Sholom Rubashkin was released from prison, he was greeted with dancing in the streets of Brooklyn, with much hand wringing over the spectacle in MO circles. In contrast, when Jack Abramoff was released from prison, he was persona non grata in his former DC/Baltimore area MO communities. MO rabbis have had no trouble excommunicating people for not adhering to Covid orthodoxy. The dispute here perhaps seems to be what each community is willing to tolerate.

    “Which must cause great displeasure to hashem. Well, he can always start a new ‘who is a jew’ battle, to cheer himself up. “

    Uhh, what does this mean?

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