Avram in MD

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  • in reply to: For those who don't like gefilte fish, an alternative #1110940
    Avram in MD


    Really, people, I think there’s so much variance in the food

    that you can hardly say categorically that you don’t like it.

    [The Goq and Syag Lchochma, please take notice 🙂 ]

    In defense of zahavasdad, there’s more to food than taste. If someone does not like the idea of ground or minced fish, he is not going to like gefilte fish, no matter how it is prepared. And that is ok.

    And though I like all three, for me, I have to say that sushi > tuna salad >= gefilte fish.

    in reply to: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy #1116507
    Avram in MD


    if They wanted to condem Avi Weiss and say you cant drink his wine that is one thing. However if you say you cant drink the wine of someone who jsut happens to go to Hebrew Institute of Riverdale thats differnet , if someone goes to such a shul you need to act very differently . The lay person are not degenerating the torah, they are just following their leaders.

    I’m confused. Where in the kol korei was there anything about drinking/touching wine mentioned? Or anything about laypeople?

    The main point I saw from it was that Open Orthodoxy was not a form of Torah Judaism (i.e., Orthodoxy), and therefore their leaders are not rabbis, despite their usage of the terms rabbi and semicha.

    It also ended with a prayer for mercy upon all Jews (regardless of affiliation).

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108392
    Avram in MD


    Snopes very frequently has an agenda dismissing things without compelling evidence

    Actually, that claim has been thoroughly debunked by Snopes. 🙂

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108391
    Avram in MD

    rather relate the truth than observe some contorted convention invented in academia

    And now ad hominem itself is attacked with an ad hominem argument. This is amazing 🙂

    in reply to: The Amazing Superlative #1108888
    Avram in MD


    Any theories why this is so?

    Yes, popa_bar_abba lives in a land controlled largely by high school aged girls.

    in reply to: What do you think of this quotation? #1107221
    Avram in MD


    Does anyone know of any reliable sources that back this up?

    Moshe Rabbeinu himself?

    ??? ????????? ???? ???????? ????????? ????? ???? ?????????? ??? ??????????? ?????? ????? ???????? ????? ???????? ???????????

    in reply to: The Amazing Superlative #1108884
    Avram in MD

    This is an amazing thread.

    in reply to: In which someone accuses Joseph of being a masculist 😷 #1107215
    Avram in MD

    There’s a difference between being a masculist and a misogynist.

    in reply to: Of stupid gefilte fish threads I do shudder #1106467
    Avram in MD

    If you cover your screen with chrain, it’s not so bad.

    in reply to: Sushi vs. Gefilte Fish #1106716
    Avram in MD

    I really like sushi.

    I like gefilte fish.

    I usually pass on the herring.

    in reply to: Gefilte Fish #1110521
    Avram in MD

    The Goq and Syag Lchochma,

    Are you responding to my post?

    in reply to: Gefilte Fish #1110511
    Avram in MD


    Ok, but suppose I was serving them at a bris, along with lox, cream cheese, tuna salad, and rugelach. Is it ok for you to say, “dog feces bagel, ewwwwww”?

    Hmmm, probably not a good idea to say anything to the baal simcha in that case, just back away slowwwly, and then run faster than you have ever run before.

    But if there’s chrain, perhaps you can cover it up with that.

    in reply to: In which someone accuses Joseph of being a masculist 😷 #1107209
    Avram in MD


    You’re right, and I have not slept enough.

    in reply to: Gefilte Fish #1110508
    Avram in MD


    1. If such occurred in real-life conversation, try, “could we please change the subject? I would really prefer to not talk about fecal bagels.”

    2. In the CR, even easier: don’t open the thread!

    in reply to: In which someone accuses Joseph of being a masculist 😷 #1107206
    Avram in MD


    The word isn’t femininist, so why should it be masculinist?

    Replace “ne” with “st”.

    Feminine becomes Feminist.

    Masculine becomes Masculinist.

    in reply to: Gefilte Fish #1110493
    Avram in MD


    I think this is one of those things that some dont get, Some people just like or dislike certain foods.

    I think most of the posters here “get” that. I think the problem they may be having is with the impoliteness of declaring foods that they happen to like to be disgusting and vile, which are very strong words.

    Yes, people should be tolerant of the fact that you do not like gefilte fish, but you should also be tolerant of the fact that others do like it. And that they do not like having foods that they eat frequently described with the same adjectives that one would use for excrement.

    In our home, we do not force our children to eat things that they do not like. But we do stop them if they say “yuck” or “gross” and instead suggest that they say, “no, thank you”, or “I do not prefer to eat that.”

    in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132623
    Avram in MD


    This is not a good example because its a destructive act.

    The fact that it was a destructive act was the main point of my example. Adam Harishon eating from the pri etz hadaas was a destructive act, one that made serving Hashem and garnering his physical sustenance much more difficult. So now the struggle is our reality, and the more we struggle the better, but that’s not the way things really should be.

    A better example would be that not only does he clean his room, but he cleans the entire house, in order to get more reward. … Secretly hoping dinner time is pushed off until later so he has more time to clean the most houses and get the most reward in the short span of “cleaning time” there is etc….

    What should be more important, cleaning the house and getting a few more bucks, or relating to his parents over the dinner table? If he gets to where he is secretly hoping his parents would be delayed, then I think he is missing the point.

    in reply to: You are a parent. #1106301
    Avram in MD

    The Goq,

    is it bad because it is not a good comparison or is it bad because it conflicts with your viewpoint.

    I know this thread is two years old, but my feeling is that your OP moshol does not make a completely fair comparison. There is a world of difference between taking out the trash (2 to 5 minutes), clearing the table (5-10 minutes), changing the laundry over (2-5 minutes), and army service, which is 2-3 years immersed in an environment that is frequently hostile towards chareidim. I think the essence of your point, that those who benefit should also contribute in some form, stands, but the moshol you provided trivializes the chareidi viewpoint.

    in reply to: I am offended by the lack of name-calling #1106459
    Avram in MD

    Sorry, Mr Smith.

    in reply to: I'd like to apologize #1105853
    Avram in MD


    I would really miss your posts if you left. Some of my thoughts in the wake of the “Modern Orthodox” and “Chassidus” threads are:

    1. The truly bad posts are coming from a very small minority of posters. And it is no use attempting to convince or reason with them, because they are not here for a discussion. There is a cartoon drawn with stick figures with a man saying, “I cannot come to bed, because someone is WRONG on the Internet!”

    2. No matter what viewpoint you hold, somebody in the world will think you are wrong, an idolater, whatever. I have seen invective from religious Zionists on other sites that more than matches what’s written here, including astonishing disrespect for gedolim. Seriously, we are all apikorsim if we do, apikorsim if we don’t. So what can we do? Sincerely seek Hashem and strive to live by His Torah, and iy”H He will take care of us and forgive us for any unintentional errors.

    3. I think The Goq’s metaphor is spot on.

    in reply to: I am offended by the lack of name-calling #1106457
    Avram in MD

    Name calling as in addressing someone as “Bob” instead of “Mr Smith”, or name calling as in “you buffoon!”?

    in reply to: Gefilte Fish #1110469
    Avram in MD

    Loaf. Baked until brown on the outside. Served with carrots, onions, and chrain, or covered with tomato sauce before baking.

    in reply to: Chassidus #1105746
    Avram in MD


    Avram in MD: Did you really need to ask?

    Yes, because two wrongs don’t make a right.

    in reply to: Chassidus #1105686
    Avram in MD


    Is this an ironic spin-off from the “Modern Orthodox” thread?

    in reply to: anti – Semitic rats! #1105653
    Avram in MD

    rednecker ridiquel,

    I would be an anti-semite; but then I read the Torah and it says not to hold a grudge.

    So you assert that the Jewish people as a whole have wronged you?

    in reply to: Man taking a female coworker to lunch #1105235
    Avram in MD


    My wife feels I should not drive her.

    Seriously, how can it even be a question after this?

    in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132617
    Avram in MD


    And every day people are wishing for moshiach to come to get rid of THEIR OWN problems so they can experience the bliss of what happens after death without the death process.

    So what exactly is wrong with that?

    Its human nature, but that does not mean its what Hashem sent us here for in the first place.

    I would tend to disagree that it’s human nature in the long term. Humans by nature do not like to be indebted to anyone, so while a salvation might be welcome in the short term, some chafing might develop over the long term without character refinement.

    And what do you think Hashem sent us here for? Does he need us? Does he need our mitzvos? Can we really do anything for Him? Not really. In reality, we are here solely because Hashem is giving us everything, so perhaps our purpose is to indeed become perfected receivers.

    Ideally, I should have said I hope I don’t get the parking spot if thats what Hashem wants from me now and it will give me the best chance to grow.

    That’s not what I would pray.

    “Adam chose to pick a fight, so now we have to fight and deal with death. But that is not our ideal state!”

    Again, this goes against the basic premise- that earning through fight and effort is better than receiving for free.

    Suppose you ask your son to clean his room before dinner, and he suddenly starts smashing things, scattering papers and laundry everywhere, and rips his sheets off his bed. You say, “Why are you doing that?! That’s the opposite of what I asked you to do!”

    He says, “So I can earn more reward by cleaning up a bigger mess!”

    Does that thinking really make sense to you? Especially if his actions dramatically increase the chances that he won’t get his room clean by dinnertime? Would you really reward him more?

    in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132605
    Avram in MD


    When I lived in a certain city I went 2 years without a parking spot … After 2 years, I was finally able to afford a parking spot right next to my apartment. That “luxury” was needless to say, very, very nice.

    Your moshol seems to prove my point – during those two years you were probably wishing every day for a parking spot, because you knew that with a parking spot, you could do your grocery shopping with less hardship. You didn’t secretly wish that you wouldn’t get a parking spot.

    If I never would have gone those 2 years without the parking spot, or if I would have moved into a different town where there is parking everywhere, that pleasure of having that specific parking spot would never has been as great.

    I think that speaks more to human nature than the way things should be. We don’t truly appreciate what we have unless we don’t have it, and that is unfortunate. I feel that one of the big points of Judaism is to learn to truly appreciate what we have when we have it, and I think this midda will be perfected during yemos Hamoshiach. I think eventually during the days of Moshiach, the “bad” years prior won’t even be remembered at all.

    Thats how I view techias hameisim- you cant truly get the reward of fighting and working with the guf without the guf itself.

    Hashem did not originally set Adam Harishon up for a fight. He placed him in a garden where all of his needs were cared for, where Hashem could “walk” with him (extreme closeness), and the Tree of Life was right there for the taking. There may not have been a techias meisim, because there didn’t have to be meisim at all! Adam chose to pick a fight, so now we have to fight and deal with death. But that is not our ideal state!

    in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132598
    Avram in MD


    But you must also say, “if I had a choice, I’d want to sleep in the warm bed in gan eden and learn Torah from the light of the shechina in olam haba.” So ideally, we all want to live in olam haba- in pure bliss and paradise with no problems.

    From what you have written, you seem to see yemos Hamoshiach and olam haba as one in the same. I’m not sure that that is the case. I am certainly no expert in these things (nobody is, since it is all beyond us at this point, but I am really not an expert), but I personally see two different “worlds”:

    1. The days of Moshiach, where we still have physical bodies, a Jewish nation, Eretz Yisroel, Torah and mitzvos. We still receive reward for mitzvos, and would be punished for aveiros. However, the world will be as full of knowledge of Hashem as waters fill the sea, and all nations would know and follow Hashem, so the prospect of committing aveiros would seem absolutely crazy to us, unlike now when there is confusion and temptation. Rather than reducing our potential for growth and merit, I see this period as a time of unlimited growth and merit.

    2. Olam Haba – where it seems that we do not have physical bodies, and can thus be completely united with Hashem. Without bodies, there are no mitzvos. This seems to be the world that you are addressing.

    My question to you: we believe that there will be a techias hameisim. Why would those who have passed on to olam haba want to come back to Earth?

    in reply to: I am having a Euro Obsession at the Moment… #1104608
    Avram in MD

    The US, especially east of the Mississippi River, has considerable diversity in regional dialects as well, well beyond the New York vs. Southern vs. Midwest which was mentioned previously in this thread.

    An Alabama “Southern accent” is different than a typical Georgia accent (the “drawl” is much more apparent), and South Carolina, Tidewater VA, etc. are also distinct from each other. Rural southern Appalachian (y’all becomes you’uns) accents are very different from other “Southern” accents, and can be difficult for outsiders to understand. Baltimore residents have a distinct dialect (Bawlmerese, hon!), which is similar to Philadelphia (their NFL team is properly known as the Iggles). In Boston (Bahstin), you pahk yaw cah neah da Dunkin Donuts to get a drink at the bubbly.

    in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132588
    Avram in MD


    You have to believe that problem you got from your computer was tailor made just for you. Isn’t that was gam zu letovah means?

    Of course. But on Rosh Hashana we eat apples dipped in honey to show that we not only want goodness in the upcoming year, but sweet goodness. On Yom Kippur we daven to be cleansed without serious illness or suffering. If I were sleeping in the wilderness with a sefer, candle, rooster, and donkey because the nearby town turned me away, I would hopefully come to say gam ze letova like Rabbi Akiva did (although I am nowhere near his level though, and I’d probably feel very upset about it), but if I had a choice, I’d want to learn and then sleep in a warm bed in the town’s inn with food in my belly and have no bandits to fear.

    You honestly believe 99.999999% of humanity exists the way it does for 99.99999% of the time humanity existed because of some fluke or mistake or sin one person did? I think thats a simplistic way of reading the parsha.

    I think looking at the parsha as a fluke or mistake or sin that one person did is an incomplete/incorrect way of reading the parsha. Furthermore, on a simple level, since we are not living in Gan Eden, we have to work hard in agriculture, we don’t have complete mastery over animals, and pregnancy lasts 9 months, then yes, we do exist the way we do because of Adam and Chava’s sin.

    in reply to: Is it wrong to secretly not want moshiach to come #1132570
    Avram in MD


    If moshiach came everything would be obvious and the entire fight of keeping miztvos while living in a world of illusion and trials would be lost. So I guess deep down some people dont want moshiach to come.

    If my office computer broke, but I was somehow able to overcome that and finish my work on time, my boss would be very impressed. Even so, I’d much rather not have my computer break, because having a broken computer is very stressful and significantly ups the risk that my work won’t get done.

    In a way, humanity broke its computer in Gan Eden by partaking of fruit from the etz pri hadaas. When Moshiach comes iy”H, the computer will be fixed, and we’ll be able to work the way we were originally intended to.

    in reply to: Why are republicans pro-life? #1095760
    Avram in MD


    Ah but medicine and halacha define danger to life veeeery diferently.

    Oh? Is there a consistent definition?

    This comes up in many situations eg fasting (There is raely a medical indication for a person to avoid fasting for a day with the exception of the elderly) Rabbonim allow eating much more commonly especialy among pregant women, recent surgery etc.

    1. The allowances for eating on fast days other than Yom Kippur are much more lenient than danger to life. And even when talking about Yom Kippur, there’s a big difference between permitting fasting in measures and eating normally.

    2. I once heard a non-Jewish OB state that she was aghast that a pregnant woman would ever fast, because it would throw the baby and possibly the mother into ketosis. So I respectfully disagree with what seems to be your assertion that the medical definition of danger is stricter than Judaism’s, or that there is any real consistent definition at all. Additionally, due to the potential for liability or malpractice lawsuits, if an abortion ban with danger exceptions were passed, I’d imagine that most medical practitioners/panels would set the danger bar pretty low.

    if abortions where illegal unless the life of amother was at risk, and your physician or medical expert felt there was no risk, and a competent Rav felt the life was at risk (either medicaly or psychologicly). What good would going to the Rav be?

    Again, it seems like a big assumption to me that the “medical” definition (or to be more accurate with what we’re discussing, legislative definition interpreted by medical practitioners) will be stricter than the halachic one, especially when our lawsuit happy society would engender a tendency to err on the side of caution.

    What do you support?

    Here’s the thing: most abortions in the US are done for economic reasons or due to fear of disruption to life. Crisis pregnancy centers know this, so a big part of what they do is to steer pregnant women towards Federal programs such as Medicaid and WIC, offer counseling, and assistance with adoption if desired.

    This will blow gaskets among the Republicans here, but to really reduce the number of abortions, we need more programs geared towards helping pregnant women and new mothers. For starters, insurance should cover prenatal care, birth, postpartum care, and a year of infant care 100%. To lower costs, low-risk pregnancies should be handled by midwives outside of a hospital setting. Paid family leave for the birth of a child should be mandated. University health centers should provide prenatal care. And there should be benefits for businesses that provide family friendly benefits such as flexible schedules, sick leave, teleworking, etc. Cultural changes are also needed, though this cannot be mandated. Babies are blessings, not burdens, and this message should be reinforced.

    If my taxes go up so that abortions become exceedingly rare, then I’m happy to pay.

    in reply to: Why are republicans pro-life? #1095757
    Avram in MD



    the problem is who decides what constitutes danger to life of the mother? Especially regarding “psychological factors”?

    in this post http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/why-are-republicans-pro-life#post-579129

    I offer some choices to the question. Feel free to pick. (Joseph claims he answered but I cnat find where)

    Two options you do not suggest would seem to be the most reasonable for such legislation: the individual physician or an appointed team of medical experts who can assess each case individually. Consulting a knowledgeable rav is something Jews should do regardless of civil legislation, and I am sure that if needed, the rav would himself consult with medical experts.

    I am aware that in reality, such a setup would be extremely complex, potentially inconsistent, and fraught with conflicts of interest and values. For those reasons, I think it is unlikely for such legislation to be enacted into law. I therefore tend to agree that given the current culture, outright bans are not the best way to reduce the numbers of abortions in the US at this point. However, this does not mean I support the status quo!

    Because my number one priority is frum people.

    What about non-frum Jews?

    So a frum personj by definition will not get an abortion stam azoy.

    I wish this were true. But previous discussions in this forum have made me fear otherwise.

    As for the general public that is veryvery low on my prioritiy list.

    I’m surprised that the wrath of charliehall has not yet fallen on your head for this comment 🙂

    in reply to: Why are republicans pro-life? #1095754
    Avram in MD


    Whose position on abortion if turned into law is more compatible with you view, and how you would like the law in the country to be: Candidate A who favors abortion on demand or candidate B who would ban ALL abortions (and yes there are candidates who take these view, whether they “take a lot of heat” is irrelevant)?

    If you are saying that the halachicly sanctioned cases do not exist, or that they can be worked into a viable constitutionally sound legal system. On either of those points you are simply wrong and there is no room for differing iopinions

    You are making an argument here using a false dilemma fallacy. Your “valid” positions are:

    1. Ban all abortions without exception (you declare this position “valid” in your mind, but disagree with it)

    2. Allow all abortions

    Joseph presents a 3rd option:

    3. Ban abortions with exceptions for the life of the mother, including psychological factors

    You reject this 3rd option as invalid because its exceptions would perhaps not be consistent with halachic exceptions. However, options 1 and 2 are also not consistent with halacha, so what makes option 3 worse than 1 in your mind? To play your game, if you were forced to choose between options 1 and 3, which would you choose?

    Also, given U.S. viewpoints, the Catholic bogeymen and Scott Walker are red herrings. Option 1 could never pass Congress, and supporters of option 1 would line up behind option 3, since it’s better than option 2 to them.

    in reply to: And I'm The One Disrespecting The Davening???!! #1092682
    Avram in MD


    So acknowledging that reality, I realize that it is disgustingly Chutzpah-dik to wear a hat into some DL shuls. They don’t feel he’s better than them. They feel that he holds himself as better than them because he wears a hat.

    I do not have experience with these conflicts that you are describing, but your conclusion here does not make sense to me. If a person goes into a shul to daven, then it follows that he considers it advantageous to “package” his tefillos with those of the mispallelim there, and that they are kosher for a minyan. Therefore, it would seem to me to be the opposite of disrespect for a chareidi to take his hat and jacket into a DL shul to daven.

    in reply to: being fleishig during the nine days? #1092564
    Avram in MD


    The purpose of not eating meat during the nine days, which is to remember the churban beis hamikdash, so to that into a benefit isn’t quite right.

    I think the fleishig restaurants’ “9-Days Menus” are intended to be an avoidance of loss, not a benefit. These are very different things.

    in reply to: And I'm The One Disrespecting The Davening???!! #1092616
    Avram in MD


    I absolutely agree with everything you wrote regarding talking during davening. However, why make the juxtaposition with hats and jackets?

    in reply to: "The train" By Abie Rotenberg #1090470
    Avram in MD


    Why are you labeling the song as a mashal? It seems more like a metaphor.

    in reply to: "The train" By Abie Rotenberg #1090468
    Avram in MD


    While this makes sense for life (the nimshal) the mashal doesnt make sense what kind of train cant you hide from?

    Just as we were born and live against our will, in the context of this song, I assume the rider is going to take a ride against his will.

    “you try to check your ticket but dont know what it means will you ride on velvet and dine on fine cusine or is a place to sit upon a worn out wooden seat with a slice of old and crusty bread your only food to eat.”

    Again while an apt description of life (the nimshal) I have never heard of a train with randomly assigned seats and tickets that are indecipherable, have you? Again the mashal doesnt make sense.

    It would make sense if someone handed him a ticket rather than purchasing it himself.

    in reply to: Linux vs. FreeBSD #1089495
    Avram in MD

    Real Jews run Fedora [ducking to avoid the rotten tomatoes] 🙂

    in reply to: Hat's Off! #1088710
    Avram in MD

    old man,

    I see that we can finally put to rest the idea that one must “dress his best” for every davening.

    I’m not sure that anyone here was arguing for dressing one’s “best” for weekday davening. I think there is a difference between dressing one’s best and simply dressing up.

    Therefore, the yeshivish way is only one of many ways to dress for davening, and the insistence on it is socially driven and nothing more.

    Regarding specifically black hats and black jackets, I agree with you completely. Some do hold, however, that a jacket and hat are required for davening (and others do not). As gavra_at_work has been pointing out, even this requirement does not stipulate a specific hat and jacket, so what constitutes a respectable hat and jacket again goes to the culture of the community, but this is a somewhat different concept from the cultural “uniform” described above.

    And yet, I have been the tenth man in a yeshivish mincha minyan (not in a yeshiva) more than once and watched them wait until another person dressed like them showed up before starting. But we have ten! Sorry, only nine.

    This sounds like a horrible experience. I am sorry.

    For the record, I wear long pants,a buttoned down shirt, and shoes.

    And a kippa or some other type of head covering too, I presume?

    in reply to: Hat's Off! #1088677
    Avram in MD


    So as not to make the same mistake, what type of hat (and jacket) do you mean?

    In my neighborhood, a cat-in-the-hat style hat, and a plaid jacket with a water squirting flower on the outside pocket. On Shabbos, same thing, but lose the flower. There is a growing subculture that favors big, yellow hats like Curious George’s friend wears. Other communities might be different.

    in reply to: Where did you buy your Shabbos hat? #1090409
    Avram in MD


    We grow our own rabbits.

    in reply to: Hat's Off! #1088673
    Avram in MD

    old man,

    Virtually no one is careful about a clean and properly shaped hat, jacket and matching (clean) pants.

    Ok, so what makes matching pants any more reasonable in the definition of dressing nicely for davening than a hat and jacket?

    in reply to: Hat's Off! #1088672
    Avram in MD


    So after all that misunderstanding that y’all agree that a skicap, football helmet, or baseball cap is sufficient

    Not quite.

    1. There is a concept in halacha of dressing nicely for davening.

    2. In some communities, a hat and jacket are considered part of the requirement for dressing nicely for davening.

    3. This does not mean that every hat and every jacket fulfill 1. As old man has repeatedly pointed out, a nice hat and jacket that are dirty do not fulfill 1. I would think that extremely casual or strange hats might also fail to fulfill 1.

    in reply to: Fear of bugs is not a phobia unless it is irrational. #1091145
    Avram in MD


    Spiders don’t seek human blood. They don’t bite you if you don’t bother them.

    Tell that to the one that bit me while I slept!

    in reply to: Where did you buy your Shabbos hat? #1090405
    Avram in MD

    I only trust the hats that my wife makes.

    in reply to: Hat's Off! #1088664
    Avram in MD


    Until JFK decided to appear at his inauguration without a hat, that was what everyone wore.

    I have heard this before, but I don’t think JFK had anything to do with US clothing styles moving away from hats. I don’t know the reason, but if I were to guess, I would say it had to do with cars becoming ubiquitous.

    in reply to: Hat's Off! #1088663
    Avram in MD


    little froggie, my response was to a post by old man saying a BLACK hat might be the only respectful way of dressing. He didn’t say any hat, he said a BLACK hat.

    I think you can relax about old man’s position. As he stated in his first post, he is in favor of this alleged trend to stop wearing hats. His statement about black hats was a polemical assessment of what he perceived to be his opponents’ position.

    If you read through the thread carefully, the OP, hakohen53, and Little Froggie did not write anything about colors or styles.

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